Weird. Horrible. Ass. Town. G...

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Adrain Pines is the oldest adopted son of the Pines family, who unfortunately had to leave for the summer alo... المزيد

Chapter 1 Summer Break
Chapter 2 GobbleWonker
Chapter 3 Wax Murder
Chapter 4 Unwanted Relationship
Chapter 5 Inconveniencing
Chapter 6 Irrational Treasure
Chapter 7 Time Paradox
Chapter 8 Fight Fighter
Chapter 9 Mindful Break Up
Chapter 10 Late Night Talk
Chapter 11 No Family
Chapter 12 Dreamscape
Chapter 13 Gideon Rising
Chapter 14 Zombie Oke
Chapter 15 Into The Bunker
Chapter 16 Home Alone
Chapter 17 The Opra Of Socks
Chapter 18 Limited Time
Chapter 19 Turning A Blind Eye
Chapter 20 Untimely Revenge
Chapter 22 Reunions
Chapter 23 Backstory Time Pt 1
Chapter 24 Backstory Time Pt 2
Chapter 25 None Of That...
Chapter 26 Pure Of Scam
Chapter 27 Roadside Pranking
Chapter 28 Second Chances
Chapter 29 Weirdmageddon
Chapter 30 Back To Reality
Chapter 31 Take Back The Falls
(Finale) Chapter 32 Summer's End

Chapter 21 Love

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No one's POV

Currently, at the cemetery, Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Nate, Tambry, Lee, and Thompson are watching the sky and pointing at clouds, as Adrain was laying on Wendy's lap asleep.

Mabel: Whoa! That cloud looks like a chipmunk! (Points to a cloud shaped like an animal; an airplane flies out of its "mouth")

Wendy: Barfing an airplane!

Dipper: It does.

Thompson: (Points to a waffle-shaped cloud) Uh, that looks like... uh, a cloud!

Lee: Boo!

Wendy: Thompson, stop being the worst at everything.

Thompson: (Chuckles) Sorry guys.

Mabel: Look at the clouds! Ooh! That cloud looks like a big heart-shaped balloon!

Dipper: Clouds don't come in colors. That is a balloon.

Wendy: Oh dude! It's the Woodstick festival.

Dipper: Wait, the wood what?

Wendy looked down at Adrain and smacked his face, walking him up.

Adrain: Oww! Stop doing that!

Wendy: Wake up, Ad. You need to hear this too.

Adrain: ...-_-...Hear what?

Wendy: About the Woodstick Festival.

Adrain: The what...?

Wendy: It's this annual outdoor concert featuring Oregon's up and coming indie bands. (Takes Tambry's cell phone out of her hands)

Tambry: Hey!

Wendy swipes through several images of the bands.

Wendy: They're all coming!

Scarves Indoors,

Wood Grain on Everything,

the Love God! You've probably seen him in that viral video.

Adrain: ...-_-... Did you really wake me up to show me some shity hipster band, people who want to be trees and some fat dude that looks like a homeless Cupid..?

Wendy: Come on. Ad, their indie bands.

Adrain: I don't give a rat's ass if their a high school band...Hipsters + Shity music = Shity Hipster band...

Dipper: Whoa! Like a real concert concert? I've never actually been to one of those before.

Wendy: That's because you've never had an awesome crew to roll with before! (She points at Nate, Lee, Mabel and Thompson sitting together; Thompson is holding a dirty sponge)

Lee: Come on, Thompson!

Lee & Nate: (Chanting:) Lick that sponge! Lick that sponge!

Thompson: (Groans and licks the dirty sponge)

Lee, Nate, & Mabel: (Laughing) Oh!

Nate: Can't believe he's doing it!

Lee: (Laughs) What are you doing man?

Adrain: ...-_-... The peer pressure in this group needs to be dialed back by 10...

Wendy: When you're with us, you're in! (Points at Dipper)

Suddenly, everyone heard groaning, as everyone other then Adrain looked worried.

Mabel: Ghosty sounds! Cemetery ghosty sounds! (Shakes Dipper)

Everyone got up and followed the sound of groaning.

Wendy: It's coming from that open grave.

Nate: You look! (Elbows Lee)

Lee: No, you look! (Pushes Nate)

Adrain just rolled his eyes and walked up to the open grave.

Mabel: Be careful, Addy!

Adrain looked down inside the grave, and after seeing what was in there, he just sighed.

Wendy: Ad, what is it?

Everyone walked over and saw Robbie inside the grave, groaning with a picture of Wendy.

Tambry: Ugh! It's even creepier than I expected.

Robbie: (Groans) Why did she leave me?

Adrain: ...-_-... I mean, I could make around 5 pages on why...

Wendy: Robbie?

Robbie: Wendy! Oh. Uh. (Chuckles nervously) Hey. What's up? Just hanging out in this grave, you know. Regular. Regular day for me.

Adrain: So you just spend every day just in here...?

Lee: Whoa, dude. We haven't seen you in, like a million years. Where have you been?

Wendy: You're not still mourning our break up, are you?

Robbie: What? No way! (Glances at picture of Wendy and then quickly hides it)

Wendy: (Rubbing the back of her neck nervously) Robbie, we split up forever ago. Despite everything you did, It's really sweet you'd throw yourself into a grave for me but, man, time to move on. I'm dating Ad now.

Robbie looked completely and utterly shocked.

Robbie: W-What?! You're dating him now?! And for your information, I've totally moved on!

Robbie's phone started to ring.

Cell phone ringtone: (Robbie singing:) Wendy, I miss you so much. I'll never move on. Never ever.

Robbie: (Eyes still on Wendy, Robbie throws cell phone back. It hits the headstone, breaking) That was a different Wendy. Unrelated Wendy.

Adrain: ...-_-... Uh, huh...

Lee: (Quietly, to Nate:) Dude, this is getting really awkward.

Tambry: Yeah, the cemetery used to be fun; now it's just depressing.

Everyone but Mabel starts walking away, as she looked at Robbie, sighing as he grabs a shovel and begins to shovel dirt onto his head.

Mabel: Wait! You guys! He's in pain. We can't just ditch him here.

Adrain: Yeah we can, it just involves me walking that way.

Dipper: Come on, Mabel, it's Robbie.

Mabel: But he's suffering. How can I be happy if I know someone else is sad? It totally throws off my happiness chart.

Adrain looked up in the sky and saw a bird flying by.

Adrain: Oh wow, look! There's that flying fuck I was going to give to Robbie, but too bad it's flying in the opposite direction.

Dipper: Mabel, trust me. If there's one thing I've learned this summer, it's not to get mixed up in needless romantic drama.

Adrain: ...-_-... There's a lot of things you should've learned this summer, if I'm being honest...

Dipper: Whatever... Besides, we're finally in with Wendy's friends. With Robbie gone, there's a good social balance. Maybe we should let the good thing be, you know.

As Adrain and Dipper walked away, Mabel looked back at Robbie.

Robbie: (To a nearby vulture:) Just eat me already, man. (Vulture squawks and attacks) Ah! I was just being dramatic! Quit it! Ow! Ow! My face! Vulture!

Mabel: ...


After leaving the cemetery, Wendy and Adrain were sitting on the counter together, as Dipper and Mabel were standing next to them.

Wendy: Oh, man. I'm sorry you guys had to see that.

Mabel: You know what Robbie needs? A new girl! Romance is like gum. Once it's lost its flavor, you just cram another one in. (Chews wad of gum)

Adrain: ...-_-... Mabel, that's not how that works... Not even close...

Wendy: Says the guy who just got his first girlfriend a few weeks ago.

Adrain: ...-_-... I'm sorry, how long is your list of Ex's again?

Wendy: Mabel, Ad's right. It's not that easy.

Adrain: Yeah, that's what I thought.

Mabel: It is if you're the world's greatest matchmaker! I've never had an unhappy customer; like Soos and Melody

Everyone looked over and saw Soos and Melody video chatting.

Soos: Watch this. (As he gradually bends down behind the cardboard box:) Walking down some actual stairs. (Melody giggles; from behind the box:) Did it look cool?

Melody: (Giggles) The coolest.

Adrain: Yeah, it only took this town's version of Five nights at Freddy's and something's name, that will not be mentioned to do so...

Mabel: Doesn't matter! Match made! And then, of course, there's Waddles and Gompers.

Gompers, who is wearing a wedding veil made of saran wrap. Tin cans are tied to him with string and Waddles duck taped to his side. Wedding music plays, Gompers bleats, and then eats the saran wrap-veil.

Mabel: Match made!

Adrain: ...-_-... Mabel, if you try to match make Sif with anything, I'm setting your sweater collection on fire...

Mabel: Dang it...!

Wendy: That might work for a goat and a pig, but Robbie's a hopeless case.

Mabel: Hopeless case, ehhh?


Currently, at Thompson's house inside the garage where Adrain, Dipper, Wendy and her friends are at.

Lee & Nate: (Chanting as they duck tape snacks onto Thompson:) More snacks! More snacks!

Thompson: I'm just happy to be included— (Nate puts tape over Thompson's mouth and Thompson's speech is muffled)

Wendy: Ha! This is brilliant. The perfect way to sneak cheap snacks into the concert, and it was all Dipper's idea.

Lee and Nate: Woo! Nice.

Wendy: Well done.

Nate: Ideas!

Lee: (Bending down and placing a hand on
Dipper's shoulder) Kid, I sense greatness in you.

Dipper: (Chuckles) Oh, well, I don't know about-

Lee: (Lifting Dipper up onto his shoulders) —Greatness!

Wendy: Alright, now everyone go home and finish getting ready for the concert.

Nate: Hey, don't wait up, Tambers.

Tambry: Don't call me Tambers.

As Adrain was getting ready to head out, Wendy grabbed his arm.

Wendy: Oh, where do you think you're going?

Adrain: Home.

Wendy: Nope, you're coming with me, I already picked out in outfit for you. You need to wear something else other then the long coat, dude.

Adrain: ...-_-... I can tell you this right now, I'm not dressing up as a hippy...

Wendy: Dude, I'm not stupid, I already know that isn't your style. Just trust me.

Adrain: Ugh...Fine...

Adrain then followed Wendy home and she gave him the outfit she picked out for him, as he looked surprised at it.

Adrain: Huh...

Wendy: Well?

Adrain: Not gonna lie... I like it.

Wendy: I knew you would. I thought it went with your style. Now close your eyes.

Adrain: Why?

Wendy: Because I need to get changed, dude. Or unless you want to see me strip...

Wendy said swaying her hips, as Adrain just looked at her annoyed, sitting on her bed looking away from her.

Adrain's thoughts: I swear, such a pain in the ass...

After about 15 minutes, Wendy had finally finished charging.

Wendy: Alrighty, Ad, feast your eyes!

Adrain then looked over at Wendy and was surprised by her outfit, making him blush a bit.

Wendy: So? What do you think?

Adrain: I, uh... it looks great on you...

Wendy: What's your favorite thing about it? My legs being visible or being able to see my stomach?

Wendy said smirking, as Adrain looked at her annoyed.

Adrain: ...-_-...I would've said your stomach, but since someone's eaten one too many slices of pizza, I'm starting to see some chub on you.

Wendy just rolled her eyes and leaned on the bed, pulling Adrain down.

Wendy: You do realize any normal girl would've smacked the shit out of you for saying that, right?

Adrain: Well, lucky for me, you're not a normal girl.

Wendy: Yeah, lucky.

Wendy then leaned down and kissed Adrain, as he kissed her back.


After getting dressed, Adrain and Wendy met everyone back at Thompson's garage, ready for the concert.

Wendy; All right. Who's ready for the best and most overpriced day of our summer?! (All cheer)

Thompson: (Holding up trail mix and safety whistles) I brought a baggie of trail mix and safety whistles, in case we get separated.

Dipper: (Pretending to clear throat:) Lame.

Lee: This kid is a champion.

Nate: We're just waiting on Tambry. Can't leave without Tambry.

Mabel; (Walks in, holding her happiness chart) Sorry, guys, but Tambry's a little busy at the moment. Wink. Wink.

Nate: What does that mean? Why are you winking?

Mabel: Let's just say she and Robbie took a trip to Smoochville. Now everyone's happy.

Adrain: What? You actually made them a thing?

Nate: Wait, wait. Robbie and Tambry? This can't be happening.

Mabel: How's that?

Nate: He knew I liked her! How could he do this?

Lee: Whoa, hold it. You like Tambry and you told Robbie but not me?

Nate: You always make fun of my crushes, man.

Lee: (Wacking Nate's head) That's what we do, genius.

Wendy: Oh, oh! This is so like Tambry to do this. Date my ex behind my back. (Pulling her hair) I'm gonna tear her highlights out.

Adrain: Okay, I understand why they're upset, but why are you?

Dipper: Guys, guys. Calm down. We're gonna be late for the concert.

Nate: Uh, news flash, kid. I'm not going to the concert. (Pointing to Lee) Not with him.

Lee: Hey, that won't be a problem 'cus I'm out.

Wendy: Me, too! Let's go, Ad!

Wendy grabbed Adrain's hand and started walking away with him, leaving.

Adrain: ...-_-...And I guess I'm going this way now...

After leaving Thompson's garage, Adrain and Wendy were walking down the sidewalk together, and Adrain looked over at Wendy, seeing she was angry.

Adrain: Soooo... Can you explain to me why you're so annoyed?

Wendy: Why am I annoyed?! Ad, Tambry is dating my Ex! You don't do that, dude!

Adrain: But, why do you care though?

Wendy: Why?!

Adrain: Wendy, I may be a loner, but I'm not an idiot...I know how emotions work, I just tend not to get involved with them because said emotions tend to annoy me.

Wendy: Ad, what are you trying to say?

Adrain: Do you still like Robbie?

Wendy: What?! No! Why would even ask that?!

Adrain: Then why are you making a big deal out of this? Normally, if a friend dates your Ex, they get mad because they haven't moved on from them. Your dating me, so you still liking Robbie is the only thing that makes sense in this scenario.

Wendy: Ad, I like you! You know I like you, I've liked even before I dated Robbie, you know that.

Adrain: But, you only dated Robbie because I wasn't paying attention to your feelings at the time. Robbie was your rebound, but who's to say you didn't actually start developing actually feelings for him? When you broke up, you were genuinely upset, you wouldn't be that upset over a rebound. So who's to say I haven't become the rebound relationship?

Wendy just looked at Adrain surprised from everything he's said.

Wendy: So what now? Are we done, then...?

Adrain: That's not my decision, it's yours...

Adrain then walked away, leaving Wendy.

Wendy: ...


It's currently the middle of the night, and Adrain had decided to go to the festival alone, but sneaked in through the back.

Adrain's thoughts: ...-_-... 100$ for a single damn ticket to watch a Shity hipster band, no thank you...

As Adrain was walking around, he looked up and saw heart shaped balloons and just thought of Wendy and sighed.

Adrain's thoughts: Wow, who would have thought I'd change so much because of her being a pain in the ass...? I guess it's my fault for not paying attention sooner....But to be fair, I didn't really give two shits about anyone other then family before coming here...

As Adrain was looking up, he heard Dipper and Mabel running, and looked over to see the Love God chasing them.

Adrain's thoughts: ...-_-...Speaking of which...

Adrain then walked over to where Mabel and Dipper were, as they were cornered by the Love God, but he knocked him out with a pipe he found on the ground.

Adrain: God, this town is full of dangerous litter..

Dipper and Mabel: Adrain/Addy!

Adrain: What are you two doing? And why was the Guy Fieri wannabe chasing you?

Dipper: Mabel used a love potion on Robbie and Tambry, and we're trying to undo it!

Adrain: Wait, you used a love potion on them?! Oh for the love of, come on, Mabel?

Mabel: I'm sorry! But I'm going to fix it!

The three of them then made their way to where Robbie and Tambry were at, and went to spray them, but Robbie looked back smiling at Mabel.

Robbie: Mabel! Mabel, I just wanted to thank you. I've been so miserable since Wendy broke up with me that I thought my life was over, but you were right. I just needed to move on.

Robbie looked over at Tambry and smiled.

Robbie: I'm... happy ? Weird, huh?

Tambry: Robbie, people are commenting on our picture. (Robbie winks at Mabel and walks away)

Mabel: Addy, Dipper, maybe we shouldn't do this. I mean, every time we play with peoples' fates it's only made things worse.

Adrain: ...-_-... It actually boggles my mind, how you're just learning this right now...

They look at Robbie and Tambry, who are painting each others eyes with eye paint.

Adrain's thoughts: Hmm... I guess he's not all bad, moving past all the bullshit he's done.

Dipper: They are kinda perfect for each other in a gross kinda way. But what about our friend group?

Mabel: Well, maybe it'll sort itself out. I mean, there's gotta be something that could bring everyone back together.

Suddenly, Thompson, who is wearing a jacket and hat to cover the snacks he is hiding and is holding a cake, walking over.

Thompson: Guys, I made a friendship cake. So let's all get over this, okay? (Gets hit in the head with a beach ball, dropping the cake) Ugh! My cake!

Thompson bends down to pick it up the cake but his coat rips revealing the hidden snacks, as the security guards saw him.

Security Guard 1: Hey! Food from the outside! (They chase after Thompson, who screams and runs)

Security Guard 2: Get him!

Suddenly, everyone else walked up and saw what what happening.

Lee: Whoa! Hey, look!

Wendy: Is that Thompson?

Thompson, who is hugging onto a utility pole. Security guard 2 blows a whistle as Security guard 1 beats Thompson with a broom. Thompson grunts as he is struck. Whistle blowing and Thompson grunting, as everyone laughed.

Nate: Yeah, fight the machine Thompson!

Wendy: Throw snacks at 'em!

Robbie: Use jerky as a weapon!

Nate: Thompson!

Everyone but Adrain, Dipper and Mabel: Thompson!

As everyone was cheering, Lee stops chanting and then Nate does. Lee playfully punches Nate's shoulder and Nate does the sam, cheering again. Tambry stops cheering and smiles apologetically at Wendy. Wendy stops and does the same.

Robbie smiles at Wendy and she smiles back apologetically, but then looked at Adrain who was just watching, thinking back to what he said earlier, grabbing his hand, making him look at her, as she smiled at him and he did the same.


Currently, Adrain and Wendy were walking to Wendy's house, as they were coming from the festival after enjoying it with everyone, as Wendy was wearing Adrain's jacket.

Wendy: Man, I'm so glad I brought my normal clothes, it got super cold all if a sudden.

Adrain: Yeah, it did.

As the two of them were approaching Wendy's house, Adrain walked her to her porch.

Wendy: Well, today was an eventful day.

Adrain: ...-_-... Everyday here is an eventful day...

Suddenly, the two of them heard thunder and saw that it was pouring raining.

Adrain: And that explains why it got so cold...Now I got to walk him in this...

Wendy: Dude, you're not walking home in this, it's pouring!

Adrain: And how am I gonna get home?

Wendy: I mean... You can spend the night here...

Adrain: Please, with your dad here, no thank you...

Wendy: My dad and brothers are out camping for the weekend.

Adrain: Camping? In this weather?!

Wendy: My dad is a believer of "toughing out the elements"...

Adrain: Uh huh...

Wendy: So...can you stay? There's something we needed to talk about anyway...

Adrain just looked at Wendy.

Wendy: Please...?

Adrain just sighed and walked in, as the two of them went to her room, as Wendy closed the door behind them.

Adrain: So, what did you-

Adrain was cut off by Wendy, as she started kissing him, with him, kissing her back, as Wendy pushed Adrain against the door, still kissing him, and after a few seconds, they broke for air.

Adrain: Okay...Now that you got that out your system, what did you want to talk about?

Wendy: I love you.

When Wendy said that, Adrain looked at Wendy completely and utterly shocked.

Adrain: What...?

Wendy: I said I love you.

Adrain: You... Love me...?

Wendy: How many times are you gonna make me say it, Ad?

Adrain: I mean, we've been dating for a few weeks...How do you know you love me...?

Wendy: You know my track record for guys, Ad. I've been with a lot of them. And I thought about what you said earlier, and you were right. I shouldn't have gotten that upset over them dating, especially since I have someone a hundred times better.

Adrain: So, I'm not a rebound?

Wendy: Far from it, dude. And you're right, It is early for me to say that I love you. But that's just how I feel...

Adrain: I see...

Wendy: So... Do you not feel the same?

Adrain: No...

Wendy: ...

Adrain: I feel exactly the same way.

Wendy looked at Adrain surprised as he leaned in and started kissing Wendy again, and as they kissed, it started getting more heated, as Adrain, flipped Wendy over, pinning her against the door, as he grabbed her by the wrists and lifted her arms above her head placing them on the door, as Wendy looked at Adrain surprised and then smirked.

Wendy: Someone's being assertive... I like that...

Adrain: Well, it's you I'm dealing with here...

Adrain and Wendy then started to make out again, the two of them sliding their tongues into each other's mouths, as Wendy freed herself from Adrain's grip, as she pushed him onto her bed, and he saw her talking off her pants, showing him her panties.

Wendy: I can be assertive too, you know?

Adrain: Oh? That's cute. You think you're in charge.


As both Adrain and Wendy finished having sex for the first time, the two of them panted, exhausted, as Wendy looked down surprised to see he came on her stomach.

Wendy: You pulled out?

Adrain: I said I would, didn't?

Wendy: But we were cutting it super close, I thought you would just say screw it...

Adrain just looked at Wendy annoyed.

Adrain: ...-_-... I'm not that much of an asshole...I promised I pull out...

Wendy used a towel to wipe her stomach off, as she looked at him smiling, kissing.

Wendy: And that's why I love you, dude...

Adrain: Yeah...Yeah, I love you too...Adrain and Wendy both shared one last kiss together, as they covered in her bed, falling asleep together.


It's currently the next morning and Adrain was the first one to wake up, as he looked down and saw Wendy still asleep, cuddling up with him, making him smile at her.

Adrain then reached down for his phone that was on the floor and he saw that he had gotten a text from Stan.

Stan's text: Two days. We activate it in two days. Tonight we go get the rest of the fuel we need.

Adrain: ...

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