Bedburg Hills

Por baylee12599

367 18 0

Kira Delta, a wolf with a secret that even she doesn't know about yet, moves to Bedburg Hills Wyoming before... Mais



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Por baylee12599


"She's waking up!" I heard someone yelling around me, "she's waking up! Go get Sarge!" I slowly opened my eyes. My head was pounding and my vision was blurry. I was slow to move around and it hurt to lift my head up. I heard footsteps approaching the room and a few people walked in. A man walked up to me and wrapped his fingers around my throat.

"So you're a loner wolf that thinks you can stomp around in vampire territory," he said angrily, "who are you?"

"I-I'm trying to get home," I coughed as he let me go, "I was taken, I got out. I'm just trying to get back home."

"Oh yeah?" he asked, "that's why you walked right in here. I know you heard us. We watched you. You didn't bow down though, you weren't scared. In fact your size, its quite um... what's the words, ah, intimidating. I haven't seen a wolf your size in a very very long time."

"I swear," I shook my head, "please. I-"

"I'll tell you what," he bent down in front of me, "you were on our land so we're gonna rough you up a bit. If you're still alive at the end of it then maybe, just maybe we'll let you go. We might just have ourselves some dinner though."

"I- I wouldn't do that," I shook my head, "my blood- it- it'll kill you." He took a few steps back without saying anything and then erupted in laughter.

"Your blood? Kill me?" he asked, "I've been around for many many years miss. I doubt your blood is any different than any other wolf I've eaten." Wait how? How has he eaten wolves... it has to be a bluff, right? Wolf blood is toxic to vampires so how.. can he drink it? "Shut her up," he stated, "bring her downstairs and chain her up. Come back and get me when it's done." He turned and walked out of the room. They shoved a rag in my mouth and the duct tape stuck to me firmly as they fixed it in place. They grabbed the chair and picked it up, moving me with it. I was taken to a different room and I was moved from the chair to a set of chains that dangled from the ceiling.

Please... please just let me go. Please.

They walked out of the room and Sarge walked back in. He held a metal rod that was so hot it was yellow and white at the end. He held it against my skin as it sizzled under the heat.

"Who sent you!" He yelled over my cries, "why are you here!" He ripped the duct tape from my face and pulled the rag from my mouth.

"I told you," I shook my head, "I'm just trying to get home. I live in Bedburg. P-please, please believe me."

"How long have you been gone?" He asked.

"I- I don't know," I shook my head, "I've been out here for over a week but I don't know exactly."

"Well," he bent down in front of me, put the rag back in and the tape back on. He stared into my eyes, "one, wolves aren't so strong when they're alone. We've learned that. Two, we don't let people on our land. They come in, they don't leave. So, it doesn't look like you're making it home. Three, it's a full moon tomorrow night. My guys are gonna have a little fun with you since we haven't had anyone in our parts for a while, and then when that moon rises and you turn, we'll let you go. And since you've been so nice, I'll give you a chance to get out but you have to get out. You have to outrun us. So we'll see." He stuck the rod against my chest, tracing it from should to shoulder. I did my best not to make it sound like I was in pain... but gosh, I was hurting.

I felt helpless. Tired.

"Alright!" He spun around, "I'm going home. Tell the others she's down here. No bites yet, just fun. I don't want her dead though. Not till tomorrow night."

"You want me to tell everyone sir?" The other vampire asked, "like, all of us?"

"All of us," Sarge nodded and looked back at me, "I want every single vampire down here to partake in this. We've had too many of our own die at the bite of these beings. We take this seriously." Instantly I felt my heart sink. I knew this was going to be bad and I knew I was going to pay the price for those I don't even know. They all walked out and they locked the door behind them, locking me in the room. I tried to listen but I could hear nothing. Sound proof rooms, smart.

Within minutes other vampires started walking in and I was amazed at how many there were. I can't even talk to any of them, I can't do anything. I can only hang here and just... take it...

It's now been 6 days since Jace has been out here, only the second day for us.

"Can we stop for a few minutes?" Alex questioned, "I'm hungry and I'm tired. Please. For a few minutes."

"Fine," I sighed and formed a barrier around us to protect us from the elements. I tossed the bag of food in front of me and sat down, "for a few minutes but we have to get going. It's already almost sunset and I feel like we've barely gotten anywhere today."

"Yeah because we can barely see," Jace sighed, "the snow and the rain, it's making it hard to navigate. Not to mention the temperatures. Patches of my fur are literally freezing sometimes as we go."

"I get it," I nodded my head, "mine does the same thing. I get it. But we'll be fine, we can survive this because we've got everything we need. We just need to find her and get home."

"I hope we haven't missed her," Jace sighed, "like passed her... I hope we-"

"We will find her," Esme nodded, "we will." He nodded his head and the boys ate before we set off again. Before long the sun started to set and I watched the full moon start to make its way into the sky. We followed her trail to a dead end. It's like instead of walking she turned to going in the trees.

"Guys something isn't right," Jace shook his head as he spoke quietly, " I think someone's here with-" suddenly I felt a force that was able to put me on the ground. Before I could do anything I was tied in ropes soaked with wolfsbane. As I regained awareness I saw that the others were in the same predicament. I sat for a few seconds as I watched all the vampires crowd around us, trying to form a plan. Im faster than all them, stronger... I can use my magic and I can just... I can kill them. Right now. Okay, Esme, you can do this. You can. They might have Kira, you have to get free of this.

Just like that I broke the ropes around me, "stagno!" I watched as all of them stopped moving around me. Some were already running towards me, others were still trying to figure out what happened. I grabbed a large limb, breaking it into multiple larger pieces and piercing each vampire through the heart. "Okay," I breathed out and broke my spell, untying them and looking around.

"That's a lot of vampires," Alex shook nervously, "like that's a lot in one area."

"It is," I nodded my head, "which means there's others. So everyone be on the look out. Let's go." We all started making our way back through the woods. Before long the moon was high in the sky, Jace and Justin had already shifted. Alex clearly wasn't going to and I didn't feel like it yet, I feel like I might need my powers as a witch before I'll need them as a wolf. Good thing though, if Jace or Justin get bitten the vampires will die and they're wounds will heal. Wolf blood is toxic to vampires.

The four of us stopped when we heard blood curtailing screams tear their way through the trees. Jace took off running and we didn't have any other choice but to follow him. We came upon a building that other vampires surrounded. We all walked out in front of them and when they came for us, we put them down. When we ran into the building we were shocked to see the amount of vampires. Tons of them, too many for me to count. Luckily it's like they didn't notice we were in here. The room reeked of just heat, sweat and blood.

"What do we do?" Justin questioned.

"We blend in," I linked with his mind and then Jaces, "hoods up. Act like the crowd. Cheer, do whatever you need to." They nodded their heads and walked into the crowd. I turned to Alex.

"I get it," he nodded, "I know what to do." I nodded my head and he turned and walked into them. I started to do the same, trying to make my way around all of them. I was having no luck, it felt like a sea of people.

"Kira!" He screamed out, "Kira!" Shit. Cover blown. I started in his direction, preparing myself for what was about to come.

Everyone around me was jumping and cheering. They had ahold of someone is what it sounded like. I was trying to find that person, terrified that it was Kira. But that wouldn't make sense, our blood can kill vampires so it wouldn't make sense for them to bite her.

I made my way around and made a 180° turn. An opening was made in the people and that's when I saw her.

"Kira!" I yelled out, "Kira!" I started running towards her but was grabbed by two others just before I could get to her. They were feeding on her... so many of them were feeding on her...

I swung my arms around and freed my arms from the vampires holding me. I watched as Esme started to fight the ones attached to her, breaking their necks and ripping their hearts out. I felt the teeth of a vampire sink into the back of my neck and I felt paralyzed, like I couldn't move. I hit my knees and my vision slowly started to fade in and out. Justin ran up to me, eating the others off me and pulling me towards Kira and Esme.

"We're outnumbered big time," he spoke quickly to Esme, "there's too many. Where's Alex?"

"I-I don't know," Esme shook her head, "I can't see him."

"Can't you use your magic?" He asked.

"There's too many," she shook her head, "oh my god but I can do this." She knelt down and grabbed Kiras arm. I watched as Esmes hand and arm started to glow.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm siphoning her," I nodded my head, "it's going to make me stronger temporarily. But we need that right now. Get down."

"What about Alex?" I questioned, "he-" I watched her hold her hand up and she whispered something but I couldn't make out the words. It was in a different language. Wooden spikes started to form in mid air and I was completely amazed watching it happen. She flicked her wrist forward, sending them flying towards the Group of vampires. They struck each and every one in the heart. She did it again, and again. Eventually Alex ran from the crowd and when I finally healed I joined the two of them in killing the others. "Get us out of here," I ran up to her, "if Kira can do a teleportation spell then you can too right?"

She shook her head, "no but for some reason I have an idea. I haven't done it before but-"

"Do it," I nodded, "get us out of here." She nodded her head and held her hand up again. I looked down at Kira and she slowly lifted her arm up with Esme. The two of them started talking and when Esme saw Kira doing it, she started to smile. I watched a green light form in midair.

"Go!" She yelled, "go go go. Me and her will follow." I stared at her for a few seconds and then stepped through. Justin and Alex followed me, and she managed to grab Kira. She set her down on the couch and took off downstairs. I went quickly to her side and grabbed her hand.

"What the hell happened!" Kai yelled as he came down the stairs. I assume Rowan is upstairs resting still.

"Vampires happened," Justin spun around, "vampires that drink wolf blood happened."

"Wolf blood?" Kai asked, "I thought that was t-"

"Toxic," Justin nodded, "it is. Normally. But they could. There were tons and they were like... feeding on her. As if it was making them... stronger?" He looked up at me, "dude. What if that's why. You noticed a difference in the ones feeding on me compared to the others didn't you? They were stronger than others in the crowd, but not just a normal stronger. But stronger."

"I was bit before I really got to her," I shook my head and looked down, "I felt paralyzed by their bite. Like... I don't know, I can't explain it. But her, she- she uh, well look for yourself. She was bitten so many times I don't know how she's alive. I guess because she's a tribred, I don't know. It has to be." I felt her fingers touch my jaw and her hand very slowly slid onto my cheek.

"I-I- I'm so- s-sorry," she stammered, "I l-love you so- so much."

"Hey you're not going anywhere," I set my hand on her cheek, "we're gonna heal you. You're gonna be okay."

"T-too m-many," she shook her head in pain, slowly, "s-say it."

"No," I shook my head, "fight it. Kira you can fight this, you can. We all need you here, you're alpha. We need you. So dammit, fight!" She looked at me for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and nodding her head. Esme ran back up from the basement and poured a green liquid into her mouth. "What is that?" I asked, "what will it do?" Kiras eyes closed and she slouched over.

"That and it's going to heal her from the inside out," she nodded, "she'll be out for a while but when she wakes up, she'll be okay. Those vampires aren't regular vampires. Their bite contains this toxin that basically overrides the wolf toxin, reversing it and making it toxic to us. Our own blood. It's takes a lot to kill someone but with the amount she received, I won't take the chance." I nodded my head and stood up. "How are you feeling?" She asked, "I know you were bitten too."

"It's a pain," I chuckled, "but it's alright now. At first I felt like I couldn't move but I'm all good now."

"Good it's almost out of your system," she nodded, "you'll be okay." I looked down at her.

"She isn't gonna be happy that we missed Christmas," I shook my head, "it'll upset her."

"We haven't missed New Years yet," Esme smirked, "we can open gifts when she wakes up, celebrate the new year and hope for me beginnings... literally."

"What if we move?" I asked, "what if we just did some research, found somewhere without a pack and just.. moved there? Do you think she'd go for it?"

"Maybe," she nodded, "I'm not sure. I think it's something worth talking about though. I'm open to it. I wanna get out of this town, too much bad has happened here. With Cassie gone, Falco and Jazz gone and both your dad figures gone... we really have nothing to worry about right?"

"Zaj," I sighed, "Jazzs brother or something. I think. And we aren't sure if Jazz is dead. We can assume Falco is, but I don't know about Jazz."

"Yeah and I wouldn't have been able to hear their heart beats," she sighed, "because they're dead witches technically."

"So how could they even do all that?" I asked, "if they're dead? How does that even work?"

"They're strong witches," I nodded, "I'm not sure how they do it. They wouldn't tell us but they're strong. I'm sure they can do much more." I nodded my head and she walked over to Justin. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to his feet, "come on, let's go shower." He smirked and the two of them went upstairs making sexual slurs.

"I'm right here," I held my arms out, "I don't wanna hear that." They laughed and headed into his room, shutting the door. "Hey!" I covered Kiras ears with my hands before yelling, "protection! Don't be stupid!" Kai laughed and honestly, I had forgotten he was downstairs with me.

"So whats the plan?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I walked into the kitchen.

"With the vampires," he wondered, "did you kill all of them or something?"

"We killed a lot of them," I nodded my head as I started to make some food, "we were able to get out pretty quick once we killed a majority off but not all of them no."

"Do you think they'll come looking for you?" He asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "I hope not. Justin had the thought that Kira's blood was making them stronger. Which I believe. Then the stuff about their bites becoming toxic to us, it crazy. Nerve racking. I hope they don't come looking. There was quite the army of them. I don't think they knew any of us, not sure about Kira. We haven't really had the chance to talk."

"Yeah I'm sorry," he sighed, "I'm sure it's scary. I mean, Rowan being a human and all scares me. He's already dealt with a lot."

"Well he's in it too deep now," I nodded, "enemies know he exists and knows of this world, our world. He's safest with us. Any regular vampire click would kill him, and any wolf pack wouldn't allow the two of you. They're too big of a risk because humans finding out is a big deal. We already dealt with humans finding out many many years ago, it didn't end well."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well it was a story that was shown to me by a witch when I first found out I was a wolf and was able to go out. My adoptive dad was a dick but anyways," I nodded, "I can retell it. I just want you to know I didn't live through it, but my pack ancestors did." He nodded his head.

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