[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x R...

Borbityborb द्वारा

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A girl with no past. A boy who claims he has it. A master who seeks blood. Restless spirits. And most imp... अधिक

Borbity Borb
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To the Readers


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Borbityborb द्वारा


Is this a gift? Yes, yes it is! Let's finish this!!


Where am I...?

Y/N looked up to see an endless black void, with no sign of life... and dreadfully, with no sign of Hanako.

She faintly remembered what had happened; her head felt as if it split in two, followed by Amane's scream, Yashiro's and Kou's...

But that wasn't Amane, was it?

It couldn't be. Yugi Amane was a person of the past; someone who wouldn't look at her as if they were very close, for they had met only once - in a brief moment at a classroom. Yugi Amane couldn't transform into his ghostly form on the spot; Amane was living, breathing, not yet a Wonder.

That was Hanako, disguised as his former self.

But why...?

Why would he go to such great lengths, to disguise himself and grow close to her? What was so important about her memory that made Tsukasa keep it from her?

'What is so similar about his past and mine?'

As if a shadow could hear her thoughts, a lofty, feminine voice reverberated through the pitch black:

"You know, you ask too many questions."

Y/N stumbled back in shock, hitting the icy cold ground. She whipped her head around, opening her mouth to yell -

No voice came out. She grasped at her throat; it felt hollow... empty.

" That is necessary for you to be happiest in your Picture World. When you're quiet, it helps you listen."

In the darkness, a figure materialized in front of her. First a petite body - then dirty blonde hair in neat braids. Finally, the mysterious girl stopped in front of her, blue eyes lighting up behind rimmed glasses.

"And when you listen, you remember."

Y/N gaped at her, still on the ground. The stranger pushed her glasses with a hum.

"I am Shijima Mei, the Wonder of the Picture World. I was requested by the 7th Wonder to help you return to your roots.

The Picture World will shift to your desires, and if you will it hard enough, it will show you your memories.

I am his last resort, because I will show you your past in the harshest, most brutally honest way possible. And you might go..." She looked for the right words. "... even more quirky."

Y/N tried again to speak; there was much to take in. This time, a slow, steady string of words came out, like a chick hatching out of its shell.

"You'll help me... know... my past...?"

"Unlike me, you are a dying memory. And it is about time you relive who you are."

Suddenly, brilliant streaks of white and gold whirled around her, surrounding them in a painting of light. Once more, Shijima began to disappear, fading into her canvas of color -

" What will I see? " Y/N called, but the voice came as a faint toll to the cry of a transforming world.

"Your clearest reflection." Shijima's voice echoed. "The you that truly lived."

Y/N felt the air significantly drop. Her surroundings had changed. She was in a rundown master bedroom, with peeling gray wallpaper and a popcorn ceiling.

In front of her was an aged wooden bed, with a canopy that looked like it would collapse at any moment. A human form hugged the dusty blanket, shivering violently.

She reached out to touch the stranger, but her hand phased through, meeting frigid nothingness. She was not present in this room; she was merely watching a scene unfold, far from her control.

She coiled back as she heard a door creak open. A fragile-looking girl, with an unkempt Kamome uniform and H/C hair, cautiously walked towards the side of the bed. Y/N gawked.

'That's me?!'

Old Y/N's voice was quiet and shaky as she touched the shivering form.
"Mom? I brought you something."

Red-rimmed, baggy eyes peeked from the blanket. Her mother's graying hair stuck out in messy ends.

"What is that?" She croaked as Y/N lifted a bottle to her mother's hands. "Is this the drink that I asked for?"

"It's water." Her daughter said flatly. "Yesterday was enough. You can't lose yourself to these drinks."

"I'm your mother and I know best!"

Her mom snapped to life, waist-up in the bed. Spit flew in her crazed rage.

"Now get out!"


Aka Manto watched in horror as her mother shoved Y/N away, her former self falling to the wooden floor in a rain of shards. The bottle was no more, her weak body bruised and drenched.

Y/N shook her head, mumbling panicked apologies. She fled the room in a hurry.

Aka Manto's heart was racing, unable to accept her past. She turned to look behind.

Her mother's eyes slowly regained their glaze, overtaken by sorrow. The hysteria was gone.  She covered her face with her bony hands and wept.

"I-I'm sorry, N/N... I didn't mean to..."

The 7th Wonder backed away, at once pitying and hating her disfigured mother. The room around her seemed to narrow, like a piece of paper being crumpled, and she caught flashes of the bedroom's walls:

A broken portrait of her, her mother, and a man, who's face had been ripped and scratched beyond recognition...

A drawing scribbled in crayon of Y/N and her mother, which was shredded but taped back together...

So much she wanted to see. But the memory was already fading, preparing to move on.

Now, the memory felt hotter - like the afternoon of Japan's late summers. Long, cream-colored halls unravelled before her, with wide windows shining sunlight to the east. To the west, classrooms chockfull of students sat at desks.

'I've been here before.' Manto breathed. 'This is Kamome High.'

She felt drawn to one - Class 2A - and phased through the wall to survey its students. It was in one of these desks that Aka Manto saw herself again - Y/N, H/C hair unkempt and uniform ruffled - as she dozed in her desk during a Math lecture...

A paperball hit her squarely in the head, snapping Y/N awake. Both past and present Y/N turned around in annoyance.

A lanky boy sat on his chair, feet propped up, crumpled paper scattered on his desk.

"Tobero." Old Y/N did her best glare at him, but her body trembled with fright. "I... I'm warning you. Y-you'll be sorry you did that!"

'No. NOT LIKE THAT.' Y/N slapped her hand to her head. 'More vigor. With confidence!'

"Oh, really?" Tobero grinned, slowly pulling off his chair. He cracked his knuckles. "Then fight me after class!"

Y/N's face paled.  "Oh, um..." She stammered. "I actually... I'm a little..."

"Coward?" He sneered.


Manto covered her ears in shock, but old Y/N let a breath out, looking relieved. She dashed past Tobero; she was the first student out of the classroom. Manto tailed after her former self in a hurry-

Someone phased through her. A silver-haired girl with green tips rushed past, running incredibly fast despite her daikon legs.

'Yashiro?!'  Manto gaped.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Yashiro cried. "I thought we were meeting for lunch!"

"I'm sorry..." Y/N's race was flushed. She was reddening with tears, clearly terrified of Tobero's proposal. "I can't do it anymore... I'm sorry!"

"Y/N! Come here, listen to me!"

Y/N hid her face as Yashiro gripped her shoulders.

"Did someone hurt you? You know I know when you're upset. Your shoulders droop, your brows  furrow..."

"N-No. Yashiro, it's alright..."

However, Y/N was unable to meet her suspicious pink eyes.


"It's alright!" Y/N set her voice, firmer this time.

Yashiro studied her for another moment, unsure. Then at last she nodded cheerily.

"Maybe it's cause you skipped recess! C'mon, I have something to show you in lunch..."

Manto frowned as Yashiro pulled out a paper fortune teller, wiggling it in her fingers. Old Y/N, however, looked curious.

"What's that?"

"It predicts your future! Pick a number!"


Yashiro smirked, slowly unfurling the flap "7". She read the "fortune" beneath and gasped.

"True love is coming your way!"

"Ha!" Y/N snorted. "What, a prince will whisk me away to magic fairy land?"

Yashiro and Y/N bantered so loud that heads turned. Manto watched as they faded into the sea of students, laughing like the best of friends.

The pain in her heart deepened, and so did her head. But there was something different about it... She could feel it was too sudden. Too sharp. Only lasting for a split second, like someone hitting her on the head.

'Am I gaining control over myself?' Her spirit lightened. 'I'm getting somewhere. Just one more memory...'

Suddenly, a new voice.

"You'll let me enjoy this whole week... with you."

The words echoed around her, the world shifting once more. This time, she was in a little bathroom. 'Sakura?' She thought, bewildered, until she saw the view outside the small window.

The Confession Tree. Kamome's front gates. And in the glass's reflection, herself...

'With Hanako.'

Manto whipped around, eyes wide. The boy was floating, arms folded behind his back and legs crossed, grinning down at a petrified Y/N on the floor.

Judging by the paleness on her former self's face, this was her first meeting with Kamome's 7th Wonder.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She stammered, picking at the bandage on her right arm. "Enjoy? But you're a ghost, and I need to study, and if I'm being completely honest, I'm going to faint instead of smile-"

Hanako put a finger to his lips. Y/N jolted in fear and silenced.

"First things first, put all your work aside." He got on the ground, now all business. "Stick with your best friend. Get yourselves something nice. Just don't think about your wish."

'My wish?' Manto's eyes grew wider, but immediately shut as the headache stabbed again. 'Stop it! I need to know!' She fought through it and sat next to old Y/N.

"All.. right?" Y/N nodded hopefully.

"And when you're done, promise to visit me again. That's the contract."

His voice lowered, eyes gleaming.

"You can back out of course, but trust me, you'll miss a lot."

"I- I''ll try to-" Y/N stammered, flustered and confused. Manto fidgeted, embarassed by Hanako and her old self.

"Y/N! HELLOOOOO?" Yashiro called outside. It seemed she had been looking for Y/N.

Hanako looked up, clearly miffed by the newcomer. Y/N grabbed for the door, swinging it open-

"I'll try to keep my promise!" Her old self gasped, before slamming the door shut on Hanako's face.

Manto bit her lip. 'I was a mess.' She turned to Hanako, expecting him to tail after her in frustration...

Instead, he smiled in amusement, fixing the cuffs of his military uniform. Suddenly a pink thing popped out from one of the stalls.

"Gave her a real scare, didn't ya?"

She followed his amber gaze to the familiar little creature. Several more popped up behind him, with bunny ears up alertly. Mokke.

'They come in groups!' Y/N picked at her coat guiltily. 'And I hurt one of them... Its poor family...'

"She'll get used to us." Hanako shrugged, sitting on the window. "We have a lot in common... there's a thin line between life and death, so no worries!"

As Hanako hummed thoughtlessly, an especially restless mokke leaped unto his lap.

"Why did you give her only one week to live?!" It hopped up and down angrily. Despite their soft bodies, Hanako looked in pain. "Why not a year?! You cruel thing!"

He sighed. "Even my powers have limits. I grant wishes, not longevity. But I hope I can change her mind about death; no one was really able to change mine..."

The Mokke on his lap grew silent. The others' ears drooped, which Hanako took notice of immediately.

"On a happier note!" He clapped his hands, feigning a smile. "You all will watch her back, right? Her life can be more wonderful. I'll help her see that."

The Mokke looked at eachother, ears perking once more. They bounced to the door, ecstatic to fulfill their new duty.

"Catching a date now, are you?" One remarked slyly. Hanako chuckled, nudging the Mokke onward.

"Maybe." He winked. "Benefits of being a Wonder!"

The Y/N in the present reached out, wanting to call him, to keep the mischief and light in his eyes. But the scene was already fading, the memory finished. She was now in an endless black void once more, the revelation of her memories flooding her like a tsunami.

Shame overwhelmed her, like the pangs in her head. 'I took that happiness from him. From Yashiro, Kou, everyone. I need more memories! Show me more memories!'

But the void stayed dark, unanswering. She was alone with her emotions. She didn't know which was stronger, the despair or the pain. Hanako's amber eyes bore into her, calling her to remember what Tsukasa tried to hide for so long-

'GOD!' She screamed inside, about to lose control. 'IT HURTS SO MUCH! I WISH SOMEONE WOULD KILL ME!'

Something bright flashed ahead of her.

Y/N looked up in shock, snapped awake from her pain. A bright, blue pond materialized before her, inviting against the black void.

She stumbled forward, almost tripping on her red cape. She looked around the pool, calling out Shijima's name, but no sound came from her throat.

'Right!' She almost laughed in frustration. 'Shijima zipped my lips! She's all that!'

Y/N looked down, about to cry. But the reflection before her nearly sent her toppling into it.

The girl in the water looked just like her- H/C hair, E/C eyes, but different. When she wore a cape, she wore a Kamome uniform. And when her hair was cut short, Y/N's long tresses fell.

It was the old her.

And she seemed to move alone, like a film playing before her. A knife glinted in the light, held tightly in one hand.

Her past self kept a confident expression, patiently waiting. Y/N lit up, grabbing her own knife from her coat.

'You want me to follow you!' She thought in amazement.

Her wonder was cut short, however; now her reflection lifted the knife firmly, setting it against her head.

It stood still once more. Y/N followed, but it did not move.

As if things couldn't get worse, the start of a headache returned, like it sensed she was a breath away from the truth. She gripped her knife.

'No! Now's not the time! You' re so close!'

She focused on her reflection, which stood unwavered. ' I'm Y/N L/N, student of Kamome.'

Y/N pushed at that thought, using her memories.

' I made a wish with Hanako. He's not my enemy. ' When the pain flared, she squinted her eyes, forcing it down.

' My best friend is Yashiro.

Kou is, too.

And Hanako, he is... '

The dull ache in her head erupted at Hanako's name, giving her the same numbing pain that made her legs give way, her teeth gnash, her body scream...

'I'm not meant to be Aka Manto. I'm not Tsukasa's!'

Her head grew light, a white haze fogging her eyes. But the tip of her knife stayed firm, her inner compass pinpointing at something... A source... A root...

Her head riddled with excruciating pangs, she stared herself down in the pond, gritted her teeth, and poised the blade to cut through.

'Found you.'

The reflection followed its counterpart, slicing its hair short.

Meanwhile, in the Rift...

Tsukasa looked up. A piece of black kakoujoudai, unmistakable, floated back to its orb, earning a surprised stare from its master.

"Impossible..." He muttered, caressing the trail of cloud. "She removed the kakujoudai implanted in her head?"

Fear coursed through him; it's been so long since it did. That kakujoudai gave him accurate details of Y/N's whereabouts and kept her memories away. Essentially, Y/N without a  kakujoudai meant he had no control over her.

'This is bad.' Tsukasa clenched his fists anxiously, but the kakujoudai wasn't finished.

Now the orb dispersed, clouds spreading to form a vision - of a shadowed, red-hooded figure. Their frame was so hidden he couldn't recognize them at first.

"You wanted me to kill, Tsukasa-sama." Y/N's words echoed through the cloud. Her voice was eerily leveled. "Now I know who to choose."

The vision ended, the message gone. Tsukasa sent his kakujoudai away, anxiously pacing towards Sakura's entrance.

He knew the answer. He saw it, in Y/N's glaring face staring back at him, the fire he thought he extinguished flaring in her eyes once more. She looked stronger... no, she was free.

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