
By whyamIlikethis200

17.2K 469 110

this is a bat family and miraculous ladybug crossover. the two coffee addicts fall in love. what could go wro... More

First Day in Gotham.
Friday Night Date.
last chapter
Authors Note!!!

Starting School

2K 66 1
By whyamIlikethis200

. . . Marinette POV . . .

I woke up? I actually woke up, that means I slept? I woke up to people lightly shaking me. We all fell asleep in the livingroom, even Tim. Alfred must have tucked us in and gave Tim a pillow for on the floor. "Master's and Miss, it is time to get ready for your days. Break fast is ready for when you're done changing." Alfred announced to all of us who are barely awake. We all comically grumbled and slowly got up. Alfred didnt even try to hide his amusment.

I got off of the couch so Dick and Jason could get up. Then I ever so slowly trudged my way to my room with Tim by my side, I'm following him so I dont get lost. As any normal tired human being, I wasnt paying attention. I was just following Tim. We should be getting close, I think. Tim turned and I followed him. Then he stopped walking, he gave me a confused look. "What?" I questioned mimicking his confused face. It took him a long minute to find a response. Even then he just gestured around the hallway . . .

This isn't a hallway? It is a room. Oh, it is Tim's room. Oh, sugar honey iced tea! My face immediately turned a bright red. "I'm so sorry. My Kwamii I promise I just wasn't paying attention. That and I was just focusing on following you so I dont get lost, I didnt even notice we finally arrived. I really sorry. Kwamii help me now I'm rambling. You know I'm just going to go." I rambled out and dashed out of his room my blush rivaling my ladybug suit. I ran into my room and shut the door. Then I made quick work of changing so I can go to the kitchen for coffee.

I swung my door open as Tim was about to knock. He blinked in surprise, taking a moment to process. Even with some sleep, we desperately need caffeine. "I was about to head to the kitchen, figured you'd want to follow me there?" I eagerly nodded my head. He smiled slightly at me and we were off down the hallways again.

After the delicious breakfast Alfred made us he started driving us to school. As the Wayne car arrived everyone stared at it in anticipation, for Tim to exit. Girls sighed dreamily when he exited. There dreams were short lived as he helped me out after him. They shot me fast jealous looks. I glared right back, Tim is my friend. He will not ever go out with a harlot like them. I followed Tim inside and to the gym.

In the gym was my class, and other people from the french club that will act as their buddy sharing their schedule with them. The girls glared at me with jealousy in their eyes, while some of the guys eyed me like I was a peice of candy. What shocked me was when Tim cleared his throat and spoke to the teacher. "Miss. Can I please have Marinette Dupain-Cheng as my buddy? I know I'm not part of the French club, but I do know the language." The teacher looked slightly shocked, but alas she couldn't say no to the Wayne, unless she only agreed because he knew the language.

Tim took my hand and led me out of the gym. I didn't question where we were going, I just let him drag me along. We stopped infront of a locker and dropped my hand so he could open it. "This is my locker, you can put your stuff in it for now. Then we will head to class." He said warmly to me. I nodded my head and hung my backpack on the hook inside. Then I took out my binder. I had divider inside for each class, and a few pens stuck inside. Also I grabbed my sketch book. Tim grabbed his stuff for the next few classes and slammed his locker shut before putting the combination lock back on.

While we walked to his first class, he gave me a run down on his schedule. As a genius, he can graduate already. Bruce just wants him to socialize more, so here he is taking dual credit classes so that he is socializing. At first I was supper nervous about the dual credit classes, I guess I was doubting my own brain. It turned out to be pretty easy, especially with Tim there to explain something in a way I can understand it. Soon the classes were flying by. In between some of them we had to run back to to his locker for different supplies, but I didnt mind it. It gave me a chance to stretch my legs a bit more.

Lunch was loud, I didnt like that much. So Tim took me outside to eat. It was nicer out here, not as loud. I hadn't seen Lila all day, she must have a completely different schedule thank Kwami. The classes started again and flew by rather fast. It was finally time to go home. We stayed together like we did all day, here is where Lila finally came though. "Mari-trash, you are such a little gold digger. I cant believe you are staying with the Wayne's." Then she started her crocadile tears. Tim quickly wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me to the car. Thank cookies and goodness he did that. Honestly I was frozen to the spot trying not to be numb and broken.

We rode back to the Manor in silence, it was nice. Exept I felt numb and frozen despite it being spring. It is like Tim knew, he unbuckled his seat belt and slid to the middle so he could give me a side hug. I slumped over into his side. At this moment honestly all I wanted was to feel something. I took deep breaths searching for anything inside me. His sent of coffee soon filled my nostrils, it was calming and the numbness slowly faded. It didnt leave me like a hollow shell. Instead, it left me with a feeling of belonging, a feeling of home. Two coffee addicts in the same place. Maybe that is why I have this feeling?

"Thanks Timmy." I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. "You dont have to thank me Blue. I'm happy to have you around." He whispered back. I felt my cheeks flush slightly and my chest fill with hope. It was then that I realized, I want to be more than friends. I feel at home with him, because I feel complete with him. I snuggled further into his chest, loving the scent of coffee he has. "Hey Timmy? Can we go to a coffee shop to do our homework?" I asked casually. He smiled down at me before speaking "Alfred can we please go to Gotham's Batty coffee." Alfred smiled at us from the mirror and turned the car around.

I snorted, batty is a synonym for crazy, it is a jab at batman and the crazies. Soon we arrived, we both trudged out of the car so we can go get some coffee. Tim ordered and I just said I'll have the same. We have the same tastes in coffee so, I'm willing to try it. Tim paid, ignoring my protests. The girl who took our orders was around our age, she was flirting very obviously with Tim. I found it hilarious because Tim was oblivious to it.

Then we took a seat at a booth in the corner. We both took out our homework and started on it. The girl came to our table with our coffees. She lingered a few moments to long, waiting for Tim to glance up at her. He didn't and she slowly walked away. Finally she was out of ear shot, I started speaking. "You oblivious cinnamon roll. She was totally flirting with you." Tim let out a low chuckle before responding, "Oh, I noticed Blue. I just don't care. She only started here because this is my favorite coffee place. She is a gold digger." I started on my homework again. I was doing okay, but I wasn't familiar with thease classes so I did have to ask Tim for help. Homework is boring and I forgot my head phones so . . .

"Tim, Tim, Tim, Timmy!" He looked at me eyebrows raised, I continued "if you change one letter in math it becomes meth, and meth is bad for you." It takes him a minute to process what I said. Then a wide smile crosses his face. "Therapist is spelled the rapist." My smile grew. "What is with the english language and the letter P? Like phone, and psycho." Tim just chuckles. "If my brothers were here, they would tell us to go to sleep." I chuckled at this "I'll get more coffee." I said before running to the counter, craving more caffeine.

The girl glared at me but took my order none the less. She was extremely rude about it so I didnt put anything in the tip jar. Two can play that game chica. I went and sat back down at our table. Our homework was done by now. We were just waiting for our next round of coffee before we leave. We kept making word jokes and pointing out the weird words and sayings in english. We just finished one of our laughing fists when the girl set our drinks on the table. Then this chic 'accidentally' knocks my iced coffee over. It spills all over my lap.

The thing I'm most upset about is that I really wanted that caffeine. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." The girl says faking innocence in her voice. Shutting down. I can feel myself shutting down. I dont want to shut down. I dont want to be numb. Why the hell do I keep getting up. I'm so fucking tired. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. No, I refuse to fall. A smile cracks across my face. "It is alright fille." I say nicely. She runs to grab extra napkins, but I can see the fire in her eyes. She hates me. To bad. I honestly like killing people with kindness, it really pisses them off. After I sopped up most of the coffee I went to the bathroom to try and get a little more off while Tim called Alfred.

I walked back out to see the girl still trying to flirt with my Timmy. I walk silently so that I'm two steps behind her and a step to the left, so Tim can see me. Then I lace my fingers under my chin and do the blinking thing that cartoon characters do. Timmy is now trying not to laugh with a goofy grin on her face. This girl takes it as her flirting finally working. I change stances and place one hand on my hip and pretend fluff some imaginary hair. Then I do an imaginary hair flip. Tim is trying so hard not to laugh, he is turning red with the effort of not laughing.

This girl just keeps thinking her flirting is working. I change stances again kicking one foot back and in the air. Then I hold my arms up one to the side like it is holding a purse, the other doing the hand flip thing. Tim to distract himself from laughing takes a drink of coffee only to start choking on it at my new pose. I ran past the rude girl and start slapping his back. Eventually his coughing fit stopped and I give him a cheeky smile. He just shakes his head and I down the rest of his coffee. This girl didn't even offer to get me a new one.

Then we left, entering the car I happily greeted Alfred. Not minding the fact that my school uniform skirt is now ruined. Tim was telling Alfred what u did right before ewe left. Animatedly telling him about my different girly poses from cartoons and movies. Inside the Manor it wasn't quite dinner time yet. Tim rushed to find his brothers to tell them the same thing he told Alfred. I went to my room to change. Trixx has been exploring the Manor all day and helped me find my room. After I changed into black leggings and a giant blue sweater, I decided to start exploring the Manor.

I was finally figuring my way around this place. It gets easier with having to memorize streets and stuff. So I guess being a hero is definitely helpful. I think the bats want to train me more before they let me do more hero work though. I'm okay with that though, ya know. As much as I like helping people, I'm tired and need a break from it. Training is a good enough break for me. It is less responsibility, to me atleast.

I found my way to the garden. Damian was there talking to Plagg and playing fetch with Titus. I sat beside him on the grass. Honestly, I thought he would start glaring at me but he kept his face neutral. "So how are you liking the god of destruction?" I ask him with a warm smile. "I love having Plagg around. It is so nice because he isn't human, and I know he wont betray or leave me." He whispered that last part, I still heard it. I wrapped my arm around the ten year olds sholders. "I know we just mett, but I wont leave or betray you. I know how it feels, to have everyone you love turn against you. It hurts so bad, I went numb. In a way the numbness was worse, not being able to feel anything."

"I dont know why I'm trusting you with this information but if you're going to leave me I rather be it now then later. I to went numb. I have a cold exterior, I was taught that emotions are a weakness. I was raised as an assassin till I was 10. Then I was dropped off here, and here their is a no killing rule. It is like my world is flipped. Now emotions are a good thing. I dont have to be numb so I can be a killer. I just dont know how to be anything else." I tightened my arm around his shoulders. "Damian, I'm still her, and here I will stay. It isn't your fault you were raised this way. Maybe your cold exterior is a part of who you are now. It is your self defense against people, that way you don't have to care. Emotions are a good thing because it gives us something to fight for. It can also be messy, but it is human." I reply with a smile.

His arms wrap around me, we are now in a full hug not just my awkward side hug. I held this little boy tight, I promise on the miraculous that I will always be there for him. "Hey Damian, can I ask a favor?" HIs body stiffens and he let's out a humm. "I was wondering? Can you help me train? Honestly any day your up for it, I am too." He squirms out of my tight hug a small smile on his face. "I'd love to help you train. How about every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday." He says with barely contained joy in his voice. I nodd at him.

Alfred then calls us inside for dinner. Our dinner was as peaceful as it can be at the Wayne Manor. After, everyone shared about their days. The chaos started. Food normally flies a little bit, at this point we are heathens fighting over food, that we will probably have left overs of. Bruce let's out comically large sighs every once in awhile. Alfred keeps scolding Jason about his language. That is why we are currently having a conversation on how to swear like a baker. He kept laughing at my substitutes for swear words.

After supper and dessert, I headed up to my room. I noticed Tim was behind me. I slowed down a bit, so that we could walk side by side. "If you grab your laptop, we can work together?" I tell him the silent offer for him to join me. "Well do Blue, to the insomniacs." He says before entering his own room to grab his laptop so we can work and talk at the same time. I roll my sleeves up and start on some commissions. Soon Tim enters my room and shuts the door behind him. I quickly ugh turn on some Jagged stone for background music. While doing so I glanced at Timmy. He was sprawled out on my bed already typing away on his laptop. I continue on my commissions. Easy chatter flows between us.

Hours go by in what feels like minutes. At around three, there is a knock at my door. "Come on in." I holler towards the door. It swings open to reveal Damian. His eyes scan the room resting on Tim and turning into a glare. "What are you doing in here Drake?" The boy question in a cold tone. I start laughing, "welcome to the room of insomniacs kiddo, you are welcome to join." Plagg flies off of Damian's head. "Pigtails we told you you need sleep." He states. "Come on Plagg, even Tikki gave up on making me sleep." I whine in response. He huffs and settles himself back on top of Damian's head.

The ex assassin crosses his arms over his chest. I think this is as close as he is going to get to pouting. "I cant sleep mainly because of nightmares, that is what turned me into an insomniac. So why cant you sleep on this fine evening?" I ask Damian swiveling around to face him in my chair. The boy turns a light shade of pink that is barely noticeable. "I just remember what you said earlier, then I had a nightmare that you died." He spoke in a small voice fists clenched at his sides with his head bowed. I quickly got up and hugged the little boy. He is only a few inches shorter than me and I'm like five two.

I felt the few tears he couldn't help but shed. "It is alright Damian. I'm the guardian, I have mini gods on my side. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I promise I wont leave you. I swear on the miraculous that I'll always protect you. You are my little brother now. I'm not going to leave you ever." I whispered thease reassuring words in his ear. Tim is watching us with shock written on his face. When I finally let go of him. Tim went to make us more coffee. I went to my desk and turned on the lamp. Then I turned off the bigger light. I rearranged the pillows on my bed so that Damian and Tim could lay across it. "Damian you can sleep her if you want?" He nodded his head and chose to lay at the foot of the bed.

Then I used my big fuzzy throw blanket to tuck him in. I brush his hair back a few times and kiss his forehead. Then I went to keep working on my commissions, but his hand grips my wrist. "Just till Drake comes back?" He asks me softly. I send him my warmest most loving smile and continue to run my hand through his hair. While I'm doing this I start singing to the music. He is out like a light but Timmy ain't back yet, so I keep running my hand though his black locks.

When Tim returned he was surprised to see Damian already asleep on my bed. He just shrugs his shoulders and hands me one of the giant bowl sized cups filled with coffee. He lays back down on my bed and continues to type on his laptop. I start once more on my commissions. Soon the sun is rising and Damian is starting to wake up.


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