Phantom Nights (ChatNoirxMale...

Par RxineDrops

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Par RxineDrops

*WARNING : Consumption of alcohol is present in this chapter. Proceed with caution or skip if you arent comfortable with this. You have been warned.*

- Time Skip a few months -

"I cant wait for today to end!" I groan, my head falling down onto the desk. Adrien and Nino chuckle at my display.

"You're not alone in that statement! School break is just around the corner." Nino chirps, leaning back on his chair without a care in the world. My eyes fall on Adrien who has his face leaning on the palm of his hand. His blonde locks still well kept and green eyes shining. Oh how my chest flutters at the sight of him each day... I'm certain I've caught feelings and yet I still don't have the guts to tell him after all this time we have spent together. Though yet again, I also have that situation with Chat Noir... Trust me when I say training is going well and we have grown as a team, but the flirting? Its only become more frequent and intense. I feel torn between the two blondes when I really think about it, though with all seriousness - One I romanticize and the other I lust. 

"(Y/N)?" Adrien nudges me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I blink my eyes a few times before setting my attention on him. He gives me a warm smile and lean towards me to whisper.

"Still up for the party tonight? It's a great way to start summer break!" He whispers, his eyes never leaving mine as he waits for a response. I smirk with a nod.

"You already know I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I laugh, nudging Adrien away so we can focus on the last few minutes of class. Before we know it the bell rings and school is out for the summer, a rush of students pouring out of the front gates. Nino waves goodbye, yelling that he will see us at Adrien's later on. 

"Well I better get going, I have to help out at the shop before your party tonight, but I'll catch you later yeah?" I smile, looking him over. His lips curl upwards, nodding his head in acknowledgment. 

"Sure thing! I better head home and start prepping then. Until tonight (Y/N)~!" Adrien winks, turning his back to me and walking over to his car. He drives off and I feel a small Kwami poke its head out. 

"(Y/N)! It's time for training! Let's go!" Nyx chirps, giving a childish grin. I chuckle walking over to an quiet area. 

"Nyx, Transform!" I chant, Transforming into my attire and heading towards our training spot. I turn up to see Ladybug already waiting.  She waves me over with a kind smile.

"Hey Ladybug! How is everything?" I ask coming to a slow jog. 

"Hey Acinonyx, it's been pretty hectic so I may have some pent up stress to relieve at training today. So be prepared for full combat training!" Ladybug chuckles as she stretches.

"Oh no need to worry about me! You should worry about Chat, I'm sure he will get his tail in a twist~!" I laugh, sitting down crossed-legged. I look around patiently, my mind wondering where Chat might be. As if on cue, he strides towards us from a far with a cheeky smile. 

"Prince charming has arrived everyone~!" I declare jokingly, leaning back onto my arms as he draws closer to us.

"I guess that means you're under my command then?" He raises a brow as he comes to a stop at in front of me. His green eyes look down toward my (E/C) eyes, causing them to roll slightly at his remark.

"Oh how you wish that was the case Kitty cat~!" I let out a small chuckle, my gaze turning to Ladybug.

"Okay boys, let's get a move on with training." She smiles with one last stretch of her body.

"Lets train well!" I exclaim, jumping to my feet. A few hours pass and before long we are all out of breath, sitting across from each other on the grass. 

"I think today went well! You guys are finally starting to time your attack right!" Ladybug smiles, taking in deep breaths. I check my watch and wince at the time, realizing it's almost time for Adrien's party. I stand up and dust myself off, smiling at my two team mates.

"Well It's almost night so I should be heading off! I'll be looking forward to our next training!" I say thanking them both. Chat noir does the same, coming to his feet and stretching his arms out.

"Yeah, I think its time to end it here today! Time for us to depart ways~!" He sarcastically whines leaning his back on my body. I laugh pushing him off.

"You'll survive until then." Ladybug chuckles at the sight, standing up as well. We say our goodbyes and head our separate ways. I quickly dart home and rush up to my room, Nyx calmly sitting on my bed. I jump into the shower, being mindful of the time so I'm not late.

"Hey Nyx! Think tonight will go better than last time?" I ask while washing my hair. I slightly shudder at the thought of me coming onto Adrien the way I did last time, taking note to not do that again so he doesn't declare me as some sick weirdo. 

"Oh who knows! Though I'll be sure to be there to make sure you avoid that mistake!" Nyx yells from the bedroom. I shake my head, wondering how the Kwami will do just that without getting caught by others. I proceed to exit the shower, drying myself off and pick out an outfit. I decide to go for an oversized (F/C) shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, completing the look with my favorite pair of shoes and accessories. I grab my jacket along with phone and keys, taking one last look over myself and nodding my head. 

"Lets go!" I chirp, heading down stairs and locking the doors behind me. The sky slowly grows darker as I make my way over to Adrien's address, the cold air nipping at my face ever so slightly. I stop outside the gates and hear the music pumping from the front. The lights inside shine through the large windows of the house. I press the buzzer and I hear a feminine voice pick up.

"Hey Nathalie! Its me (Y/N)!" I chirp with a grin. Me and Nathalie were able to get to know each other better after I visited a few times to see Adrien. We seem to get along real well when it's just us... That is until Adrien's dad comes around and works her to the bone. He doesn't seem to mind my presence, but I do wish he would treat those people close to him a bit better. 

"(Y/N)! I was wondering when you would show up, let me just buzz you in." With that, a buzzer gently sounds, signaling me to open the gate and walk in. I walk up towards the front door and I see Nathalie open the doors from the other side. I give her a warm smile, walking into her arms for a sneaky hug.

"It's good to see you (Y/N), I'm sure Adrien will be happy to see you have finally arrived." We let go of each other and I take a small step backwards. I notice the house is almost filled to the brim with people chatting and dancing. 

"Haha as if! He is already so popular as it is... but woah, It's a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. Where is Adrien by the way? I should go let him know I'm here." I look around, Nathalie smiles and gestures for me to follow. We push our way past the group of people dancing, exchanging quick hello's to those who know me. We exit the crowd and walk down a hallway towards the kitchen. Nathalie pushes the door open and I see Adrien, Nino and Alya gathered together chatting away. I take a step forward and Adrien notices me, quickly putting his drink down and walking over to me.

"(Y/N)! You made it! Just in time too~" He quickly looks over to Nathalie and thanks her before she takes her leave.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I ask the group while Adrien proceeds to offer me a drink. I grab a bottle of beer and take a quick sip. Alya takes a quick bite of some snacks from a platter before speaking.

"Well we wanted a breather from the crowd since word got out the Adrien was having a party to kick of summer break. Though I'm pretty positive the reason word got out was because of Chloe." She shrugs, swiping through her phone and showing me a post Chloe made about tonight.

"I thought it was a lot more crowded than usual. Then again I'm also not surprised since you're so well known." I say directing my last comment towards Adrien. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Hey! I swear I only invited those in our class and year. I didn't expect it to get this big!" Alya lets out a sigh and Nino just laughs. Nino wraps his arm around Adrien and leans on him.

"Well the more the merrier! I'm sure tonight is going to be one hell of a party!" Nino chants with a huge grin. He checks the time and his eyes go wide, taking a quick swig of his drink before rushing off.

"Where is he running off to?" I ask, sipping at my beer. Adrien checks the time on his phone as well before turning to me.

"He is due to DJ for an hour starting in 10. So I'm assuming he rushed off for that, nothing to be worried about!" Adrien smiles, sending butterflies to my stomach. 

"Well I better go make sure he is all set up then, I'll catch you guys later yeah?" Alya says her goodbyes and takes her leave. Leaving me and Adrien alone in the kitchen. He pushes himself off the counter and shoots me a warm smile.

"Hungry? I'm assuming you haven't eaten dinner?" He asks, walking towards the counter where I am situated next to. I feel my stomach rubble at the thought of food.

"A little yeah, what snacks do you have cooked up already?" I raise a brow, curious as to what food he had prepared tonight. He places his drink down on the counter, his green eyes looking me over.

"For you, I'll cook whatever you wish. What would you like?" He opens a few off the cabinets, having a look at different ingredients. 

"You'll cook? But I'm more than happy to just snack on the food you already have made in the main area..." I reply, but Adrien shushes me as he shakes his head no.

"Nope, You need something a bit more than a snack, so what would you like?" He pauses for a moment and waits or my response. I think over a few options, deciding on something small but filling. 

"How about (Fav/Food)? If it's not too much trouble?" I gently ask, looking over at Adrien to see if it's okay. With a curl of his lips, he nods his head.

"No trouble at all! I'll only be a moment then." He begins to prepare the meal, taking a sip of his beer every once and awhile. I do the same as I watch him cook, my eyes never leaving him for a moment. His body moves with ease and his short sleeve shows off his toned arms while he cooks. He turns around, food in hand as he places it down in front of me, a smile on his lips. 

"I hope you enjoy~!" He chirps, leaning back onto the counter and picking up his drink. He watches as I take my first bite, the flavor hitting my taste buds. I close my eyes in pure bliss from the amazing taste.

"Ah~! I haven't had this in so long! It tastes so good!" I smile while eating, happiness overfilling to the brim. Adrien chuckles at the sight and gulps down the last bit of his drink. 

"I'm glad you like it, I don't tend to cook much for people. so to hear you say it's good makes me smile." He gives a gently smile as I finish off the last bit of food. 

"Care for another drink?" He asks, grabbing another bottle for himself. I check my drink to see I have none left. I must have unconsciously sipped away at it as Adrien was cooking. I nod as he hands me another bottle, gently muttering a thank you before letting out a happy sigh.

"Well now that my hunger has been cured, shall we go to watch Nino perform? I'm sure he is getting the crowd fired up with his set." I grin happily standing up. Adrien quickly pats down his clothes, getting rid of any residue of cooking left on him.

"Sure thing, lets head over yeah?" We walk down the hallway and back to the main area where we hear people singing loudly and the sound of the bass booming through the walls. I feel Adrien place his hand gently on the base of my back as we move our way through the crowd. Our eyes land on Nino who his DJing up on the stage with his gear. People are cheering him on and singing to the songs he has put together in a mix. Adrien turns to me, his eyes still shining brightly despite the dark lit room filled with flashing lights. I see his lips move to say something, but my ears are filled with the sound of loud music. 

"Wait?" I mutter and lean forward, trying to hear better. Adrien pulls me close and grabs the back of my head so he can talk into my ear.

"I said would you like to dance with me (Y/N)?" He asks, his warm breath tickling at my ear. I flush red ever so slightly, but relax knowing his probably cant see it properly in the lighting. I nod my head yes as we start to dance to the music. We jump and sway to the beat of the music, occasionally taking a quick sip of our drinks. I finish off my drink and frown, though continue to dance despite not having any liquor left. Adrien chuckles and moves his body closer to mine, going to speak into my ear.

"Everything okay?" He backs away once more, looking at my eyes in the flashing lights while we keep dancing. I lift my empty bottle, shaking it slightly before leaning towards his ear.

"I've ran out of beer!" I answer, my body feeling warm from the alcohol and crowded room. Adrien raises a brow and double checks how much he has left. He grips my hand and pulls me in, causing me to spin into his chest, back to him. 

"Here, you can have the rest of mine!" He says from behind into my ear. I look down to his arms wrapped around my front and take a hold of his bottle. I turn to look over my shoulder slightly.

"You sure?" I ask, not wanting to bother him. I feel his low chuckle next to my ear, shivers running down my spine.

"Don't worry (Y/N), you can have it~!" He mutters, lifting the bottle up towards my lips. I purse my lips slightly as he helps me to take a drink. I chug the rest of the fluid down, emptying that bottle. Our hips sway together and I feel his warm chest on my back. 

-Adrien's POV- 

My hands find their way to (Y/N)'s hips, helping him move to the beat of the music, though it seems to come almost naturally to him. I pull him closer by the hips, pressing over bodies together while we danced. (Y/N)'s hands fall on top of mine, the warmth and softness of his fingers gliding over my knuckles. Time passes and I find myself wanting to see (Y/N) face even more while we dance. I nudge at his hips, signaling him to turn around. He abides to my action and turns with ease, hands landing on my shoulders. My eyes trace his features in the club like lighting, his lips parted ever so slightly trying to catch his breath. Eyes half lidded as he sways his body against mine. I feel my head fill with different scenarios, all of which make me want to make him mine right there. 

"Hey, want to take a rest and grab a refill? We have been dancing for a while now." I proceed to ask, bringing our dancing to a halt. (Y/N) nods, gripping my arm as we push our way through the dancing crowd once more. We make it to the table and see an assortment of drinks and snacks. He replenish ourselves and have a few drinks. We take a few shots, (Y/N)'s cheeks seemingly flushing redder with each shot taken. He goes to grab another one but I quickly stop him.

"Probably best to slow it down there handsome, don't want to regret anything tonight." I chuckle, taking his shot for him. He visibly glares at me and takes back the empty shot glass in my hand.

"Rude! I can handle myself as well thank you very much!" He pouts, placing the shot glass down. I notice (Y/N) overheating slightly and proceed to remove his jacket.

"I'm just going to hang your jacket somewhere safe yeah? You must be over heating like crazy with it on." I exclaim while draping his jacket over my arm. He nods while nibbling at a few snacks. I laugh at the sight before walking towards the hallway, finding an empty corridor where we keep a wardrobe for coats. The sound of music muffles out through the walls the further I walk away. I open the closet and proceed to hang the jacket. 

"There, that should be safe there until he is ready to go." I smile proudly at myself. I go to close the door but see the jacket move slightly. I raise a brow, curious at the sight. 

"What are we staring at?" Plagg chirps, nibbling away at some food. I yelp slightly, surprised to see Plagg.

"You're supposed to be in the room! What are you doing out?" I exclaim quietly turning to him. He eyes out the food in hand, causing me to groan.

"Really? I left you a whole plate of snacks for you already in the room!" I mutter towards the floating Kwami. 

"Well obviously it wasn't enough to fill my needs Adrien! If you think that will keep me full then I guess you don't know me as well as I thought!" Plagg playfully grunts while taking a massive chomp out of his food. I proceed to scold Plagg for coming out of the room and potentially risking being seen just for some food, but a voice cuts me off. 

"Another Kwami?" Me and Plagg turn towards the source, a small cheetah like Kwami slowly poking its head out. Plagg smiles in excitement, all the while my eyes grow large.

"Wait." My thoughts run a mile per minute as I try to process it all. Plagg completely ignores me as he introduces himself to the Kwami. The unknown Kwami from (Y/N)'s jacket flies out into full view.

"Hello, my name is Nyx. I didn't think another Kwami would be here." Nyx smiles, brimming with happiness. 

"Well now I wont be alone tonight! Do you enjoy food?" Plagg strikes up a conversation with Nyx, the two of them casually talking to each other. I continue to star in disbelief.

"N-Nyx... as in, kwami for Acinonyx?" I stutter, checking to make sure we are alone. Nyx smiles from the recognition. 

"That's me! Nice to finally meet you Chat Noir, though it is a lot sooner than expected..." Nyx admits, scratching their head slightly. I take in a deep breath.

"So that means... (Y/N)..." I mutter. I quickly turn on my heel and head towards where I left (Y/N). I quickly spot the man over by the table still and make my way to him. His yes meet mine and I can feel the nerves in my body multiply. His eyes go wide as he takes a quick shot before I can stop.

"(Y/N), I need you to come with me." I grip his hand and pull him back through the crowd.

"Hey Hey! Am I seriously in trouble for having a few more drinks while you were gone?" He whines, but still complying. I don't bother to answer him as it's the last thing on my mind right now. (Y/N) calls out to me a few times, but yanks his arm away from me by the time we reach the closet. 

"Adrien what's going on? Seriously man!" (Y/N) grunts, his eyes glaring at me slightly. I hear people approaching and I quickly pull us into the closet. 

"(Y/N) we need to talk." I say rather bluntly, still trying to comprehend the information I have just acquired. He raises a brow slightly confused as his (E/C) eyes look into mine.

"Couldn't you have just told me where I was?" He asks. I shake my head no and take a deep breath.

"Nyx-" I mutter slightly, (Y/N)'s eyes widening slightly at the name.

"Come out yeah?" I finish my sentence and the Kwami flies out. Nyx smiles shyly at (Y/N), letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh god-" I quickly place a finger on (Y/N)'s lips, stopping him from speaking.

"Now before you start worrying and panicking." I keep my finger on his lips to keep him quiet.

" Plagg, come out." I call out for Plagg and he complies, flying out and showing himself to (Y/N). I see the visible shock plaster over (Y/N)'s face and I slowly remove my finger. He begins to stutter over his words, not sure what to say.

"This is surely one way to meet I guess." I nervously chuckle, my eyes carefully examining his expressions. 

"Oh wow" (Y/N) lets out a relieved sigh as he covers his face with his hands. I raise a brow wondering what that reaction meant. 

"You okay (Y/N)?" I try to look at his eyes, but he keeps his face covered. 

"I'm so relieved its you..." He mutters, slowly removing his hands from his face. His (E/C) slowly make their way to gaze into my green ones. My cheeks flushing a slight red along with (Y/N)s.

" I guess, I should introduce myself properly then?" (Y/N) mutters. Bringing his arms up to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me closer slightly.

"Hey Kitty cat, my name is Acinonyx. Its a pleasure to meet you~" He lets out a wide grin. My heart jumps at the name, and I let out a small chuckle from the introduction.

"Why hello there~ My name is Chat Noir. The pleasure is all mine~!" I grin, drawing closer to (Y/N). I fell his eyes on my lips, his arm around me trying to pull me in. I part my lips, yearning to taste his own. I draw closer, my grip on his waist tightening slightly. My thoughts going wild and nerves through the roof on adrenaline.

"Adrien..." (Y/N) mutters my name under his breath, waiting for me to make the next move. Oh how badly I wanted him right then and there. I move forward, waiting for my lips to land on his.

"Adrien! Where are you?!" I tense up slightly hearing my name being called out. I freeze in place, my lips hovering over (Y/N)'s. 

"Adrien come on! We need to shut this party down now!" Nathalie yells, searching for me. I let out a sigh, taking a step away from (Y/N). I turn to open the closet door and step out when Nathalie isn't looking.

"I'm here Nathalie... Just give me a moment to sort of few things yeah? If you could, would you please just start cleaning up the mess? I'll take care of getting everyone to leave." I say, making sure to keep (Y/N) out of view so Nathalie doesn't pester us with awkward questions. She nods and walks away, leaving the hallway empty once more. My gaze turns to look back into the closet where I see a flustered (Y/N).

"Okay pretty boy, time to come out of hiding lets go." I grip his hand and pull him out. I see Plagg and Nyx poke their heads outs.

"You two can head up towards the room. Plagg, make sure Nyx is comfortable." I watch the two Kwamis happily fly off towards the room as me and (Y/N) walk beside each other. My mind keeps replaying how I almost kissed him, the urge still there. I proceed to let everyone know the party is over, saying my goodbyes as they file out and fill the room with compliments and thank you's for the party. Thankfully they leave quickly and I see a slightly drunk (Y/N) waiting for me by the door frame to the hall way. Nathalie shows up with a cup of water and medicine.

"For (Y/N), to help him sober up in the morning. I'm assuming he will be staying here since he has a bit to drink." Nathalie asks, looking over at the stumbling boy. I chuckle nodding my head yes, thanking her for her help. I stroll over to (Y/N), wrapping my free arm around his waist and supporting him up to my room. We get there with ease and he plops himself down.

"So how are you feeling?" I ask raising a brow while I place the cup of water and medicine near by. 

- (Y/N) POV -

"Slightly drunk and a whole lot of emotions." I slur leaning back onto my arms. I feel my thoughts slow down due to the alcohol, but not to the point where I can actually comprehend what is on my mind. I see Adrien standing in front of me, his emerald eyes shining as they study over my body.

"Hey Kitty Cat~" I extend my leg out and touch his thigh, trying to grab his attention despite his eyes already being on me. 

"Yes pretty boy?" He replies with a slight grin hearing me call him. He tilts his head slightly, waiting for me to answer him.

"Can you help me takes these jeans off? They're not very good for sleeping in." I slur, my head tilting backwards. I bring my gaze forward once more, lifting my shirt to expose the lower half of my torso. I watch as Adrien flushes red and takes a deep breath.

"You sure you cant take them off yourself?" He asks, waiting rather patiently. I grunt, attempting to unbuckle my belt but failing. I groan, wanting to be free and comfortable as I plea for help.

"Please kitty~" I whine, my eyes never leaving his. His bites down on his lip before taking a step forward. I feel him kneel down between my legs, his hands moving to my belt while I hold up my shirt. He easily removes the belt, placing it down on the ground next to him. I feel his fingers fumble with the button on my jeans, follow by the zip. I watch as his cheeks flush red and his eyes study my body. 

"You okay?" He asks, looking up at me. I nod, reassuring him its okay. He proceeds to pull of my jeans, leaving me in my boxers and shirt. I sit up, feeling relief and comfort overcoming me. Adrien stands up, folding my jeans and placing them elsewhere. He comes back over to me on the bed, placing his finger tips under my chin so I look up to him. 

"(Y/N)..." Adrien mutters, his eyes searching mine for permission. I stand up on my feet and turn  us around slightly, pushing him down onto his bed. His body bounces slightly and his eyes are wide in surprise. I straddle his waist has I push his chest down into the bed to prevent him from getting up.

"I believe we have a few things to say to one another... Or at least had a lot of comments said to get to this point." I mutter, examining the Blonde under me.  

"Though, I want to know..." I bring my face down so its close to his.

"How do you feel?" My eyes searching those emerald green eyes for an answer. 

Continuer la Lecture

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