Forever Admirer (Jesus Foster)

Bởi mrshoran-payne

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Adriana Jimenez fell in love with the boy next door aka one of her best friends Jesus Foster, Will they last... Xem Thêm

Meet Adriana Jimenez
1. 6
Authors Note: Please Read!


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Bởi mrshoran-payne



I was at a dress shop with Mariana, Lexi, and Lena helping Mariana pick out her Quinceanera dress

"¿Cómo le queda? The semtress asked Mariana

"Más apretada." Mariana replied

"Whoa, leave yourself some room to breathe, sweetheart," Lena told her

"Come on, I don't need to breathe," Mariana told her with a smile

"Yes, you do." Lena and I said at the same time with a laugh

"Do you think the top is too..." Mariana asked us

"Busty." Lena said at the same time me and Lexi said"Boring" which caused us to high five

"Right?"Mariana said agreeing with me and Lexi

"You should jewel it" Lexi suggested which I had to agree that was a good idea

"Ah, si." The seamstress said

"Uh, does that cost more?" Lena asked

"Un poco. " The seamstress replied

"Un poco. " Lena repeated

"Por favor, mama?" Marina begged with a little dance and me and Lexi had prayer hands

"Gosh, ok," Lena said giving in causing us to cheer

"¿La corbata de tu papá va a combinar con tu vestido para el baile padre-hija?" The seamstress asked

"Como?" Mariana asked confused

"She's asking if your father's tie is going to match with your dress for the father-daughter dance," I told her

"ella no tiene papá tiene dos mamás" Lexi told the seamstress

"Ah, que bueno. Uh, so you can dance with a padrino or... a close friend de la Familia." The seamstress hesitantly told us

"She dancing with her moms. Right?" I told the seamstress while looking at Mariana

"Oh" was all she said

"Hey! Sorry I'm late" Stef said coming over in her uniform

"Hi, sweetie," Lena said giving her a hug and kissing her cheek

"So, oh my goodness, you look beautiful, sweetheart!" Stef told Mariana when she saw her and the seamstress made a face and walked away

When me , Lexi and Mariana went to the dressing room to help Mariana out of her dress we all busted out laughing

"Did you see her face when Stef walked up in her uniform?" Lexi asked

"Hilarious," I said which they agreed

"I hate when people say "bueno," like you need their approval for something. When you tell people that you have a mom and dad, they don't say, "How wonderful." Mariana said while she got dressed

"Who cares?" I told her

" I wish I had two moms throwing me a quinceanera. My parents refuse and we're Latino. I mean, so are you, but you know what I mean." Lexi said

"Yeah, totally. I just want this to be like, the party that everybody talks about for the whole rest of high school. " Mariana said looking at her dress

"You know what you need..." Lexi said

"What?" Me and Mariana asked

"A bubble machine," Lexi responded

We then went out to tell Stef and Lena which they agreed


Later that day Jesus and I walked downstairs to the kitchen where everyone else was

"What's for dinner?" Jesus asked while grabbing a bag of chips

"Not chips, my friend," Stef said while grabbing the chips

"Mama Stef do you need any help ?" I asked giving her a hug

"Sure Sunflower, can you wash and cut the tomatoes please." She said handing me a bowl of tomatoes "Are you staying for dinner?" She asked

"Ifs that okay with you'll, I don't want to intrude," I responded while washing the tomatoes

"You know, you're always welcomed sunflower, it's no problem." She said with a smile

"Thank you, also mi rey puedes pasarme un cuchillo? por favor" I asked Jesus with a smile

"cualquier cosa por ti mi renia." He said handing me a knife so I could cut the tomatoes

"Muchas gracias Mi rey" I said giving him a quick kiss

"Hey, can Talya stay for dinner?" Brandon asked coming in with Talya

"Ooh, Lexi too?" Mariana asked from her spot

"Sure," Lena said

Callie then came over and stood next to Jude while Jesus put his arm around me and was whispering sweet nothing in my ear

"Hey, Callie how was your day?" Stef asked her

"Uh, it was good." She said while Stef gave Mariana a look

"Uh, so Callie, you know my friend Kelsey?" Mariana asked her

"Oh, the one who lied and said I sold her drugs." Callie deadpanned which caused me to let out a laugh which Jesus smile and kiss my forehead

"Yeah, well she's in rehab,"Mariana said

"I'm sorry to hear that," Callie said

"So, do you want to take her place in my curt?" Mariana asked her

"I think that is a great idea, Mariana." Stef said standing up and grabbing an onion "um what do you think, Callie."

"Uh, sure, I guess," Callie replied

"Great. We'll just have to hurry and get your gown fitted before Saturday." Lena told her

"I have to wear a gown?" Callie asked causing me and Jude to chuckle

"Well, you don't have to do anything," Mariana said

"And we get to do a waltz." Jesus added from beside me

"It's gonna be fun." Mariana beamed

"Like eating glass." Jesus remarked causing me to playful hit him and glare while Stef told him to shut it

"So, who does Callie get to dance with?" Talya asked

"Brandon" Mariana and I said at the same time

"Yeah, I mean, but... you're my date," Brandon told her

"Well duh," She said then giggled as he tickled her side causing Callie to walk out.


I was helping Jesus finish his homework when Brandon came in with his shoes" Mom said to stop leaving your crap around the house." he told him

"Got it." Jesus called out has Brandon left

"Well, mi rey I promised I would help Mariana with her gift bags so I'll see you in a bit."I said kissing him

"But I don't want you to go ." He told me grabbing me when I tried to get up causing me to let out a laugh

"I have to, I promise to make it up to you in like 10 min meet me in the bathroom okay?" I told him

" Deal." He said letting me go

When I walked into Mariana's room Lexi had left and Mariana and Callie were talking

"Well, I don't know how to dance,"Callie told her

"Neither do we, Adriana is gonna teach us since she is a really good dancer,"Mariana told her

"Awe thank you Mari and don't worry the waltz is easy to learn."I told the girls

"Cool," Callie said

"Cool," Mariana said handing me a goody bag to fill then Lexi came back, and a couple of minutes later it was time to meet Jesus

"Hey, I have to go to the bathroom ladies," I said going to the bathroom

Me and Jesus we making out and Jesus had me against the door when it suddenly opened a bit "In here" Jesus said closing it

"Sorry." I heard Jude respond

"You didn't lock it?" I asked him

"I forgot but it's more exciting," He told me with a smirk

"Your crazy and I have to go before Mariana thinks I fell in or something," I told him

"Okay, I love you." He told me

"I love you too," I said giving him a quick kiss

I quickly went into Mariana's room, where she had a knowing smirk "You and Jesus were making out in the bathroom again weren't you?" she asked me

I laughed and my cheeks went red "Yeah sorry."

"It's cool as long as I don't walk in like last time." She told me shrugging her shoulders

"Again sorry about that," I told her

"So you and Jesus are doing good ?" Lexi asked me

"We're doing amazing actually. why?" I asked her

"No reason, my moms here I better go, "Lexi said quickly leaving

"That was weird," I told Mariana

"Tell me about it," she said


It was the next day and myself and Marianas court along with Talya were at my tia's dance studio so I could teach them how to waltz.

"Don't be shy. Place your right hand on your partner's waist." I said showing the correct placement with Jesus "And slightly around to the small of her back. Extend the left hand, Palm raised then girls rest your hand gently in his while the other hand goes up on his shoulder like so."I said placing my hands in the correct position"Okay Callie and Brandon come on up."

Once they did they did the placement but too far apart "Okay keep the position but get closer." I told them "In partner dancing, connection is key. So Brandon and Callie look into each other's eyes. Breathe. Connect." I then moved over to everyone"Okay Robby and Mariana for right now Lexi and Sam. Okay so now watch me and Jesus." We then showed everyone a quick waltz" Okay now Jesus switch with Robby since the day of you'll be dancing with her and Robby come with me. okay, everyone follow our lead." Robby and I danced for a bit before I broke away "Okay Robby keep dancing, Good job Callie and Brandon, You too Jesus and Mariana, Lexi you're a little stiff."

It ended up being pretty good. When I got home I ended up calling Larenzo and telling him about it.


Saturday rolled around and I went over next door to help Callie with her makeup.

"Hey Mi Rey Happy birthday," I told Jesus since he was waiting for me on his steps

"Thank you mi renia, you look beautiful," Jesus said kissing me

"Why thank you and you look handsome," I said as we walked to Marianas room

Callie already had her dress on and her hair done

"Happy birthday my soul sista. You look amazing and dare I say hot." I told Mariana after giving her a quick hug

"Thank you so do you," she said

After I did Callie makeup, it was time to go to the venue, Jesus ended up riding with me and my parents

"I'm gonna go find Mariana," I told my parents and Jesus and my parents

"Okay Kit Kat," my parents said at the same time Jesus said"Okay love, I'm gonna find one of my moms."

Lexi and I helped Mariana into her dress while Callie sat down since we didn't need her help. Lexi ended up giving Mariana her present which was a photo collage of the two of them and some of all three of us and they told Callie a story of how we met.

"I'm gonna wait to give my gift," I told Mariana while giving her a hug.

After they pulled apart Lena came in and we excused ourselves, I went to make sure my parents had the doll and when I came back Mariana seemed very upset and Lexi was missing and Mariana snapped at her when she came in.

They then introduced the court with Brandon and Lexi and Callie and Sam. Mike then came to do the father-daughter dance and Jesus came and stood by me and I held his hand Lexi turned to us "Is Mariana ok?" she asked

"She's fine," Jesus said

After they finished dancing we did our waltz during Mariana and Jesus seemed to be an a heated discussion.

Jesus and I had fun on the dance floor till it was time for presents

"Okay so my present is a little different but before I give it, I just want to say Mariana you have been one of my bestfriends since we were 5 and I asked you if you wanted to play dolls outside of my house and ever since then you been like a sister to me ,I love you and thank you for being born , Now to my amazing boyfriend Jesus , we've also been best friends since we were 5 and you asked me to marry you even though we just met, but you said anybody who can make me and my sister smile and laugh is amazing in my books and there's just something about you so will you do me the honer of being my wife, and even though I just met you and we were 5 I knew there was something special about you so I couldn't say no, I love you with all my heart and I'm glad to be your girlfriend, now I want you both to know I love you and you can come to me with anything , Happy Birthday and for everything I hope you enjoy this song I wrote for you'll with the help of Brandon so Brandon get your butt up here," I told the twins before getting on stage with my guitar and Brandon who was on my keyboard we somehow manged to sneek in.

Once the song was over I gave Brandon a hug and I noticed that the twins along with Stef and Lena had tears in their eyes, Jesus came up and kissed me "I love you so much." he told me when he pulled away Mariana pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"That was amazing, thank you for that my sista from another mister." She said

" No problem, like I said I love you my sista," I told her

After I sat down it was Stef and Lena's turn, they gave Jesus a skateboard which my parents also got him but luckily it had a different design. Lena and Stef also had a slideshow for the twins which made me cry. Jesus then pulled me aside to where no one could hear us.

"Adriana, I love you so much, please don't get too mad with what I'm about to tell you," Jesus said grabbing my hands

"Okay, Jesus you're scaring me. what is it ?" I asked him growing concern

"Okay so earlier Lexi kissed me now I didn't kiss her back I actually pushed her away and told her I love you and you're the only one for me and I would never do that to you but she has tried before and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, please don't break up with me." Jesus rambled making my jaw drop

"Relex Jesus while I'm mad that you didn't tell me sooner that she tried to kiss you, I'm glad that you didn't kiss her back but I'm extremely hurt and pissed that bitch would do that to me. Also, tell me how many times has the hoe tried to kiss you?" I asked him

"Twice but each time I moved out the way or changed the subject before she could." He told me.

"Well thank you for being honest and that puta has another thing coming for coming after what's mine," I told him

"While I love your feisty ness, she honestly not worth it." He said a bit shocked at my tone

"Your right but if tries it again I'm gonna use my 3 years in kickboxing on a bitch" I told with a smirk

" And I have no doubt you could take her but just know I'm yours and she'd be stupid to try and get in the way of that."

"Damn right and I'm yours which no one including some little puta can get in the way," I told him before bringing him into a kiss.

Later I ran into Lexi in the bathroom.

"Hey Adriana I'm sorry I kissed Jesus and tried to kiss him twice before, I wasn't thinking," Lexi told me

"While I appreciate you apologizing, It still doesn't make up for that fact you kissed him, If I were you I wouldn't try that again, and don't talk to me ever again," I told her with a menacing smirk

"I won't I promise," Lexi told me

"That's a smart move puta suica," I told her with a smirk and hitting her shoulder on the way out.

After I left the bathroom I ran into Mariana who told me about the kiss that she saw earlier and that she would have my back if I wanted to beat Lexi up, I laughed and told her Jesus already told me and that I wouldn't need her help just yet. and she apologized for not telling me sooner which I told her was ok I understood. After talking with her I went outside to call Lorenzo

(Adriana- Normal, Lorenzo- Italics)

"Hey sis"

"Hey bro, you will not believe what happened"


"So you know my friend Lexi ?"

"Yeah, What ha...."

"Lorenzo? hello? Lorenzo !?!" But it was too late the line was dead


A/n- ended on a cliffhanger what happened to Lorenzo? (Disclaimer I do not own The Fosters only Adriana and her storyline)

¿Cómo le queda?- how does it fit?

Más apretada-Tighter

Un Poco- A little

Como?- What?

Ella no tiene papá tiene dos mamás- She doesn't have a dad she has 2 moms

Que bueno- That's good

Padrino - Sponsor or godparents

la Familia- The Family

Mi rey puedes pasarme un cuchillo? - My king can you pass me a knife

por favor-Please

Cualquier cosa por ti mi renia- Anything for you my queen

Muchas gracias- Thank you so much

Puta- Bitch/Whore

Puta Sucia- Dirty Whore

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