The Lost Master


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Seven years after Ash's defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the titl... Plus



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Tobias strode into the main building at Indigo. It had been nearly two weeks since the execution of Giovanni, and he had watched the progress of the so-called 'legendary law'. It looked certain to pass, and so he had headed to Indigo. As he reached the receptionist, he smiled tightly at her.

"I would like to speak to the Pokémon Master." He said. The receptionist gave him a quick look, and shook her head.

"I am sorry sir, but he doesn't take visitors."

"He will take me." Tobias said.

"No sir, he will not. I suggest you see Miss Shirona." The receptionist said calmly. "If you like I can ask if she is free."

"Yes." Tobias said testily. "My name is Tobias Takuto."

The receptionist picked up the phone and spoke into it. A few moments later she spoke again, another brief pause, then she put it down.

"Miss Shirona will see you. Take the lift on the left to the seventh floor and she will see you."

"Thank you." Tobias gritted out. It grated against him to have to fight in this way, against the Pokémon League taking his Pokémon away from him. He tried to reign his irritation. He knew he had to be careful with somebody like Cynthia.

As he reached the seventh floor, he saw somebody stood waiting for him. "Tobias?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes." He said. "Thank you for seeing me Cynthia."

"I don't have much choice." Cynthia replied. "'Champion' asked me to meet you when you arrived."

"I see." Tobias said, as he followed Cynthia towards her office. "Did he say why he wanted you to do so?"

Cynthia didn't answer until she was sat behind her desk, with Tobias sat opposite her. "Inform you that you will be required to give up your Pokémon when the law comes into effect. Although he suspected that you would arrive as you have; before you have to give up your Pokémon."

"Indeed." Tobias said, his teeth gritted. "And did he say what he expected me to do when I arrived?"

Cynthia laughed lightly. "Wondering how well he's read you Tobias?"

Tobias was about to answer, then stopped. This wasn't going as he had expected. He took a breath to compose himself, before speaking again. "I am actually curious as to why he is pushing through this law."

"I cannot tell you." Cynthia said.

"You mean you don't know?" Tobias asked.

"No, I expect you to work it out for yourself pretty quickly." Cynthia answered. "After all, you have captured the Knowledge Pokémon."

Tobias sat stunned. He had tried his best to keep the fact that he had captured these legendary Pokémon out of notice of the Pokémon League. "How do you know that?" he asked, fighting to restore his inner calm.

"It's not on record." Cynthia said quietly. "I don't know how you managed that, but the only legendary Pokémon that there are a record of you having are Darkrai and Latios. 'Champion' knew though. I don't know how."

"It all comes back to him." Tobias said. "He knows things he shouldn't, can do things he shouldn't be able to, and shows up with a group of Pokémon that are stupidly powerful. Who is he Cynthia?"

"If all you are here to do is to debate the Pokémon Master then this interview is over." Cynthia said, her voice hardening. "I agreed to meet with you Tobias because I was ordered to. I will not be discussing my superior; that is inappropriate."


"Goodbye Tobias."

Tobias stood slowly, before glaring at Cynthia. "You will regret this." Under Cynthia's hard but calm gaze he stormed out of the office, heading back to the receptionist downstairs.

"Another word if you please." Tobias said, his anger showing in his voice.

"Yes sir?" The receptionist asked.

"I wish to challenge the Pokémon Master for his title."

"Your name is Tobias Takuto?" she asked him. A curt nod, and she started typing quickly. "You won the Sinnoh League... nearly eight years ago?" Tobias nodded. "The battle should take place..." She trailed off reading her screen. "I apologize, the battle is to go through as soon as possible?" Tobias nodded again, not saying anything. "Very good. Your battle will be in a week, at 9am on Saturday. Good luck sir."

The woman handed Tobias a piece of paper that came off the printer next to her, which gave details for the battle. Tobias nodded, and strode out of the building. A week was enough time to train his legendary Pokémon up. They couldn't be beaten, he was sure of it. And when he was Pokémon Master, the law would never come into effect.

Ash glanced at the computer in the corner of the room as it beeped. From a distance he could see that he had an email from Cynthia. He suspected it would be the thing that he worried about. A fight against Tobias. He crossed the room to have his fears confirmed. As he slowly walked back to his chair, he quietly groaned. When the legendary Pokémon were as upset as they were, a battle against one could cause one of them to start panicking and cause trouble. A battle against six, and he was fairly confident that he would be facing down all of them wherever the battle was. And he knew that he couldn't. Yet Tobias wouldn't withdraw his challenge, he knew better than to even ask. Part of him did enjoy the irony. He had vanished in the aftermath of a defeat against Tobias, and yet when he had the chance to get revenge, he might not be able to take it, because of the way Tobias fought. Ash wondered if he even knew the danger he put spectators in by bringing six legendary Pokémon to a battle.

Ash sat back down on a sofa, facing the door. He was waiting for Sam and Mellanie to return from their exercise, having done his own earlier in the day. They had taken to their training with gusto, and their friendship had helped. Watching it made him sad though. When he had started training he had a friend alongside him. A friend who he could talk to about the days training, compete against when running, even if he was outclassed. And then that friend had left. The Day of Departure always got Ash brooding, and Espeon had sat with him a lot in the two weeks since the youngsters had joined him. Since then he had barely gone to Indigo, relying on Cynthia to continue her job ensuring he wasn't tied to his work. Anything that required his intervention was not going to end well.

Ash wrenched his thoughts back to Tobias. He had to find a way to have him release his Pokémon; if he didn't then the balance would remain permanently upset. And yet, he couldn't delay Tobias' challenge till after he had to release his Pokémon. He knew that the media fallout from such a move could force him out of his role. A Pokémon Master without any public support was a fairly useless role in society. So the battle had to go ahead. And since it was a challenge match, it would be six on six. Ash suspected that he could win, but knew it wouldn't get that far. If he knocked out one legendary, and then could look after the Pokémon immediately afterwards, he knew that the fallout would be virtually non-existent. The other legendary Pokémon wouldn't get angry if a trainer tested himself against one of them, as long as the trainer ensured that the legendary Pokémon was treated for any wounds. If he knocked out two or three he could conceivably still not start a knock-on effect if he could immediately heal them. However, he knew he wouldn't be able to. Tobias wouldn't give him the chance; they would be withdrawn into their Pokéballs and another sent out. And the battle would bring legendary Pokémon to him. Which meant that he had to accept that he would be facing down every legendary Pokémon all at once.

Ash sighed, knowing that there was only one thing that he could do. Something he had prayed that wouldn't be needed, but he wasn't surprised that it was. He pushed himself off the sofa and strode out of the door. Outside, three Pokémon were stood, their eyes shut as they fought mentally. Mewtwo, fully rested and powerful had proved formidable, but under his guidance Espeon and Alakazam had rapidly grown stronger. However, what Ash wanted wasn't Mewtwo's strength, it was his status. Crucially that of him being a legendary Pokémon. Ash stopped in front of the trio of psychic Pokémon, and waited. Within a few moments Espeon's eyes snapped open and she mewed softly. Mewtwo turned to regard Ash, and Alakazam grunted before turning as well.

"Mewtwo, I need to speak to you." Ash said. Mewtwo inclined his head, before gesturing for Ash to continue. "I need some help dealing with legendary Pokémon. Namely how to stop Tobias, somebody who has captured six of them."

"Those Pokémon need to be released." Mewtwo said. "Capturing legendary Pokémon will upset the balance of nature."

"I'm aware." Ash said calmly. "There is a law in the process of being resurrected that will make it illegal to capture any legendary Pokémon. Tobias is the only person to still have one captured. He has challenged me, in a match which is to take place before the law goes through, so he can still use his Pokémon. I need help dealing with the fallout of battling against so many legendary Pokémon, crucially help in dealing with the others when they arrive due to the disturbance."

Mewtwo blinked. "I did not expect you to be so well informed."

"One day you'll learn." Ash replied with a slight smile.

"Indeed. Against such a force of legendary Pokémon nothing you have will be enough. I doubt your Pokémon can defeat two or three legendarys each. Therefore you need to find a way to have this man withdraw his challenge."

"He won't."

"Then I have no idea." Mewtwo said. "I'm sorry, but if you defeat enough legendary Pokémon to scare the rest into attacking, you will have no choice but to fight them. The balance is already upset, I can sense it, even know I'm not as attuned as the others. Such an attack would risk throwing it completely out of alignment."


"Everything that each legendary Pokémon controls, will begin to go into turmoil. The most obvious is the weather. Similar to the events at Shamouti Island, only worse. There only three legendary Pokémon were angered. That drew a battle between the heat of Moltres, the thunder of Zapdos and the ice of Articuno. You will also have the danger of the clash between Groudon and Kyogre, leading to impossible weather patterns. Even if you manage to stop it, the effects will be felt for a long time, unless the Pokémon themselves manage to bring it under control. If other legendary Pokémon are involved, the risk is even higher, as the will of humans and Pokémon will begin to break, time will begin to fall into disarray..."

"I get the idea." Ash said. "If the Pokémon are thrown so far out of balance, calamity will follow. Can't one of the legendary Pokémon help to keep the others calm? Mew for example? Doesn't she have a stronger connection to all the other legendary Pokémon?"

"I do not know." Mewtwo said. "Although if you wish, I will call for Mew."

"You can do that?" Espeon's voice butted in. "Call for Mew? The ancestor of all Pokémon?"

"I am linked to her." Mewtwo said. "I am her clone after all. We have rarely used it, but if I call she will almost certainly come. It may take her a few days, but she should make it in time."

"I would love to see Mew." Espeon said excitedly. "Not only is she my ancestor, she is the most powerful psychic Pokémon alive."

Mewtwo coughed pointedly, and Espeon subsided, muttering an apology.

"If you wouldn't mind." Ash said. "Mewtwo, I think we need her. Please call her."

"A battle?" Misty asked. "Tobias against 'Champion'?"

"Yes." Gary sighed. "I intend to go. Not least because I need to start making more public appearances."

The two were in Professor Oak's laboratory. Brock and Tracey were around as well. Brock had started spending more time at the lab, treating the Pokémon. They had been somewhat unsettled recently and neither Gary nor Samuel Oak could work out why. Brock didn't mind spending so much time there, but he was worried for the Pokémon.

"Wait, why do you need to make more appearances?" Misty asked. "What's changing?"

"Gary wanted to be the one to tell you" a voice said from a doorway. "But it's my decision. My choice. I insisted that I was the one who could tell you all."

Misty turned to see Samuel Oak stood in the doorway, smiling genially at her. Across the room Brock turned to look in surprise. Tracey also looked up from the Pokémon he was sketching.

"I have been in my role for longer than I ever intended." Samuel continued. "I have seen eight different Pokémon Masters, and sent countless trainers out into the world. And I am old."

Misty was about to speak, but Gary gently laid a hand on her arm, and she stopped.

"'Champion' is good for the Pokémon League. He has given it shocks to its core, made it a more serving league, and taken it back to its roots with a modern twist. Yet I think that this is about the time for me to step down, because of the change that the League is going through. One more change will make little difference. I have enjoyed my years of research, loved looking after Pokémon and wouldn't live my life any other way if I had the choice. But I have two final things to do. Firstly I will go to Indigo Plateau and inform 'Champion' of my decision to resign. I hope that he will permit me to choose my successor, in which case Gary has agreed to take my place."

Misty turned to her boyfriend in surprise. He had often spoken about how he enjoyed being able to travel, research things as they took his interest. She couldn't believe that he would give it up.

"And once I am free of obligations, I will go on my own journey." Samuel said with a wry smile. "I still have Pokémon that are powerful enough to protect me. I want to go deep into the world, investigate mysteries that have fascinated me for years."

"Why do you need to go to Indigo?" Brock asked. "Surely you can just email 'Champion'?"

"That is true." Samuel said. "But Cynthia said that while 'Champion' is busy preparing for a difficult battle he wishes to meet me before I go."

"And after that you will leave?" Brock asked.

"Yes. In all likelihood you won't hear from me for a long time. I will be out of contact."

"But why?" Misty burst out. "Why do you want to go away like this?"

"Because I am old Misty. I have spent years watching trainers like you travel the world. I was once like you before I settled down, but now I want to move on. One day you will understand. Although, not for a long time I suspect." Oak said with a slight laugh.

Misty looked at him sadly. She had relied on him a great deal when she was the Gym leader in Cerulean; he gave great advice and was able to help with any Pokémon troubles that she had.

"Who knows?" Brock asked.

"Gary obviously. You as well. I've told Delia."

"How did she take it?"

"Surprisingly well." Samuel said. "I think she knows that if she asked I'd stay, and so she refuses to do so. She doesn't want to feel like she is holding me back. She however, won't want to leave home until Ash comes back."

"Do you think that he ever will?" Misty asked quietly.

"I don't know Misty. What I do know is that I will keep an eye out for him." Samuel Oak said. "Now, I have to go and finish packing. I will say goodbye to you all before I leave."

And to a room of silence, Professor Samuel Oak walked away slowly, his age finally showing on his figure.

Tobias stood looking out over a training field. He fingered the Pokéballs at his waist, before holding one out. A Pokémon appeared, floating above the field. Its eyes were shut, and its two grey tails curled around itself. Uxie faced Tobias.

"I need answers." Tobias said.

"Of course." Uxie replied, speaking directly to Tobias. "What are the questions?"

"How would the Pokémon Master know that you've been captured by me?"

"I cannot know for certain, given how you trap me." Uxie said. "However, I suspect that he found out from another legendary Pokémon."

"The others would know?"

"Legendary Pokémon are all in tune with each other. They would know."

"Why would he try to put a law in against anybody owning legendary Pokémon?"

"Maybe he felt that the ownership of a Pokémon such as me is something that nobody should have?"

"You're mine." Tobias snapped. "Don't try to persuade me to release you."

"Yes Master." Uxie said sarcastically.

Tobias glared at her. "'Champion' doesn't understand the power of legendary Pokémon. He doesn't understand the trial of capturing and controlling them. Each one I captured, took some of me away. And he wants me to throw my achievements away? Uxie, will you and the others battle for me properly?"

"Just because we are unhappy at being captured and held by you, doesn't mean that we can avoid a direct order from you. We will fight."

"Good." Tobias said sharply. "Then I suspect you will all want to train. This man holds some of the most powerful Pokémon in the world. You will need to be at your best to win."

"It doesn't matter." Uxie thought to herself. "When the battle is underway, you will lose your legendary Pokémon one way or another. We will be free." But she didn't say anything as Tobias released his other Pokémon and started barking instructions. She wasn't about to jeopardise her first chance at freedom since she had been captured.

Ash was stood waiting quietly when Mellanie and Sam returned from another days training. They turned to their Pokémon and told them to train, before they headed to meditate. Before they could sit down, Ash spoke.

"I need a word." Immediately Sam and Mellanie turned to face him. "I have been challenged. By a man called Tobias. He remains the only trainer to win a regional tournament final using only a single Pokémon."

"What was his Pokémon?" Mellanie asked in awe. Ash was about to answer, when he saw Sam trying to hold himself back from answering.

"Go on Sam." Ash said.

"Tobias Takuto." Sam said excitedly. "He won the Sinnoh Regional final over seven years ago using only Darkrai. However, in the semi-final he lost both his Darkrai and his Latios, to a trainer called Ash Ketchum."

Sam and Mellanie looked at Ash who sighed. "You are quite something Sam, do you know that? Yes, I was the boy who took Tobias further than anybody else in a battle in that tournament. Yet I still lost. And it was my final tournament before I left to train properly."

"So you'll get revenge?" Mellanie asked.

"It's not that easy." Ash said. "He now has six legendary Pokémon, instead of just two. And with that many missing from the wild, the others are edgy. What will happen isn't important. What is, is that on the day of the battle, I do not want you there."

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Because it's not safe. At the battle I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the appearance of other legendary Pokémon. I don't want to risk your lives there."

"But we are..." Mellanie started.

"Young." Ash said. "I will do my best to ensure the safety of spectators, but can't guarantee complete safety at the moment. And I won't be able to keep them away, a battle like this will fill a stadium. I'll have enough to worry about without trying to protect you two as well. I am meeting somebody who might be able to help, but I still would prefer you to stay away during this fight."

"Okay..." Sam said quietly.

"Now, carry on with your training. I'm off to meet a Pokémon." Ash said, before turning and striding away.

Sam and Mellanie turned back to their Pokémon.

"Something isn't right." Sam said quietly. "When I looked up Ash, I found that he had many different Pokémon. Foremost among them, a Pikachu. Do you remember when Gary told us about him? Same man."

"I know that, Ash told us." Mellanie said. "What are you implying?"

"Where is that Pikachu?"

"I don't..." Mellanie trailed off. "Misty's Pikachu? You think that was once Ash's?"

"Yes." Sam said. "That's exactly what I think."

"So you think that is why he won't see his family? Misty, who is clearly friends with Delia stole his Pikachu?"

Sam groaned. "Don't be an idiot Mel." he said with a sigh. "Remember, Gary told us that Pikachu came back after Ash left to go training? Something happened when they were training, something that drove Pikachu away."

"Are you getting at something Sam?" Mellanie asked, exasperated. "If you worry that we'll lose our friends if we follow the same path, remember. You are the only true friend I have. My own family rejected me. And if you are here, I'll have lost nothing, but gained the friendship of 'Champion' and strength as a trainer. So if you're suggesting I do anything that could jeopardize that, my answer is no."

"I'm not." Sam said hurriedly. "I don't want to lose him as a trainer, or as a friend."

"Then what?" Mellanie asked.

"I want to know what happened. Because the list of Pokémon that he had was pretty long, I want to know what happened to them."

"Drop it Sam." Mellanie advised. "This isn't going to end well. Remember when we were in Goldenrod and met Whitney? She told us about Ash. Misty clearly missed him. Ash clearly made a huge mark on the world before he became Pokémon Master. I don't intend to dig into it. Whatever you do, don't include me."

"I..." Sam broke off with a start. Ash's Sceptile appeared next to him, looking furious. The Pokémon leaped forwards, clearing the heads of the two youngsters easily, before vanishing again, in the direction Ash had walked. Sam gulped, while Mellanie looked terrified.

"He's gone to tell Ash hasn't he." Mellanie said quietly.

"I suspect so. This is going to be fun..." Sam answered.

"Are you upset about your grandfather leaving?" Misty asked Gary. The two of them were alone, watching over the Pokémon ranch. The ranch that would most likely soon belong to Gary.

"In a way." Gary said, his arm around Misty. "I've gotten so used to him always being here, it's hard to imagine him leaving. I've known him my whole life, he's like my father." Gary trailed off, his free hand playing with Misty's hair. Misty just let him think, knowing that he needed the time to get through.

"It's hard." Gary said suddenly. "He's offered me everything I've ever wanted; a lab, a job, a firm future. Yet I'm not sure if I'm ready to settle down yet. I mean, I'm nearly twenty-three, but I'm not sure I'm ready. I loved travelling. Yet I know that he's waited years for me to be ready for this. I can't ask him to wait any longer."

Another, longer silence followed. Misty still didn't say anything, just leaned into her boyfriend and waited. A small group of Pontya wandered past and one came over to nuzzle Gary. He smiled, and petted the Pokémon, before it wandered off again.

"I do want to settle down." Gary said. "And I know that this is the best opportunity I will get. So I am grateful. And I know that Gramps will come home eventually. Who knows, he might even find Ash. Now wouldn't that be something."

Misty smiled slightly. She did admit, it would probably be quite amusing to see Samuel Oak face Ash Ketchum, and berate him for vanishing for so long. Ash would probably run his hand through his hair sheepishly, and apologize. And then come running home. She snorted to herself. That was unlikely to happen. She doubted Ash would be able to bear coming home, given how long he had run off for. Still, she hoped that even if he couldn't face his friends again he would come home for his mother. Or bring her to him. Or something.

"How about you?" Gary asked. "How do you feel about it?"

"I dunno." Misty said. "For more than twelve years, I've known that all the help I could ever need is just a phone call away. Now he is leaving. If I need him I won't be able to reach him. That is a weird feeling. But I think it's good for him to be chasing his dream. And I'm sure that once you've settled down you'll do well as the regions Professor." A sly grin crossed Misty's face. "Professor Oak. Sounds official."

Gary sighed. "Don't you start; I'm never gonna hear the end of this one."

A companionable silence stretched between the two of them for several minutes before Gary spoke up again.

"I hate him."

Misty twisted round to look at him. "Your grandfather?"

"No. Tobias Takuto."

Misty turned back again. "Because of Ash." It wasn't a question.

"Yes. That guy shows up at a tournament, wipes the floor with it. Ash was the best trainer in that whole tournament. By a long way. Nobody else came close to beating Darkrai, Ash beat Darkrai and Latios. It should have been his. This new law is a good one, banning legendary Pokémon. Facing the kind of power that they have just isn't fair. If Tobias hadn't been there Ash would have come home a Champion, would never have left to go and train and then vanished. He would still be here. My first and only true friend. So yes, I hate him because of Ash. Because he took the boy I grew up with away."

Misty sat quietly, shocked by the outburst. Gary was usually so calm and collected. And his attitude to Ash had clearly softened in their time apart.

"I know what you mean." She finally answered quietly. "I lost my brother that day. Brock did to. Dawn and May lost their first teacher. If he had still been here, he would have gone on and become a Pokémon Master. I'm sure of it." A tear slowly leaked out of her eye, down her face and then dropping away to the ground, unseen by Gary. "The potential taken away because somebody managed to capture a legendary Pokémon is criminal. I hope 'Champion' destroys him."

The two of them sat a while longer, neither bothering to say anything. There was nothing for them to say. Eventually Gary climbed to his feet, and held a hand out to Misty. She didn't see it in the darkness but felt for it and let him pull her upright. They slowly walked back towards the lab, disappearing inside for the night.

Cynthia was reading through a report on legendary Pokémon when she saw it. She had started to do as much reading around the subject as possible, in preparation for questions about the law, should it go through. She had been reading through the text of various archaeological finds. This one was something that had been found and translated very recently, an apparent diary record from somebody who had been close to a trainer called "The Master". She had only been able to get access to the summary because the man in charge of the excavation owed her a favour. She knew that she should have gotten back to the process of training upcoming trainers, but had decided against it. This she felt was more important, and she had just been proved right. She started typing furiously at her computer, sending an email to the Pokémon Master. He needed to see this.

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