the day i call you mine (cind...

De brielarsonshoe

20.3K 308 88

hey guys this is my first fanfic sorry if this is bad. i hope y'all enjoy this book :) thought of writing th... Mais

Just a quick little message for yall
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

1.5K 28 10
De brielarsonshoe

Cindy pov:

I go down to the floor and hug Ziggy then she hugs me back and we start crying. Lexie and Alex are hugging Y/n and talking to each other. "You smell like shit." Ziggy says "Yeah, that's because I'm covered in it." I say "Oh god." she says "Do you think it'll wash out?" I say "You might need to buy a new polo." Ziggy she's making us chuckle "I'm so sorry, Ziggy. I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't here, not just tonight, but every day." I say "No, you were. You just-" she says but I cut her off "No, no. I haven't been here." I say "I know that now. I know that you just needed me to listen, to hear you. I thought if I just put my head down and followed the rules, everything would be fine, that i'd get out of Shadyside, but.. but now I know you were right. Everything is cursed." I say "I could have been nicer. I could have been less of a.. of a monster." Ziggy says to me "Yeah. Well... You were my monster. And at the end of the day, Mom, Dad.. Shadyside, Sunnyvale, I.. I won't let anything pull us apart again. You hear me?" I say "Loud and clear ma'am." she says then we here a banging and we all turn around, "Stay here." Y/n says, I try to get up to see what it is "Hey stay right here, ok? Don't move, stay with Ziggy she needs you right now." Y/n tells me, I just nodded she keeps on walking over where the gate was, I hold ZIggy's hand "Hey Y/l/n was your snitch of a girlfriend at." Alice says, I get up and walk over there "What took you so long?" I ask her "We aren't dating." Y/n says to Alice then Alice looks at me "What?" I ask "Nothing, just help me up." she tells us "Come on" I say helping her up, Alice chuckles and then looks at the floor seeing Tommy's body "You guys  did it" she tells me "We did it." I say then I hug her "Ok, careful, Ok? This thing is like a million years old." she says holding my bag and Y/n chuckles "I bought that a month ago." I say "No, i'm not talking about your stupid bag, genius." she says " "Blood with fall" Satan's stone, Ok? It was right there. All this time, buried under the moss, and I found it. I fuckinh found it." Alice says 'Found what?" I ask her confused  "Three guesses." she says smiling. We all walk over to one of the tables and Alice takes of my bad and takes out a hand , I look at her then she looks at me back "What is it?" Ziggy, Alex, and Lexie asks us "It's Sarah Fier lost hand." Alice tells them "Nurse Lane... she spent her entire life looking for this. A way to stop the curse that took her daughter." I say, Alice opens the book and reads it " "Without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm. The curse will last  until body and hand unite." she shows Ziggy, Alex, and Lexie 'This led us to the hand bone." Y/n says "And if the legend is true, that means her body still buried-" Alice says but Ziggy cut her off "By the Hanging Tree." she says "We can end this. No more murders, no more curse, no more..." I say looking at Tommy's body "pain." I say then I look back at all of them " We can save Shadyside.. tonight!" I say looking at all of them, Ziggy grabs the the hand and her nose starts bleeding and it lands on the hand and she doesn't move, I grab both of her hands and she's gasps then she cleans her nose 'My nose. I bled on the hand and.. I think I just saw her." Ziggy says "Who?" I asked scared  "Sarah Fier." she says we all look at each other "She was. She was angry." she says "We have to bury this thing right fucking now." Alice says. I run into the kitchen into the closet to grab shovel's for all of us and walk back to the mess hall.

your pov:

Cindy comes back and gives us all a shovel 'Ok, let's go." CIndy tells and Alice looks at her "What, I have to use my hands?" she asks Cindy 'No your staying here." Cindy says, Alice was about to say something but Alex interrupted her "What happens if this doesn't work." Alex says and we look at him "What do you mean?" me and Lexie ask him 'What happens if this is it. We don't make it. What if this is our last time with each other." he says worried, Lexie hugs him, then Cindy drops her shovel and we look at her "Fuck it." she says, we all look at her confused and she walks towards me and grabs my checks and kisses me, I was surprised at first then I pulled her by her hips and kiss her back then we let go of each other to get air and we smile at each other "You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that" she whispers to me and puts her forehead on mine "I was about to say the same thing." I whisper back to her and chuckle "I knew it! You guys do like each other!" Ziggy says and we laugh, Alice clears her throat and we look at her "Berman, come on, I can hop just fine." Alice says hopping by the kitchen door and Cindy gives Alice a look " I watched my dad go to jail when I was six." she says looking at Cindy and me  "I watched my mom steal.. so I could eat." she says again and then looks at Ziggy,Alex, and Lexie "First time I cut myself I was 12. It was after.." she says then she stops and looks away at Ziggy, Alex, and Lexie and she looks back at me and Cindy but she looks at Cindy "Well, you know when." she tells her "And now tonight.. I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person I ever loved." she says crying "I've waited.. my whole fucking life for this. And now I found it. Let me see this through. For Arnie.. for Tommy.. for ShadySide." she says "For Shadyside." Cindy says then she looks at Ziggy "For ShadySide." then she looks at me "For Shadyside." I say looking at Alex and Lexie "For Shadyside." they say together then we look at Alice and she smiles "Alice!" Cindy screams Alex get's up and runs towards Alice but she turned around and Tommy lashed her with his axe Cindy gets the shovel and runs towards Tommy and hit him and he leans against the wall and he drops his axe he tries to grab Cindy but she put the shovel on Tommy's neck "Fucking die!" she screams "Why won't you fucking die!" she screams again and she cuts off Tommys head and Ziggy scream Lexie runs to her and hugs her as she drops on her knees then Cindy goes on her knees next to Alice 'No! Alice? Alice? Alice, just.. Just stay with me. Alice." she says Alice takes her last breath, my eyes started watering, Cindy starts sobbing "No. Alice! Alice!" she says I walk towards her and hug he while she sobs on my shoulder.

Cindy pov:

I sob on Y/n's shoulder 'What is that?" Ziggy asks us we turn around and got up to see what it is I hold Y/n and Ziggy hand then we hear someone singing and then a bones crunch 'Run, run!" I say, we all grab our shovels and I grab the hand then Ziggy screams "Ziggy!" I say I grab her arm then we all ran out of the Mess Hall to the Hanging Tree,  "There it is! Go, go!" I tell all of them  "Here?" Ziggy asks "Yes!" me and Y/n say "Dig! DIg!" I say and we all start digging "Guys?" Ziggy says then she stops digging and we all look up to see what and it's the killers 'Holy shit!" Alex says "Just keep digging!" I tell them we keep on digging "Faster!" I tell them "I hit something" Ziggy says we wall grab a rock "The witch forever lives."  I say "The witch forever lives." Ziggy and them say "Cindy, what does it mean? Cindy?" Ziggy asks me " I don't know." I say "Where is she?' Ziggy says "Where the hell is her body?" Alex says "I don't know." I say again freaking out we look to see the killers coming towards us and we all get up "This way. Come on!" I say we try to escape but we see Tommy running towards us and we scream we all turn around seeing all the killers after us "What do you want, Sarah Fier?" I say "You want this? You can have it!" I say picking up the hand "Just let my sister live! Just let my sister live!" I scream, I drop the hand and pick up the shovel that was on the ground "You bled on the bone. They're after you." I say to ZIggy "Get ready to run with Y/n, Alex, and Lexie." I say "No!" Y/n says crying "It's gonna be ok i promise. I love you." I tell her kissing her forehead "No Cindy, no! No. Cindy!" Ziggy tells me "Let's go!" I say running with them then letting of Ziggy's hand and Lexie grabs her hand and they scream. I hit Tommy then he hits me with his axe and I fall on the ground "Cindy!" I hear Y/n and Ziggy say then the Milkman grabs Ziggy and stabs her, before I got hit by Tommy  Alex jumps in front of me and let's Tommy kill him instead of me.

your pov:

Alex runs towards Cindy and Tommy and jumps in front of Cindy "NO ALEX!" me and Lexie scream then the Milk man grabs Ziggy and stabs her. I try to run back to Cindy to grab her and  I try to run to Alex and Ziggy to save them but Lexie pulls me back, "Let go of me!" I yell at Lexie crying "I can't lose you too Y/n!" she says crying "Lexie, Y/n *gasps* I.. love.. y-you both, don't worry ab-about me." he says smiling "Ziggy! NO!" Cindy screams "Nothing will pull us apart. Never again." Ziggy tells Cindy before her last breath. Me and Lexie walk over to Alex body, Lexie falls on her knees crying then I go on the ground and hug Lexie as we cry. He sacrificed himself... they only person that told me and Lexie was gonna be alright when something happens to us. Cindy is sobbing "I'm so.. so sorry Ziggy" she says I get up and walk over to her "I'm sorry about Alex... It.. it should've been me." she says crying I pull her in for a hug and I kiss the top her head then she pulls away from the hug "It's ok... it really should've been me instead of him or Ziggy." I say with a tear rolling down my check, Cindy wipes away my tear then pulls me in for a kiss then we pull away

Someone pov:

My best friend brother was dead and so was I...

your pov:

We see Nick running this way to us "Ziggy!" he says "No! Hey, hey" he says "Don't die me. don't die on me" he says then starts doing cpr on Ziggy like that's gonna work "Are you guys ok?" he asks us "yeah..." me and Lexie say looking at Alex "sure." I hear Cindy say while holding my hand "Come on, come on, come on!" he says we all look at him  "Come on, Come on!" he says again "Breath." he says

Someone pov:

And most days.... I wished I'd stayed dead.

Cindy pov:

We see Ziggy open her eyes gasping "Come on!" Nick says. "What the hell." Y/n whispers..

Someone pov:

Wait you're Ziggy?

Ziggy pov:

"Hey, what's your name? Look at me. What's your name? " someone asks me "Ziggy." I say when I open my eyes  "It's Christine." Nick says and I look at him "Her real name, it's Christine Berman." he says to the paramedic "Where's my... Where's my sister? And Alex, Lexie and Y/n?" I ask him and he doesn't say anything I look between him and the paramedic and see Y/n, Lexie, and Cindy next to Alex body Cindy is holding Y/n hand while her and Lexie are crying. Alex is dead... he's gone... my heart shattered.

Older Ziggy/Christine pov:

Alex...   my best friend... he sacrificed himself for nothing.

"I told everyone the story of how he died. the story I just told you. And no one believed me." I say to Deena and Josh "And Nick." she asked

younger Ziggy pov:

"It was her. Sarah Fier the witch. The curse, it's... it's real." I say but he just looks at me like im crazy

Older Ziggy/Christine pov:

"I thought he was different. I thought he would believe me. But Nick had a destiny in this town. And you don't become sheriff talking about ghost stories."

Young Nick pov:

"What the hell happened here?" Kapinski asked me "Tommy Slater. He just went crazy." I say "Fucking Shadysiders." he says then walks away.

Older Ziggy?Christine pov:

"I couldn't see him again. Not after that." I say "The witch... The town curse... For one night, CIndy and Y/n believed that there was a way to end it." I say  "So we thought there was too. But now I know... There is no end." I say then my alarm clock buzzed "Like I said, your best chance, is to run from this place. Go as far as you can, hope a bus doesn't hit you on the way out." I say "We found the body off Highway 5 in the woods between Shadyside and Sunnyvale" Deena says  "It's not possible." I say "Oh, it's there. Trust us. The chains, the bones, the whole thing." Josh says "That could be anyone." I say "Why do you think our friends died?" Deena says  "For the same reason they killed Alice and Alex. " Deena says  "The killers came after us because we found something they didn't want us to find. And I wish to god that it never happened, but we found it. We found what you were looking for in 78'. We found Sarah Fier. Look, please, we.. Nurse Lane was right. We can end the curse by reuniting they hand with the body. And we know where the is so all we need is the hand. What happened to Camp Nightwing? Is the hand bone still there? Is it still buried underneath the Hanging Tree?" Deena asks "The Hanging Tree is in the mall." I tell them and they leave. I grab the phone and called someone "Hey.. um I know we haven't spoken in a while but it's happening again. The curse.." I say  "Ok let go tell Cindy and I call Lexie right after i'm done telling Cindy." Y/n says through the phone "Ok." I say " We'll see you in 20 then." Y/n says "Ok i'll see you guys in 20." I say. I haven't seen Y/n, Cindy, and Lexie in a while...

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