The Tales of Arjun and Pancha...

By Love_reading12

27.3K 1K 420

The tales of Arjun and Panchali revolve around the scenes the great Ved Vyaas gave us in Mahabharata for the... More

The Goodbye - Part 1
The Goodbye Part III: ~ An Escapade~
The Goodbye - Part IV : ~An Escapade Continues~
The Goodbye - Part V : ~ Union, Separation? ~
Part VI : ~Final Adieu~
The Separation Continues
Thankyou for 4k reads!
A Romantic Moment
Friendly Intervention
A Promise


1K 49 24
By Love_reading12

Recap : Arjun's POV : It was our decision to have her as the common wife and I despise that decision now. She faced it all alone without me and here I can't even face it with you and her being at my side. I wish I could undo it all, I would in the blink of an eye but it's too late now", I ranted it out. I said it all in front of Madhav. He was my best friend and there was no shame in admitting my truth before him. But he just kept looking behind me. I turned around and it was Panchali who was standing there with teary eyes..


Panchali's POV :

The arrangement for today's lunch was done perfectly after Arya Bheem added his last few touches. He genuinely cared for me and kept on asking about how I was feeling every ten minutes. I was happily surprised when he revealed that he told the cooks to make pineapple sheera which was my favourite. He treated with utmost love and affection which I always acknowledged but the fire in my heart could only be quenched by one man and it was time to go and call him for lunch again! I don't know what delight he found in chatting with Govind for hours but I adored their friendship. While approaching them, I heard him say something which my former self yearned to hear. But now it just gave rise to a storm in my heart.

"I wish I could undo it all, I would in the blink of an eye but it's too late now"

His words kept repeating in my head and my vision got blurred with newly formed tears. I travelled back to the days when I used to go to watch him practise archery in Kampilya forests.

Flashback starts..

He was blind folded and was intently trying to listen to the sound of the wind to get a sense of direction. I couldn't see his target but I wasn't interested in finding out his aim, I was just mesmerized by him. Standing tall with a perfect posture, his muscular arm stretched the bowstring along with the arrow, he moved his bow slightly upwards. My gaze followed the direction of his arrow and realized that he has sensed my presence but I didn't move. I wanted to know what his next move would be. He released the arrow in a swift motion and at the next moment, flowers showered upon me. He ran towards me and without opening his blind fold said, "Pranipat, Rajkumari Panchaali. Your lotus fragrance is to be blamed for revealing your presence today." There, he had already answered my question before even my asking him about how did he recognise me as we had never met before. However, I was surprised that he knew about me. I opened his blindfold and retorted, "Pranipat, Rajkumar Arjun! I am impressed with your skills. Could you teach me how to shoot an arrow with a blindfold? I might want to shower someone with flowers too."

His brown orbs kept looking into my eyes and lips played a smirk. He came close to my ear and whispered, "Rajkumari, I think you have missed the arrow which has tied you down to the ground." Confused, I looked down and indeed there was an arrow which went through the hem of my long dupatta, into the moist ground. It was loose enough to keep me unaware but tight enough to not let me move forward. Blood rushed to my cheek as I was embarrassed at how easily he had trapped me without my notice. The flowers proved to be a great distraction. "Even a princess can be dangerous. I had to be careful. I am sorry, Princess," he said triumphantly with a glint in his eyes.

"Arjun, have you forgotten that you are standing on the lands of Kampilya. If I want, I can get you arrested here for your transgression," I said feigning anger. "I could have been hurt with your arrow, you know", I said again while trying to free my dupatta from the ground.

"Wait, how do you know I am Arjun?" He questioned. He was bewildered and now it was my turn to smile triumphantly.

"Oh, so finally you realised and are out of your small victory moment of trapping an innocent princess", I exclaimed while finally freeing myself. A piece from my long dupatta trail still remained trapped under the arrow. I started walking away from him but he caught my elbow. "I hope along with this arrow, you also remember the flowers which welcomed you. I don't know how you know of my identity, princess but I shall always remember the blue lotus fragrance as a sign of our first meet. All the things that I have heard about you are true. Your beauty is unparalleled and your wit is unmatched", he said with a genuine smile.

"And all the things that I have heard about you and your extraordinary archery skills are true too, prince," I said and climbed on my horse to return as I could see the setting sun. I could feel his gaze on my back and for the first time, it was difficult to hide my smile.

Since then, we started meeting in the forests of Kampilya and he would give me small lessons in archery. Both of us could sense the palpable tension in the air whenever we were in each other's presence. The butterflies in my stomach and racing heartbeat were a tell-tale sign that I was falling for him but how could I ever confess that to him? I knew that Pitashree was going to arrange a Swayamvar soon. In reality, I had come to find Arjun, to see the man who had impressed my father so much but his charm had worked his magic on me.

"Panchaali, I want to tell you something.", he said with a shaky voice. I looked at him and turned around as I couldn't match his intense gaze. He held my shoulders gently and turned me around to face him. He lifted my chin up and said, "I love you."

I pushed him back with a racing heart. A hundred things ran through my mind. What if he doesn't attend the Swayamvar? Disguised as a brahmin, would he be allowed to participate? He wanted to hide his identity then what future did we hold together? This must surely stop.

"Arjun, I think I should leave," I said trying to control my tears and left without looking back.

The days that came after our last meet flew by. I spent most of those days reminiscing about him. His coy smile, us stealing glances at each other, the brushing of his fingers on my hands which would translate into a firm grip when he needed to correct my posture while I held the bow. Everything and then nothing because I didn't know where my fate was going to take me.

Flashback ends..

"Panchaali", Arjun said while shaking me out of the reverie.

"Why are you saying this now, Arjun?" I said unable to control my tears. "I cannot deal with this right now. Everyone is waiting for us for lunch. Please come there with Govind." I said sharply and left.

I saw Govind walking past me and Arjun caught up with my slow pace. He came right in front of me and wiped my tears. He enveloped me in a hug. "I know it's not the time to feel like this. It's been so many years but I cannot help but feel jealous!", he said admitting his fault.

"You are the SENAPATHI of this Kingdom, Arjun. You are the THIRD pandav and most importantly, someone who doesn't believe in breaking rules. An obedient son and a brother. All of your decisions are made keeping in mind, the Masses, your family and then you. When was I ever there in the scheme of things? Panchaali is always ignored. So, why this regret now?", I questioned with my every nerve on fire. The pain which I had kept in the deepest recesses of my heart was oozing out on his one confession. That's the effect he had one me.

"Maharaj is calling you for the feast, Maharani. It can't begin without the presence of soon to be parents", dasi said to us. We just nodded and headed towards the dining hall. I was trying to remain calm as I knew my recent breakdown was visible due to my red nose. Arjun kept his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the chair. He took the seat next to mine, surprising me as he usually sat beside Arya Bheem.

"Mata, your eldest bahu is so emotional. Look at how red she is looking because she couldn't control her tears. But she is looking beautiful, isn't she?", Arjun asked Mata Kunti while slying complimenting me.

Govind just eyed both of us trying to cover a smile and I just gave Arjun a long side glance.

"Yes, Putra, she is looking splendid today in red. You two look like Shiv and Shakti together", she said which was again surprising because I never heard her comment about me with one of her sons exclusively.

"Satya said the same about them, Bua but let's start to eat now. We are all hungry. Look at Bhrata Bheem's contorted face!", Govind joked and everybody just chuckled. 

I started eating but today it was just difficult to stomach food due to some reason. Arya Bheem noticed that and started feeding me a morsel. Arjun's expression changed and I just chuckled at his childish antics. He held my hand under the table firmly and said", Bhrata Bheem, why don't you enjoy your food today? I'll see to it that Panchaali finishes her food". Arya Bheem happily obliged and let Arjun feed me. Soon, everyone was engrossed in eating and chatting. Arjun and I kept looking at each other while he fed me. He mouthed a sorry to which I just rolled my eyes. I knew that tonight was going to be long night and possibly one of those wherein we reminisce about our past. A part of me was looking forward to but other was dreading it. I didn't want the bitter pain of separation to engulf me. I just wanted to bask in my Arjun's love and hisnew found possessive behaviour which I was surely enjoying. Life is at such a unique juncture. Both of us are parents yet struggle with unresolved emotions for each other. It's a complicated life but we chose it. Not just him. I had a part to play in it too. I decided to not blame him entirely for the situation and make the most of our time together.


A/N : Super sorry for a late update! I thought of building this plot a bit so we'll have to wait for the final confrontation between our ArDi about dealing with these emotions of jealousy. It's kind of difficult to show Arjun being jealous and all because he is someone known to have restrained emotions. Panchali is the one who is expressive. But yes, I'd like to explore that as even he is human and possibly had to dealt with such emotions!

Let me know if you guys liked it! Vote and comment! Much love <3

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