Where We Come From โœ… [Complet...

By Ady1234Ady

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A story in which we must know where we come from in order to know where we are going and who we are. The Ark... More

Chapter 1: The Ark's Society
Chapter 2: Maria & Abby
Chapter 3: Raven
Chapter 4: Clarke, Ash and Lexa
Chapter 5: Bellamy and Octavia
Chapter 6: The Escape Pod
Chapter 7: Reunion
Chapter 8: Voices
Chapter 9: Some Truths Revealed
Chapter 10: Crash and Found
Chapter 11: The Woods
Chapter 12: Some Truths Revealed 2
Chapter 13: On All Fours
Chapter 14: Danger
Chapter 15: Contact
Chapter 16: Truths Finally Revealed
Chapter 17: Council Meeting
Chapter 18: Followed
Chapter 19: We're Not Alone, After All
Chapter 20: Report
Chapter 21: Claim Me!
Chapter 22: We're Different
Chapter 23: Travelling to TonDC
Chapter 24: Honesty
Chapter 25: Mate Call
Chapter 26: What Happened?
Chapter 27: Mount Weather
Chapter 28: Running Away
Chapter 29: TonDC Pt. 1
Chapter 30: TonDC Pt. 2
Chapter 31: Will You Accept We're Mates?
Chapter 32: Blessing
Chapter 33: Fear
Chapter 34: Towards The Ark
Chapter 35: Truths Finally Revealed 2
Chapter 36: Choose!
Chapter 37: New Beginnings
Chapter 38: The Hunt
Chapter 39: The Composition of Red
Chapter 40: We Are Reapers
Chapter 41: Pack Members
Chapter 42: Progress
Chapter 43: Betrayals
Chapter 44: Back To Mount Weather
Chapter 45: Aftermath
Chapter 46: Welcome Home
Chapter 47: Surprise!
Chapter 48: Ultrasound and Love
Chapter 49: Preparing
Chapter 50: The Triad Mates
Chapter 51: Growth
Chapter 52: Duties
Chapter 53: Reflection
Chapter 54: Prisoners
Chapter 55: Nothing Planned
Chapter 57: Advancement
Chapter 58: I'm Your Mate Too?
Chapter 59: Birth
Chapter 60: Kidnapped
Chapter 61: Being A Leader
Chapter 62: The Past Comes Back
Chapter 63: Fight For Our Lives
Chapter 64: Is This The End?
Chapter 65: I'll Always Come Back
Chapter 66: Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 56: Trust and Rut

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By Ady1234Ady

About thirty minutes after eating, Lisa, Troy and Maya were fast asleep in the sleeping quarter they were given. Noah stayed with Holly in the waiting area and had yet to hear from Dr. Griffin or Dr. Jackson.

An hour more and the door to the E.R. opened. Abby walked out and signaled to Noah who cradled a sleeping Holly in his arms. He gently laid down his mate and got up. "Yes, Dr. Griffin. How's the Luna?"

"Alive, but in critical condition," Abby said, sighing. "Indeed, she was septic and in shock. We lost her twice but thankfully we managed to get her back. We had to perform a CT scan and an MRI scan. Part of her leg bone was completely shattered in different places. We managed to stop the bleeding but she needs to undergo surgery immediately so we can implant a metal rod that will help her walk again with the aid of physical therapy, of course. Her brain is swollen from the knock. At the moment it doesn't present any signs of an aneurysm but we cannot discard it so fast. We can give her morphine for the inflammation and antibiotics for the massive infection she has," Abby said, then sighed again and added, "Noah, I don't know how that woman is alive but she is."

"Maybe she's not ready to give up yet," Noah told Abby who simply responded, "She's not or else she wouldn't be alive, especially this long."

"Will she be able to survive the surgery? I mean, it sounds like a lot of work and very dangerous," Noah said, slightly biting his lower lip.

"How old is she?" Abby asked and Holly who had woken up and only heard Abby's last question answered, "She's 51 years old. Please save my nomon."

Abby walked towards Holly and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I am going to do everything in my power to make it so but she is seriously ill."

"Holly," Noah said, crouching beside his mate and taking her hand. "Dr. Griffin is the best doc - healer I know. If anyone can save your nomon it's her. You must trust her, please."

Holly, with silent tears falling from her eyes, simply nodded and said, "Thank you, Dr. Griffin. I do trust you, just please do the best you can."

"I will Holly and in the meantime, I suggest that you both get some rest. As we speak, two healers are prepping your mother for surgery that will last for some hours, so it's best to rest so that when we finish, you can spend time with her," Abby stated and Noah responded, "We will, doc, we will."

Five minutes later, Abby left and Noah managed to convince Holly to get some rest. They were escorted to the same sleeping quarter where the others were and found an empty cot where the two of them could lay down and fall asleep.

When Holly opened her eyes, some hours later, she noticed that Noah's siblings were gone. She groggily got out of the cot and noticed it was already sunrise. "Noah," Holly whispered, slightly shaking her mate. "Get up, it's morning. We have to go check on my nomon," she said and he sleepily nodded.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up," Noah replied, shaking the sleep from his eyes. "The others?" he asked and she shrugged. "I don't know."

They headed straight to Med Bay where they found Lisa only. "Hey, any word?" Noah asked and she answered, "Yes, she's out of surgery and resting. I'll go get Dr. Jackson so he can take you to her."

"Where are the others?" Noah asked and she responded, "Left early this morning to see their mates."

A few minutes later, Jackson escorted Holly and Noah to Erica's room. "How is she Dr. Jackson?" Noah asked.

"She's stable for now. The surgery proved to be a little difficult but we managed to fix her leg bone with the metal rod and the IV drips contain antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medication to help with the infection and swelling. She's still sleeping and will probably start to wake up around midday or a little later," Jackson said and added, looking at Holly, "When she wakes up, she may be disoriented but just talk to her so she knows you're here."

"For how long will she remain here?" Noah asked and Jackson responded, "For a while. After her body overcomes the infection, we have to monitor her and do scans to see if there is any more swelling in her brain. On top of that, her leg is casted so she'll have to adapt to it and after that, she'll have to get physical therapy to help her walk again. It's a long process but one that Abby is confident, the Luna will be able to overcome."

"Thank you, thank you," Holly said, grateful that she'll have her mother with her even though it will be a long recovery process and Holly knows her mother is a fighter; she'll make it through.

Noah left Holly with her mom and went out to speak with his sister. He told her what Jackson said and Lisa was happy that they all contributed to the Luna's recovery. "Okay, little brother, I'll be heading out and waiting for mom and the others to arrive. As soon as I can, I'll find a way to bring Chester so that he can be with you all," Lisa said and Noah thanked her.

A little while later, Lisa discreetly walked out of the gate and headed into the forest. She found a place she could shift and did so. "Let's go home, I need a bath," Lisa told her wolf.

"Yeah, you ass stinks to high heaven," Mist agreed, while chuckling and then they were off. An hour later, they arrived close to town where Mist shifted and Lisa made her way towards the pack house. She went straight to her room to retrieve her clothes and took a bath. Minutes later, she went to Maya's stall to get a bite to eat but encountered a large crowd.

"Maya, girl I'm hungry. Can you give me some food, please?" Lisa mindlinked and Maya said, "Coming right up. Just um, just find a spot somewhere. Monty and Jasper's snow cones are on hot demand!"

"Oohh, sounds nice. Can I get one?"

"Sure thing, Lisa." A couple of minutes later, Maya took some food and a snow cone for her sister who thanked her and comfortably sat down on a bench and ate to her heart's content. She was still sitting when O and her mates approached her.

"Hey Lisa, what's up?" Clarke asked and Lisa answered, "Good. What about you guys?"

"We're good. How is Luna Erica?" Lexa asked and Lisa told her what Noah said. "That's good to hear."

"Yeah," Lisa said and then added, "I'm just waiting a couple of minutes before I go meet Wells and the others. They should be here soon," The triad spoke with Lisa a little while longer then O left.

Being in charge of security, the first set of guards had arrived a few hours ago and easily settled in their roles of securing the market. Even Atom and Murphy who were a little grumpy were doing an excellent job pointing out potential pickpockets and trouble makers. As promised, O had given the group breakfast and at the communal kitchen, cooks and chefs were already preparing lunch for them and everyone else.

Lisa's horse trotted for almost an hour after leaving town and in the far distance, she could see the banner of the Trikru emblem flying in the air. She brought her horse to a stop and waited for 'mom and dad's' party to reach closer before she maneuvered her horse to meet them. Ryder was the first to recognize her and waved at her. She waved back and when they met, Ava was the first to speak.

"Oh, my darling, it's good to see you," the Luna said, inching her horse close to Lisa in order to give her a hug.

"Yeah, mom. We made it around midnight and everything went well. We're a bit tired but otherwise, everything is okay," she said before leaving Ava's embrace and hugging Titus. After that, she made her way to Wells and kissed him.

"I've missed you, handsome," she said huskily and Wells nodded, swallowing a little hard. "Me too, babe."

"What can you tell us of Erica?" Titus asked as the group rode to town. Lisa explained everything that Noah had told her and the others listened intently.

"Well, I'm glad that Abby was able to help. This is good news," Ava said. They rode for the next hour until the group arrived at town. As predicted, it was around 11 a.m. when they arrived, tired and hungry. Wells, Lisa and Chester went to the pack house to rest for a few hours. Ryder and the other warriors also went home to their families and Gus took the time to check on Gaia and her mates before heading home to his mate.

Ava and Titus went home in search of their children. When they entered their home, Anya, Lexa and the twins were waiting for them with lunch already prepared.

"Oh, my darlings, it's so good to be home," Ava said, outstretching her arms and her four children immediately melted into her embrace. She began to purr. Anya and Lexa answered with a purr as well while the twins held tightly to their mother's waist. When they separated, both Anya and Lexa hugged their father and heard him rumble with happiness. They also gave him a purr when they heard Ava gasp.

"Odell! What happened to you?" Ava asked and Titus immediately felt Anya and Lexa tensed up.

"My precious omegas, what happened?" he whispered and Lexa said, "Rough playing. Odi fell beside a sharp rock and cut his arm. Luckily Linc was around and stitched him up."

"It's nothing nomon," Odi quickly answered and told his mother what had happened. "So you see, we were just playing when it happened. It was an accident."

Huffing, Ava said, "I'm gone for a couple of days and you hurt yourself! Where were your sisters?" Ava turned to look at her girls.

"I had just arrived from patrolling the east side when Fay told me what happened," Anya said, answering firstly.

"I was doing paperwork and had just left them a minute ago," Lexa said. Ava sighed and looking at her twins said, "I've told you two many times not to play too rough. I hope that you've both learned your lesson or else I'll ask your nontu to find additional chores for you both."

The twins quickly nodded, agreeing with their mother. They didn't want additional chores, especially because their father was an expert at finding chores. "We understand nomon," Oli quickly answered.

"Well then, since that's over, I'm going to go take a bath," Titus said before heading up to his bedroom.

"So, what happened while we were away, besides multiplying our pack? Congratulations by the way, Lexa. You and your mates achieved your goals," Ava said, already heading to the kitchen.

"Let's wait for lunch so we tell you," Lexa answered, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Her parents didn't know about Clarke's pregnancy. Only Bell, Anya and Fay and Clarke's family, of course.

"Okay," Ava answered before drinking a glass of water. She then headed upstairs to take a bath as well.

An hour later, Fay, Bell, O and Clarke were seated around the table along with Ava and her family enjoying lunch. After they had finished, Octavia cleared her throat and said, "Alpha, Luna I'm sure you've noticed that our market and traders has increased in size and so I recruited help from the Ark guards. Do you approve?"

"Of course Octavia. I left the security of the market and traders in your hands and you have done a very good job. I can see that in the few days we have been gone, much has changed. The houses are finally taking shape and I see more and more of the Arkers - um our people heading into town," Titus said and then added, "In the next few days, we will make it official that the Arkers are now our people with a celebration."

"But before that, I'd like to go to the Ark to check on Erica," Ava stated and her mate nodded.

"Good. Um, there's also something else I'd like to tell you and I hope it makes you happy," O said, a little nervous now.

"What is it?" Titus asked and O looked at her mates. Lexa gave her a thumbs up and Clarke simply smiled and touched her abdomen.

"Alpha, Luna, Clarke is pregnant," O said, puffing out her chest. Titus, this time was so shocked he dropped his fork on the floor and Ava was stunned, she didn't say anything, even the twins stopped stuffing their faces with blackberry cake.

"Nomon, nontu?" Lexa asked, looking at her parent's stunned faces then suddenly everyone heard a squeal from Ava.

"Congratulations Clarke! I didn't know you went into heat," Ava said, getting up and hugging Clarke.

"Thanks, Luna but I didn't go into heat. I'm just pregnant," Clarke answered and Titus, who had managed to get back his composure, asked, "How does that work?" before hugging Clarke and congratulating the triad.

Octavia told them what Abby had said. "So you see, according to Clarke's mom, it's not impossible, just very rare. We have an ultrasound schedule in the next few days for Lexa and Abby will also take a look at Clarke."

"This is good news, I'm happy for you all," Titus said before nodding at O. "So when are you two going to give us grandpups?" Titus asked Fay and Anya.

Choking a little on her glass of water, Anya said, "We're thinking about that, but nothing is definite as yet." The truth was that she and her mates had already planned to start a family. Since Fay and Anya have been mates for some time, their mating cycles had already aligned. They were to enter into heat next week and had already made preparations for when it hit them. Unlike an omega's heat that lasted five days, a beta's heat only lasted three days. Even Bellamy's rut was close to aligning. According to him, it was supposed to hit in the next two to three weeks. They had decided to let nature take its course and if both or either of them became pregnant, then so be it.

In the evening, when the cart taking the guards back to the Ark was departing, Lisa mindlinked Noah and told him to look out for Chester.

After dinner, Lexa and Clarke went to take a bath while O washed the dishes and properly locked the house. When she entered their bedroom, she heard giggling coming from the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and smiled. A few minutes later, her mates emerged from the bathroom, with towels wrapped around their hair. Clarke was the first to bend a little and give her alpha a sweet, tender kiss while Lexa patted Clarke's ass.

"Mmmm," O said, slightly pulling Clarke's lips.

"Go and take a bath babe and come cuddle with us," Clarke told her and she nodded but then stopped.

"Um, there's something that we need to talk about," O said and Lexa who had sat beside her asked, "What is it, ai hodnes?"

"Well, I'm supposed to go into rut next week and I've begun making preparations for it. I've assigned Penn and Arni to take over my duties," she said then looked at Clarke. "Babe, I know that you wanted to get back to studying but can you stay with me, please? I - I completely understand if you want to go back so -"

Clarke placed her finger on O's lips. "Octavia, do you remember the first time we made love?" Clarke asked and O nodded then smiled. "Do you remember when I asked you why exactly you needed to have two mates?"

"Because when I'm in rut, the need to knot will be so strong and with only one mate, I can hurt you given my stamina," O repeated her words again.

"Exactly, so you don't need to ask if I want to stay or not. I'm your mate and I want to spend as much time as I can with you and Lex before our lives do a 360° turn. We'll have to deal with three or more pups," Clarke said, smiling at her alpha who simply smiled back and kissed her. "You are just like Lexa. You always know what to say to make me feel better," O said.

"Baby," O said after kissing Clarke and Lexa gently cupped her cheek.

"I know that you will never hurt me and our pups. I trust you, Octavia. I'll always trust you just as I trust Clarke," Lexa said before claiming her alpha's lips.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you both in my life but I am grateful every second of every minute of every hour that I have you both," O murmured before capturing Lexa's lips again and gently laying her and Clarke on the bed. A few minutes later, both her mates were moaning and writhing in pleasure as Octavia's skilled fingers and cock gently thrusted inside her mates. After making love, the alpha went to the bathroom, wet two rags and cleaned her mates, whose bodies were so languid and satiated, they both fell asleep cuddled together while their alpha went to take a bath.

The following days passed uneventfully except that the Alpha and Luna had made it official that the Arkers were now pack members since the laws had been changed and recorded. This entitled them to a piece of land but they also had to learn to fight and learn Trigedasleng. Furthermore, Clarke was officially given the title of Luna. This came as a pleasant surprise to everyone, except the triad who already knew of it.

Gaia and two other teachers were now in charge of creating a schedule and lesson plans for how they would be teaching their new pack members their language. Titus along with Gus and Indra's help gathered three of their best land surveyors to divide the land one mile in distance from the Ark into lots that will be given to the first 200 new pack members. Of course, one lot already had Raven and Ash's name on it. Some of the Arkers were quite content living inside the stations so Marcus and the Council members decided that once everyone who wanted a lot received it, then the remaining pack members could expand their living quarters to include a kitchen and more bedrooms. Around this time, the new pack members had also decided to rename their settlement, Arkadia.

It was during this time on one of Titus and Ava's visits, that Raven proposed the idea of going back to Mount Weather to retrieve the trucks and SUV's she and Clarke saw. "If we had them, transporting medical supplies, food and anything else would be easier and faster for everyone," Raven had said, trying to convince the Alpha to grant them permission to go back.

"Yes, and in case of an emergency, we could also transport the sick here for medical attention or in case someone needs medicine we can take it to them," Ash said, also trying to convince Titus that getting those trucks was a good idea.

"Marcus," Titus said and the Purebred nodded. "What do you think?"

"Alpha, I honestly think it's a good idea to have those vehicles. They could help everyone out a lot. For example, as it stands right now, the guards that work at the market have to get up early and travel two hours to get to town. Now, if we had those vehicles, the guards would have more time to sleep and could make it to town in thirty minutes or less, not to mention the driver of the cart that has to wake up four hours before the market opens. He has to travel from town to Arkadia and then back to town. That's four hours that he could rest."

"If anything similar to what happened to Noah and Lisa were to occur again, we'd be in another pack within a day or a day and a half instead of three days," Ava commented, convinced that perhaps it was best to trust their people that they could make this work. She knew they would make it work. After all, they knew and understood the technology. "Hodnes, I think we should allow this. They know far better than us about technology."

"Alright niron," Titus said and then looking at Marcus added, "Fine, go but you're taking twenty of our best warriors along with whoever else is going. I don't want to find out that while we have been away, someone decided to make the Mountain their home."

"As you say Alpha," Marcus said, happy that they had the Alpha's blessing.

"On another note," Titus said, lightly scratching his chin. "Since you and the council are good leaders, I'll leave Arkadia in your hands as our representatives. If there is any problem or concern, you and the council will handle it. If the problem persists then the Luna and I will intervene. Just let Octavia know since she has the radio."

"Yes, Alpha," Marcus responded.

"Now that business is over, shall we go see Erica? I would like to know how she is feeling?" Ava suggested and Titus nodded. They excused themselves and headed to Med Bay where they found Abby speaking with the former Luna.

"Can you describe the pain?" Abby asked, intently looking at her patient for signs of confusion or disorientation but saw none at the moment.

"My head still hurts a little, especially with the bright lights. Sometimes I feel lost and the pain in my leg hurts as well," Erica said, wincing a little at the pain.

"Your leg will hurt for the next few weeks as it will try to create new bone. I will have a nurse give you some calcium pills that will help and as for the headaches, it will still occur for some time. We'll give you something for that as well. In the next three weeks, we'll do another scan. Hopefully by then, the pain will be less. I would also recommend that you stay with us a while longer. It is too early for you to travel, besides, you will need help. Here, we have nurses and staff that will check on you daily and your daughter will be here," Abby stated.

"But my home, I must go back, I'm the Luna and I have to be there for my people. I have duties," Erica said when Holly gently took her mother's hand.

"Nomon, Jacob is the new Alpha leader making Sonia the Luna. You do not have to worry anymore. I told you this yesterday. Do you not remember?" Holly asked, concerned for her mother.

"You did, Holly? I - I don't remember," she mumbled and Abby said, "That's okay. It will come back a little at a time. Right now, it's important that you rest so that your head doesn't hurt too much."

"Alright," Erica mumbled. It was then she realized that Titus and Ava were in the room. "Ava? Titus?" she asked and Ava walked closer to her.

Taking the older woman's hand Ava said, "Erica, I'm glad to see you doing much better. Do you remember what happened before your accident?"

"A little. I know - I know I was going home and then something - an animal I think scared Copper and he threw me off. I remember a terrible pain running up my leg and then - then before everything went black, my neck started to hurt. How did I end up here?"

Holly had already explained but her mother forgot so Ava said, "My children brought you here. Well, my adopted children. One of them happens to be Holly's mate. Have you met him?"

"Have I?" Erica asked her daughter.

"Yes, nomon," Holly answered.

"Oh! I'm useless, I can't - I can't remember!" Erica huffed and grabbed her head in frustration. Ava gently took Erica's hand and brought them down.

"Erica, I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel but becoming desperate will not help. You need to relax, you need to rest. You will remember in time," Ava said, gently and the beta began to nod.

"I miss Elliot. Why did he not come?" Erica asked and before Holly could answer, Titus said confidently, "He wasn't feeling so well, but I'm sure he'll be here in the next couple of days. I'm sure he misses you as well." Titus had already sent word with one of the Glowing Forest traders to inform Jacob that Erica will need Elliot's support.

Ava and Titus stayed with Erica a while longer then left, Ava promising to come back soon and bring some items for her; something to keep her time occupied.

By the end of the week, Murphy and Atom had settled into their new roles as did the other guards. Just as promised, the guards were given food and other items as payment for their services. Octavia told them that next week, Penn and Arni would be in charge. Maya and her mates had been the talk of the week with their snow cone business which really complemented Maya's spicy foods. Even Glenda, who went to the market a day ago, especially after hearing that Maya had returned, enjoyed her snow cone. Titus and Ava were given a special double snow cone and ate it with gusto.

As promised, Ava went back to visit Erica who seemed physically better and had begun to remember more and more of her recent events. Erica was surprised to find out that Noah was a Pureblood and that he had already found his mates. She had asked Holly if she was truly happy with him and the young beta beamed with happiness every time she spoke of him. "I am, nomon, I am happy with both my mates," Holly told her and Erica smiled.

"I am happy for you, my precious daughter. I'm sure your father will be too," Erica said and Holly simply nodded. She hadn't told her mother what he did because it was something that would greatly affect her mother's recuperation so she asked Noah and Chester to not say anything and they agreed that Erica's priority needed to be her recuperation.

By the end of the week as well, Sinclair had organized a group that would be headed to the Mountain to get the trucks that consisted primarily of Raven, Ash, Wick, himself and eight other mechanics as well as ten former Mountain pack members who wanted to go back to get other items that could be useful at Arkadia. It was at this time that Raven had completely finished converting O's bike so, two days before they left for the Mountain, Rae and Ash drove the bike to town.

Needless to say, it was a spectacle and a half when heads turned to the sound of mechanical whirring heading their way and parking at the future Luna's home. Ash and Rae got down and smiled at the people who nodded right back. Ash knocked on the door and Lexa opened it.

"Hey, come in," Lexa said, stepping aside for the mates to pass.

"Hey, how are you?" Ash asked, admiring Lexa's baby bump.

"I'm - we're fine," she replied, rubbing her little bump. "What brings you two to town?"

"Came to give O her bike before we head off to the Mountain," Rae replied. "Where is she and Clarke? Mom gave me something to give her."

"Probably on their way home as we speak. Clarke was helping me with Luna duties at the office. Octavia went to look for her," Lexa replied.

A minute later, the door swung open and Clarke and O entered. There was a big grin on O's face. Immediately, Ash and Rae were hit with O's strong dominant pheromones.

"Tone it down O," Ash said, backing away and holding on to her stomach, trying to fight the pain she felt starting to hit her. As her mates, Lexa and Clarke weren't affected by her pheromones but others were. As a way to protect her mate, Rae stood in front of Ash and tried to shield her but O's pheromones were so strong, Rae felt her knees buckle a little.

"Sorry, sorry," O said, backing away and opening the door, allowing the breeze to enter and fresh air circulate. "I'm going into rut and my pheromones -"

"Yep, we get it," Ash said, slowly taking in breaths now that the door was opened. "Brought your bike, sweetie."

"Yeah, thanks. How does it run?" O asked, bouncing on her heels, excitedly.

"Good. Have you been reading the manual?" Rae asked and O nodded. After Rae handed the Pureblood the bike's manual, in her spare time, O read it, page by page. Actually, she had read it twice already and knew how to turn it on and off and what each button does.

"Okay, well here's the key," Rae said, handing over the key. "O, mom said to tell you that under no circumstances are you to have Lexa and Clarke ride with you until after you learn to fully drive it."

"Mom, doesn't have to know," Clarke murmured and Lexa frowned, disagreeing with her mate.

"Clarke, seriously. Allow O to learn to master it first then I'm sure she's going to give you a ride but for now, no riding, Remember, you're pregnant," Rae answered and then opened her backpack and took out a small tablet with a charger. "By the way, Clarkey, mom sent this for you. She said there are ten topics you have to learn in one week for an -"

"That's not what she said, Rae," Ash murmured. Clarke took the tablet and was confused.

"What exactly did mom say?" Clarke asked and Ash answered, "Abby said that there are five topics with a case study for each one. You are to read the case study after learning the topic and try coming up with alternative solutions. When you go back to study, there will be an exam based on any of those five topics. She also said that you are to study one case per day and not overexert yourself or else..."

Abby knew Clarke very well and had figured that Clarke would want to learn the five topics in a day. "That's not the way to study, Clarke," Abby had often told her. "You have to learn one topic at a time so that you can identify the possible solution."

"Okay, thanks," Clarke said and set the tablet aside.

"Now, O, let's go check out your bike," Rae said and O nodded. Outside, O climbed on the seat and set the key inside the ignition. She turned it on and heard it purr to life. "Now what?" Sky asked and O shrugged. "Move it."

"Yeah, but how?" Sky continued asking. "Fuck, I don't remember" O replied.

Rae saw the insecurity on O's face and said, "Get up O, I'll show you."

O got up and watched her mates who gave her an encouraging smile.

"This is what you'll have to do," Rae said and showed O what to do. "See where I'm placing my feet, look at my balance, and the position of my hands." O and Sky watched intently at everything Rae was doing. "Now, climb on and enjoy the ride," Rae said and O complied.

Rae slowly drove the bike around town and soon enough they ended by the edge of town. "Do you think you can do it?" Rae asked and O nodded. They switched positions and soon enough, O managed to drive the bike back home without any accident. "Just keep practicing and soon enough, you'll get it," Rae told her before she and Ash returned back to the Ark to get ready to leave.

Two days later, early in the morning, Sinclair and his group headed to the Mountain while Octavia woke up with a massive hard on. When she lifted her boxers to look at little O, it was red and throbbing to the point that it hurt. Wincing in pain, she tried to move but it was useless. In their sleep and out of instinct, both her mates settled closer to her and began sucking on their mating bite, trying to calm their alpha but it was having the opposite effect.

All of a sudden, O felt a nudge from Lexa's side. It was faint and oh! There it was again! The omega started to stir and rubbed her belly but then, "Oh, what was that? Do you have gas?" Octavia asked but Lexa only stirred. Again, the slight nudge and Lexa was startled awake, holding her belly.

"Ai hodnes," Lexa said, her voice laced with concern. Was something wrong with their pups? "Clarke, hey babe, wake up," O said, slightly shaking the other omega who simply mumbled something and continued sleeping. "Babe, wake up. It's Lexa!" O said, frantically. She saw Lexa's concerned expression and that worried her.

"Clarke?" Lexa said, her voice trembling again and there it was again, a flurry in her stomach. Not getting a reaction from her omega, Lexa said more sternly, "Clarke!"

"Wha- wha -what? What? What?" Clarke asked, trying to get rid her eyes of sleep. She felt confused and dazed being startled awake.

"Clarke, something's wrong with Lexa and the pups," O said worriedly and Clarke rubbed her eyes.

"What do you feel Lexa?" Clarke asked, sitting on the bed.

"I don't know. My belly, it feels like it's tremb -" Lexa stopped and touched her belly.

"Okay," Clarke said and lifted Lexa's night gown. She placed her hand on Lexa's baby bump and began to feel around when she felt it. It was a kick again and again. She started to chuckle. "Is that what you're feeling?" she asked and Lexa nodded.

"I could feel it too," O stated and Clarke placed O's hand on Lexa's bump. "There it is again," O said. "Is something wrong with the pups, babe?"

"Probably hungry or playing soccer," Clarke joked and saw her mates' serious expression. "The babies are moving around or kicking. It's normal, don't worry about it," Clarke told them and both omega and alpha sighed.

"Thank God, I thought that something was wrong," O mumbled as she felt her pups give another kick.

"These little pups are going to be feisty," Lexa said, wiping at the tear that formed on the corner of her eyes as she felt her pups kick again.

"Yeah, must be all those peppers and spices," Clarke mumbled and O began to laugh.

"Hahahahaha! You're probably right, babe," O said, laughing. It was then that Clarke noticed little O standing at attention, sporting a massive tent underneath.

"Babe, you're in rut," Clarke said, pointing at O's cock.

"Yeah and it hurts but I got scared when I felt the baby kick," O said.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you," Clarke said and inserted her hand inside O's boxers and stroked her alpha's cock.

"Oohhh yeeaaahhhh," O moaned as her head hit the pillow and she relaxed as Clarke stroked her member. Lexa on the other hand had already started to remove O's bra and help Clarke remove O's boxers. Lexa began to stroke Octavia's stomach, slowly inching towards the alpha's breast. Quickly, she made herself more comfortable and began to suck on the alpha's breast eliciting a loud groan from the alpha.

"Fuck, that feels so good, don't stop Lexa," O groaned and then felt Clarke's warm lips settle on her hardened cock. Through lidded eyes, she saw Clarke's head bop up and down, sucking her. She had always wanted this but was shy to ask for fear that her mates wouldn't want it but now, Clarke's lips on her angry cock felt so good, so soothing. She felt as Clarke sucked and licked it and it felt amazing. Octavia slowly thrusted upwards and Clarke settled both her hands on O's hip to control the alpha's movement.

She felt more than heard as Lexa sucked on her breast, twirling her nipple in her mouth causing the nub to get hard. Gently, Octavia tangled her fingers in Lexa's hair and pushed herself up, wanting her mates to devour her. With her other free hand, she gently massaged Clarke's scalp, raking her fingers through the tangles of the omega's hair and pressed the omega closer to her. She heard as Clarke slurped her cock like it was a delicious treat. In her state, she heard Sky howling and panting. She knew her wolf was enjoying every second of what her mates were doing to her.

"More, more," she pleaded and her omegas continued their ministrations until she felt she was about to burst.

"I'm going to cum, babe," O said and heard Clarke hum. The vibration sent tingles up O's cock. Just then Clarke stopped sucking her and said, "I want you to come inside me." With that, Clarke removed her underwear and settled her wet, moist and tight pussy on her alpha's cock, slowly lowering herself, impaling herself on O's hardened cock. Slowly, Clarke began to move, riding her alpha's cock.

As for Lexa, she was still in her underwear when Octavia quickly removed it and said, "I want to taste you. I want to eat you out, Lexa." Helping her mate, Octavia lifted Lexa and settled the omega's dripping pussy on her face and inserted her tongue inside, tasting her omega. Lexa's scent was divine, it was sweet and heady but deliciously addictive.

Lexa gasped, never has Octavia eaten her out and her tongue, twirling and sucking on her clit made Lexa hold on the headboard as tightly as she could. Octavia was all alpha, all power and pheromones. Lexa could feel it. She could smell Octavia pumping out her protective pheromones, enveloping her mates in a warm, soft cocoon of her doing.

The possessive growl, Octavia elicited, made Lexa groan as the vibration travelled all inside her walls. She knew that alphas in rut are possessive and dominating but Octavia had never tried to dominate them. On the contrary, she was more about pleasing them than pleasing herself. Even now, as Lexa rode Octavia's face, the alpha ensured that she didn't hurt any of her mates. Her need, her desire to knot them is strong within the Pureblood but still, for Octavia it is and has always been, making her mates feel loved, desired, protected and cherished and she wasn't going to change now just because she was in rut.

Every thrust of her cock inside Clarke was a thrust of her tongue inside Lexa and after fucking her mates for some minutes, Octavia had popped her knot and slowly inserted it inside of Clarke who by now had climaxed three time already. Lexa wondered if she should get up and had tried but then stopped when she felt Octavia's growl and felt the Pureblood tighten her hold on her hips.

Octavia began to thrust her hips faster, rutting inside of Clarke who only held on to the alpha's abs as she gasped at being filled with the alpha's seed. As for Lexa, she continued holding on tightly to the headboard as Octavia thoroughly and beautifully fucked her with her tongue. Every moan and groan of Octavia sent shivers up Lexa's pussy and within seconds, the omega collapsed, thoroughly fucked out of her mind. Octavia was still sucking her, slurping her omega juices while Lexa rode her orgasm. With shaky legs, Lexa lifted herself and settled herself beside Octavia. When she turned to look at her alpha, the Pureblood had a smug smile on her face that was shining with Lexa's juices. Cupping O's face, Lexa kissed her and moaned as she tasted herself. Clarke on the other hand had settled her body on top of O, peacefully dozing off since they were tied together. Soon enough, all three were asleep.

When Lexa opened her eyes, Clarke and Octavia were cuddled together sleeping but one of her arms laid tightly around Lexa's leg. She felt her pup kick and mumbled, "Hungry too?"

Careful not to wake her mates, Lexa slowly untangled herself from Octavia's possessive grip and got out of bed. Looking for her clothes, that just so happened to land across the room, Lexa walked towards it and put it on. She then headed to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. By the position of the sun, she estimated the time to be midmorning. Their kitchen was stocked with meats, fruits, eggs, flour, oats and vegetables that Octavia had stored a few days ago. Due to the possessive and dominant nature alphas would have during their ruts, it was best to have everything they needed for a week. Even the firewood needed for their stove was stocked in a corner by the kitchen.

As Lexa made breakfast, the smell of pancakes, honey, freshly brewed tea and other delicious smells, slowly woke up Clarke and Octavia. Clarke licked her lips while Octavia's mouth watered. "Time to get up, babe," Clarke said and O hummed.

Untangling from each other, Clarke searched for her sleeping shirt and found it close to the bathroom door. "Where is my underwear?" She asked, searching the room.

"Ahhemm," O said, clearing her throat and when Clarke looked at her, the Pureblood was twirling her omega's panties on her finger. "Looking for this?" O taunted and Clarke slightly rolled her eyes.

"Yes," Clarke answered, stretching her hands towards the garment but O pulled her hand back.

"I think you look so fucking sexy walking around just in your shirt. I can admire you all day," O said, licking her lips.

Clarke felt her skin burn and if the rosy hue was anything to go by, O knew she had made the omega blush.

"I'm not walking around in just my shirt. Now, give it back, babe," Clarke said, trying again to grab her underwear but O simply tucked it on her side.

"No," O taunted and Clarke said, "Well, in that case, you don't need your boxers or bra either." The blonde omega picked up Octavia's garments and headed for the window. "O, give me my panties or else these go out the window." Clarke had already slightly opened the window and her hand was outstretched when O said nonchalantly, "Do it. I can always shift and get it back."

"Fine," Clarke said and threw the alpha's clothes outside.

"Clarke! What the hell?!" Octavia whined and in the blink of an eye shifted. Sky growled before opening the window and jumping out. In that instant, Clarke closed the window and ran to the bed, laughing while putting on her underwear.

"Fuck!" O yelled and Sky growled.

"I love her crazy ass but this is going over the line! Once I get in, I'm gonna teach that little mate of mine who I am!" Sky snarled and with her snout picked up her bra and boxers. She tried opening the window but Clarke had locked it. "Aaarrggghhhh!" the wolf yelled. She went to try the other windows but no luck.

"Kitchen!" O told her and Sky ran to the back of the house. She heard noise coming from the kitchen and started scratching the door. When no one answered, she barked twice and then Lexa opened the door. "Hodnes, what are you doing outside the house?" Lexa asked, confused as to why her alpha was outside. Sky only yapped and in a flash shifted back.

"Clarke thought it would be funny to throw my boxers and bra outside and you know what she did after I went to look for it? She locked the window so I couldn't come in!" O said, a big frown on her face.

"But, why?" Lexa asked and before O could answer, Clarke said, "Because she didn't want to give me my underwear. I told her to give it to me but she didn't. so I threw hers out the window."

Lexa started to laugh and O got mad. She wanted Lexa to side with her. "Don't worry, Tay-tay. I'll get them later," Sky thrilled.

After breakfast, Clarke washed the dishes and had decided to study one of the topics for her upcoming exam while Lexa took a bath or so she thought. Lexa had, for all intents and purposes gone to take a bath to freshen up. While in the shower, O silently opened the door.

"What now, horn dog?" O asked her wolf.

"Now, we make her pay," Sky thrilled back and took her clothes off. She slowly pulled the shower curtain and walked in behind Lexa whose body was covered in soap. Gently, Sky wrapped her arms around Lexa's waist. She didn't want to scare the omega. Lexa gasped and jumped when Sky said, "I needed a bath too."

"Sky, you scared me," Lexa responded, now relaxing in her alpha's embrace.

"Sorry, baby." Sky said, but her hands had begun to roam all over Lexa's body. With one of her hands, she gently caressed Lexa's baby bump, slowly heading south until she found her mate's center. Instinctively, Lexa opened her legs a little, waiting for Sky to insert her fingers but Sky's hand changed direction. She started to caress the omega's legs while with her other hand, she twirled Lexa's nipple. The omega pressed her back closer to the alpha's front. Sky could feel and smell Lexa's arousal and knew by experience that the omega's center was already slick with her juices.

"Sky," Lexa moaned as the Pureblood's hands were strumming her body into a beautiful symphony of need and desire. Backing and raising her ass so that the alpha's cock could press into her heat, Lexa moaned but the Pureblood had yet to make a move. Every time she inched closer to Lexa's center, the omega would part her legs, only to be left with need as the alpha's hand found another spot to caress.

"Sky, please," Lexa pleaded, her body almost to the point of bursting at the need and lust she felt. She needed a release that only her alpha could provide.

"Please what?" Sky asked, her voice husky and thick with desire but at the same time, a little dominating.

"Please, Sky. I need you," Lexa said, pressing her back more closely to the alpha's front.

"You need me to do what, omega?" Sky growled as her hand continued coming ever close to Lexa's heat.

"Please, alpha. I need you to - to"

"To what?" Sky snarled close to Lexa's ear. With her tongue, she licked her mating bite and Lexa groaned.

"I need you to fuck me," Lexa said, continuing to back up onto the alpha. She could feel the alpha's hardened cock and knew Sky needed release as well.

"Say it again," Sky commanded and Lexa did. She could feel the pheromones rolling off of Sky and repeated it over and over again, empowering her alpha. Gently, Sky positioned her cock at Lexa's entrance and thrusted slowly. The omega gasped at being filled by her alpha. Her head fell back on Sky's shoulder as she gave in to the alpha's primal need. Sky's soft grunts as she pushed deeper and deeper inside her mate while she kissed and sucked on her claiming bite, pushed Lexa over the edge twice. The alpha could feel as the omega's wall tightened around her cock, milking her, pulling her deeper inside the omega. Sky could feel her knot slowly extending but she didn't want to knot her mate while standing up so she let Lexa ride her orgasm before slowly pulling out.

"I think we should finish on the bed, my warrior goddess," Sky said huskily and Lexa simply nodded. Sky shut off the shower and walked out. She took the towel and dried herself and Lexa. She lifted her mate, bridal style and took her to their bedroom then gently laid her on the bed.

Sky, still in control of her human, her eyes glowing that silver-green colour pressed Lexa more and more into the mattress. Lexa cupped Sky's face and kissed her languidly and lazily. "Ai hod yu in, ai hodnes," Lexa said and Sky responded, "Ai hod yu in seinteim." Their kiss became heated again and the alpha's cock throbbed with need; she needed release and Lexa knew it.

In an act of complete trust and love for her alpha, Lexa changed positions on the bed and presented for her alpha. An omega doesn't usually present outside of their heat but Lexa understood the alpha's need to dominate and possess and she wanted her alpha to know that she trusted her completely to take care of her needs, her desires and everything Lexa was.

Sky immediately understood and handed control over to Octavia. "Oh Lex, baby, you don't have to do that," Octavia said, caressing Lexa's back. Lexa turned her head to look behind her and smiled.

"I know but I want to. I'm your omega, your mate and nomon of your pups. I know that you will never hurt us and we trust you, Octavia, we trust you completely," Lexa responded, meaning every word.

"Lexa," Octavia said, positioning herself behind her mate, "I'm honoured, truly I am and I will never hurt you or our pups, I promise." For an alpha, to have their mate present is truly an honour; not only because the alpha feels empowered and dominant but because an alpha knows that in this position, their connection is deeper, more personal and shows their mate's ultimate trust in their alpha. Slowly, Octavia parted Lexa's center and aided by their previous love making, it was easier for her to thrust inside her omega.

Lexa gasped as Octavia's cock stretched her inside walls. In this position, she felt Octavia penetrate her deeper and the alpha's cock felt heavier as it gently nudged her clit, engorging the flesh.

"Lexa, you feel so good," Octavia said, thrusting a little faster as her knot extended.

"You too," Lexa gasped, as Octavia's thrust filled her again and again. In a matter of seconds, Octavia felt her knot lodged itself on Lexa's walls. She started to rut and leaned her body over Lexa's. Pulling the omega's hair aside, Octavia found her mating mark and started to suck and nip it. Lexa felt her walls prepare to come and in a matter of seconds, she groaned as her cunt contracted, milking her alpha's cock and pressing hard on Octavia's knot. Octavia felt it and knew she was close as well. Her canines then extended and she bit Lexa's neck again, relishing in the connection of their bond. Lexa collapsed on the bed and Octavia immediately followed her. Not wanting her pregnant mate to bear her full weight, the alpha rested on her side and pulled her mate towards her. She tenderly lifted Lexa's head and settled it on her arm. She began to rumble and heard a small purr from her sleeping mate.

"This feels nice," Sky said as she curled up to sleep as well. "Yeah it does," Octavia responded before sleep claimed her as well.

When Clarke entered their bedroom, she found her mates fast asleep. She smiled and went to take a bath. Once outside, she settled on the couch and took her laptop and watched a movie then got up to prepare lunch for them. She made a hearty vegetable soup with grilled boar meat and other ingredients. While eating, she heard footsteps coming closer to her.

"Hey, niron," Lexa said and gave Clarke a sweet kiss.

"How was the nap?" Clarke asked and Lexa simply smiled.

"Good, I needed the rest," she answered and took out a plate of food for herself. Both omegas were eating when Octavia woke up to a cold bed. She sniffed the air and smelt her mates close by. Getting up and putting on her clothes, she went outside to find her mates, holding hands and eating.

"Hey, loves," O said, kissing both her mates.

"How are you feeling?" Clarke asked and O responded, "Good." The triad spent some time together, just basking in the warmth of their bond. That night, while O and Lexa slept, Clarke was in the living room reading on her second case study.

A few minutes later, Octavia woke up to only one mate and got out of bed. She walked out to the dimly lit living room and found her mate, engrossed in the tablet.

"Babe, your mom said only one topic a day," O whispered. Clarke, who had heard her alpha's footsteps, didn't react to her voice.

"It's just that if I can get this done, we can spend more time together," Clarke reasoned. Crouching beside her omega, Octavia took the tablet from Clarke's hands and set it aside.

"Clarke, we have the rest of our lives to be together and you cannot overexert yourself. It's late and you should be sleeping. You are pregnant and you need to rest as much as possible," Octavia said, trying to reason with her mate.

"O, it's not like I have to be at Arkadia tomorrow. I can study and rest during the day," Clarke countered back. Shaking her head no, Octavia huffed.

"Clarke, don't push yourself please, I'm begging you. I'm trying to control my rut because I don't want to hurt you or Lexa. I don't want to tire you especially because you're both pregnant but you studying in the early hours of the morning will hinder your health," O said and Clarke saw the concern in her eyes.

Cupping her alpha's face, Clarke said, "Alright, I'll stop. Come on, let's go to bed." Just then her stomach made a loud growl.

"You're hungry, let's get something to eat," O said, leading her mate to the kitchen instead of the bedroom. She found some bread and put it in the oven to toast while she brewed some chamomile tea for her mate. A few minutes later, Clarke was enjoying some toast bread with butter and a slice of cheese with tea. When she was done with her midnight snack, Clarke got up and saw her alpha sporting a huge tent under her boxers. "It's okay, don't worry, I'll take care of it," O said, taking her mates' hand and leading them to their bedroom.

Clarke stopped halfway and opened one of the guest bedrooms. Frowning, O asked, "Clarke?"

Smiling, the omega responded, "Come on, we'll take care of little O. I don't want to wake up Lexa." Octavia nodded and followed Clarke in the other room. Clarke slightly closed the door once O was inside. Immediately, her hands travelled inside her alpha's boxers, tenderly stroking O's cock. The alpha moaned and began to thrust inside her boxers at Clarke's ministrations.

"Fuck, you definitely go straight to the point, huh babe?" O asked while groaning. Clarke let out a husky chuckle that turned Octavia on more and she began to thrust faster. 'You're so fucking sexy, Clarke. Do you know that?"

Clarke only hummed and slammed her lips onto her alpha's who took it eagerly. "The bed," was all Clarke managed to say when she felt O wrap her hands around her ass and lifted her. Instinctively, Clarke wrapped her legs around the alpha's waist and thrusted her hips. She could feel O's hardened shaft pressing by her ass. O took the three steps she needed to reach the bed and gingerly deposited her mate. Clarke sat and pushed down O's boxers, revealing the hard, veiny shaft. In a silent invitation to her alpha, Clarke widely opened her legs and said huskily, "I want you inside me, alpha, please."

Octavia growled possessively. In front of her, her mate was displayed for her utmost pleasure and in the state of rut she was in, she gladly took what was hers. She bent down a little, her knee supporting her on the edge of the bed and with her hands, lifted Clarke's hips and removed her panties. By the light coming in from the dimly lit hallway, Octavia saw Clarke's glistening pussy, slick with desire and lust. She smiled and knelt in front of the omega. Lifting her legs and placing them on her shoulders, she pumped her hardened shaft and positioned it at her mate's entrance.

Sky who had now taken control of her human said in her deep, husky voice, "You'll plead for me not to stop fucking you, my omega goddess. I haven't forgotten what you did to me this morning." Before Clarke's mind could register what Sky said, she felt the hardened shaft enter her a little at a time, lightly scraping her clit. Her head fell on the pillow and she thrusted her hips upwards but Sky pulled out.

"The fuck?!" Clarke gasped at the immediate loss of contact. Her cunt was throbbing with need, yearning to be filled and stretched but Sky simply gave her a toothy grin. "I control this, pussy," Sky said, and again ever so slowly, started thrusting inside her omega. Clarke closed her eyes and waited to be stuffed. Not getting the desired contact, she whined and heard her alpha lightly chuckle. Sky was taunting her, the wolf wanted her mate to beg her to fuck her, to take her anyway she wanted and what better way than to frustrate her omega?

Clarke's legs were still positioned on O's shoulders and with the heels of her feet she lifted her hips again, trying to push the alpha's cock inside her but it didn't work. Again, Sky pulled out right before her tip caressed the omega's inner lips. Clarke whined, her desire coursing through her veins, she wanted to be thoroughly fucked.

Sky's cock was angry at not entering warm, slick heat and it was throbbing with pain but still she didn't seek relief; not yet. She wanted Clarke to plead and soon enough, the omega gave in.

"Please, alpha, I need you inside me," Clarke whined and Sky smiled.

"What do you want me to do inside of you?" she asked and Clarke responded, "Make me come many times. I want you to knot me and come inside of me."

"Why?" Sky asked.

"Because I need it, I need you, only you, only my alpha can do that," Clarke responded. In her possessive state, Sky snarled and said, "Damn fucking right! I'm the only alpha you'll ever give yourself to." And with that, in one deep thrust, Sky was buried deep inside her omega. She held Clarke by her hips, tightly as she pounded her over and over again.

'That's right, this fucking, tight, wet pussy is mine! MINE!" Sky growled as she grunted with every deep, fast thrust of her cock. Clarke was gasping and writhing as her alpha's magical cock swiftly and deeply nudged her clit, making her produce more slick and soon enough, her body was clammy with sweat as Sky continued, slamming her cock inside her. By now, there were red marks on her hips but she didn't care. All Clarke wanted was to be fucked into oblivion by her alpha and Sky was not one to disappoint. At this angle, every thrust only made Clarke's wall contract more, milking her alpha.

"That's it, omega, take it all, babe," Sky said, grunting harshly as she filled her mate. She could feel her knot slowly extending and she wanted Clarke to present for her but she knew that her omega would do that only when she's ready and not when Pureblood wanted. Through their bond, Clarke could feel Sky and Octavia wanted more of something. What could it be? She asked herself. She felt as O squeezed her ass, massaging it, silently pleading, for something.

Clarke knew that an alpha in rut, likes to be possessive and dominant and Octavia had displayed both traits superbly but she had little time to think any further when she gasped as a certain thrust of her alpha's cock, nudged her clit just right for her to see stars and come. In her haze of climaxing, she realized what it was. Her alpha didn't knot her because she wanted something more, a deeper connection; an extension of their bond.

O who had already taken over her body, collapsed on top of her mate and thrusted slowly.

"Stop, stop," Clarke said and Octavia froze.

Had she done something wrong? Had she and Sky hurt Clarke? Were they too rough? All these thoughts made her quickly get up from on top of Clarke.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorr - sorry, I - I didn't - didn't mean to. I'll stop, Oh god, what have I done?" Octavia was distraught. Had she hurt her mate in her rut induced state? She wasn't a good mate if she did, she was bad and didn't deserve them.

Clarke immediately saw O's reaction and before she could react, O was backing away, tears falling from her eyes that were shifting all over the place, lost, confused and distraught.

"Hey, hey, Octavia look at me," Clarke said but O didn't react. Tears fell from her eyes and she fell to her knees.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or our pup, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," O repeated over and over, not daring to look at her mate until Clarke cupped her face and forced her to stare at the omega.

"Octavia, you didn't hurt me or our pup. I said stop because I wanted to try something new, something more personal," Clarke explained and then added, unwaveringly, "I know without a shadow of a doubt that you, my beautiful, incredible alpha will never hurt me or our pup. I love you and I trust you completely with everything I am. Please, don't ever believe that you would ever be capable of hurting your mates," Clarke said, wiping O's tear stained face.

Octavia sniffled and hugged her mate, inching her nose to inhale Clarke's soothing scent. "I'm glad," O simply said, kissing her mating bite. A few minutes passed by when O asked, "What did you want to try?"

Clarke simply chuckled and walked towards the bed. "I want you to make me yours," she simply stated and got on her hands and knees.

This is what O wanted but again, just like with Lexa, she would never ask that her mates present unless it was their choice and just like Lexa, Clarke had also made her choice.

"Clarke, babe, are you sure?" she asked, tentatively.

"I'm on my hands and knees, waiting for you and you're gonna ask me if I'm sure, O. What do you think?" Clarke responded and Octavia with her hardened cock, positioned herself behind her mate. Slowly, she entered her mate and settled her thick cock inside Clarke's throbbing cunt then she began to thrust.

"This feels so good, Clarke, you feel so good," O mumbled, thrusting slowly at first, gathering momentum and in a few minutes, she had her arms wrapped possessively around Clarke's belly, filling and stretching her omega.

Clarke bowed her ass in the air and placed the weight of her body on her arms as she heard the slapping sound of O's ball hitting her ass. Grunting, Octavia inserted her knot and began rutting inside her omega. Clarke felt as the knot latched on to her walls and in a matter of seconds, collapsed on the mattress, climaxing from an earth shattering orgasm. It didn't take long for Octavia to settle her body tightly against Clarke's and pull the omega into her strong embrace. They were tied together and so, Octavia whispered, "Sleep, babe. I'll hold you through the night."

In a matter of seconds, Clarke was fast asleep. When her knot deflated, O softly pulled out of her sleeping mate and carried her to their bedroom where Lexa was peacefully sleeping. She placed Clarke on the other side of the bed and took her position in the middle. Her cock still throbbed but she wasn't hard. In fact, she felt deliciously satiated and knew this was the start of a very promising and exciting week. 

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