My Fate, My Journey

IceClanCat tarafından

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I never expected my end was so near. I'm glad to say I served to two great leaders, but also one great friend... Daha Fazla

My Journey, My Fate
Chapter 1 Assassin
Chapter 2 In A Nutshell
Chapter 4 Cybercat
Chapter 5 Feathers Fall
Chapter 6 Puzzle

Chapter 3 Last Words

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IceClanCat tarafından

"Get up lazy lump!" It's rise and shine."

"Is it morning already?" I cooed back.

"Of course it is! Why else would I be here?"

"Can I recharge a little bit more?"

"Yea. Yea you can, but you'll miss my lesson for you."

"Alright, I'm getting up!"

"That's what I thought!"

I followed Scarredwing out of my nest. For the first time, I noticed that she had a long slash running down on one side of her faceplate near her optic, but her optic was left untouched.

"What's that?" I inched closer to get a better look.

"It's a scar. From battling."

"Is that why your name is Scarredwing."

"No actually."

"Then why?"

"My wing."

"What wrong with your wing?"

She extended one of her wings. It was shredded. There was no fresh energon on the wing so she must have gotten this long ago. Some of her feathers were missing and some still had dry energon.

"Can you still fly?"

She shot me an angry glare, "I can still function properly. If you weren't my pupil then I would have plucked out your feathers for that question."

"I'm sorry!"

"You'd better be."

I didn't want to drop the topic. Not yet. I wanted to know why her wing was shredded. Ok so through battling? That doesn't tell me too much.

"How did it happen?"

"It was late, I was walking across the city."

"Your not supposed to be in the city!"

"It was a mission given to me by Blizzard. Now let me finish. The city lights flickered above my helm. I honestly thought it was the power in the city so I didn't pay to much attention to it. Mistake. Horrible mistake. Anyways, I was looking for a key."

"What's a key?"

"A key opens things like doors or locks. Anyhow, I found it. I so gleeful that I didn't notice that I was being surrounded by over birds. Birds in the city a much bigger. Maybe because they're feed more often I don't know. The point is they dragged me over to a building. They began hitting me, taking turns to see who could knock me out first. One bird was about to hit but I moved to the side. The roof of the building was very delicate and it caved in. I fell in a large can."

"How'd it look like?"

"Ask your questions last. So I fell in a large can. The can tipped over and dumped me into a large grinder. It slowly began eating at my wing."

"Hey wait! Didn't you say you got it through battling? Not by falling in a grinder?"

"Stupid. That was the scar over my optic. The rest I got from the grinder. Anymore questions I should clear up?"

"None anymore."

"I was lucky that I didn't get shredded. I even had enough strength to finish my mission. By the end I brought the key and here I am today, my wing is shredded but I am still in full function!"


"Painful,"she hissed under her breath. "Anyways, let's get started with your training."

"Any updates on the game?" I fluttered to the ground next to Sundor. His bright yellow optics shone in the sun.

"Yea!" he squealed.

"So? Is it enough to play now?"

"Well sure, but I have a better idea. There's a cybercat hanging around here and if we kill it, we'll have extremely high respect," Bolt shoot Sundor an awkward look before continuing,"I bet out names will be known all over cybrotron!"

"That'd be great!" This sounded like a great plan. Kill a cybercat and go back home. Simple enough.

"Well then? What are we waiting for?" Sundor bounced up and down excitedly.

"Don't you think we should tell Blizzard?"

"Blizzard, really? Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Not present apparently,"chuckled Sundor.

"Alright let's go!" I snapped. If this is a bad idea, it is all on Sundor and Bolt!

We all took off.

"Any bird see anything?"

"Not yet," I answered Bolt's question.

I spotted a small shape. I dove in to get a closer look. Sure enough there was the small bundle that had caught many birds.

"Cybercat!" I spat.

The cybercat lifted its large helm. It's optics opened up exposing the hunger. It opened its jaws, energon poring from its intake as I neared. It jumped up to pull me out of the air but my awkward twist saved my spark. The cybercat didn't give up. It jumped up again flailing at Sundor who slipped right past its paws. It hissed lashing out again at Sundor. The cybercat hit his wing making him spin and crash to the ground. It pinned him to the ground snarling and snapping at his beak.

"Help!" He shrieked.

Bolt landed on the creature and sank her claws into its helm. I landed near its tail and bit down. It hissed and lashed its tail flinging me across the plain. It's optics lighten up and it raced towards me. I scrambled to my pedes. It was to late. The cybercat landed and sank its claws into my wings. Ok so this cybercat was smarter than I thought. It opened its jaws and neared my throat cable.

I could see a flurry of silver shove the cybercat off my frame.

"Clumsy brute. Pick on someone your own size."

Scarredwing! The cybercat shook and growled. Scarredwing opened up her wings. The cybercat glanced at me then back at Scarredwing. Her optics were burning orange. The cybercat turned leaving us casting over its shoulder.

Scarredwing turned to us and shot us a death glare. "Your stupid birds! Who had this bird brained idea?" In my opinion she looked much scarier when she was angry.

"I-I did," gulped Bolt.

"Why would you do that? You didn't even tell Blizzard?"

"Who do you know about that?"

"I'm mentoring Laserbeak so I have been keeping a close optics on him."


"So now I expect explanations from all of y-" Scarredwing was cut off.

The cybercat returned. It had Scarredwing clamped in between its jaws. Energon leaked from her neck cable and spilled in front of the cybercat's paws.

"Run!" She gasped as the cybercat raced away.

"Scarredwing!" I felt like I was paralyzed. Well I was in fact paralyzed. I didn't know what I could do. What could have I done? I guess I could have said that it was coming. Why did I have to be so bird-brained! I just lost my first mentor and only received a few lessons from her. What good is an assassin if they don't pay attention?

"Calm down Laserbeak. Come on, let's go find her!" Bolt suggested.

"I'm sorry that I can't. My wing." Sundor shook his limp wing.

"Alright," I nodded to Bolt who smiled. She hurried off.

Funny. She seems so calm for this situation. I flew after her. I will find Scarredwing. It was the least I can do. She was kind for sharing stories with me. I wish I could have done the same. Too bad nothing like that has ever happened to me. I landed near tracks.

"Bolt look."

"Cybercat. Looks fresh."

"Maybe because this happened not to long ago?"

"Touch it. Is it still warm? Or what about energon? Do you see any energon?"

"It's a bit warm. I don't see energon."

"Well, let's follow the tracks instead of stalling here."


Bolt decided it might be best to walk to not alert the cybercat if it was near. I didn't agree but she insisted. If we die, it's on her. Not that I want to die. Not yet anyway.

"Shh quiet," hissed Bolt drawing to a stop.

"I'm not talking!"

"Shut your beak."

I closed my beak and listened. I couldn't hear anything.

"What is it?"

"I hear Scarredwing! Quickly!" She steered away from the path and into a forest.

"Shouldn't we follow the tracks."

"This is a short-cut. Trust me!"

I shrugged and followed. She walked quickly but steadily. I don't think straying from the path was the best idea out there.

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