ONE WAY RIDE | Maze Runner

Von Softygrievers24

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Eight months after The Last City fight, the gladers find their home in the safe haven, safe from WCKD. Everyo... Mehr

➭ One way Ride: Introduction
➭ Chapter 1: Dancing with your Ghost
➭ Chapter 2: Silhoutte
➭ Chapter 4: Next to me
➭ Chapter 5: Clarity
➭ Chapter 6: Look After You
➭Chapter 7: Cinnamon
➭Chapter 8: Favorite crime
➭Chapter 9: Got it in you
➭Chapter 10: Where's my love
➭Chapter 11: Someone to stay
➭Chapter 12: Every breaking wave
➭Chapter 13: One last time
➭Chapter 14: Stay
➭Chapter 15: Us
➭Chapter 16: Youth
➭Chapter 17: Roslyn
➭Chapter 18: As the world caves in
➭Chapter 19: Falling apart
➭Chapter 20: Epilogue

➭ Chapter 3: My Tears are Becoming a Sea

90 1 0
Von Softygrievers24

"The stars and planets are calling me
A billion years away
From you
I'm on my way"

My tears are becoming a sea – M83


A lot of questions are running in his mind. His head buzzing and he can sure feel a headache forming behind his eyes. It's just too much information, what was going to be just a normal depressing day as any other, turned into this, finding himself inside this rusty vehicle, his backpack and gun are long gone, instead there are uncomfortable chains in his hands.

He wonder if he's made the right choice, by coming with them. At least his friends are safe, that's all that matters to him, and then they could do whatever the hell they want with him. Though the guards have those creepy black masks in their face, he can still feel the glances from the ones in front of him, watching that he doesn't escape. He just wants to reach destiny and end this once and for all.

The chains beginning to bother his wrists, the skin already hot red from the friction. They told him not to go, they insisted him, but he couldn't risk their safety. He couldn't let anyone else get hurt because of him. Everyone except Minho, he saw his friend's expression, his eyes, he knew he had to find answers, for him, for himself and for their friend.

If these people had him, if they had Newt, then he would move heaven and earth to get him out of him. He thinks about all those things he wanted to say to him and couldn't do it. The questions came back to his mind one more time. There's no way he is still alive. He watched him died, dropping limp in his own arms. He didn't want to admit it, but he was afraid, he was afraid of what he is going to find there. He can't bring himself to watch Newt go crazy all over again, he can't watch him in that state.

The vehicle came to an abrupt stop, the breaks made an awful shriek. The back doors opened and another artificial blinding light hit his eyes, almost making them water. Two strong arms grabbed him by his shoulders roughly and pulled him out of the car. He almost stumbles forward once his feet touch the hard floor beneath them, unable to hold onto anything with chained wrists. Once his eyes get used to the light, he spots a massive building, like the one in the scorch. But he knew it was not the same one, mainly because they were in the mountains, far away from the scorch and from the ruins of the last city. The building felt overwhelmingly familiar, and a cold shiver spread down his spine.

"Who do we have here?" A new person in front of him asked. This one didn't have a mask on, instead Thomas could see a long face, big green eyes and a dark stubble in his chin. The man looked in his mid-forties, a couple of grey hairs appearing.

"We brought the one Randall was searching" One of the men holding him stated, he could almost see the proud smirk under the mask. Thomas hearing sharpened at that statement, at that name. Whoever that person was, he already didn't like him.

"This is the one?"

"The final candidate"

The green eyed man grinned proudly as he came closer to Thomas. His hands crossed behind him in his back. Thomas glared at him as the man walked somberly slow, and when Thomas thought he was about to say something else, a hard fist was delivered to his abdomen. The punch knocked all the air away from his lungs as he doubled over in a failed attempt to not let out the grunt that escaped between his clenched teeth, it was also an attempt to not empty the poor contents in his stomach. The man just chuckled a sinister laughed.

The two arms holding him by his shoulders continued to move towards the building, leaving the green eyed man behind with a smirk drawn on his lips. Thomas wanted to punch him so hard in the face, blinded by the anger creeping in his bones.

He is led roughly through large hallways, his mind still can't process his surroundings, wondering where the hell is this place, and how did they get here.

They reach dark metal doors, secured with a scanner which one of the guards holding him unlocks. Inside, he can see a bunch of screens, showing images of different zones of WCKD land, as if they've been watching them since the very beginning. It's WCKD, it's always been about WCKD. He doesn't know how to feel, he is angry, disappointed, frustrated; it's just a mix of negative emotions running through his veins.

The guards just leave him there, chained to a metal table, staring at the disaster they missed. On one of the tiny screens he can see his friends, just walking towards their car, the one they had lost magically.

Suddenly a man walks into the room, and Thomas pales. He doesn't know why his body has this reaction, why there are shivers running down his back, why his hands out of nowhere begin to shake. He tries to hide his tremble limbs between his legs, under the table, he doesn't want to show them weakness, he's not weak. Or maybe he is after all.

"How are you, Thomas?" This person spoke. He had a hoarse voice that could frighten every person who hears. He was dressed in a luxurious dark grey suit, again making Thomas wonder how they could dress like that in the middle of the apocalypse.

"Who are you people?" Thomas doesn't even try to hide the rudeness in his voice.

"Oh come on Thomas, I had you smarter than that" The mysterious man closes his distance and sits in an empty chair across the metal table. "I believe perfectly you know who we are"

"How is this possible? We watched WCKD burn, the city is in ruins"

"The last city might have been our main base, but not the only one. You knew that better than anyone when you decided to give that information to the right arm" The expression in the man's face after naming the right arm seemed to change completely. "You see, the city was prepared for everything, if the cranks out there didn't attack us, the virus would've. People was evacuated, the ones we could save, which reduces to most of our doctors and scientists"

"You're not going to stop, aren't you?"

"How could we give up when we have you? The only person in this world able to save us all" The man let out a dry chuckle that made Thomas' muscles tense at the sound.

"Janson seemed to have the definition of saving you all differently. How do I know you're not the same shit?" Thomas now showed himself challenging. His gaze was hard as stone as he leaned his torso towards the table.

The man didn't seem to like his choice of words and hit the table with one fist, leaning now closer. Thomas tried to hide the small jump the noise made him make.

"Don't talk to me like that here, for your information you're on your own in front of a whole corporation" The man found himself winning this argument, Thomas knew that. "You don't even remember me, and you'll wish never do it"

"How about you start telling me your name? You know people usually start with that"

"I'm chancellor Spilker, but for you is Dr. Randall or sir"

Thomas put the strings together and began to understand. This man was supposed to offer him a deal, he is supposed to know where Newt is.

"Where is he?" Thomas didn't doubt in spilt the question, without letting Randall say anything else.

"Where's who?"

Thomas rolled his eyes as the man false confusion. Now he identified his emotions. He was angry, angry at WCKD and at himself.

"You know who I'm talking about. Now, how about we get to the point and you tell me what do I have to do to get him back?"

The palm of a hand collided with his cheek immediately after he finished his question. Thomas resisted the urge to rub the sensitive skin, although he wouldn't be able to do it because of his chained hands.

"I told you to watch your words, god dammit" Randall greeted his teeth annoying at Thomas's behavior, and somehow Thomas felt a little of satisfaction at that. "I'll take you to him, but you more than anyone know that won't be free here"

"What. Do. I. Have. To. Do?" Thomas paused between every word, emphasizing his previous question.

"You're gonna stay here with us. Then after you do your part, your friend will be safe and cured. Everyone lives happily ever after! Well, everyone except you obviously" Randall had that proud smirk the green eyed man had before, that smirk that made Thomas want to punch him hard in the face. "I believe I don't have to explain anything else. Basically you'll give life to the rest of us"

"Now come with me, I'll take those annoying chains out if you promise not to do anything stupid, your stupid little boyfriend's life is on the line anyways"

Thomas was caught off guard by Randall's statement, his mouth stayed a bit opened until he finally could think about an answer to that.

"Don't call him stupid"


Thomas walked by Randall's side now without the chains, rubbing the irritated skin in an attempt to ease the stinging feeling. He was getting impatient, the truth was that he didn't know what to expect of the blond boy. How would he find him? Of course there was the other part of his brain, questioning how it was possible that Newt was alive. Apart from the deep stab wound on his chest, he was infected. How could a person survive with the flare for so long?

He stopped tracks abruptly when Randall reached another metal door similar to the last one, and unlocked with the scanner and the ID card. At this Thomas' hands were sweaty, anxiety crippling in his bones, almost tickling him. His fingers didn't want to stop twitching nervously, he didn't know why he was feeling that way.

"I've already told you. Do something stupid and he pays" Randall warned serious, Thomas swallowed down the lump in his throat.

The doors opened with a hiss, and the walls were a bright white from that part of the buildings, showing the entrance to the medical wing. Thomas walked with Randall through the clean tile floor, at this point all his body was buzzing with anxiety.

Thomas could see big windows, letting him see tones of technological devices. He also saw small cubicles were cranks were locked, the people experimenting with them were dressed in green suits, with masks to avoid contagious. They walked through the white hallways without stopping until they reached another pair of metal doors. Two security guards watching over it. Thomas glanced at Randall, watching him put on a white face mask to cover his nose and mouth, and a pair of glasses to cover his eyes; and he prepared himself for what was coming.

The doors opened slower than Thomas would've wanted, every second seemed endless here, bouncing his legs as they walked inside a disinfection cabin and the doors closed behind them. A white gas was spread through the small cabinet and after that, another door in front of them opened.

Randall walked through it, Thomas following his lead. Inside of that room, where more and more technology than Thomas has ever seen before. He could see a group of scientist and doctors working on their respective computer in front of a big glass window. On one of the monitors Thomas saw heartbeats and a person's other levels such as blood pressure, heart rate, among things; and his blood turned completely cold.

He walked fast inside, ignoring Randall's previous orders, and stood by the big glass, placing the palm of his hand on the cold material, he froze on his feet. He's always thought about, what his reaction would be. If it happened, what he dreamt for the past eight months, what he thought was impossible.

Well his dreams became real for the first time in his life, because he was seeing his best friend in the world in that exact moment. Newt was inside that window, lying down on a metal table, connected to a lot of machines, more people dressed in green suits working around him. Thomas' heart clenched painfully at the sight of the black veins, sweaty hair sticking to his forehead, and the hospital gown he was dressed in. But somehow he seemed almost peaceful, breathing evenly through a nasal cannula.

"Ho- How is this possible?" He was speechless, the words didn't want to come out. He found his mouth uncomfortably dry, suddenly needing gallons of water to wet his tongue.

"Reduce the brain activity, delay the progress" Randall just state behind him. Thomas wanted to cry, he actually wanted to cry. He wanted to drop to the ground and break down. Feeling guiltier all of sudden, knowing he gave up on his best friend that day, leaving his body in the burning city, to go find Teresa. His soul was crushed, he didn't have strength anymore.

"Let the doctor explain it to you..." Randall spoke behind him.

Thomas turned around and when he thought life punished him enough, a person appeared from behind Randall. Thomas wanted to laugh, he actually wanted to laugh. His eyes at this point were glassy, full of unshed tears. He breathed in heavily.

"Hello Thomas"

Ava Paige was very different of what he remembered. Probably the biggest change being the wheelchair she was sit in. She was wearing the same face mask as Randall. His wide eyes stared at her, his mouth feeling drier than anything, now there was tingling sensation running up his arms and for a second he thought he might faint, but he forced himself to keep his composure intact.

"You were dead" He muttered, he couldn't find better words to speak.

"So was Newt" She answered blankly. Thomas stayed in silence, not really knowing what to answer to that. Instead he stared at the blond behind him, behind the window.

"I'll let you two alone" Randall spoke before leaving the room. Thomas almost forgot he was standing there in the first place.

"Do you want to sit?" Dr. Paige asked, and Thomas nodded. He wasn't sure if he would be able to keep standing in his shaky legs. The woman led him to the corner of the laboratory, where a small lonely table was, Thomas welcomed the chair with open arms.

"I-I..." He was frustrated, absolutely frustrated. There was a lot of information to take in. He felt as his brain was about to explode.

"Confusion is understandable"

"I want an explanation" He spat. This time without stuttering.

"They were evacuating the city" Paige began to explain, and Thomas found a more comfortable position to listen. "They were evacuating and they found me, still alive. Janson left me there after he took you, I saw everything. I was seriously injured, so they brought me here, unfortunately there was permanent damage." She pointed at the wheelchair, although Thomas had already found out about that, "They found Newt at the same time, and they brought him here with me, performed surgery to repair the damage of the stab wound in his chest. Randall knew him, just like he knew you, and thought about using him to attract you here"

Thomas squeezed his hands into fists, his nails digging into his palms and he was sure Ava could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"What are they doing to him?" Somehow he let some softness enters to his tone when it comes to Newt. After all it wasn't his fault people like WCKD existed.

"If you're asking how we kept him alive it's simple. The flare virus is known for attacking the brain, so it progresses at the rate the brain works. We're delaying that progress by reducing Mr. Newton's brain activity close to nothing, so we've been keeping him in a drug induced coma. Now that you came, we can proceed"

Thomas took a deep breath, and ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to sooth himself. That was until Randall came back into the room and he straightened, buildings his walls again.

"I'll let you do whatever you want to do with me. As long as Newt receives the serum first, and I want him to receive it today" He showed himself strong and tough, raising on his feet. But inside he was a complete different person, he was a wreck. If he didn't cling onto the thought of having Newt with him again, he wouldn't what would it be of his life.

"We can't do that today. You have to understand that we need to test you first. Blood samples, brain scans. It's not that simple"

Thomas put his hand in the pocket of his cargo trousers, and grabbed the tiny tube with the blue liquid, WCKD's letters engraved at the tip. He always carries that with him, and he couldn't be more relieved that now he can give it use. He placed the tube on the table, the material making a minimal thumping noise.

"It is simple for me"

Randall stared at the tube in awe, and Thomas immediately noticed the man's intention when he tried to grab the object. He was ahead of him and grabbed it first and fast.

"This will be for Newt and for no one else" He raised his voice, keeping the tube away from Randall

"Okay, Thomas calm down" Randall raised his hands cautiously.

"No, I won't calm down!" Thomas finally broke. "I won't calm down because you can't just make me come here, tell me one of my best friends is alive, and proclaim that I'll have to submit myself to numerous tests and tortures for the rest of my life to get him back with me! You can't do that after everything that happened in the past eight months, where I couldn't even work without him. So at least let me do this on my own shucking accord. This is why Teresa gave me this, before sacrificing her life..."

He couldn't believe those words just came out of his mouth. Now he was breathing heavily and he would've feel ashamed of the tears burning his eyes in another time, but he couldn't do this anymore, and the real suffering hadn't even started yet.

Ava Paige watched the scene with a softened expression on her face, and let out a sigh. She then wheeled closer to Randall and raised an arm in front of the man in an attempt to calm the situation.

"Let him do this. It's not going to change anything, Randall" She said, a surprising calmness in her tone, almost soothing to Thomas.

Randall took a step back and raised now both of his hands, shaking his head in surrender, Thomas took this as a yes, and sighed relieved.

"Alright, prepare for the procedure" He commanded the rest of the people in the lab, who heard the whole previous discussion.


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