Reality Reversed | English |...

Da LilaLa_77

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A story based on the book Reality Reversed. Reality Reversed is the first book in the Dynasty series. (Callis... Altro

The second part of
First part


11 9 0
Da LilaLa_77

Yes, my Princess.
You are already in my world, but you cannot imagine what an interesting role you have in it.
My twisted mind has already decided on your role and it will be perfect, Princess.

- Callisto Mancini

Gianna's calm breath poured over my chest as she slept peacefully.  The princess fell asleep just an hour ago, after spending a day in bed and not only, but I already missed her insolent remarks.
From the moment Gianna showed her character and slapped me in the face for asking her to give up her job, a new fire flared up in me.  I adored my Daring Gianna, but lately I realized that I adore any Gianna, both gentle and lively and calm.
I no longer existed before her.  There was no longer anything that came before her.  Now it is a different world, a world in which she walks next to me.
Putting it on the pillow, I pulled on a T-shirt and sweat shorts and went downstairs to the living room.
I need to talk to my family - what kind of reception they gave Gianna can not be tolerated.  I was never very patient, but I let my sisters too much, now it came back to me.
As if to order, my sisters and Louis were sitting in the living room and playing some kind of board game.  It was definitely not the Mafia, but Monopoly, in which Louis always won.
-Finally, the king decided to go down to the plebeians, only on the way he lost his Princess, - seeing me, Ermina began to mock.
- I'm glad you're all here too.  And with you, Ermey, we will have a separate conversation.
She gave me an angry look, but it didn't work.
-What happened at breakfast should not be repeated anymore.  Gianna will live here and you should all come to terms with it.  Treat Gianna like the family she is.
- She's not family, Callisto.  She is your friend whom you decided to bring into the house.  I dare to remind you that this is against the rules.
-When did you decide to follow the rules, Ermina?  Gianna is my girlfriend and you will all respect her.  On this the topic is closed.
Luigi sat back relaxed on the back of the sofa, he always did not care about everything, but he followed my instructions.  There was indignation on Carlotta's face, which will disappear in a few minutes, she was not prone to long resentments and quickly forgot everything.  Ermina did not hide her anger, she did not like that someone could take her place, and especially someone important to me.
My family will accept Gianna, they just have no choice.
- Ermina, tell me, where did the devils wear you in the evenings?  I forbade you to see younger Giordano, so why the hell did you meet with him yesterday ?!
-Do not shout at me!  My personal life does not concern you.
- Everything concerns me, Ermina.  I am not only your brother, but also your Capo.  I have to take care of the Dynasty, and your friendship with the younger Giordano gets in the way.
-Who told you that we are friends, Callisto?  We fuck regularly and it won't hurt you in any way.
The veins in my neck began to throb violently.  I clenched my fists, even though I dreamed of clenching Dante Giordano's neck.  I knew that Ermina hated prohibitions.  She wanted to live freely and I did not interfere with her, but Dante Giordano did not fit into it.  He shouldn't be around my sister.
-If I find out that you saw him again, I will forbid you to appear in the Basement.
-Not!  You cannot forbid me to participate in fights, this is my hobby.
-You have a choice.
Ermina threw herself off the couch and ran out of the living room.  He slammed her door so that the whole house shook.
- You did the wrong thing, Callisto.  You can't forbid Ermey from dating a guy, maybe they have feelings, and you ruin them.
My little sister was not like the others.  She believed in all good things, although she had never seen him.  Not.  She was not harmless.  Carlotta also had her own ambitions, only she had other methods of achieving her goals.  She doesn't look like Ermina.  Carlotta will not go over the heads, she will rub into trust and achieve the goal of destroying something from the inside.  None of our family was harmless, behind all of us there were dark sides that hid their demons.
-Carlotta, don't kid yourself.  Ermina loves only herself.
-Not true!  She loves her family.
-Since when Dante Giordano is part of our family.  He is from another Dynasty, that is, he is an enemy.
-But you let him be on our territory.
My little sister wants to know the dark world of the mafia.  She will still have such an opportunity, but a little later.
- It's too early for you to know about all the intricacies of business, Carlotta.  But soon you will find out and understand everything.
She nodded reluctantly and dropped her head to the floor.
- I don't want this girl to live with us either.  She is a stranger and we do not know anything about her.  This could be dangerous for the family, Callisto.
-I know everything I need and trust Gianna enough to bring her to our house.  Now stop stuffing your head with stupid thoughts and go to sleep.
- Didn't tell me!  I am no longer small and can stay awake for a long time.
- You can, but tomorrow you have to go to school.
Carlotta repeated the actions of her sister and menacingly went into her room.
- You weren't enough two crazy girls in this house, why did you bring another one? - Luigi asked with closed eyes.
-This doesn't concern you.
-What do you say, brother.  So what should I do with the FBI?  They started digging under us too actively.
-Leave everything as it is.  They won't find anything, but they want to curry favor.  Let them show the visibility of the work.
-Their actions may interfere with some of our deals.
- So we're getting old, Louis, if the FBI can stop us.
Luigi laughed and nodded.
- I'll do it tomorrow.  Will you join me?
-Yes.  And I want to talk to the younger Giordano.  I don't like his friendship with Ermina.
-It will be done, boss.
I turned around and headed back to the bedroom in a warm bed with Gianna.
The girl's slender hand wrapped around my abs as I lay down in bed.  Her head buried in my back and I felt her eyelids flutter.
“Callisto?” Her sleepy voice cut through, “Is that you?
-And who else can be in the same bed with you, Princess?
-Only you.  Where have you been?  I woke up and did not see you.
- I needed to talk to Louis.
-All right?
-Everything is fine, Princess.
Gianna was silent for a long time and I thought she fell asleep, but no.
- Callisto, I need to get back to LA.
My whole body tensed from this statement.  I wasn't going to let her go to LA.  I was not going to let her go anywhere.  Gianna is mine and will always be with me.
- We've already discussed this, Princess.
- Callisto, I can't just quit.
She was already fully awake and raised on her elbows, looking at me.
- My life in LA, I can't just quit.  My work remained there and in four days the trial, after that I can leave, but I need to be there.  In the end, I have all my belongings there, Marsik.  I have to go back.
I could buy her whatever she needs, send someone for the cat, talk to her boss, but Gianna didn't need that.  She was strong and self-sufficient.  Gianna achieved everything herself and wanted everything to be on her terms.  In my world, this was unacceptable - a woman could not choose her life, but I will give Gianna all possible freedom.  I always did not care about the rules, and now, when Gianna is with me, especially.
-Okay.  I'll bring you back to LA before the court.  You can pack your things and we can leave.
-Really, Princess.
- You understand how strange it all is.  Your sisters will be very happy if they find out about this.
-It does not matter.  You want this and I do too, this is the main thing.
- I want to, but I'm scared, Callisto.
-You never have to be afraid, Princess.
There were notes of doubt in Gianna's gaze, but after thinking the girl nodded.
Her lips fell softly on mine, clearing her doubts.


Dante Giordano entered my office.  He was wearing a biker jacket and army boots.  I understood why he loves to spend time in Vegas, here he was not the brother of the boss of Chicago, here he was a fighter who was respected for his ability, not for his name.  I was fine with his presence on my territory, as long as he did not break the rules, but his connection with Ermina changed everything.
“Callisto, did you want to see me?” Dante’s voice did not have the usual respect for me.  He behaved like a prince who was not in this territory.
-Dante, do you remember on what conditions you are here?
- I remember the terms you negotiated with my brother.
-So why the hell are you breaking them ?!  I warned you not to see Ermina.
The younger Giordano's face turned stone.  Everyone in their family perfectly hid their emotions, but Alessandro Giordano was a professional - his emotions were hidden by an unbreakable mask and it was difficult to do business with him.
-What the hell is Ermina hanging around in the Basement, where she definitely doesn't belong.  Watch your family, Callisto, and stay out of my business.
I stood close to him.  Our gazes were on the same level and my hands were itching to grab his neck, but that would have sparked a war between Chicago and Les Vegas, and I don't need that now.
-I warned you, Dante.  If you want to keep walking freely in Vegas, leave Ermina alone.
-Quietly walk?  Don't your dogs graze me at every turn?
- I won't say it twice.  And now you are free.
Dante grabbed his helmet and smiled not cheerfully.
- I will convey your best wishes to Alessandro.
The guy left the office and my people will make sure that he does not get lost.
“This shit needs to be reported to Alessandro,” suggested Louis. “He values ​​the world like his grandfather and won't let his little brother ruin everything.  Plus, we have news from the FBI that he needs to know.
It was the right suggestion.  I didn't need a war with Chicago when I already had a conflict with New York.
Alessandro was supposed to be the next boss after his grandfather, but he was already in charge of most of the cases.  He was the voice of reason and in this he was radically different from his brothers.
-Contact Giordano and tell him to solve the problem with your brother.
-I'll do everything.  Today our lawyer called, he was whispered about what the FBI is preparing.  They want to push their suspicion to us.
-This damn lawyer shouldn't call you, but solve problems.  We ourselves know what they want.
-I just conveyed the words of the lawyer.  But I agree that he is not doing his job right.  I'll send someone to talk to him.
We continued to discuss urgent matters.  I knew that a lot of questions had accumulated since I spent a lot of time with Gianna, but now she was in my house and I could easily go into business.
A loud scream that echoed throughout the house distracted us from the conversation.  I definitely recognized Janna's voice and flew out of the office.
The screaming stopped, but I knew he was from the kitchen.
I entered the small kitchen, where no one has ever cooked anything, and saw Gianna squeezing into the bar, clutching her cup.  One of my soldiers stood at the second entrance and looked at me in horror.
- Boss, I didn't do anything, I swear.
He began to make excuses, but I didn't care, I went up to the trembling Gianna and hugged her to him.  She was lost, her eyes closed, and a terrible shiver went through her entire body.
- It's okay, Princess.  It's me.
She grabbed me even more tightly and gradually began to calm down.  I didn't like her fear, but my twisted side was happy that she felt safe with me.
Gianna stopped shaking and relaxed in my arms.
I looked at the soldier and his eyes widened from my gaze.
- I just walked into the kitchen, boss.  I didn't even know that someone would be here.
I was not interested in his explanations.  I have killed for less, not to mention the fact that I will kill everyone who somehow frightened the Princess.
Gianna lifted her head from my chest and backed away a little.  I refused to let her go - it didn't lead to anything good.
-He ... he's right.  I just decided to have tea, and then someone came in and I reacted too violently ...
She raised her head a little and looked at the guy behind me.
-Sorry.  I didn't want to scare anyone.
Gianna still looked scared and I didn't like it.  She must get used to this life and to these people.
- Let's all get out.
I knew that there was not only a soldier standing there, but also Louis and Carlotta.
I took Janna's face in my hands and made me look into her eyes.  She diligently avoided my gaze, but still gave up.
-What are you afraid of, Princess.
-Never deceive me.
- I'm not afraid of anything, Callisto.  It's hard for me to get used to this life.  All these people walking around here ... I know they are murderers, how can I just be with them.
-They won't do anything to you, otherwise ...
- Will you kill them?  Because you are the same as them.  It's not bad, Callisto.  You are one of them, and I am not.  Everyone looks at me like a leper.  I'm a stranger here, Callisto.
-How do you want them to look at you?
-Fine!  Why this question.  I just want a normal relationship.
-I will order everyone and they will look at you normally.
-Not!  Lord, you don't understand me at all.  You don't need to say anything, just understand me - I want to merge myself into this world, without your orders.
-Nothing is done here without my orders.
-I don't like this world.
-Princess, if I could give you another world, I would.  But you have only this one at your disposal, and you must learn to live in it.
Gianna bit her lip.  She did not like to give up, she always went to the goal and won.  Now she had a goal to conquer my world and she will achieve it.

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