oh, shit // bnha

Da elisimone_

150K 6.9K 3K

imagine how embarrassing it would be to fall into a classroom full of 16 year-olds in your pajamas ? eli is j... Altro



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Da elisimone_




When Eli woke, she was certainly not in a desirable situation. In a secluded room, with a one-way window. She was clearly in a hospital bed though, one of her wrists cuffed to the bed. Her mouth was dry, and she found herself coughing because of it. 

But, this seemed to come with a price, and she winced at the pain in her torso. 

"Wh-" Eli was cut off by her coughing. 

She clenched her teeth together in pain, the pain in her torso growing as she did.

Suddenly, her heart rate sped up a lot, which she could tell from the rapid beeping next to her. Her skin grew hot and her fingers twitched, which made her have to reign in a small scream of pain from her hand. 

Her breathing sped up even more, and her eyes shot around the room in a panic. It was empty, and this made her tense up even more. Nothing but blurry objects and such, which made her groan loudly in pain as she scooted back in fear. 

Suddenly, the door opened, making Eli look over at the door with wide eyes, seeing a small lady look at her in shock before she squeaked in surprise.  

"Wait-" Eli tried, but the woman had already scurried out the room and shut the door loudly, making her flinch even more. 

She coughed loudly at the sudden words, her throat hurting before she let out yet another groan from the movement. 

Eli shivered despite her overheating body, and not a minute later, the door opened again making her look at it hastily. Tears brimmed her eyes as she stared at the familiar tuff of lavender hair, long blonde, and messy black hair. 

"Eli!" Hitoshi said rushing forward and with squinted eyes, she smiled at him. Just at their presence, she felt her body calm down, her breathing slowing as she felt a little safer. 

"I'm sorry, it's only 2 at a time," a nurse tried but was hit with a fierce glare from a pair of black eyes. 

"I-I'm sure um, we can make an exception," the nurse said with wide eyes and blushy cheeks. 

"Hmph," Hizashi said before he closed the door and wheeled his husband over to the hospital bed that Eli resided in. 

"What the hell is wrong with you Eli, you could've gotten yourself killed," Hitoshi said instantly, pulling a chair up on the other side of her bed, Hizashi wheelings Shouta over to which, Hizashi pulled a chair up as well. 

"I-" Eli tried, but found herself coughing again as her words scratched aggressively at her throat. 

"Oh honey, here," Hizashi said, getting up to pour her a glass of water. He handed to her when he sat back down. 

Eli immediately began drinking the water, breathing a small sigh of relief at the coolness of it but sighed as she had to lean over to drink it because her good hand was cuffed to the bed. And let me tell you, this was not good for her ribs. 

"Mr. Aizawa would've died, t-that thing was killing him," Eli said with a cough at the end, but she sighed a bit after that. 

"All Might was on his way, I would've been fine," Shouta told her. Granted, his arm was still broken, and Eli had saved him some thick bandaging from Recovery Girl, he still didn't like that she put herself in harm's way because of him. 

"I don't even know All Might, why would I rely on someone I don't even know? Symbol of peace my ass, more like the symbol of tardiness. If anything I was waiting for Hizashi to start screaming," Eli grumbled, before grunting as she sat up straighter. Her free, but a broken, hand reached up to rub her torso softly as she sighed. 

Hizashi loosed a chuckle at that, leaning forward to place his hand on the side of her. With squinted eyes, Eli leaned towards him with confused eyes. 

"Are you crying?" she asked, slowly bringing her hand up to touch his cheek, not that she could feel any moisture through the bandages that coated her fingers. 

Hizashi didn't know how to feel, but he did know how bad he did. He couldn't fathom the fear she felt when she held his husband and stared, terrified, of the huge heroes in front of her. How she stood, with broken ribs and hand, still trying to protect him, disoriented, and not herself. 

How could this little girl...

"O-Oh, that reminds me," Hizashi said sniffing a bit, leaning back to reach his hand into his inner jacket pocket to pull out some glasses. 

"Kaminari picked them up," Hizashi said before he opened them. 

"Let me," he said, eyeing her hand before she nodded a bit before she let him slide the glasses on her face. Blinking her eyes a bit, she sighed in relief as she saw things clearly. 

Shouta, loosed a small breath before he chuckled a bit. 

"Thank you kid, really," Shouta said, wearing a small, grateful smile as if she now couldn't see his red puffy eyes. 

Eli's eyes softened as she looked at the pair, turning to look at Hitoshi only for her to see a similar sight. Adjusting, she sighed as she looked down. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. One minute I'm carrying Bakugo and Kirishima out of a building, next thing I know I'm biting a beating heart," she said sighing shaking her head before her head shot up to look at them. 

"I don't know why I did that, honestly," she said frantically, only to hear Hitoshi laughing lightly as he looked at her. 

"Very hardcore," he chided, but Eli could only roll her eyes as she joined him in his small chuckle. 

Then, the door opened, Hizashi making haste to wipe any of his stray tears. 

"Excuse me?" said a voice, looking over to see an older man in a white coat. 

"Yes?" Shouta asked, a little annoyed at the interruption. 

The man held a clipboard with some papers stacked on it and adjusted his glasses as he walked forward. 

"Hello, my name is Dr.Tanaka," the doctor started, making Eli's eyes widen a bit as she heard the familiar name. 

'It's common, it's a common name,' she told herself.  

"Hello," Eli said, going to wave with her good hand, thoroughly forgetting that she was handcuffed to the bed. 

"Oh, sorry about that, and well, this secluded room. They were per request of a couple of high-ranking heroes that I can't disclose, but to put it simply, they believed you were dangerous. Mr. Present Mic made it so that we were able to secure you so lightly," the doctor said, wearing a sympathetic smile. 

Eli furrowed her eyebrows a bit, looking over at her handcuffed hand once more before she looked back at the doctor. He cleared his throat before he continued. 

"We did some studies on your Quirk, and we found that a woman a couple of decades ago had a similar Quirk, she called it Dark Fae," he said looking over the chart in his hand. Eli only nodded at him to keep going. 

"Although she said that she could talk to the winds themselves," the doctor said, him and the other men in the room looking at her expectantly. 

Eli's eyes widened as she felt an unknown breeze sneak around her neck, and nuzzle her cheek. Her head leaned into it unconsciously. 

"Yeah, I hear... them. I just wasn't sure how to explain without sounding insane," she chuckled, hearing the small child-like laughs in her ears, knowing it was the winds. 

"Can you maybe elaborate?" the doctor asks. 

"Well, I heard them the day I first flew. I opened the window because I was a little warm, the next thing you know, someon- something was talking to me. Sometimes they sound like kids, and other times they sound like adults," Eli explained with a shrug, wincing at the movement, making the doctor's eyes soften. 

"Ah, and about your injuries. Your hand is broken as you can see, and Recovery Girl came to partly heal it because it seems that um... Nomu shattered a couple of your fingers. Your hand is still partly broken, but she says she will come by again to heal the rest once you've eaten and rested," he explained with a nod before he kept going.

"As for your ribs, 4 of them were broken, and 2 were bruised. I'm, uh, actually kind of surprised because some eye-witness accounts say that you were on your feet for at least a couple of minutes and even carried Mr.Erasurehead in this state, but I've deduced it was adrenaline. Recovery Girl healed 2 of the broken ones after we arranged them properly, and what she said earlier about your hand, stands as well," the doctor said with a nod. 

Eli sighed as she rubbed her stomach, closing her eyes as she thought back to how she used to leave. 

"You'll be discharged in 2-3 days, until then, I'll see if I can get you moved to a more comfortable room, preferably a room with a window that can open. Also, uh, All Might, Vlad King, and Nezu are outside," the doctor informed. 

Hizashi's eyes darkened before he stood up abruptly. 

"I'll deal with them," he said, Shouta and Hitoshi saying nothing as he walked out the door with the doctor. 

Eli stared at his back curiously before he was out of her sight. 

"What was that about?" she asked. 

"Don't worry about it right now, we'll explain when you're better," Shouta said before throwing on a convincing smirk. 

"And, I thought I told you to call me Shouta," he said with a chuckle. 




"Are you out of your fucking mind right now!?" Hizashi asked, tempted to use his Quirk on the two heroes as Nezu sat on his shoulder. 

"You can't blame us for being suspicious, when we got there, she was taking a bite of that Nomu's heart!" Vlad said gesturing to the door. 

"The doctor will explain it, mind you that she doesn't know this yet, and will not until she is fully healed," Hizashi said, keeping a steady glare on both of them. 

'How dare they call her a villain! HER?!' Hizashi raged in his mind. 

"Okay then," All Might said, crossing his arm, but even Hizashi could see he was straining to keep up that buff form. 

"May I suggest that we move this conversation elsewhere first?" Nezu spoke up from on Hizashi's shoulder. He glanced at the Principle, before nodding, walking off to an empty hospital bed, a room the doctor told them Eli would more than likely be transferred to tomorrow. 

"She has a Quirk similar to one that someone had in the past. It's called Dark Fae, and apparently, when she gets mad enough, well... the woman who once had the Quirk called it Rage. Her Quirk seems to already give her enhanced strength, but apparently, when she goes into this Rage mode, she becomes more..." Hizashi trailed off, trying to find the right words.

"Uncontrollable, even within herself," Hizashi said with a shrug. 

"Luckily, it looks like she's able to remember what she'd done because she remembers biting that Nomu's heart, but I can't say for certain that it will remain like this since I doubt that is how mad she can get," Hizashi said with a nod. 

"So that tells you, yeah? This girl, Eli, can't be allowed to roam UA as she pleases, especially if she contains this much unchecked power," Vlad said with a shake of his head. 

"I... disagree," All Might said with a sigh, making Vlad look at him with surprise, him along with Hizashi. 

"She's young, and from what I hear, she got her Quirk not even 3 days ago, got here not even 3 days ago, so where is going to go huh? It's unfair to treat someone like this purely based on if they can or can't regulate their Quirk," All Might said with a shake of his head, poofing into his smaller form for emphasis. 

"I made the mistake of assuming she was bad, especially since you gave me the details on her since I was here for your little interrogation. That's my fault," All Might said eying Vlad himself, remembering how he was the one who told him everything about the mysterious girl. 

'I should've known he'd be biased, he was always picky about these things' Toshinori thought. 

"Plus, Ms.Eli is a special circumstance, and I think you'll be rather interested in her after you listen to what I have to say All Might," Nezu said with a small smile on his face. 

Hizashi, All Might, and Vlad King could only look at each other in worry. 




Hizashi had come back and wheeled his husband to the cafeteria, in order to retrieve all of them some food. 

"So, I miss anything funny?" Eli asked as she turned to look at Hitoshi, who only looked rather with a complex set of emotions in his eyes. Eli's eyes sprang worry. 

"W-what's wrong?" she asked. 

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Hitoshi said rather loudly as he stood up from the chair he was once sitting in. The abruptness made Eli flinch harshly before she let out a hiss of pain. 

Hitoshi's eyes soften as he saw it, squeezing his eyes shut as he turned away, trying his best to get the tears that threatened to fall to retreat back to where they were. 

Eli was the only person outside of his fathers to accept his Quirk for how it was. She popped into his life and had only been around for a couple of days, but still, she managed to worm her way into his heart. She was supposed to be his best friend. 

And maybe he could've made a friend out of anybody, maybe if he put himself out there more, he'd find people who wouldn't judge him? But that didn't matter, because at the end of the day, he didn't, but here laid Eli. 

Instead of worrying about the obvious pain she was in, Eli looked at him worried, her bad hand raising to touch reach out to him, it being the only way she could. 

The... sight of her broken, mangled hand made him wince back. 

Hitoshi could only go back to squeezing his eyes shut once more. 

"We... we're supposed to be best friends," he said, his throat tightening at the sentence. 

"W-what? But, we are-" Eli tried. 

"Best friends don't die on each other! You said, that you would cheer me on, that you would always be on my side! You can't do that 6 ft under!" Hitoshi yelled at her, puffy red teary eyes glaring at harshly. 

Hitoshi watched as she retracted her hand back only to begin pulling at the handcuff on her wrist unintentionally. 

"I didn't try to die, it's just that Mr.Aizawa-" she tried, but she was cut off once again. 

"Dad would've been fine, he has experience, and All Might would've gotten there before anything like that happened! So, why?! Why didn't you wait-" Hitoshi exclaimed, but he was cut off. 

"You weren't there! You didn't see what I saw, he... he was going to die, I know he was!" Eli said, back, her wrist still yanking at the cuff. 

"Oh, what?! So you thought, oh, LET ME JUST SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR SOMEONE I'VE KNOWN FOR 4 DAYS?!" Hitoshi shouted back at her. 




And, with one final, though unintentional yank at her wrist and the handcuff snapped, making both of them silence as they stared at her now free wrist. 



Laughter echoed around the hospital room, neither of them knowing who laughed first or why exactly this was so funny in the first place. All they knew is that soon they had to stop because all the laughter and all that yelling really made Eli's ribs hurt. 

Hitoshi loosed a sigh. 

"I'm sorry for getting mad and yelling at you," he said, sitting beside her on the rather large hospital bed. 

"I'm sorry for almost dying," she apologized as well, Hitoshi chuckling just a little as they leaned against the now elevated head of the bed. 

Who were they kidding, they couldn't stay mad at each other, they were friends, best friends. Eli was one of the first, actual friend he had, and Hitoshi was the first person that didn't make her feel out of place in this world. 

"Friends?" Eli asked, Hitoshi rolling his eyes as he answered. 

"Best friends... stupid," 




2823 words. 

worried brother hitoshi has my heart fr 

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