Unexpected (A Sammy Wilk Fanf...

Door highlinsky

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"we are both fucked up its perfect" sam said locking his eyes with mine. not such a typical story so I'd rea... Meer



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Door highlinsky

today is super hectic and I hate every second of it. I just want it to be over.

I wake up around 7am, let's just say I barely slept. I take a shower and wear a pair of sweatpants and a tanktop. Putting my hair in a bun, I gather my shit and thank god last night me and Sam put my suitcase in my car.

I am currently in my car driving back home to my aunt and gotta say I feel so lost, so incomplete, so out of place ugh.

Maybe leaving without saying bye to sam wasn't such a good idea. I left a note on the fridge for Annie though.

Before I left the house, i took a moment to take in every detail of the house, all the moments I spent in there, with sam, with bella, with Sam's friend but mostly Sam.

Just half an hour ago, I kissed sam on the forehead and I just pecked his lips , even though he was asleep and wasn't aware but I feel like I haven't seen him in days. It hasn't even been an hour.

Is this what love feels like? Not being able to live without that one person, how your every thought connects back to that one person and every little thing reminds you of that one person.

Sam. Sam. Sam. Goddamn it. Sam. He's all in my head and I can't get him out. Jeez.

Me and my aunt spend the day together, she tells me about her and everything and I tend to stop thinking about Sam for a while and focus on Laura .

I don't tell Laura about my mom and John and what happened but I might have lightly mentioned stuff about me and Sam kind of being a thing and she hits me with the "i told you so" reply.

The whole day passes by in no time and I totally forget to charge my phone so I plan to call Sam the next morning and double apologize.

Sam's POV

I wake up and I am more than disappointed to see the bed empty. Where's crystal?

I thought I'd drop her back to her aunt's place though I personally wish she'd magically disappear not that I know or hate Laura, I just want crystal to be living with me.

I am rather angry to find out that crystal has already gone. What the actual fuck? How can she leave without saying goodbye? At least a hug or something. Jeez. I crave her. It's fuckin crazy.

I decide to call her but she doesn't pick up. Great. She's probably with cameron while I roast here. Yeah not really, I'm just being a rude, jealous shit. God. I need to relax.

I hit the gym with skate and Joshua. Well skate he doesn't quit being a little bitch and stop teasing me about crystal. Therefore now Joshua knows about us too.

"So did you guys fuck yet?" Skate asks and I shake my head . It makes me cringe just a slight bit the way skate just asked me that question about crystal. But again that's how we talk. Brutal and straight up.

"okay dude, when was the last time you got laid?" Joshua interrupts in. Jesus. Who even told him to come along?

"like a month ago, but I don't care" i shrug them off. I really don't want to get into details.

"This girl's got you hooked I mean she is somethin" Joshua smirks at me and it takes me everything not to punch the shit out of him. We just became friends again I mean.

"don't refer to her like that , her name's crystal and she's fuckin mine bro" i hiss and skate watches me with his eyes wide before him and Joshua exchange a look and start laughing their ass off.

"possessive, just how I like it baby" skate says in a really high pitched voice, obviously imitating a girl and I roll my eyes at him, trying not to laugh.

"you're so whipped, never thought Sammy would ever be like this" they both tell me but in a playful tone and I agree myself.

The rest of the day I spend chilling with skate and Joshua and lowkey everytime my phone goes off I wish it's from crystal but not my lucky day. I guess.

I feel like such a little girl, waiting for that one person to fuckin call you. I am getting this giddy feeling and I am not used to it so I try to shrug it off.

Skate and me stop Joshua off and skate's driving me to my house.

"Dude, did Ad saying anything about me and crystal you know ..." I trail off, this better not get awkward. I mean things don't really get awkward between me and him but still.

"not really, I guess she was just..." He looks off to the road. "surprised" he chuckles and i relax my shoulders.

So nothing to worry about there. Ad is chill, I don't want her thinking she wasn't good enough for me or like start any girl drama with crystal , you know them girls , how they get sometimes.

I left crystal and couple of texts well more like ... 20. I feel so clingy I need to be stopped. God. Ughhhhh. I am so frustrated.

The whole day passes and not a word from crystal. I find myself laying in bed, thinking about her, jesus , I sound like a whinny little bitch, I know right?

I guess everything has a first.

Crystal's POV

The next morning I wake up in the fimiliar bed, my own bed, I smile at the thought of being home , home with my older sister, well my aunt but she's like my older sister.

A frown takes over my face as I turn over and realize, no more waking up to Sam.

The first thing I do is find my phone and put it on charge. Sam is probably freaking out.

Meanwhile, i open my suitcase and put everything back in it's place. I like being organized so yeah.

Not gonna lie, i missed my room , it's so me.

It's a bright sunny day out so I decide to straighten my hair and put it up in a ponytail and wear a navy blue romper that falls till my mid thighs.

I open my phone and look through my texts, gotta say I am not surprised to see "(27)" texts from Sam.

I also have texts from all of Sam's friends, well Skate, Gilinsky and Emily , those 3 are the ones I hung out with the most and clicked with anyway.

I open Sam's text.

*how the fuck can you leave with saying goodbye*
*i already miss you*
*return my damn calls*
*i didn't even get a goodbye kiss :(*

All the texts basically explained how mad he is over me leaving without saying goodbye. Well .

I call him right away and he picks up after 2 rings.

"Hi, finally" I hear him sigh and I smile to myself.

"I figured it was easier to leave while you were asleep" I confess.

"yea right I was going crazy here.. without you" he says, his voice tired?

"Hey did you sleep well? You sound tired" I ask.

"no I was out all night partying" he scoffs. For a second I believed him, but obviously that's him bring sarcastic.

I let go of a laugh and talk "So how are you?" I ask. We haven't really talked im the phone much before.

"Why didn't you return my calls?" He asks bluntly.

"because my phone died"

"keep it charged, God"

"jeez okay sam" i sigh loudly.

"Phone calls are pathetic , I wanna see you" he whines and I can almost imagine the frown on his face. He's so cute, only i get to see this side of him, which excites me.

"we can go out later?" I suggest plopping down on the bed.

"hmm, I can take you out?" He questions. He sounds confused but cute I like it.

"so, like a date?" I ask, my voice full of excitement and happiness. Holyshit I feel so over whelmed and I am giggling like a middle school girl talking to her first life crush on the phone. Holyshit.

The other line goes silent for a moment before sam clears his throat. "Uh--sure" he says. Okay.

"I mean it's just us hanging out" I say quickly.

"yup, I'll see you soon crystal" he says and before I can reply he hangs. Okay that just went from 100 to 0 real quick dude. Was he with someone?

I mean like friends or something? I am not doubting or accusing him from being right another girl. I am just ... kinda like you know going crazy over Sam.

By the time I go downstairs, my aunt is in the kitchen, breakfast is set on the table and she's dressed in her office attire. She is super organized , I think I kind of get that from her. I like being organized.

"So spill" she smiles widely at me.

"what?" I ask popping a grape in my mouth.

"You and Samuel" she says sipping on her coffee.

"That makes him sound so ... Not him" I roll my eyes at her. "Okay sam" she corrects herself.

"so did you guys do the good deed yet because oh my god look at you, you're glowing" she says looking at me with excitement. I did not expect Laura to ask me if me and Sam had sex.

"What? No" I almost choke on my grapes.

"aren't you suppose to be telling me not to do anythin--" i begin to tease her but she cuts me off.

"oh come on Cris he is handsome , but you still have to invite him , for a proper dinner with your family" she says grinning.

I know by "your family" she means her. Of course I want Laura's approval even though she's bestfriend's with Sam's mother.

"aren't you getting late for work?" I remind her and she mumbles some rushed words and gets up quickly.

"hey take care and go over to Cameron's if you want" she says and rushes out the door.

By that she meant goto my bestfriend's house. Azalea. I literally have no clue how this is gonna work. Holyshit. Cameron still thinks we have a thing going on that has been there for a long time and I feel like telling him about Sam will ruin our friendship.

I don't want things to be awkward with cameron but I also don't want me and Sam to be a secret.

I gotta say I was pretty shocked to see how Sam didn't even hesitate to reveal "us" to his friends. I liked it though. He's being so straight up and honest , I feel like I am the slacker in this relationship.

I spend the day at Azalea's and i briefly tell her about me and Sam and of course she doesn't take me serious and gives me the whole "i told you so" reply.

I am glad me and Cameron didn't get any alone time because I am pretty sure he'd try to kiss me, like we occasionally used to make out , we both I guess "liked" each other, I don't know how to explain us.

"I gotta go" I tell both of them, getting up from the couch.

"where do you have to go at like 7pm?" Cameron raises his eyebrow at me. Oh god. I just feel terrible about hiding this from him.

"I have to go help my aunt at work" I lie quickly and hope they buy it.

"okay, I'll walk you out" cameron offers and azalea starts snickering "yeah okay" she says in a deep voice , being sarcastic , obviously.

"actually you continue with the movie, I'll be okay" I smile at him and leave before I have to make up more lies.

I go home and it takes me like 5 years to decide what to wear. I stand in my bra and panties, literally trying to figure out what to wear. I give up and call Sam.

He picks up on the 3rd ring and his sweet voice fills the other line.

"I'm on my way" he says and i literally start to panic "what? shit , shit , shit" I keep repeating.

"crystal, are you okay?" His voice covered in concern comes through the phone.

"no , yes I mean yes. I'm not even ready! I don't know what to wear" i sigh deeply and I hear him chuckle on the other side.

"Jeez.. What are you wearing rightnow" he asks.

"almost nothing, I am not dressed" I tell him and then mentally slap myself for giving him the idea I want him to imagine me naked.

"hm, are you trying to distract my thoughts while I drive? Totally imagining you naked right--" he giggled and I can imagine that stupid smirk on his angel face. Jesus. What is wrong with me?

"Shut up! No. What do I wear?" I ask him.

"surprise me" he says and hangs up.

Maybe I should just dress up in lingerie and wear a pea coat and "surprise him" I think to myself and start laughing.

I go for a black maxi skirt with a leg cut out and a really pretty white tank top , curling my hair loosely , give it that beachy vibe, I do my makeup and wear a nice statement necklace.

After I am ready and still being nervous for our little date , the door bell rings.

I walk downstairs , fixing my lipstick on the way, I open the door to see the face I was dying to see, there stands Sam wearing khakis and a nice check shirt and I spot a golden chain around his neck and a smile on his face.

He looks absolutely breath taking and fuckin hot in just anything he wears.

"Hi?" He says after a while, and I notice I've just been standing there, staring at him. Oh god.

"Hi" I choke out. I just don't know why I am so goddam nervous about this whole thing. This is the first time he came to my house, to pick me up. My emotions are all over the place.

"Do I get a hug or what?" He raises his eyebrow at me and I quickly close the distance between us and wrap him in my arms.

He smells absolutely amazing and so hot, holy shit, it feels so good to be just held in his arms. Just a small gesture is making me loose my mind.

We break out of the hug and he briefly embraces my lips with a little soft peck and that alone is making my legs feel like noodles. I just .. oh my god. I don't know what's happening to me.

"wait how'd you find my house? I forgot to text you the exact address?" I ask him in confusion.

"remember I picked your friends up from here and you mentioned you guys are neighbors so" he says rubbing the back of his neck. I can tell he doesn't like the fact that I notice the way he remembers every little thing I say but I think it is fuckin adorable.

I am always rambling on about random stuff and the fact that Sam actually listens makes me feel so fluttery inside.

"right" I say.

"okay, fuck! I am really sorry I don't know why I'm so nervous sammy" I admit and purse my lips.

Sam takes a deep breath and brings his hand to my face caressing my cheek.

"don't be nervous, it's just me and by the way you look stunning" he compliments as his gaze travels down to my body.

"thanks, you look really good" I admit.

"shall we?" He asks and takes his hand out for me.

"let's go" I smile and take his hand, locking the door behind us.

Sam opens the door for me and I let him, these little moves are literally making me loose my mind, in the best way possible.

We start driving and I am not sure where we're headed.

"where are we going?" I ask and sam doesn't reply instead just takes my hand and intertwines it with mine placing it on his leg.

"why does it feel like we barely know each other and this is like the first time we are going out?" I slur out because that's literally how it feels right now.

"it doesn't, baby you need to relax" sam chuckles and squeezes my hand.

I know he is right. I am just being super weird and there is no way I want to ruin this date. Everything is going smooth and it will stay this way.

We reach some park which I haven't been to before and Sammy takes my hand and we start walking through the green grass which is slightly wet because it's night and drew drops.

It's kind of chilly and I so regret wearing sleeveless shirt and not bring my jacket.

"so we just walk in the park" my voice comes out rather rudder than planned. Shit.

"nope" he says and I am shocked at what I see infront of me. Infront of me is one of those open sky cinema thingy. There's a huge screen , a projector screen and on the grass, there's a bunch of blankets with a bunch of different people scattered around with pillows and food and everything.

This is the kind of stuff you see in the movies and I am literally speechless.

"So I am guessing you like it?" Sam's voice brings me back to reality. I realize my mouth is literally open from the amusement.

"Yes oh my god" I say trying to contain my happiness.

"let's go, before the movie gets started" he says and walks towards a blanket already on the grass, there's pizza and 2 cans of coke and pop corn on our blanket.

This is honestly so perfect. I think I am literally gonna cry from happiness.

We both sit crossed legs and munch on pizza and popcorn and watch the movie and just enjoy ourselves.

"this is so perfect sam, I didn't think you'd be think creative" I tell sam once we are done eating and we sit-lay next to each other, our legs spread out infront of us and Sam's hand on my back .

"I am glad you liked all this, I didn't know what to do" he tells me.

"How'd you even arrange all this" I ask and try to ignore Sam's cold hand that is placed on my upper thigh , through the fabric of my skirt.

"A man's got his ways" he smirks at me and before I can reply he catches my lips in a kiss.

This kiss is definitely not slow or soft, it's rough and steamy and soon, I am laying on the blanket, Sam's upper body hovering over me, his one hand going inside my skirt , feeling up my leg through the cut while his other hand is holding my face in place, my hands are wrapped in his hair and Sam moans in my mouth as I pull on his air.

My body and my mouth are literally on fire from Sam's touch and nothing else matters but me and him. Low moans escape both of our mouths as Sam's hands greedily travel up and down my body.

"fuck" sam curses pulling away slightly from the kiss.

"we need to stop, before I can't stop myself" he says huskily kissing my forehead and getting off of me. I smile at the little gesture he does
everytime we kiss.

I guess it's our thing. Sam always kisses my forehead after we do something . I think it's super cute.

"Well the movie was good" I say trying to catch my breath after that super hot make out session with Sam infront of all this people but I am glad all the blankets are spaced out.

"like I even let you watch the movie" Sam smirks and I slap his arm , playfully.

We drive back home in Sam's car and we are parked outside my house.

It's around 11pm which is not bad.

"Can't you stay the night?" I frown at Sam , I really want him to stay, I don't want him driving all the way back at this time.

"I don't know .. what will your aunt say" he asks worriedly.

"she's chill, I promise" I tell him.

"please stay the night" i pout hoping that'll make him say yes.

"what will we do though?" He smirks at me and I know this is all double meaning right here.

"sleep" i scoff and Sam keeps smirking.

"then I am going home" He says turning on the ignition.

"Sam! stop you're coming" I scowl him and he laughs.

"I will soon" he winks at me and all the heat rises up in my cheeks. Jesus.

"you're annoying , you know that?" I roll my eyes at him and we both get out of the car.

"by the way I've never stayed the night at a girl's place" he admits raising his eyebrow at me and giving me a warning smile. Oh my god. This is so fuckin special.

"well that makes me super special doesn't it?" I tease him as we walk inside.

"you kinda are a little too special" Sam tells me , holding my hand and going behind me, pressing his body to mine and kissing the side of my face. My eyes automatically close at his touch.

"stop distracting me" I pull out from Sam's grip and smile at him childishly.

"Jeez,wait holyshit what's your aunt gonna say?" Panic takes over his features and that gets me thinking but why would Laura have any problem with Sam?

"don't worry, she's really chill and she likes to see me happy so?" I tell him .

"does that mean I make you happy?" Sam's face lit up in a second, just like that.

"No.. I mean yeah but it's because I am back home with you know .." I keep my tone serious and I can see Sam getting frustrated already.

"I know what?" He rushes.

"cameron" I simply say and that one word gets Sam mad just like that. Sam literally glares at me and takes a step back, his eyes turn talk and I can see his nostrils flare. Holy shit.

"Sam! I'm just kidding!" I quickly say loudly watching him give me a glare but he calms down and sighs loudly.

"I swear to god I --" He stops himself and turns his eyes away from me, signaling he is made at me.

"I was only kidding Sam .. You know I would never" I tell him softly and I see his features cool down but he still looks .. mad?

"that shit's not funny crystal" he warns me.

I can't help but feel good about how sam is acting right now. This only shows how much I mean to him and he wants me in his life as much as I do and I am important to him.

"I'm sorry okay, stop being such a baby" I reach up to him to grab his hands in mine.

"whatever" he mumbles looking at me.

I really wanna say something right now but I know if I do maybe I'll scare him off and he'll think I am too clingy.

"you know I love you right" is what I want to say but I settle for "you know I care about you a lot right" I ask him pressing a kiss on his shoulder. I don't know why I love kissing him, just around his face; I think it's really cute and touching.

"Yes and I care about you a lot more baby" he tells me softly and I think I just melted at his words, his tone, his voice, him.

"everything between us is so .. perfect; everything is going so smooth I am scared Crystal , what the future holds" Sam tells me kissing my forehead lightly ; after a while when we are both laying in my bed, in each other's arm at the end of the night .

That scares me more than I can imagine ....



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Just read it lmao......
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"I wanted you but I can't have you. Our love was forbidden. I was normal until I met you and now I'm blaming this on you. You destroyed me." + co...
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"We can't do this Noah, this is so wrong" Just read the story ;)