An Outsider That Who Knows Ab...

Da MavTheStonks14

36.9K 641 342

Y/n L/n has a normal life on his world but suddenly he was Gap to gensokyo. instead of being freak out hes ju... Altro

Character info
(Chapter 0) Nice Portal Bro
(Chapter 1) New Youkai?
(Chapter 2) Daily life on Gensokyo
(Chapter 3) A New Magician
(Chapter 5) The Bamboo Forest Part 2
(Chapter 6) The Bamboo Forest Part 3
(Chapter 7) The Bamboo Forest Part 4
(Chapter 8) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 1
(Chapter 9) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 2
(Chapter 10) Misty Lake
(Short Chapter 10.5) Happy Teachers Day Patchouli-Sensei!
(Chapter 11) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 3
(Chapter 12) The Scarlet Devil Mansion Part 4
(Chapter 13) The Hakurei Shrine
(Chapter 14) Da★Ze
(Short Chapter 15) Human Village... Again
(Chapter 16) What a cute fac- I mean dolls
(Chapter 17) Let Me Say Goodbye To Everyone First
(Chapter 18) Goodbye Gensokyo, Hello Again My Own World
Thank You For Reading
The Gensokyo That Who Knows About An Old Outsider
(EX Lost Chapter 0) - Missing Being
(EX Lost Chapter 1) - Invitation

(Chapter 4) The Bamboo Forest Part 1

1.6K 27 8
Da MavTheStonks14

Time check its telling what time in gensokyo right now
"Yo" : Dialogue
*Yo* : Action
Yo : thoughts

Im just gonna say this again. I do not own the pictures but this will help thats all

(Time check 10:20 Am Monday)

Well today its a big day! Im going to the Bamboo Forest Of The Lost today. i got ready and pay my rent on the inn

Y/N : "Heres the money and thank you"

??? : "No problem and please come again!"

Y/N : "Alright lets go buy some bacpack and bamboo hat. and where do i find one..."

After some time of finding. i finally found one so i buy a backpack and a bamboo hat that cost me ¥2,000. but worth it if you gonna ask me.

Y/N : "Alright then lets go to Sir Rinkaru im gonna visit him before i die haha"

then i go to the Yakisoba stand. and i see Sir Rinkaru its preparing for the day too

Rinkaru : "Oh hey kid what cha need?"

Y/N : "Oh im just here to buy some yakisoba then i gonna go"

Rinkaru : "Alright then kid how many ya need?"

Y/N : "Only 1 please"

Rinkaru : "Alright then wait me here for a minutes"

Y/N : "Alright"

Then Sir Rinkaru start cooking and after that he finish cooking and then i started eating and lend the money to him

Y/N : "Thank you Sir Rinkaru"

Rinkaru : "No problem. and good luck on your adventure!"

Y/N : "Thanks. cya!"

Rinkaru : "Cya kid"

and then i started walking through the outside of the village.

Y/N : "Alright lets do this!"

and then a new adventure begins for Y/N...

(Timeskip) (Time check 11:20 Pm Monday)

Im walking now through the Bamboo forest of lost now

Y/N : "Alright lets see" *Checking the map* "So any hours im there now... Eh why im going in there? Uh well i just want to visit the places in gensokyo thats all..."

And then Y/N started talking to him self again...

Y/N : "Yes thats why... and why i want to meet Mokou? uh well nah im not gonna answer that"

Im done talking to my self and right now im on the Bamboo forest and looking for the Eientei. yes its on the deep of the bamboo forest. and hoping i can find it

Y/N : "Alright now where am i?" and then i fall to a hole "Wha?!"

??? : "Hah! you fell!"

Y/N : "TEWI!"

Tewi : "Eh?"

Y/N : "When are you gonna stop making a traps in here?!"

Tewi : "H-How did you?"

Y/N : "How about help me in here can you?"

Tewi : "Hmm nope i won't"

Y/N : "You little"

Tewi : "Oh gonna go cya later!"

Y/N : "Oi help me in here!" then she ran away without helping in here "Now what?"

Tewi's POV

Who is that guy? How did he know my name? nah maybe Reisen met that guy before...

??? : "Tewi!"

Tewi : "Eh?"

Reisen : "Can you stop putting some traps again in here!"

Tewi : "Ehh nope"

Reisen : "Oh come here you!"

Tewi : "Then catch me if you can!"


Y/N : When i see that rabbit im gonna-

Reisen : "Come back in here!"

Tewi : "Nope!"

Y/N : Well maybe ill leave them for now "Anyways where am i?" i look around but i only see Reisen and Tewi running... and bamboos... "Great lets walk arou- ouch!" i look at my leg... and of course its damage... "TEWI!"

Y/N : "Shit its hurts" 

??? : "Oh are you lost?" i look behind of me and i saw Mokou

Y/N : "Oh hello Mokou. im not lost im here to explore this bamboo forest"

Mokou : "Oh i see. then you shouldn't be alone cause you might lost in here you know? and wait... did you just call me by my name?"

Y/N : "Uhm yes i call you by your name... somethings wrong?"

Mokou : "No not really... im just surprise... anyways whats your name?"

Y/N : "Oh im Y/N L/N. A normal human that explore the gensokyo. and knows everything about Gensokyo too... even you i know you too. Fujiwara No Mokou"

Mokou : "Wha?! wait you must be one of Kaguya's new pet!"

Y/N : "What? no im not!"

Mokou : "Oh yeah? Then how did you know about my full name!?"

Y/N : How should i say this... maybe another lie? no no no what should i say... "Uhh can i explain this later when we are in your house?"

Mokou : "You know i can't trust you right?"

Y/N : "Well yeah... didn't Keine tell you theres a human that knows about everything?"

Mokou : "How did you know Kein- wait i think she said something... are you that guy?"

Y/N : "Finally yes im that guy that Keine told you"

Mokou : "Well then maybe i can trust you a bit... Alright lets go in the house. cause if i see Kaguya i might kill her"

We started walking

Y/N : "You know Kaguya and you can't die right?"

Mokou : "Yeah i know that."

Y/N : "I forgot to ask. why are you guys keep fighting in 300 years?

Mokou : "I didn't expect you gonna ask that but alright i'll answer that."

Then she explain everything why Her and Kaguya still fighting after 300 years. and after that we are in her house"

Mokou : "Here we are"  

Y/N : "I never see her house before..." *whisper*.

Mokou : "Did you say something?"

Y/N : "Ah no not really don't mind me haha"

Mokou : "As you say so. lets go inside i'll make you a tea"

Y/N : "Oh thanks"

And then we go inside of her house.

Mokou : "Wait here. and don't touch anything!"

Y/N : "Jeez im not like that" and then Mokou go to the kitchen "This house its really cozy eh?"


Y/N : "Who's there?"

Keine : "Its me Keine."

Y/N : "Oh alright wait" i open the door and its really Keine "Hello again Miss Keine"

Keine : "Oh hello. what are you doing in here?"

Y/N : "Oh Mokou invite me in here"

Keine : "I see... when did you guys met?"

Y/N : "At the middle of the forest"

Keine : "Ahh... wait what happen to your leg?"

Y/N : "Ah this? Tewi did it. because of her traps in the forest"

Keine : "I see... why don't you go to the Eientei and let Eirin check it?"

Y/N : "Ah i don't want to... you know what change topic. how are you?"

Keine : "Ah right im doing fine. How about you?"

Y/N : "Good"

Mokou : "Oh Keine you here wait ill make you too a tea"

Keine : "Oh thank you Mokou" and Mokou go to the kitchen again

Y/N : "Mokou sometimes its scary and sometimes its cute you agree?"

Keine : "Mhm i agree"

(Little timeskip) (Time check 12:01 Pm Monday)

Mokou : "So Y/N right?"

Y/N : "Yeah Y/N"

Mokou : "So i want to ask something"

Y/N : "Sure go on" *Taking a sip of the tea*

Mokou : "Are you a stalker?"

Y/N : *cough* "The hell? no im not!"

Keine : "Well you know about us. so we are thinking if you are a Stalking us or you just really know about us"

Y/N : "Well im just really know about you guys like i said"

Keine : "Then tell us how did you know about us?"

Y/N : "Lets say... uhh..." Now what?

Mokou : "So tell us now! how did you know about us!"

Y/N : "uhh like i said i can't tell that its private. and its not stalking!"

Keine : "Well i understand that but if you know our secret don't spread it okay?"

Y/N : "Don't worry im not like that... anyways you guys eat?"

Mokou & Keine : "No we haven't"

Y/N : "Then want me to cook something?"

Keine : "Oh no its okay. thats my job in this house"

Mokou : "Y-Yeah! thats her job in here!"

Y/N : "Then let me help you Miss Keine"

Keine : "Alright then" and we go to the kitchen

(Timeskip After cooking and eating) (Time check 12:30 Pm Monday) 

Y/N : "Thank you for the food!"

Keine : "I didn't know you are good at cooking Y/N"

Mokou : "Yeah its good though. thank you"

Y/N : "Well thanks Miss Keine i just help her"

Keine : "So im gonna go now. see you later Mokou"

Mokou : "Yeah sure" and keine leaves

Y/N : "Now what?"

Mokou : "im going to Kaguya and kill her"

Y/N : *Sigh* "Then goodluck this time. ill stay here"

Mokou : "Who told you. you can stay here? you are coming with me!"

Y/N : "Oh please don't" and then she drag me and running through the Eientei

After some time we are here

Y/N : "Now can you put me down?"

Mokou : "Right" she put me down and... "Kaguya! Today im definitely not going to forgive you!"

we saw Kaguya coming out on the door

Kaguya : "Oh no... What am i going to do if you don't forgive me~?"

and then Mokou growl and then they start fighting...

Y/N : "Well now that im here maybe Eirin can check this..."

I go to the front door of the Eientei

Y/N : *Knocks* "Uhh hello?"

??? : "ah welcome human how can i help you?"

I look behind of me and its Reisen

Y/N : "Oh hello Reisen is Eirin is here?

Reisen : "Ah well yes shes here come in"

Y/N : "Thank you" and we go inside of the Eientei "Not gonna lie this place its huge too!"

Reisen : "I know right? but wait how did you know my name? did we met before?"

Y/N : I need to lie about this one... "Well i hear you earlier Tewi calling your name so yeah..."

Reisen : "I see thats why you know me... i hope Tewi didn't do anything to you while coming in here"

Y/N : "Well yeah about that... i fall on her trap and thats why im here to see Eirin"

Reisen : "Master Eirin? i see then we are almost in there" 

after some time of walking we arrive

Reisen : "Master Eirin you have a patient"

Eirin : "Ah welcome you need something?"

Y/N : "Oh hey Eirin. yeah i need you to check my leg cause one of TEWI'S trap hurt me"

Eirin : "My. im sorry to hear that. and sorry about Tewi... now wheres the damage?"

Y/N : "Oh right" I show her my leg while we hear some explosion outside...

Eirin : "I hope these explosion don't bother you"

Y/N : "You mean Mokou and Kaguya?"

Eirin : "you know their names?"

Y/N : "Well yeah i know it. why?"

Eirin : "Im just surprise cause you know them. by the way whats your name human?"

Y/N : "Right. im Y/N L/N. A normal human that explore the gensokyo. and knows everything about Gensokyo too"

Eirin : "Then you know about us too?"

Y/N : "Well yeah i know every thing about you guys"

Eirin : "Interesting... then let me ask you a question"

Y/N : "Alright"

Eirin : "If you know about us. Then where do we live back then?"

Y/N : "Easy. You guys are living on the moon back then but you guys got exiled to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. because of making the Hourai elixir. thats all i can say for now"

Eirin : "You really know about us eh?"

Y/N : "Of course thats a yes"

Eirin : "Then thats correct"

Y/N : "So hows my leg?"

Eirin : "Its not that bad. we can just bandage it then you are good to go"

Y/N : "Oh thank you Eirin"

Eirin : "no problem"

And then i leave

Reisen's POV

Eirin : "You know Reisen that Y/N its a interesting person..."

Reisen : "I agree master"

Eirin : "Anyways you sell all the drugs?"

Reisen : "Ah yes"

Eirin : "Thank you for your hard work Reisen you may take a break now"

Reisen : "Thank you master" and then i leave at the office and walk outside of the Mansion and i saw the human watching Mokou and Kaguya-sama fighting "You know you should stay inside right? you might get hurt in here"

Y/N : "Oh don't worry about me. i can protect my self from their danmakus but if they use some spell card i should run away before i got hit it"

Reisen : "Oh so you know about Danmaku and spell card rules?"

Y/N : "Spell card rules not really but Danmaku yes i know that"

Reisen : "Then you must have some magic?"

Y/N : "Yeah i have"

Reisen : "What kind of magic?"

Y/N : "The one i use to block Tewi's way"

Reisen : "So thats you?"

Y/N : "Mhm thats me"

Reisen : "i see... well i need to thank you cause you block Tewi's way"

Y/N : "No problem"

Kaguya : "Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet!"

Mokou : "Expiation "Honest Man's Death!"

Y/N : "Alright like i said im gonna run if they use one of their spell card!"

Reisen : "Right!" and then we run till we are in the middle of nowhere


After we run we started panting

Y/N : "So thats COOL!"

Reisen : "You didn't even see the spell card they use!"

Y/N : "Well maybe you are right. but its just good to hear it!"

Reisen : "So what now?"

Y/N : "Hmm... oh i know!" thankfully i always carried my backpack "Alright lets see..." then Reisen look at me

Reisen : "What are you doing?"

Y/N : "Oh im just finding some books that Patchouli gave me. so i can practice magic"

Reisen : "Oh really?"

Y/N : "Yeah. Alright hmm... Ah maybe this one!"

you reach out of your bag and you pull Book of darkness

Y/N : "Hmm maybe not this one" i put it back on the bag and looking for something again

Reisen : "Want me to help you?"

Y/N : "Oh sure thank you Reisen"

Reisen : "No problem"

and then we started looking some books that i can learn easily.....

A/N : Ahhh the whole week of resting its good ya know? well thats all for now cya on the next chapter!

Characters you've met : (Keine) (Tewi - New) (Mokou - New) (Kaguya - New) (Reisen - New) (Eirin - New)

Character lists : (Rumia) (Marisa) (Keine) (Reimu) (Remilia) (Sakuya) (Rinnosuke) (Meiling) (Flandre) (Patchouli) (Tewi) (Mokou) (Kaguya) (Reisen) (Eirin)

[Word count 2577]

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