Power of the Kings: Round Two

נכתב על ידי Buttercup-Rosie

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Sakura Kururugi has had to play an act for the last year after the Black Knights revolution crumbled when Zer... עוד

Living a Lie
The Demon Awakens
The Return of Zero
Cooking with the Student Council
Rescuing Prisoners of War
The Knight of Seven Arrives
The School Festival
Slow Dancing
Little Fairy
Out to Sea
A Million Miracles
Crashing A Banquet
Kidnapping an Empress
Power of the Heart
A Bad Call
Cupid Day
Geass Limit
Destroying the Order
The C's World
The United Federation of Nations
Rejecting the Ragnarök
Emperor Lelouch
The Democratic Way
The Final Battle
The Zero Requiem
Epilogue: Loose Ends
Epilogue: School
Epilogue: Little Mountain Home


137 6 4
נכתב על ידי Buttercup-Rosie


"Anything out of the ordinary?" I ask, lying in the middle of the table in the student council room as Lelouch looks through the photo album on his laptop.

"Nina is gone, and I can't find Arthur anywhere," Lelouch answers, clicking through the photos.

"Suzaku took Arthur with him. She still hates him, but that was never going to change. That cat has her mind set on hatred for him, but maybe that has changed since they must spend all kinds of time together."

"I never knew she was a she."

"I didn't either, and with a name like Arthur, I didn't really think anything of it until I realized that would be a big deal if she needed taken to the vet, so I figured it out."

"Any information about Nina?"

"She's with Llyod, I think. She was smart enough to graduate early, that I know for sure. Where she went after, I can only speculate. She took a great deal of liking towards the goofy scientists, but I don't know how much they stayed in touch."

"I see," he hums.

"I'm just glad she's gone," I sigh. "It was clear that Suzaku and I made her uncomfortable, but I can't change who I am. I can't become someone that I'm not." I run a hand through my bangs, frustrated that I'm even thinking about her. "Whatever, enough about her. I won't see her again, and she doesn't deserve to occupy any space in my mind."

"What's up?" Rolo's voice shuts down the conversation Lelouch and I were having. "Why are you looking through album? Hey, that's the student council marathon dance file, isn't it?"

"Hey Rolo," I sit up, leaning back on my hands as I place a warm smile on my face.

"Oh, hey Sakura," he flashes a smile back.

"You know the Prez," Lelouch sits up straighter, pouring on the positive vibes. "She likes to run us ragged with all these events."

"Oh, that's the broken heart contest."

"Talk about sad irony. The Prez stomps on Rivalz heart and then presents him with the trophy for winning." He chuckles, but the air in the room has changed.

I scoot closer to the edge of the table, setting my sock-clad feet down on a chair.

"Weird how you happened to escape," Rolo stares down at his brother.

"Hm?" Lelouch looks up at Rolo by barely turning his head.

"You heard the news, didn't you? Our military had Babel Tower completely surrounded. So how did you do it? How did you manage to get passed them?"

"What are you talking about, Rolo? Did you want to know how I got away from the military, or did you mean to say terrorists?"

He lets out a small gasp.

"I took an emergency corridor. I tried to call you, but my cell wouldn't work in that particular area."

"I see," his hand grips the phone in his hand tighter.

"I'm just glad that both of you boys are safe," I shift around, feeling the tension thickening around us. "I was in a panic when I remembered you had gone there to gamble by playing chess. There's nothing to worry about now."

Lelouch's hand clenches on his thigh as he lifts his eyes up from the locket hanging from Rolo's phone. "Rolo, give me that locket," he holds up his other hand.

"Huh?" Rolo's eyebrows furrow together.

"I don't know what I was thinking. That's not a good gift for a guy. I'll get you something else," he reaches down to grab the locked, but Rolo pulls it out of reach.

"Don't take it!" the boy's eyes widen in fear. "You gave it to me. It's mine," he holds his phone up to his chest. "Please don't. Don't take it back." His eyes shimmer with the threat of tears.

"Sure, fine, you keep it then, Rolo."

He lets out a sigh, and whatever panic was running through him washes away.

I clear my throat, messing the skirt of my school uniform. "Well, with that out of the way, I have a question for you, Rolo."

"Huh, you do?" Rolo looks over at me.

"Yes," I nod. "Where have you been!? First I was worried you were killed, and then you don't even come to the celebration we had of us surviving while out during the terrorist attack. I thought we were friends," I pout.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he waves his free hand in front of him. "We are friends. I mean, it would make sense as you are dating my older brother, but you've always been so nice to me. I'm sorry that I made you worry."

"I forgive you," I giggle. "At least I got to spend some time with your lovely brother," I run my fingers through Lelouch's hair. "He's quite the romantic, if you were curious."

"What did you two do?"

"If you must know, Sakura and I went on a picnic date and talked about all different kinds of things. I even let her take a little nap outside as I worked on some schoolwork." He grabs my hand, pulling it down to press kisses to my knuckles. "Then I needed to look through these photos for Milly. She wants a proper album detailing everything."

"He makes it seem less romantic that it truly was," I giggle, pulling my hand out of his grasp. "Your brother makes me feel like a princess sometimes."

"Then I should leave the two of you alone, so you can continue spending alone time together," Rolo smiles. "I'm sure that the two of you haven't been able to spend much time together since we all got back. Everyone asking us what it was like to be out, and how we managed to get back."

"That's why you've been locking yourself in your room, isn't it?" I tease.

A light blush spreads across his cheeks. "Maybe a little bit. Okay, I'm leaving now!" he rushes out of the room.

"I didn't think he was that attached to the locket," Lelouch leans back in his seat.

"Well, it was a gift from you," I slide off the table. "Everything you've gifted to me I cherish, so I can understand where he's coming from. I also hold everything that Suzaku has given me close to my heart as well. Even things that aren't even physical objects."

He nods a few times, "I'll be more careful then. Now, where do you think you're going?"

"I had a dream, about those that have been imprisoned," I take a deep breath. "I don't know why I've been thinking about them so much recently, but with the return of the Black Knights, I can't help but wonder what is going to happen to all those people. To my people. The Japanese, I mean. They broke the law, but they aren't bad people, really. I'm scared that it won't just end with them," I wrap my arms around my stomach. "I fear that it will eventually trickle down to me. That none of us are safe."

"Come here," he pushes back from the table, holding out his arms for me. "No one is ever going to come for you, and if they do, I'll make sure that you don't go anywhere, okay? You're my blossom, and now one is going to take you from me again."

I let out a sigh, taking a seat on his lap as his arms envelop me. "I don't think it will happen, but it still crossed my mind. I've done everything I've supposed to do, and my brother is some bigshot now, so I will be fine."

He presses a kiss to the top of my head, "I can turn on the news if you want."

"Only if you want to. I'm sure it's only a matter of time now."

Lelouch moves to exit out of the photo album and bring up an online news station. There's nothing of interest playing at the moment, so we just sit in silence as the fluff is presented to us. A part of me doesn't want to see my vision come true now, but if it doesn't, I'll slowly become a nervous wreck waiting for the horror to become real.

"Can you hear me, Zero?" a strong male voice speaks up as the broadcast changes from the news to a Britannian announcement. "Can you hear me, Infinity? Listen closely. I am Lord Gilbert G. P. Guilford, knight of her royal highness Cornelia li Britannia!"

I turn to look at the computer, seeing the camera panning over all the captured Black Knights in multiple prisoner convoys. Some are on top of the boxes being presented like wild animals with no way to move. This is what I saw last night. This is what haunted my sleep.

"Beginning tomorrow at fifteen-hundred hours, these two-hundred-fifty-six special class A felons, who are guilty of treason against the empire, will all be executed for their crimes!"

I cut off the cry before it can escape my mouth. My heart clenching as all the familiar faces are shown on screen. All the people that I came to have close relationships with are awaiting their death, and I haven't done a single thing to save them. I haven't been able to do a single thing to save them. And now that Lelouch's memories are back, he can't risk anyone knowing that the Zero that has returned is actually him. We've both been stuck in the mud with no way to get out. With no way to help these people that are the backbone of the Black Knights.

"Zero! If you value the lives of your people, then you will face me, one-on-one in an honorable duel! If you do not accept my challenge, then I shall declare you a coward!"

The door to the room opens, and I turn to see Shirley walking in. I easily slide out of Lelouch's lap, muting his laptop, and taking a seat on the edge of the table.

"Oh, Lulu, Sakura, are you the only two in here?" Shirley asks.

"Hey Shirley," I smile at her. "We were doing student council things, and then I wanted to take a break."

"Shirley, don't you have swim club right now," Lelouch looks over at her.

"Yes, I do, but...you see, I have to go shopping because I have to buy a birthday present," she says.

"Whose birthday?"

"Ms. Villetta, our counselor," she smiles. "They all agreed I should buy it since I'm always the one making her mad. Problem is," she tangles a hand into her hair, "I'm incredibly impaired when it comes to picking out presents." Her eyes close for a moment, and then she turns, placing her index finger on her chin as she looks up thoughtfully. "She appears to enjoy liquor. I could buy her that. But I don't know what brand she likes." Her head falls as a slightly pout appears.

"Should I go with you?" Lelouch asks.

"Huh?" her eyes widen as her head snaps over to look at the boy.

"I could help you select a present for her."

"And Lelouch here is amazing at picking out gifts for others," I tease, pinching his cheek.

"Too bad you have student council work to do, or you could come with us," he grabs my wrist, grinning as he looks at me.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "I'll do your work for you."

"Oh, I don't want to leave Sakura to do all the work," Shirley says.

"Don't worry about me," I wave her off. "Enjoy a little shopping trip for our wonderful counselor."

"Are you ready to go then?" Lelouch stands up,

"Yeah, mm-hm!" she widely smiles.

The two of them leave the room, but I stay seated on the table for a few minutes. There's a reason that Lelouch suggested that they head out, and a reason that I was left behind, but I can't figure it out.

"Sakura!" Rivalz voice shocks me to my feet.

"What is it, Rivalz?" I turn to face the boy.

"Don't you want to follow Lelouch? I was on my way to Milly, but I thought I might as well grab you on the way."

"Why would I want to follow him?"

"I don't know, it's just, he's going out with a girl that isn't you, and I thought-"

"He's not cheating on me, idiot," I chuckle. "He is allowed to go out with his friends. Besides, I have a ton of work to do with student council."

"Come on," he whines. "I'll do whatever work has been tossed onto you, so don't even worry about it. Now come on! Let's go spy on your boyfriend!"

I purse my lips in thought for a moment, "Oh, what the hell. Let's spy on my boyfriend!"


"I never took you as someone who would do something like this, Rolo," I tease as him, Milly, Rivalz, and I are hiding behind some bushes as we watch Shirley and Lelouch at a phone store. Unlike the others, I had time to rush back to my room and change out of my school uniform. I also helped Shirley pick out a cute green dress for her to wear while out. I stuck for a simple graphic t-shirt, shorts, and beret.

"I didn't think you would be excited to do something like this," Rolo says. "I mean, he's your boyfriend, so why didn't you just go with him?"

"Shirley has a crush on him, and don't let her know that I know, or else she might explode from embarrassment."

"Every girl at the school has a crush on Lelouch," Rivalz grumbles.

"Not every girl, you just need to branch out more," Milly shakes her head.

"Anyways, Rivalz said he'd take care of the student council work I had later, so I decided to come," I shrug. "Not because I don't trust either of them, but because I really didn't have anything else to do." And I believe that Lelouch is planning something to rescue those waiting to be executed. "Now I'm thinking about what a drunk Lelouch would be like."

Milly evilly giggles, "I can make that happen, but that means I want to see you drunk as well."

"They're moving," Rolo speaks up. "They already got Ms. Villetta a gift, so where are they going now?"

"She probably just wants to keep hanging out with him," Rivalz says. "They don't have to be back at the school any time soon, so we can keep following them."

The four of us move, doing our best to stay out of their line of sight, but I would be surprised if Lelouch hasn't noticed us following them yet. I've done my best to play along with the others, but I know there's more to what is going on than a simple shopping trip.

Once Lelouch goes into the changing room of the small store him and Shirley entered, I know that I need to make my exit. I need to meet up with him before whatever he's planned starts.

I stand up, not caring if the two we've been spying on spot me. "Okay guys, this has been fun, but I feel like my stomach is going to growl if I don't grab a pretzel from the stand we just passed."

"Don't be too long," Milly says. "We'll leave you behind if they move stores."

I chuckle, "I believe that." I start to walk off, but Rolo cuts me off.

"Wait, Sakura, can I come with you?" Rolo's fingers brush against mine.

"Oh no you don't," Rivalz slings his arm around the boy's shoulders. "You're not getting out of this."

"But, I just, that's not..."

"I'll bring you back a pretzel, don't worry," I wave with my fingers before taking off in the direction I remember the stand being. The excuse to get away was true. I haven't had anything to eat since the picnic lunch, and even then, I didn't eat much. I've been too stressed about the prisoners.

"Enjoy," the man operating the stand smiles, handing me two pretzels.

"Thank you so much," I smile back, taking a bite of the pretzel I've claimed for myself. Then I walk over to an empty bench and take a seat to focus on eating.

It isn't much longer that the PA system of the mall dings to life. "Paging Mr. Maximillian from the Hakodate settlement. Paging Mr. Maximillian from the Hakodate settlement. You have a phone call."

The tension in the mall shifts, as that announcement must be code to warn the workers of the mall of something bad being called into security. Every single one of them must believe that it is the Black Knights.

I finish my pretzel, standing up to toss the paper in the trash before heading back in the direction of the small shop. My face hidden by the second pretzel I got, never intending to give it to Rolo.

Lelouch is calmly walking about ten meters in front of me, having changed into a different outfit in the changing room. A man obviously tasked to watch over him is doing a bad job at secretly trailing the boy. If Lelouch didn't know who was following him before, at least he knows the face of one guy now.

An alarm screeches out mere seconds later, and with the paranoia already building in everyone's minds, it sets everyone off into screams as they run to get out of the mall. The man following Lelouch is tripped up by people rushing in the opposite direction, and I quickly skip out of the way to avoid being run over myself.

From the corner of my eye, I see Lelouch use Geass on the man, giving me the chance to run out and catch up with the boy.

"He won't be a problem anymore," Lelouch chuckles as the man walks off.

"What's your plan now?" I take a bite of the pretzel that has done its job well.

He nods to get me to follow him, chuckling the whole time, "That's just one easy way to cause panic."

"Nice outfit change, by the way," I tease as we keep walking.

"I'm surprised that you could tell it was me."

"You changed clothes, Lelouch, not faces or body types. Do you really take me for an idiot or something?"

"This whole time they've been using me to get to C.C., but I am going to make sure that the one person who could ruin all this for us is taken out of the picture."

"I would like to be able to meet back up with the others."

"Only a matter of time," he sharply turns down a hallway that leads to a security camera room that they must have been watching him from. "Stay out here, and we'll leave once the job is done."

I nod, leaning against the wall. "Nowhere for me to go now."

He enters the room, closing the door behind me.

The mall is still filled with screaming and people running for what they think is their lives, but whatever Lelouch did to cause this amount of panic is unlikely to happen. We haven't been in contact with C.C., Kallen, or any of the Black Knights since Zero and Infinity's return a couple days ago. The risk is too high, even for me.

The door to the room opens a few minutes later, and I'm a bit shocked to see Lelouch and Rolo both exiting without harm to either of them. I instantly reach for the switchblade in my purse, but Lelouch holds his hand up to stop me.

"He knows, Sakura, and I'm going to help him get C.C. in order to ensure that we both live."

"I never would have guessed you were a Geass user as well," Rolo's voice is a bit harder than normal. "Fighting for Japan makes more sense."

"What's your gift?" I cross my arms, staring the boy down.

"He can freeze a person in time for a brief moment," Lelouch explains. "That explains how he grabbed me in Babel Tower when you were dragging me away."

I nod, "So, we're working together now?"

"That's right," Rolo doesn't even try to smile to lighten the mood.

"Whatever," I shrug. "Let's just get out of here. Oh, and here's your pretzel I promised you, Rolo." I hold the treat out to him. "I took a bite out of panic, but it should still be good."

"Oh," he blinks, the cold demeaner cracking. "Thanks," he takes the treat and bites into it.

"Let's go find the others," Lelouch grabs my hand. "Show them that we are all okay before they freak out too much."


Hope you enjoyed reading! I wasn't sure how to place Sakura into the second scene at first, but I knew she had to be at the mall. Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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