Von justarockstarbaby

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Sometimes some people aren't worth saving, wether it be someone you love dearly or someone in serious need, s... Mehr

cast call
chapter one • the night we met
chapter two • summertime sadness
chapter three • are you bored yet?
chapter four • My Kind Of Woman
chapter five • the less i know the better
chapter seven • meet me at our spot
chapter eight • fantasy
chapter nine • washing machine heart
chapter ten • hurts so good
chapter eleven • the heart wants what it wants
chapter twelve • can i call you tonight?

chapter six • summer

2.1K 36 35
Von justarockstarbaby

"Dad, what do you know about the Cameron's?" Scarlet suddenly blurted from where she had perched herself at the kitchen island, half way through devouring her bowl of cereal.

Her father turned with bafflement at the most bizarre, idiosyncratic question that had come from his youngest spawn, drawing both his brows inwards with curiosity to her curiosity. "Myself and Ward have done many business deals over the last few years, you know they own Cameron's development so being the richest estate agent in outer bank's we've crossed paths on numerous occasions. Why do you ask sweetie?"

It confirmed what April had said about the business deals happening between the two middle aged men, but what bewildered the brunette the most was the fact she had never once became aware of the Cameron name- Rafe was a complete stranger she had managed to ironically stumble upon at a 'one off' party she had attended. Yet everyone around her seemed to know of them. Strange.

"Uh, no reason really. I just met his son not long ago and didn't realise the severity of their status around here on the island, that's all" she smiled simply, going back to shovelling spoon fulls of her cereal into her mouth to energise her for the rest of day.

"I've heard a lot about his son actually, Ward says one day he expect's him to follow in his footsteps and take upon a large responsibility within their company but at the moment is unsure on which path he was currently taking, something about going off the rails but I'm not sure. That was a couple months ago now honey, it's been awhile since we've had a business opportunity pop up"

That sounded about right, she thought. Rafe had vaguely mentioned about working with his father but wasn't sure exactly what they defined as going off the rails. If abusing drugs and having a raging cocaine addiction was justified for that meaningful saying, then yeah, sure, she could confirm he was slightly off track within the ideal pathway of being a respectable business man. But no one was perfect by any means.

"Why is that? Aren't many people looking into buying a house around here recently?"

"After what happened with the sheriff and the speculation around Ward for being at the scene, not many people are drawn in his direction at the moment. It will pass though, just a rough patch I believe" her father shrugged, packing everything he needed for the day in his cliche briefcase that Scarlet and her mother both hated as he was nearing ready to leave.

Sheriff? Scarlet found herself asking if she had been living under a deafening, bulky rock that had erased her hearing or cast an oblivious spell upon her as she was completely lost to what her dad had inferred. Her brows shot to her hairline, feeling now slightly disorientated with her lack of knowledge. "What happened to the sheriff?"

"She was shot baby, on the tarmac months and months ago. Haven't you heard about any of this?"

"Apparently not" she spoke through her last mouth full of cereal, overwhelmed with the new information she had collected in the last minute or so whilst chewing it vigorously as her mind searched for any inkling of remembrance.

"Well, that's my cue to leave" Chuckling towards her obliviousness, her father walked over to where she sat and pulled her into a brief embrace, kissing her forehead delicately in departure. "Have a good day and I'll see you later"

"Will do, have a good day at work!" Scarlet called out after his retreating form that passed through the archway out of the kitchenette with a wave.

Amusingly it was Rafe she was happening to be seeing today once again, due to the message she had received last night from his number, of course Scarlet had gave in and traded her digits for his, after all she had wished and the granted her with just what she wanted with him making the first move. Some fraction of her wondered wether she should bring up the whole sheriff situation but soon decided against it once she figured it could possibly be a saw subject, considering it had caused a malfunction within their business and it may scare the male away.

And that was the last thing Scarlet wanted to do.

What he had texted her was rather humorous on the females behalf, it sounding almost like he was debating wether to send it and accidentally tapped the button with large, clumsy thumbs.

I want to see you again and have an idea of where I want to take you. Saying no is not an option so please say yes else I'll cry

She remembered letting out a barking laugh as her oculars read the last few words, her smile stretching almost painfully wide whilst she scanned the message again and again for a few too many times.

I didn't realise I had you under the thumb already Cameron, but sure I'll come. As long as you don't take me on another drug run, but that's if you don't buy me some too to bribe my silence.

It wasn't that she was a regular user of the drug but Scarlet was far from foreign to the fine white power, although her preference leaned much towards weed than what Rafe abused, herself and April at one time had gotten into a habit of smoking the herb every few days as they watched the sun set and counted the stars. Sadly those days passed once Scarlet had started picking up shifts at café parfait, but she missed it a severe amount and internally reminded herself to ask her best friend to begin getting back into that old routine.

And on the other end of the phone Rafe gasped in horror once the message had accidentally sent with no going as he was erasing the last few words, groaning with disbelief and just seconds away from blocking her number from sheer embarrassment until his phone lit up and illuminated his dark room with her response.

Just then he smiled whilst reading what she had replied; still feeling an underlying irk of humiliation but brushed it away as vigorously as he could. Because her reply didn't insinuate any discomfort with the pathetic words he chose to write with no intention of actually sending them, Thank fucking god.

Despite not being able to spend the whole day with the brunette as she soon informed him that she has a four hour shift at the cafe, Rafe was overall content with being able to at least see her tonight and knew exactly where they'd be going. More so, where he was taking her. The anticipation was building by the second within him to wether or not she would like it, females he usually found were easy, but with Scarlet that's a whole lot different- she in fact was not easy at all.

Which Rafe liked to an extent, because easy was boring.

Today the cafe was at its usual customer rate and the brunette found herself constantly busy, but that never halted her mind from wondering back to her unknown night antics with the male as she was completely lost in the dark on the plans he had made. All Scarlet had gotten was a simply 'wear something comfortable' as a clue but didn't help her nerves in the slightest.

Rafe had given her no reason not to trust him as continuously he had proven that he had no ulterior motives to mind in exception of his snarky, lustful comments. But that didn't immediately mean that Scarlet trusted him, no, far from it in fact. She could trust Rafe as far as she could throw him, every time they'd meet he'd surprise her with something wether it be good or bad yet the female had a newly developed fixation towards that- it was threatening and exhilarating in all the best ways possible.

Around an hour was left to go until her shift was finished and her activity with the male begins, each second seemed to slip through her grasp but drag out in a mixture between nearing too quickly and not coming fast enough. Between orders she often thought about where she wanted whatever was happening between them to go, a relationship is something she absolutely did not want at the moment but it was way beyond the two to just have a genuine friendship.

She knew that already for definite, there was too much sexual tension and attraction between them to just be involved maturely as friends. So she didn't want that either.

Scarlet has never wanted to kiss and person as much as she wanted to hit him until she met Rafe, his attitude and mannerisms were something she both hated and were fond of- most definitely due to the fact he reminded her of herself. The whole situation was too complex to wrap her mind around within the short time they have known each other, so why did she feel the need to carry on and find out on a whim where this journey was going to take her?

Maybe she liked being in the dark, finding a sense of comfort and excitement she had never experienced whilst she fruitlessly sat in the unknown, there was so much left to figure out about Rafe that it felt almost sinful to feel those strong urges towards him, dancing with the devil for a short term experience of thrill.

It could be that she didn't like what she would eventually uncover, but one hell of a dangerous journey would she have been on in the process. To which the thought remorsefully pushed her even more further forwards, inching her closer to a fate that was pleasantly unpredictable.

"I'll have a black coffee please angel" a familiar voice snapped her from the trance she was comfortably in, her gaze refocusing on the infamous male that lived within her mind relentlessly. How convenient.

"Rafe, you're like forty five minutes early" her eyes located the clock that hung on the opposite wall by all of the customer chairs and tables, reading that it was precisely quarter past six in the afternoon.

Making himself comfortable, he pulled a high chair from one of the taller tables and dragged it to by the counter- placing both of his crossed arms in front of him with a smirk. "Well I had nothing better to do so I thought why not. Also remember, on time is late, early is on time"

"Are you sure there's not a middle aged man stuck inside that body of yours?" Her fingers reached over to widen the the space around his neck from the first undone button, playfully looking down it with a brash smile.

"If I'm not correct, I'm pretty sure I asked for a black coffee? Or we can sit here and talk about my body all you want, if that's what you'd like" he raised his brows suggestively, attentive to the slight smirk that played upon the curve of her lips before it melted away instantly.

"Don't flatter yourself sunshine" her hands soon went to work on his desired drink, not much effort going into preparing one of the simplest beverages to make. "So you are a black coffee type of guy, I always knew you were Cameron"

"Oh and don't forget the two sugars" Rafe added with a wink, feeling a sense of warmth within him once he earned one of Scarlet's signature eye rolls in return of for comment. God the things this girl does to him.

The remaining time had flew by as the two conversated, consisting of the male making inappropriate comments that had the elderly pointing sharp glares in their direction and the brunette asking multiple times where he was going to take her- yet he wouldn't let one thing slip, leaving Scarlet raking through numerous options and none of them being confirmed by Rafe.

They began to make their way out of Scarlets place of work as Bethany, one of the other girls whom took shifts at the cafe, began to take over where the brunette had left off- although the way she fluttered her lashes and took longing lustful glances at Rafe didn't fly easily past Scarlet. She scowled, feeling a wave of jealousy surge through her figure as she watched the blonde bimbo not so subtly check him out.

It was blatantly obvious that he was here for herself and herself only, evident in the way he didn't do so much as acknowledge Bethany's poor attempts to catch his eye and dismissed them by keeping his trained gaze on Scarlets angelic form instead. Feeling slightly smug with all his attention cast upon her, Scarlet sourly smiled in the direction of the desperate blonde- taking Rafe's arm and threading her own through his as she led them out.

It's a shame really, because she used to like Bethany to an extent, but now she definitely didn't.

And Rafe knew exactly what she was doing with the sudden affection that he had received, internally smirking as he watched Scarlet rightfully claim what was hers and lead them out, not forgetting to send apologetic eyes towards the elderly regulars for his previous crude behaviour and words that weren't suited for the cafe. Rafe chuckled to himself as he watched their hostile eyes follow him out, suddenly realising that old people never really took a liking to him. Hm, must be their problem.

He was never really and affectionate guy, but he would play up to it in certain circumstances like so where a point was in the process of being proven. So he bought his arm around Scarlets shoulders instead and pulled her into his chest, turning and locking eyes with the blonde employee and ensuring to keep them aligned as he pressed a kiss on top of the brunettes head. That should do the trick.

Scarlet's insides shuddered to the action, a blush melting it's way upon her cheeks in a crimson flush as sparks of electricity began exploding in her lower abdomen. Never in her life has a simple male made her feel this way, this sensitive and this desirable, but Rafe wasn't just some simple male- he was complicated and riddled with endless risks that Scarlet couldn't help but to dive right into.

It was the solemn fact that he was so perplexing in which drew her towards him, a blazing fire that burned to the touch but felt so addictive, so beautifully compulsive that she relished in the feeling of his flames.

She just hoped one day that she didn't fall into the blaze completely, leaving nothing but the ashes of herself in remainder of her presence- leaving nothing but a pile of useless dust that was no longer flammable.

That was the risk.

"Well played Meadows, I could see the rage lit behind her eyes when we left" Rafe spoke out as they were exposed into the open air, instinctively letting go of his grip and Scarlet feeling a sense of loss without his touch and close presence.

The female chuckled to disguise her disappointment to the action, wishing that he would of just held on a little longer to feel his skin brush against hers and generate those goosebumps that texturise her olive skin. But she'd be kidding if she fooled herself that Rafe was that type of person, he was the absolute and complete opposite. Which was something she both loved and loathed. "Yeah well, she deserved it"

"Woah, you're a fiery girl aren't you princess" he grinned whilst opening the passenger door for her to climb into, getting a wave of her scented coconut shampoo to explore his nostrils as she passed, as well as her sweet but floral perfume.

He'd never met someone who smelt so good; so intoxicating and pleasurably smothering.

"You knew that when you met me stud, not having second thoughts now are you?" She teased, flashing her pearly whites as she took her bottom lip between her teeth. Rafe swallowed slowly as his gaze followed the minimal movement.

"Trust me darling, I'm here to stay. Wether you like it or not, I'll be sticking around" he self righteously reassured her, closing the car door carefully and making his way around to the other side with a wicked grin.

Scarlet wasn't sure wether to feel secured within his proposal or to feel incredibly scared, the question was did she want him round to stay? His spirit and his braveness was something she came to adore dearly, but she also felt as if it could be daring and unpromising in a way that would lead her into a dark hole that she tried immensely not to go back down.

She learnt quickly that the high doesn't ever last long, so instead she chose not to feel either and instead savour the moment they were in. That way no high hopes would build up to come crumbling down if she ever thought ahead of time.

Leaning her head against the window, she closed her eyes to rid the exhaustion that had mounted up through the day so her energy was ready and thriving for their surprise trip the male was in lead of. The first thing she was conscious of was the radio turning on and the music beginning to play at a low volume, of course the most powerful thing that her senses were alert to was his cologne. Just as potent as the last time she took a ride in his car, what scared Scarlet the most was that she was beginning to find comfort within his scent.

And she couldn't afford to get attached to meager things like that, not when her feelings were still mixed and unclear about Rafe. After all, he was still astonishingly hard to read.

Jolting forward with a sudden thud, Scarlet was awoken from the light five minute nap she was unaware she had taken in the most un-gracious way possible. Rafe's bellowing laughter filling the atmosphere as she was sent into a surge of shock from the sudden movement, feeling perturbed and overly focused on her new surroundings.

Collecting what had happened, the brunette sneered and slapped the male harshly on the arm with all the strength she could grasp in her woken state. "You fucking asshole! Nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"My apologies Scar, but that was hilarious" he stuttered between his laughter, holding a palm over the area she had lightly assaulted whilst attempting to grasp his composure and calm his hysterics down.

Looking around and adjusting to the surroundings; Scarlet pulled a brow into her hairline and vigorously turned her profile in the direction to face the dirty blonde. "You've bought me to Taneyhill? That was the surprise location?"

"No you silly cow, we just need something from here which is the surprise. Just trust me, okay angel?"

Pulling her lips into a frown at the strange insult used, the female followed his lead and climbed out to the vehicle wearily. Well, it was a lot much bigger than she imagined it to be, in fact she understood why the Cameron's were made out to be such a big deal around the island. And it certainly explains where Rafe found the money to shit away on all the cocaine he abuses, but it just felt so out of touch with the person she had become to know.

When she thought of Rafe she didn't think about Taneyhill, she just saw him as a regular teen coming adult that goes to trashy parties, whom has a irregular cocaine addiction and drives his range all over the island. Not one to be part of the wealthiest families on the island because he was way more that just that and had proved that many of times to her.

"Hurry up Scar we don't have all night" he beckoned her from over his shoulder, clicking his fingers menacingly in a way that mocked the way she hated being treated like a dog. Riling the female up and making her hot headed was one of this new favourite things to do and oh boy did he enjoy it thoroughly.

"You better watch that damn mouth of yours Cameron, it's gonna get you in serious trouble" she muttered whilst speeding up her gentle footsteps, passing him with a hard knock on the shoulder and walked ahead in an unknown direction.

"Trouble maybe, but my mouth is also good for a lot of other things too you know?" He caught up with her, ensuring to send a child like wink as he took back the lead and guided them out towards the docks that their boats awaited on. More so, the new purchase he had treated himself to on the day they fed the homeless.

Once they reached the edge of the platform Scarlets mouth hung ajar in complete awe, inspecting inch by inch of the shiny new toy that sat calmly in the open water, fingers reaching out and running over the smooth surface delicately. "Is this what I think it is?"

Standing proudly, he shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded righteously, standing lean and soaking in the speechlessness of the brunette in front of him. "Yeah, a 2020 MasterCraft. My new baby that we're gonna take on it's first ride"

"Woah" she looked back at the grinning male with her own beam and new excitement emitting within, standing up to straighten her stance. "I'm absolutely honoured"

"Well let's not waste anymore time and get going then shall we?" The keys were located in his pocket as he pulled them out and swung them around on his index finger, strolling so he now stood next to Scarlet's side. "After you"

Jumping up and becoming familiar with the leather interior, the brunette lay back and got comfortable as he pulled out from the dock, the boat beginning to glide through the silky water at an impeccable speed.

Breeze getting heavier and waves getting wider, her arms stretched out into the air to feel the wind cutting and separating past her frail arms, feeling free with the adrenaline rush to the velocity. She couldn't help but to let out an breathtaking cheer, letting her head loll back and feel the energy pour into the atmosphere.

It was euphoric, exhilarating even and she hadn't felt this wild in a very long time.

Turning to view Scarlet, Rafe chuckled with gratifying perplexity, just now treasuring the untamed look she was sporting and excelling in the purest beauty. "What you doing down there?"

"Come on try it! It feels amazing" she cheered over to him, wanting to share the same ecstasy she was experiencing in that very moment.

Sighing heavily with contemplation, his mind differed on wether or not he should give into the female for the millionth time as he often had many times; it was almost like he had become weak since they had met, weaker even, the effect she had upon him already was like no other. And he couldn't bare to get any worse than he already has because if he did then down she went with him, with his cruel mind and fucked up thoughts.

She didn't deserve that, but he deserved some form of happiness and that is why he was holding on for as long as he could. After all, Rafe hadn't felt genuine joy since his mother left, thats when all the shit started.

Slowly he was decaying and some form of hope he found inside of Scarlet, for a reasoning that is unknown, but she was bright and full of prosperity that he wanted to steal a fraction of.

So as he sucked up all the remaining pride he had left within him, Rafe inhaled and filled his lungs with the crisp sea air before letting out a bellowing hoot that stuck around for a few seconds before the wind took it away. Drawing a hearty series of laughter from the female as she observed his act that was driven by pure enthusiasm.

In all fairness Rafe had to give it to her, because in that very moment he felt the most content he had in the longest amount of time, there was something about screaming at the highest volume whilst speeding through the water that sent him into extreme elation- and Scarlet was the one who had lured that authentic emotion out of him.

For once since that day at the tarmac, the manacles around his mind were unlocked and Rafe felt free.

"Didn't that feel fucking amazing? Tell me it felt amazing!" Her arms shot up once again, throwing her head back as far as it could bend and screamed from the tiff her her lungs, punching the air and clapping vigorously to release all of her spirit and spend it wisely.

Rafe did just the same for a few continuous minutes, the two indulging in their satisfactory moment and generously sharing it with one another. Their voices were just about gone, all that was left was the croaky hum to rhythm of their existing sound and they invested that into more laughter.

Leaning over the side of the boat slightly, Scarlet let her fingertips graze the water as it drifted through her parted finger tips, the coldness that occurred from the sea sending pleasurable shivers to shoot up her bones and down her spine. Unable to contain herself, she followed by swinging her legs over the edge and dipping her toes in replacement of her hand- this was all too surreal, this moment felt priceless and remarkable in too many ways- she even had the urge to pinch herself and make sure it wasn't some hoaxed dream.

But no, he was here, and he continued to be here day after day to spend legitimate time with the brunette without fail. That's when Scarlet's mind was struck with realisation that it wasn't the moment that was too good to be true, it was Rafe.

Not long after their outburst of screams they had pulled up to some form of land, and enclosed area that was built up with a wall of rock that formed a semicircle around the patch of sand. To Scarlet it looked like a private area that had been neglected, with an additional shallow cave that reached back for around fifteen meters.

Rafe hopped out the boat first, offering his hand out for Scarlet to take and stabilise herself with as she followed his actions and jumped out onto the land. As he was pulling the boat more inland so it was planted firmly onto the sand, she took a seat on the pillowed ground and the searched the surroundings with glee tainted vision.

"This is beautiful, how did you know it was here?" She asked softly once the presence took a seat directly next to her, leaning his slackened arms on his knees as his hands were held together in between his parted legs.

"We'd pass it often when we take our yacht out to go fishing and I figured no one really gives it the attention it deserves" and sometimes when he felt like more of an immense view, Rafe would ditch his fort in the sand dunes and visit here instead. Like he said, no one ever happened to be here and it was peaceful and placid, also a place where no one could find him when he had his special moments.

"The sun is about to set" Scarlet smiled, the orange hues in the sky melting into a pinky undertone that diluted together to create a blood red. "Which means it would be the perfect time to go for a quick dip, you up for it sunshine?"

Rafe shot Scarlet a questionable look, swimming not exactly being on his schedule of events for tonight. "We didn't bring suits"

Pushing herself from the ground and taking a more intense look at the shore to determine the depth, the female turned back to look at the dirty blonde with a shit eating grin. "But i'm wearing undergarments and I presume you're wearing boxers, unless you like to go commando that is"

How on earth could he turn that down? The hottest and most unreal girl he had ever laid eyes on was willingly allowing him to see her half naked and requesting for him to do the same. They were edging at the halfway point of most of his fantasies if he agreed, although he wouldn't have to imagine anymore if he was actually shown what she looked like half bare.

Standing up to meet her, Rafe took slow predatorial steps towards Scarlet and slowly shook away his north face fleece from his shoulders, allowing it to hit the ground with a thud. "Would you like me to be commando?"

Meeting his movements, she pulled her halter top effortless over her head to expose the black lace bra that was hidden beneath it. Smirking greedily as the males Adam's apple bobbed slowly down his throat with desire. "That's for another day, just take you're clothes off Cameron"

Gaze lingering on the valley between her perky breasts, Rafe dampened his bottom lip eagerly with the tip of his tongue and also bought his shirt over his head sufficiently, now it was Scarlet's turn to gape over his inevitable beauty.

His shoulders were broad and toned to accompany his chiselled chest, pursuing down to his carved to perfection abs that painted his torso like a sculpted statue straight from an art gallery. Godly was an useless description for the males build, creamy tan skin being kissing by the moon lit skies that began to take place in the upcoming twilight and accentuated the curves of his muscles graciously.

Her nimble fingers soon went to work at the button of her jean shorts to unfasten them and pull them down in one smooth movement, now displaying her matching underwear. A simple black lace thong that rested on her prominent hipbones and highlighted her figure mesmerisingly, Rafe really didn't have to imagine anymore as the authentic sight to her body was better than he ever could make up within his mind.

Scarlet looked even more beautiful now than she ever did in his sensual thoughts.

But what caught his attention was the minimalistic tattoo on her right hip that was disguised by the material, it was a delicate dragon fly that was lightly shaded in black ink and was around six centimetres in length. Rafe allowed his gaze to linger for a few seconds on her bare stomach before he removed his trousers, unable to tame the growing bulge that ignorantly grew to the second as they stood face to face.

Flickering her eyes down to meet his crisp white Calvin's that clung to his skin like satin, she drank in vulnerableness that both exploited in that moment, yet Scarlet felt more confident than ever with his lustful hues examining every inch of her skin.

"My dick is hard" Rafe bluntly stated, feeling no embarrassment as the moment of intimate tension was disbursed once those brusque words were traded between them- Looking down towards his inevitable excitement with a wonky smirk and rolled his tongue along his lower lip in a smug like manner.

Taking her chance in looking down to the area he had pointed out, Scarlet maintained her unbothered mask whilst her stomach burned in arousal- the imprint of his vast length evidently pressed against the tight material around his groin. Was he always this eager for her? She thought, humming with satisfaction as a wave of courage overtook all emotions and made the brunette feel incredibly sexy in that very moment.

"Finding it hard to control yourself, Rafe?" She whispered as their bare bodies edged closed with each step, fingertips brushing gently over his collarbones then down the centre of his frame, halting just above the waistband of his boxers.

"You're not helping Scar, you're driving me insane" he groaned lowly, the brunette feeling the vibrations of his words disburse across her lips that sat inches away from his parted mouth. Moving her vision from his left eye to his right leisurely, Scarlet smirked one final time with accomplishment before pivoting on her heel and taking off into a sprint towards the shore.

Little tease.

Due to having a vast difference in leg length to the female, it didn't take long for Rafe to catch up with the run she had built up and wrap both large arms strongly around her slim torso. He didn't do so much as struggle against her attempts in wriggling free as he edged them closer into the open water, unfazed by the frosty temperature as he walked further into the tide until it grazed above his waist, then threw Scarlet with all his strength from his grip and submerging her completely into the ocean.

Under water where she had been plunged into had suddenly became inaudible, only the vibrations of his deep chuckles and bubbles that cascaded around her being to be heard as the peacefulness of below the ocean had took over her senses completely.

It took a few seconds for the brunette to emerge from underneath the waves, gasping for air with large, desperate, audible breaths that stole the silence. Her vision was unclear and blurred with the essence of sea salt and her now sopping wet hair, quickly pushing it all back as she coughed strenuously for a clear access to breath. Well she guessed she semi deserved that, fucking dick.

Natural reflexes kicking in, Scarlet scooped hand fulls of water and projected it in the direction of Rafe; succeeding in aim as he now stood with trinkets of water grazing down his curves and highlighting his perfect torso muscles. Majority doing damage on his effortless hairstyle as it was now saturated and dripping with the brunettes efforts.

Her breath hitched once she became aware of his scolding eyes and tightened jawline as he clenched his teeth together with a deathly glare, taking Scarlet by surprise by taking hold of her once again and dunking them both under.

With both surfacing at the same time and still being held captive to Rafe's secure hold, Scarlet found herself speechless for the first time tonight. Wether it was due to her lungs being deprived of air or being this close to the dirty blonde in such a natural moment- she didn't know, but their eye's didn't leave one another's whilst they studied each other closely.

To Scarlet she couldn't pick fault in the male in that present moment, from his alluring blue eyes to his authoritative soul that astounded her on a deeper level with each time they met. But she felt like there was something she should be able to identify, something she couldn't quite place her finger on that was off about Rafe. Yet she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried to scurry for an answer it simply was not there.

Today was her favourite day had spent together, everything about it feeling like it was almost meant to be and bringing out a desired happiness that she hadn't felt with any other soul. His willingness was something she could applaud the male with, because she too was ready to take any risk if he was standing there to accompany her. The person he could bring Scarlet to come in touch with from the deep depths of her character had never been explored before and she wanted it to stay because she liked who she was when she was with him. 

And just then she had realised, that yes, she definitely wanted him to stick around for as long as he would have her.

But Rafe's mind was currently occupied in spirals, life couldn't be better or had ever been better than what it was right now in the present. Scarlet was the person he never knew he was searching for but accidentally found in a moment of need, like it was fated almost. So why was his mind screaming to let go now before it was too late?

These emotions she draws from him were something that he was completely unfamiliar with and Rafe completely hated that, because he didn't like change. He loved to be in control.

The drugs, the alcohol, everything he ever tried to numb his mind with was nothing in comparison to this one singular girl who magically made everything in the world stop. His heart, the time, the wind, his mind, everything would come to a halt once his eyes landed upon Scarlet and she was in his vision. And that fucking petrified him.

He knew he needed this, deserved it even and that was the solemn reason he was adamant he wouldn't ever let go. But it wasn't hisself he was worried about  in this situation, not at all, he was concerned for Scarlet.

"I don't think this is gonna end well" he mumbled whilst being careful not to break eye contact, breathing heavily through his parted lips.

She grinned cruelly, reaching out to place her palm against his damp cheek and brush gently over his cheek bone with the pad of her thumb. "Why? You scared I'm gonna fuck your life up Cameron?"

Swallowing back the foreign emotions, Rafe shook his head slowly and maintained his flat expression that he worn far too well. "No, because I'll be the one to fuck up yours"

It was a warning, she gathered. One that she maybe shouldn't take so lightly and actually take into careful consideration. Yet in that very moment she couldn't care less, adrenaline pulsing and mind racing with daring urges- because when ever has Scarlet Meadows been one to back down from danger?

Her bizarre beam didn't falter, only widened to his truthful statement once it rolled off his tongue. "Rafe Cameron, regard this as your permission"

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into here angel, I promise you that once you confirm that then there's no going back. Ever"

"Are you trying to patronise me sunshine?" Scarlet cocked her head to the side, definite on her response and bewitched with his challenge.

"I'm giving you a chance to get out" his tone was dead serious and something that the brunette found extremely comical, whatever he had in store for her, she was all the more capable of handling it. Rafe Cameron was yet to realise he was also biting off more than he can chew.

"I don't want out Rafe, so do your worst"

His cheeks grew with a reciprocated grin, haunted by wicked intentions and hungry desire for the girl still fitted within his arms. Worst was something he can do very well, too well, her audacious proposal locking within his memory and stabilising itself within his mind- this was destined for disaster- they both knew.

Although, Scarlet Meadows was completely sold on a fabricated individual as Rafe Cameron wasn't exactly the person she believed him to be. Those luscious eyes and cheeky smiles were the infamous disguise for a damaged soul, a very tainted, ugly soul.

Not only did his secrets lie deep within him in the darkness, but so did Peterkin's body in the grave that was dug far too early for her, rotting in a casket with the bullet casing that had the males fingerprints scattered all over them.


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