Lost Little Brother TMRxTW

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Thomas is Stiles' older brother he was kidnapped 9 years ago the same time Claudia Stilinski died. Now he New... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chpater 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

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Thomas, Minho, Isaac, Scott, the sheriff, and Lydia walked into the hospital. Thimas and the Sheriff go straight into Stiles's room. Thomas walked in seeing Newt standing by his brother's bed. 

    "Hey Tommy" Newt smiled. Thomas smiled back. 

    "How are you feeling?" Thomas asked his brother.

    Stiles just shrugged and stayed silent. It worried the two boys and Melissa because the boy was never silent. The Sheriff walked in after getting statements from the nurses. He walked over to his son hugging him. 

    "Hey kid" He said "Gave us quite the scare" 

    Stiles just stuffed his face into his dad's shoulder. The others decided to leave the two alone for a while. Thomas and Newt walked into the waiting room to join Minho, Scott, and Lydia. Melissa went home wanting to get some sleep before work in the morning. 

    Aiden was standing outside by the jeep trying to help Derek get it started. 

    "You know you could have called me. I may not love the little spaz but he's still involved with everything and he's okay at research" Derek said.  Aiden shrugged. 

    Derek continued working on the Jeep giving it a jump start.

    "What if Stiles is the one they are looking for?" Aiden asked, watching Derek and starting the Jeep when it was ready. Derek closed the hood as Aiden shut the door. Derek walked around the side to stand in front of Aiden. 

    "You think Stiles, Skinny, defenseless Stiles is the Nogitsune," Derek questioned with a raised eyebrow. Aiden raised his eyebrows in response. 

    Lydia, Minho, and Scott were in the waiting room as Thomas and Newt entered. 

    "Any news," Scott asked, jumping to his feet. Thomas shook his head slowly. 

    "No he's just... he's really quiet" Scott sighed at the reply sitting back down next to Lydia. Thomas and Newt held hands sitting down on the other side of Minho waiting for the Sheriff to come back. The Sheriff walked in after some time. McCall had gotten there a few moments before. 

    As soon as the group noticed the sheriff they jumped up. He put his hand up telling them silently to wait. 

    "He's resting now. He doesn't really remember what happened. It's all kind of like a dream to him. They're going to keep him overnight for observation." He explained. The group nodded as they walked towards the front door. The sheriff had told them to go home and get some rest themselves. 

    Lydia stopped pulling on Scott's arm making him stop too. "I swear that's where he was" She whispered. 

    "It's okay. We found him and you tried that's all we can ask" Scott assured her. 

    "I was so sure" She whispered as the two walked out the door together. 

    Isaac made it to the Argent's apartment banging on the door trying to get Allison's attention. Allison groaned rolling over before getting up and walking to the door. She pulled it open and a shocked look appeared on her face. Isaac walked past her inside. 

    "Where have you been?" He asked. 

    "What do you mean I've been sleeping" Allison answered. 

    "So you didn't get any of our texts," Isaac asked as Allison went over to check her phone. She noticed it had been turned off. 

    "My phone's off," She said aloud. She turned it on and the phone buzzed to life instantly. Texts and calls kept coming in. 

    "Sleepwalking" Allison said reading her texts from Scott "Is he okay"

    Isaac nodded "Ya Newt found him a few minutes ago they brought him to the hospital"

    Allison noticed a bunch of messages from a blocked caller ID. She tried to listen to the messages but they were in a language that she didn't know. She shrugged it off for now going back to sleep, Isaac staying in her chair. The next morning they got up to go talk to Mr. Yukimura. 

    Thomas, Newt, and Minho walked into school after visiting Stiles that morning. Scott and Lydia were in the hallway talking. Lydia every once in a while put her hand up to her ear. She heard a loud banging sound that went off about every 20 minutes.  

    Allison and Isaac were frustrated that their trip to see Mr. Yukimura had been a bust. He  told them the message was somebody reading of the rules at the Oak creek Japanese camp during the war. The problem was he told them there was no camp called oak creek. Feeling defeated, the two went on their way to their classes. 

    Scott and Lydia were still in the hallway. Scott closed his locker looking over at Lydia. "I'm gonna go after school and see him. The sheriff said they would be running tests until then." Lydia nodded in response and the two walked off to their own class. 

    Kira watched as all her new friends walked away. She stood in the hallway waiting for a while. She knew she needed to talk to Scott but he was preoccupied with his best friend being in the hospital. 

    She jumped as she heard a voice sound next to her.

    "Scott's a little bit busy but maybe I can help you," Derek said walking closer to the girl. 

    "And why would you do that?" She asked, eyeing him carefully. 

    "Because  I need you to tell me everything that happened at the power station with William Barrow," Derek said, leading Kira out the door of the school. 

    She took him to the power station showing him where she and Minho were kept. They walked around for a while going the opposite direction of where they were kept. They walked into the area where Thomas and Newt found Stiles that night.  There was a dent in the wall from how hard he had hit. They kept walking.

    Eventually, Derek noticed a mark on the floor, a line that led into one of the fences, and there stuck to one of the circuit boards was Stiles's bat. 

    "This is Stiles's bat," Derek said, taking it off the circuit board. He put it onto the mark on the floor seeing it matched perfectly. He then followed the line with the bat getting pulled into the circuit board as the bat was attracted to it and stuck. 

    "We need to go," Derek said, leading Kira back out to the car driving them to the hospital.
    Once they arrived Kira waited outside hesitation. "You coming," Derek asked. She shook her head. 

    "I can't face Scott knowing that it was my foxfire that hurt his best friend and put him in this position.

    Sheriff Stilinksi and Melissa waited outside Stiles' room as he slept. 

    "Noah," Melissa said. "Stiles came in a few days ago and he was really tired and not getting any sleep. Thomas brought him in anyways I noticed some things while he was here-" 

    The Sheriff nodded "I think I know" He pulled a notepad out of his pockets and opened it to the first page. Written down was a list of symptoms all of the ones Melissa had written down plus some other ones. 

    "I've been writing these down for a couple of weeks now"  He explained "I think it's time we get him an MRI'' Melissa nodded walking off to go find a doctor and put the test into the system. The sooner they knew the better. 

    Lydia stayed home while Thomas, Newt, and Scott visited Stiles. Minho was going to come but his family wanted him to be home for the night. He was going to reject it but Thomas had told him they would be okay and he could spend time with his family for a night.

    Thomas, Newt, and Scott walked into Stiles' hospital room. Stiles was sleeping as the Sheriff and Melissa waited next to the bed.

    "He has one more test later we were just letting him get some sleep he seemed exhausted" Noah explained. The adults left the room going to make sure everything was ready in the MRI. 

    Thomas took his dad's spot in the chair next to the bed. Newt sat on the arm of the chair while Scott sat on the side of the bed. Scott heard Stiles' heartbeat picked up. He was waking up.  His eyes fluttered and he looked at his friend. 

    "Well glad to see you can wake up and give us some company," Thomas said laughing at his brother. 

    The Sheriff and Melissa walked into the room.
    "Hey hun we're gonna go ahead take you to the last test," Melisssa said, helping the boy stand up and walking with him out of the room. The other three boys followed. They walked slow but none of them minded. 

    Stiles sat on the MRI table as the doctor walked in. 

    "Okay, this is going to take 45 minutes to an hour. It's going to be loud in there so we can get you some earplugs" The doctor explained. 

    "No, no I'm okay I don't need them" Stiles answered. The doctor nodded, going into the other room and waiting for everyone else to exit the room. 

    "Hey you need something just yell, we're just on the other side of that window," The sheriff said. 

    Stiles nodded looking down to the floor "I know" He said. Thomas put a hand on his dad's shoulder. 

    "Dad, it's gonna be okay," He said. Noah nodded and made his way out of the room with Melissa. 

    Stiles was left alone with Thomas, Newt, and Scott. 

    Newt walked forward first hugging the boy. "See you on the other side" He whispered, patting the teen on the back and going into the hallway. Thomas hugged his brother so tight it knocked the wind out of him. 

    "You're gonna be fine," Thomas said he really wanted to continue that and say cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if you're not" but he held his tongue settling for giving one last squeeze and following Newt into the hallway. Only Scott and Stiles were left in the room now. 

    "You know what they're looking for right?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head no. Stiles took a deep breath. "It's called frontotemporal dementia. It causes areas of the brain to shrink. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. There is no cure." Stiles sighed again before continuing "It's what my mother had" He finished Scott looked up at him not knowing that part of the story. 

    Sure he knew Stiles and Thomas's mom were sick but he never knew what. Now his best friend could be dying of the same disease. 

    "Stiles if you have it we'll do something" Scott started "I'll do something" He knew what he would do if it turned out his brother was dying. He would bite him. He knew Stiles didn't really want the bite but he wasn't going to let his best friend die like that not when he could do something about it. 

    Scott pulled Stiles in close. They hugged each other as their lives depended on it. They let go when they were ready. Melissa watched from the other room tears gathering in her eyes. 

    Stiles MRI began a loud sound hitting his ears making them ring. He squirmed until the doctor told him to stay still.

    He heard a voice in his head again asking the same riddle when he was suddenly pulled out from his body watching through the machine as someone walked past it on the other side. The same riddle was asked. 

    Everyone had it but no one can lose it. He still had no idea. Tears were streaming down his face as the thing yelled at him in its scratchy voice.  Stiles then figured out the answer. 

    "A shadow" He whispered. The thing nodded taking off the bandages that sat on his face. Standing there before he was himself. Then it all went dark. 

    "See here these parts of the brain are showing signs of Atrophy," The doctor said. The Sheriff sighed. 

    "Atrophy" He sighed. 

    The doctor nodded "I'm sorry" He said as the lights went out.

{45 minutes earlier}
    Scott left the room joining Thomas and Newt in the waiting room where Derek was sitting. Scott was confused but went over to talk to the man anyways. 

    "I can't stop thinking about something my mother told me. She said that we weren't here for no reason that werewolves were here to protect Beacon Hills. The Hale family has been the protectors for a long time now it has a new protector" Derek said. "He's shown me a lot and helped me learn more about what I stand for" 

    "Ya well I had a pretty good teacher," Scott said "Who I still need around to show me the ropes some more" Derek smirked looking up at the boy. 

    "Okay so I get you guys are having a wolf moment but is it really the time cause like stuff happening in there and we CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" Thomas yelled. Scott looked over at him knowing his pain. Derek just shook his head waiting for Thomas to finish his rant. 

    'Tommy, calm down, ' Newt said. "Everything is going to be fine." 

    "No, no it's not okay. First I lost Chuck who was like my little brother then I thought I lost Aris and now I could be losing him. Nothing about this is okay" Thomas sighed, sitting back down in one of the chairs. 

    Newt sat down next to him taking his hand. They sat there for a while in silence before Derek spoke up. "You know we do know how you feel" 

    "No, you can't possibly know that," Thomas said. 

    "Really you think your life has been so tough we'll suck it up, life sucks," Derke said. 

    "Derek what are you doing!!" Scott yelled. Derek held up a hand signaling to Scott that he knew what he was doing. 

    "We might not know all that you've been through but you don't have the right to act like we've had it easy," Derek said. Newt glared at the man before turning his attention to Thomas.

    Thomas's anger kept building there was so much emotion running through him and he had no way to outlet it into something useful. Before anyone could stop him Thomas stood up and ran at Derek. They fell to the ground Thomas on top laying punch after punch into Derek's face and abdomen. 

    Newt and Scott ran forward to help him but Derek just waved them away. 

    "Is that all you got" Derek "hissed" He spit blood out of his mouth before pushing Thomas back so he could stand up. Derke got to his feet watching as Thomas started forward again. Thomas caught Derek by the stomach and tackled him. 

    Derek let Thomas wale on him for a good 20 minutes. Eventually, the crazed look in Thomas's eyes faded. Newt and Scott stood at the doors making sure no doctors could hear the fight. Thomas sat on top of Derke breathing heavily when he realized what was happening. He scrambled up and slumped into a chair exhaustion taking over him but the rage he felt almost completely diminished.

    "Feel better," Derek asked as his swollen eye healed enough for him to open and his split lip fixed itself. 

    "Why'd you let me do that?" Thomas asked as Newt sat next to him tending to the bleeding knuckles. 

    "What makes you say I let you" Derek raised an eyebrow. 

    Thomas fake glared and then laughed "You could have kicked my add but you didn't you let me wail on you why" 

Newt snorted as the sentence lift Thomas's mouth.

    "Okay fine you need to blow off some steam and I heal," Derke said standing up. Thomas nodded at him as Newt played with his fingers. They sat for some time in silence then the lights went out.

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