MCYT Oneshots โœจ

By A-MCYT-Cult

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A fanfiction book with MCYT. Main Ships: dreamnoblade, schlattbur, georgebur We don't like shipping real peo... More

requests open
Silent Pain {Georgebur} ๐Ÿฑ
Lost Hope..? {Philza}๐Ÿฑ
Just some information ๐Ÿฑ
Failing {Dreamnoblade}๐Ÿฑ
Cliff {Skephalo}๐Ÿฑ
Eternity {DreamXD}๐Ÿฑ
Diner {Dreamnoblade & Georgebur} ๐Ÿฑ
Assignment {Schlattbur} ๐Ÿฑ
Arcade {Dreamnoblade}๐Ÿฑ
One Night {Karlnap} ๐Ÿฑ
Just King Things {dreamnoblade} ๐Ÿฑ
Rescue {dreamnoblade}๐Ÿฑ
Addicting Pain {dreamnoblade}๐Ÿฑ
Addicting Pain pt2 ๐Ÿฑ
Trauma {dreamnoblade} ๐Ÿฑ
Just Business {schlattbur}
Reality {Any Ship}
Mafia {dreamnoblade}
Joys of Late Night Movies {dreamnoblade}
Pokemon AU
Cuddles at 3 am {dreamnoblade}
New Student {schlattbur}
Numb {dreamnoblade}
New World {dreamnoblade}

Diner Pt 2 {Dreamnoblade & Georgebur} ๐Ÿฑ

839 27 6
By A-MCYT-Cult

Techno POV

Techno continued to stare at his phone debating whether or not he should message him. It was late at night and Techno had spent the last hour stressing out. Social Anxiety was not fun at all. He was knocked out of his thoughts when he phone pinged with a message. He hesitantly picked it up and saw that it was a notification from Dream.

"Hey! This is Dream's friend Sapnap, he is too nervous to text you himself lol. I'm currently hiding in the bathroom after stealing his phone but I was wondering if you were free this Saturday."

Techno stared at the message for a solid 5 minutes, rereading it as if he couldn't believe it. Taking a deep breath, he typed out a response and sent it.

Dream POV

"Sapnap! Give me my phone back! Geooooooorge! Quit laughing!" Dream shouted as George started to laugh hysterically. Grabbing the doorknob, he violently shook the door. Just as he was about to bust down the door, Tubbo walked into the room looking fairly grim.

"Dad wants to talk to you," Tubbo said, glancing at George who was fairly red from laughing. The room suddenly fell into silence as Dream just stared at Tubbo. The bathroom door creaked open, revealing Sapnap. He looked absolutely confused as he passed the phone back to Dream.

"I, the best wingman in the entire world, just set up the possibility of a date," he said, smirking. Dream looked at his phone and saw the message that Sapnap sent and Techno's response of "not sure yet, why?"

"What the hell?!" Dream shouted. "Why would you ask him? If I show up to the Gala without a female date, who knows what my parents will say?"

"Bro, calm down" Sapnap simply said with an eye roll. "It's not like you've ever brought up the topic to your parents, who's to say that they are homophobic"

"Still, they're really adamant about finding me a girlfriend and a future wife." Dream responded.

"Dream..." Tubbo said reverting the attention back to him.

"Alright, I'm going downstairs now" Dream said as he got up with a deep breath. He headed downstairs to find his father and mother in the kitchen. His father was seated at the island while his mother was making dinner with the help of some maids.

"Hey sweetie" Dream's mom said when she noticed him enter the room. "Lunch will be ready in half an hour."

"We need to talk" Dream's father said, looking up from his papers. Dream gulped and took a seat in front of him. A maid came by and poured Dream a glass of water.

"As you know, our company is holding a Gala this Saturday." He started, prompting a nod from Dream. "I am allowing you to bring your friends and they can each have a plus one only, if you have a date."

"I-" Dream started before falling silent. He contemplated the pros and cons of his father's offer. His father was often obsessed with the family and company image so having Dream bring a date would boost their reputation. Dream came up with a decision and responded with "Okay."


"Hell yeah!" Sapnap cheered after they had finished dinner. They were hanging out in Dream's room and were discussing the upcoming Gala.

"We are going to Sleepy Dine tomorrow for lunch" Sapnap stated with a tone that didn't allow any discussion. The tone that mothers would typically use on their children. Dream just looked at George before rolling his eyes.

"Sure, but we have to go to the tailor for a fitting tomorrow as well" Dream said as George got a call. George answered the phone and walked out of the room talking to someone. When he returned, he simply stated "I have to get home, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"I best be heading home too," Sapnap said as he stood up. "See you tomorrow!"

It was at this moment Dream realized that he never responded to Techno's question. He scrambled to pick up his phone and sent a response, "I'll let you know tomorrow."

~♡~ The Next Day ~♡~

Techno POV

He had gotten very little sleep last night and he was beyond tired. He headed downstairs and into the diner for breakfast to find Wilbur and Tommy arguing. Techno plopped himself down and laid his head in his arms, stifling a yawn.

"Someone's tired," Kristin said as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of Techno. Techno merely hummed in response and started to eat. By this point, Wilbur and Tommy had been settled down by Philza and were eating their breakfast. Kristin then returned with her and Phil's plates and they too sat down.

"So Wilbur," Philza started after a couple bites, "Tommy told me about George."

Wilbur then slightly choked on his food and gave Tommy a hard glare "George is a new friend I made yesterday."

"Then what about you Techno? Tommy also told me about Dream, Tubbo's older brother" Philza asked.

"What about Dream?" Techno retorted, raising an eyebrow; his face giving off no emotions. Silence settled across the table as they continued to eat. 30 minutes before opening, they finished their breakfast and cleaned up.

"Techno, you seem awfully tired," Kristin said with concern, "Would you like to go back upstairs and sleep?"

"That would be nice, Thank you" Techno responded before heading back upstairs to his room. Philza and Kristin headed into the kitchen to prepare the food for the day. Wilbur and Tommy prepare to open the store and start the work day.

Techno threw off his shirt and climbed back into his bed. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Techno groaned as he felt the weight of the bed shift. He forced his eyes open slightly to come face to face with Dream who was staring down at him. Dream's eyes widened when he saw that Techno was awake. He grinned at him, face slightly red, and Techno looked away with a slight blush. Dream glanced down and Techno remembered that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Suddenly, much to Techno's surprise, Dream laid down next to Techno. He draped an arm across him and pulled him into a hug.

"W-what are you doing" Techno spluttered. Dream simply hummed in response which earned a huff from Techno. It wasn't long before Techno fell asleep letting Dream run his hand through his hair.


3rd POV

They had decided to meet up and before going to the diner at Dream's house. George was nervous and Sapnap's teasing wasn't helping. Tubbo was also tagging along so he could hang out with Tommy. When they got to the diner, it was Wilbur who greeted them. He gave them a smile that caused a massive blush to run across George's face. This prompted Sapnap to tease him. Wilbur led them to the corner table and said he would be right back. He soon returned with Tommy and Sapnap had yet to stop teasing him. Tommy led Tubbo into the kitchen to say hi to Philza and Kristin. Wilbur, noticing how Dream was constantly looking around, let him go upstairs and wake Techno.

"What brings you guys in today anyway?" Wilbur asked. George started to respond before being cut off by Sapnap "We just have a question for you guys."

"Oh? Ask away then, it's not happy hour so I have some chill time" Wilbur replied, glancing around the restaurant.

"I think I should let George formally ask you himself," Sapnap said with a smirk. George remained silent before getting a kick in the shin from Sapnap. George took a deep breath before looking at Wilbur who was still standing. Sapnap excused himself to the bathroom and quickly left.

"Have a seat Wilbur," George said, prompting Wilbur to take the seat across from George. Wilbur's smile faltered a bit as George wasn't smiling.

"Is something wrong Gogy?" Wilbur asked and George blushed at the pet name. "N-no, it's just that I had a question for you."

"Well, what is it?" Wilbur inquired. Taking a deep breath, George decided to just ask.

"Will you go to a Gala Ball with me this weekend?"

His question was only met with silence. George felt like he shouldn't have asked and tears started to gather in his eyes.

"W-wait. Please don't be upset. Of course I'll go with you, I just have to ask first. What Gala is happening?"

"Dream's family, who own Speeds, is hosting a Gala Ball and I am allowed to bring a plus one" George responded, refusing to make eye contact with Wilbur.

"Oh wow, I didn't know Dream and Tubbo were rich. Tubbo never mentioned anything when he comes over" Wilbur responded, quite amazed. George had his hands on the table, fidgeting before Wilbur laid a hand on them. "Don't worry, just because you're best friends with someone extremely rich doesn't mean I'm gonna treat you any different."

George felt himself get slightly teary with those simple words. He smiled at Wilbur who returned it, squeezing his hands.

"Well I best get back to work, I'll message you later Gogy" Wilbur said as he stood up. At this moment, Sapnap returned. Wilbur left the table and went to check in on some of the customers.

"So..?" Sapnap started which snapped George out of his thoughts. "He agreed to go," George responded, looking away from the smug grin on Sapnap's face.

"Well, where the hell is Dream? We have to get going if we are going to make it to the fitting on time" Sapnap said with a slight frown. Tommy and Tubbo suddenly reappeared.

"Dream is currently asleep with Techno" Tommy reported with a grin. Sapnap simply sighed and stood up. "Where is his room?"

"Up this way" Tommy responded, guiding the way. They went through the back, past Phil who waved at them, and up the stairs to the living space. They went to Techno's room where they found Dream and Techno asleep; they were cuddling as well.

"DREAM!" Sapnap shouted, causing Dream to jolt awake. Techno sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"What the hell was that for?!" Dream hissed as Techno nuzzled his face into his sweater.

"We are going to be late if we don't leave now," George said as Dream ran his fingers through Techno's hair.

"Oh shit!" Dream said as the realization set in. "Hey Techno, do you want to come to a Gala Ball on Saturday with me? More precisely, as my date?"

"O-oh...Umm...Sure!" Techno responded with a smile. He then leaned into Dream's ear and whispered something that caused Dream to blush.

"Let's go!" Sapnap cried as he started to get anxious. "We're gonna be late."

"Why do you care so much about being on time?" George asked with an eye roll.

"Shut Up George, Some of us don't sleep through important events."

With that, Tubbo, Sapnap, George, and Dream left Sleepy Dine; all of them looking forward to the Gala Ball.


It was Saturday and everyone was anxious. Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy had semi-dressed up. Dream, Sapnap, George, and Tubbo had dressed up quite a bit. Sleepy Dine was going to be closed that night so Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy could go to the Gala without worrying about the diner. Kristin and Philza were more than happy to have some peaceful alone time. It wasn't long before a limo pulled up outside the diner. The driver, known as Sam, was going to be their driver. They said their goodbyes and hopped into the vehicle. It wasn't long before they reached the mansion of Dream's family. They got out and headed into the crowded building. When they walked in, Tommy immediately ran off after spotting Tubbo who was talking to a tall boy with black and white hair as well as Heterochromia.

They continued pushing their way through the crowd before spotting the Dream Team. Sapnap was chatting with someone with brown hair and a multi colored outfit. Dream was chatting with 2 brunettes, one in a blue outfit and the other in a red and black outfit. George was chatting to a tall man wearing sunglasses and a bi flag as a cape. Wilbur and Techno walked up and Dream and George could be visually seen smiling a little wider. Dream walked up to greet Techno, pulling him into a hug. Even after the hug, Dream refused to let go of Techno, continuing to wrap his arm around his waist. George merely gave Wilbur a handshake and a smile.

"Let me introduce you to some friends," Dream said, gesturing at the people they were just talking to. "The tall one is Eret, the one in blue is Skeppy, the one in red is Bad, and the person over there talking to Sapnap is Karl."

"Now c'mon, let's dance," Dream said, guiding Techno to the dance floor. They immediately became the main attraction, dancing gracefully around. They finished their dance with Dream dipping Techno. They stood directly under the glass part of the roof where the moonlight shines directly on them. Both men were taking deep breaths as they stood in that position.

Wilbur and George had snuck off into the garden where they sat there, basking in each other's presence.


Everything seemed to be going great, before Dream's parents wanted to meet his date. Dream, taking a deep breath, decided that it was now or never. He intertwined his fingers with Techno's and pulled him along to his parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is my date. His name is Techno" Dream said, his grip tightening. Dream's father merely pursed his lips while his mother smiled.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you! I have never seen Dream so into a company event. I love your long pink hair!" Dream's mother spoke with a lot of enthusiasm. "Dream, why didn't you ever bring up the fact that you weren't straight"

"I-I didn't think you guys would accept me. All you guys seem to care about is your reputation" Dream said, refusing to meet his mother's gaze. His mother caressed his check, forcing Dream to look at her teary eyes. "Oh Dream..."

His father had yet to say anything but Dream knew that he was disappointed. He has known his father long enough to read his expression.

"Dream.." He started before being cut off.

"Honey, don't be mad at Dream. There is nothing wrong with his sexuality." Dream's mother pleaded. "Please don't hurt Dream"

Dream's father just scoffed and walked away. Dream's mother turned back towards Dream and pulled him into a hug. "I'll talk to him," she murmured. Techno simply stood nearby, hand still holding Dream's. He didn't know what to do so he simply stood there awkwardly. Dream's mother eventually let them finish enjoying the party. For the rest of the night, they always stuck together. The night ended with a kiss on the rooftop under the moonlight.

Wilbur and George had come back inside and were simply chatting with lots of people including Fundy, who Wilbur took a liking to, Hbomb, and Quackity. As the night continued, George got closer and closer to Wilbur. Starting from hand holding to a hand around the waist.

Needless to say, the rest of the night was fun for everyone. Dream's father did eventually come around and accept Techno into the family, even donating money to Sleepy Dine despite Philza's protests. George and Wilbur got more and more comfortable with each other. Eventually, they started hanging out more and got very close. 

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