Sutured (Kylo Ren x Reader)

theriseofchey által

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As the youngest and most renowned Medical Officer in the Core Worlds, you spent your days healing fallen Firs... Több

Chapter 1: The Trooper
Chapter 2: The Capture
Chapter 3: Property of The First Order
Chapter 5: Connected
Chapter 6: Tatooine
Chapter 7: Hux's Quarters
Chapter 8: Dilapidated
Chapter 9: What Lies Underneath
Chapter 10: The Apprentice's Promise
Chapter 11: Training
Chapter 12: Jakku

Chapter 4: Leather

1.8K 50 56
theriseofchey által

T/G WARNING: Abuse and Sexual Denial 

"Shit." You fumbled throughout your scrub pockets trying to find your identification card. Of course, it wasn't there. Ugh, you had to run back into your living quarters to try and locate it even though you were already running behind this morning. 

One full week had come and gone since you were assigned to be a Medical Chief Officer for the First Order. Working at Sector 1 reminded you of your times training to become a medical chief. Except they had every piece of equitment and medication known throughout the galaxy.

Gods. It was beyond beautiful.

You didn't realize you missed working with such high quality materials. You had just gotten use to using donated or found medical supplies. You hated to admit that you were becoming a fan of your new setting. The only down side had to be your boss. There was no other way to describe her rather than a bitch.

Medical Chief Officer Lipa.

Lipa wasn't a fan of the idea of another Medical Chief Officer joining her. Apparently, up until this point she had been running Sector 1 by herself with the help of a few residents. She despised the idea of you working with her, and loathed that you will only be there certain days (depending on Ren's assignment for you). Although, she had no idea that your commitment with Ren. All she knew was that you would be commuting back and forth between Star Killer Base and The Finalizer. For some reason keeping your assignment to Kylo Ren away from the public seemed the safest. 

Speaking of Commander Ren, you hadn't seen the masked ruler since you became his prisoner on Star Killer base that fateful day. This didn't bother you though. You were enjoying yourself without having to worry about impressing him.

Although, there hadn't been a day or night where you weren't constantly thinking of the masked man. The thought of his touch haunted your mind during the day. Then at night, he was in your dreams constantly reminding you whose you were.

Ever since the night he stopped by your quarters, the intense feeling you had around him never left. It somehow managed to always consume your quarters. The only time you got an escape from that feeling was when you were at Sector 1; although, it still always felt like he was watching you somehow. Like you would turn a corner, and would see him staring you down.

"There you are." You said as you found your identification card on the floor underneath your couch. "I really need to get a holder for you." You twirled the card in-between your fingers inspecting the way the light reflected off it. It was a pure matte black with bright red engravings that spelt out your name and title.

As you started to walk back towards your front door, you felt the air around you change. A darker and powerful energy rang throughout you. The hairs on your neck stood up. It was as if it called out your name.

There was no doubt he was around.

As you exited your quarters, the mysterious large doors next to you flung open. The smell of familiar smell of leather filling the hallway.

A mountain of black leather emerged. Kylo Ren confidently and flawless exited out. His boots echoing down the empty metal hallway.

The coffee cup that was in your hands slipped through your fingers as you saw him. It made a loud crash that echoed even louder than his boots.

Fuck me. Good attempt at trying to not make him notice me.

You quickly looked away from Ren trying not to make eye contact. You bent down to pick up the now dented paper cup. On the ground, your eyes were meet with a pair of black leather boots.

You felt your mouth go dry and heart start to race. Slowly, you raised yourself back up still trying not to make eye contact with Ren.

A black leather hand grabbed your chin. "I am your superior. You will make and maintain eye contact with me, little one."

You bit down on your lip and gently nodded your head. The fear you had been so committed on pressing down started to reemerge.

"Answer me."

"Yes, Commander Ren."

"That's not hard, now it is it?"

He took his hand off your chin. You thought that would be the end of it, but he took a step forward. Instinctively, you took a step backward, but were stopped by the metal door to your quarters.

There was nowhere to run to or escape. Your chests were almost touching just like it was the other night. The heat the was radiating off his body hit yours. Each time his chest raised it gently brushed up against you. Your breathing ceased you closed your eyes for a quick second. Quickly, remembering his demand though, you opened them.

As you inhaled, leather and embers burned throughout your senses again filling your mouth and nostrils. Concentration filled your body as you were trying to block him out of your mind. You couldn't let him know that he was consuming your soul.

"You should learn to watch your thoughts." The modulated voice snapped.


Commander Ren brought his hands back up to your face. He grabbed a tuft of your hair which gently caused your head to tilt revealing your flexed neck. Exposed to the elements, you could feel the warmth of his breath that spilt past the seams of his mask. You were positive that your heart was pumping so fast, he could see the veins pulsating.

In one violent motion, he let go off your hair. "Tonight, we will be headed to The Finalizer. Meet at my hangar at 1800. Plan on being gone for five days. Don't pack much." Before you had time to ask questions, he was halfway down the hall. 

It took your body a moment to snap out of shock. Completely speechless over what just had happened. You kept it on repeating  happened in your mind trying to make sense of it.

Gods. Why was he doing this? It has to be a power move. That man is such an ass. How lucky am I, five days with Commander Ren? Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Shit, where are we going? What do I even pack? He said not to pack much. Your mind drifted back to your encounter. Gods. I wonder how I looked?

You stopped dead in your thoughts. Holy fuck- you could not start to fantasize about this horrible man you barely knew him. All you knew is that he liked to harm people. He hurt you, the officer, the trooper, and thousands of others.

He didn't even say thank you when you saved his life. You kept reminding yourself of this thought, as you walked down the empty hallway that apparently only you and Kylo Ren lived down. The smell of the Commander and his energy still lingered down the hallway.

The thought of him living next door to you sent chills down your spine. You were so close to him. Now it makes sense as to why you always sensed him. It was due to the wall being the only thing that separated you two. However, it still didn't explain why you could always feel him on some level though.


As you arrived to Sector 1, you were approached by Destiny or Dez as she liked to be called. A first year medical chief that had gotten a residency on Star Killer Base, and at this point she was your only friend.

"Hey! You are late this morning." Her high voice pipped. "Lipa isn't happy that she had to round without you."

Your lips twitched a little bit. "Yeah, no, sorry. I-I lost my identification card and had to find it." You kept your exchange with Kylo Ren on the down low.

"Understandable. I once got stopped by a security trooper and didn't have it on me. They took me in to be integrated. Luckily, the week prior I had just worked on the head trooper of his squadron. He recognized and vouched for me." She blabbered on. "You know that they sell holders right?"

As she continued to rambled on, your mind was elsewhere.

Gods. You had been so caught up on Kylo coming unto you that you just realized that tonight would be your first assignment with him.

Interrupting Dez, you said, "Hey, I have another assignment today at 1800. I'll be back on Thursday at some time. Think you could you manage my patients when I am gone?"

"You do realize I am a resident, right? You give me a large vast majority of my orders. Also, I can't perform any procedures without you."

"Trust me. It'll be fine. I'll vouch for you. Besides, you know so much more than any of the other people here." You reassured her. A fake cheesy smile flashed across your face. "I'll pay you back by buying you lunch today. Sound good?"

"Free food? Count me in! Come on, I'll catch you up to speed on everyone." She grabbed your hand pulling you toward the west wing of Sector 1. Her black kinky hair blew behind her as she skipped. "We really don't have many patients today. I think I counted four in total."

"See, you'll be more than fine with only four patients."

Throughout the morning, you found yourself glancing at the clock every few minutes. Even though it was 0949 you were worried about being late to the hangar. Your mind pondered on what punishment would await had you arrived even a minute late. The man had already sliced your hand just to prove a point.

You brought yourself back to reality to find Dez staring at you. "I know we don't know each other that well, but are you okay? You have looked at that clock more times than I can count."

Your pulse rate started to go sky high. Am I making it that obvious? I wonder if she knows. Quickly you thought of a response, "I am just really ready for lunch. Besides, it's been a slow day. I have my other assignment at 1800, so I am just anxious on top of starving."

That was a complete lie. At least, the starving point. You were not hungry in the slightest bit. In fact, you were beyond sick to your stomach. What good could come from spending five days with Kylo Ren? Maybe there would be other people sent on this mission? You had told yourself that you wouldn't be scared of him. Unfortunately, you knew that goal was out the window.

It wasn't until 1345 (1:45 PM) you were able to go to the cafeteria.

"Gods. I am starving." Destiny said loading up her plate with as much as it could handle. She truly was taking up your offer to pay for her food. Couldn't blame her, as a resident you make next to nothing for the work you provide.

"When do we get paid?" curiosity rolled into your mind. You realized that was one thing that you had failed to ask.

"Every other week. Except when you come on to the First Order, they go ahead and place a full month of credits on it."

"You know; I am not even sure how much I make. I was literally just thrown in here. I mean surely my card has enough to pay for lunch. I haven't really bought much on this." You went to swipe your identification card that also housed your credits.

"Holy Gods! Where did you get that?!"

Her response caused the card to slip from in-between your fingers and fall into the floor of the cold cafeteria floor before you had a chance to scan it. You were slightly taken back Dez's amount of shock in her tone.

"Get what? My identification card?"

"There is no way that is real."

"Dez, take a breath. What is wrong with my card? Its works so it's obviously very real."

"You don't know what that is, do you?" She took a break to see if you would respond. "That's an unlimited credit identification card. Literally you have no spending limit. The only people that I have heard who have them are Commander Ren and General Hux." She snatched from your hand and scanned it. To no surprise your holographic face appeared on the screen meaning it had worked.

Blood was filling your cheeks as embarrassment took over. Kylo Ren must have set it up for you. You had used this a few other time this week without even realizing it. Naturally, you assumed that you would be working for credits just as everyone else.

"Stars, I wish I would have known that a week ago. I would have bought more clothes rather than just rotate out between my scrubs and two pairs of pajamas." You stiffly laughed trying to cover up the fact you held one of the rarest identification cards on the planet.

Of course, Dez wasn't going to drop it that easily. "How did you get it? Or from who?"

Shrugging your shoulders, you acted clueless.

"Was just here when I arrived to base. But...Gods. You know what? I just realized I never gave the medication to bed four. Take this." You shoved your small tip yip salad on top of Destiny's plate and ran out without saying another word toward your friend.

Quickly, you walked back Sector 1. You didn't want to have to answer any more questions that could lead to her knowing that you were forced to be here by the Commander. Besides, it was about time that you left anyhow to get ready for your assignment on The Finalizer.

Thank the Gods that Medical Chief Officer Lipa wasn't in her office. Rather than wait around, you pulled out a piece of paper and taped it to the door.


I have been assigned to my first trip to The Finalizer. Will be gone for five days. Destiny Suto will be taking over my patient load. She has full permission to make any orders for my patients and lead surgeries with your supervision. If you have any concerns, you may take it up with Commander Ren and General Hux yourself.


-Medical Chief Officer 

You didn't own much, but everything you had was spread throughout your quarters. The pile of all black clothes stood there mocking you. Thankfully, you had clothes; however, they were all repetitive. Black scrubs, a pair of black leggings, black tops, and a black sweater. The only thing remotely of interest was your outfit for when you were with Commander Ren. Obviously, that wouldn't be appropriate the whole time on The Finalizer.

This shouldn't be that complicated.

Deciding you needed a break from packing, you pulled out your data pad.  



1800 Classified Mission


Pulling up the Star Killer Base directory, you searched their names over and over again. The result was the same, 0 out of 0 results found. Every night you would attempt to search for both of your brothers who were stationed at the base here. Although, for some reason the system didn't register them as existing.

Letting out a sigh, you shoved the data pad in your bag. There was no need to further your attempt at locating them. Your only hope was that Harrison would be at Commander Ren's hangar. Maybe he was the engineer on The Command Shuttle. Although, you knew the chance of that was beyond small.

Quickly you shoved the leggings, underwear, sweater, and scrubs into your bag. From there you didn't take long to get ready. You even threw on a bit of makeup in hopes to raise your confidence a little. 

Your eyes were locked on your leather set that Ren had prepared for you. It hung perfectly all week. It was the only piece of clothing that hadn't been worn or even tried on. The material felt cold and heavy in your hands. The detailing was beyond anything from the middle rim. The First Order symbol was more bold and heavy compared the one adorned on your Sector 1 scrub sets. You slipped it over your body.

"Damn." You stared at the girl in the mirror. She was so different than the bloody beaten girl who was there last week. This time you a woman who looked powerful. The black spandex grabbed you in all the right areas. The deep V-neck complimented your breasts.  The black combat boots added another inch your appearance. There is no way Ren would be able to resist his thoughts, if he wasn't able to already. A smile inched across your face.


The walk to then hangar took a lot longer than planned. Thank goodness, you decided to leave an extra thirty minutes early. The walk to Sector 1 was engraved in your head, but this was new territory. Multiple times you had to stop and ask troopers.

Finally, the entrance to the hangar bay was directly in front of you. The cold air from the snow covered forest hit your skin. Walking through the hangar, your breath was taken away. Tons of Tie Fighters lined the walls. People dressed in uniform scurried across the floor focusing on the task at hand. It was illuminated with bright white lights.

That's when you saw a group of people surrounding a very large ship. They looked to be conducting a preflight check. Trying not to look out of place, you confidently walked over to the group. You forgot about your nerves as the people in bay stared as you walked by. This time it seemed like they held a bit of fear as you passed by.  Never in your life had you felt anything like that. No one was ever scared of you. It must have been the outfit. 

When you got next to the Command Shuttle, you realized how truly gigantic it was. The wings had to span over 50 feet each. It was equipped with large blasters that protruded from the sides with other smaller ones spread throughout. 

You had yet to feel Commander Ren's presence in the hangar. Now was the perfect opportunity to board and get settled.

"Do you need to see my identification card before I board?" you asked the women who was standing by the door.

"No, Officer." she stepped aside allowing you passage up the ramp.

It was oddly quite as you entered. Your steps echoed throughout. The tight hallway housed two doors and multiple cabinets. One of the doors lead to a small refresher, and the other was storing more weapons than one could count. Next you explored the cabinet storage areas. Much to your surprise 2 out of 10 were filled with all the medical supplies you could think of. To put it in perspective one storage cabinet housed more than your volunteer group did.

"Is that enough?" a dark muffled voice asked from behind you.

Dropping the item that was in your hand, you quickly turned around. Your heart was in your stomach. Much to your surprise it wasn't Ren. Rather someone who actually looked more intimidating.

Much like the Commander a mask covered his feature. It was made of a dark beaten metal that resembled a skull. He wore a variety of different materials. All a dark color. And hanging across his shoulder was a large battle ax with a huge semicircular beskar blade at the end.

A small slight nod was the only movement your body managed to let out.

The terrifying man, opened the weapon storage area door. He hung the large blade up on one of the racks. You'd be lying if you said that didn't bring you some relief. You kept your eyes on him as he moved from the hallway and went to sit in one of the rows.

Swallowing whatever fear you had left, sat down on the aisle across from him. You didn't want to stare, but found yourself peeking up occasionally. He noticed and slowly reached out his hand.

"I'm Ap'lek."

You reached out and shook his hand. You went to open your mouth to speak, but were cut off by five other masked men who entered the ship. All more terrifying than the others. Keeping your eyes on the ground, your face grew red with embarrassment as they started to take the seats all around you.

A loud grunt filled the shuttle. Your eyes met with the man or creature in front of you. It was silent as he stared right into your soul angrily.

"That's his seat." One of the man stated.

Your moved had never moved so fast in your entire life. Gathering your things, you found the furthest seat away from them you could. It was awkwardly still in the shuttle. Leaning forward hesitantly tapped on the shoulder of Ap'lek. "Are there anymore of you?" you tried to correct yourself. "I-uhh, what I meant is am I in anyone else's seat?"

You could have sworn you heard a slight laugh before he shook his head no.

Leaning back against your chair, you were deep in worry. Never in your life had you felt so small. In both physical and emotional terms. The power you felt wearing your outfit was long gone. Now you were sitting in a shuttle surrounded by the most intimidating and scary group of fucking men that even your brain couldn't have even imagined.

Your heart sank more as Commander Ren busted through the shuttle up to the pilot's seat. All you wanted to do was be back in your quarters. Hell, you would even rather be working with Lipa. She would be better than this awk-

Your thoughts were cut off by Ren, "Come to the front."

None of the masked men moved a muscle. Shit. That meant Ren was talking to you. You slowly made your way to the front of the shuttle.

"Commander." you swallowed.

"You are the co-pilot." His fingers pointed you to the seat next to his as he gazed stay locked on the command board of the ship.

Your eyes widened as you stayed standing still, "Sir- I haven't flown a ship in about seven or so years. Even then, I have only flown two seater ships."

His masked face turned to look at you. "Sit now."

You slammed your ass against the cold leather of the co-pilot's seat. Fighting with the Commander with this subject would get you nowhere. You looked around at the dashboard. Thousands of different buttons and levels blinked against the dark metal. This was way more than you were used to. You bite your lip as you studied the board.

"Relax. I am not actually going to have you fly it, little one." your brow furrowed as he spat out that last part. "You need to familiarize yourself with the control panel. The Command Shuttle is my next most common transportation vehicle next to my Tie."

Nodding your head, you turned back to look at the large panel. Voices echoed through the system of the panel, giving you the clear for takeoff. Ren flipped a bunch of different switches which caused the shuttle to start to hover off the ground. He punched it into hyper-drive before even clearing the tree line.

The inertia causing you to fall unto the backward unto the ground. Redness stained your cheeks, as you saw the six masked man all looking down at you.

Kylo Ren reached out his black covered arm for you to grab. Your hands violently shook as you reached out to grab him for support. Had you not been so embarrassed, you might have been flattered that he offered to help you.

"Are you mindless? Get belted."

Your head jerked toward Ren. "Excuse me?" you glared through the small lens of his mask. Attitude creeped into your tone, "I'm sorry I wasn't ready for hyper-drive before getting clearance. That isn't smart."

Much to your surprise the Commander didn't say anything in response. The silence upon the ship was deadly. All that could be heard was the shuttle soaring through light speed. Gently you readjusted yourself from your fall. Quickly, you peeked back at the six men. All were staring forward showing no signs of relaxation.

"Who are they?" you quietly whispered to Ren.

"My knights." Eyes straight forward to the space in front of him.

"Your knights?"

He gave a slight nod.

"Commander, could you elaborate for me? I've heard about a lot of the people in The First Order, but never of them." you genuinely were curious. In all the letters from your brothers, they had never mentioned any of the six. Surely, they would be something to write home about.

This time he swiveled his chair to face you. The air left your body as all his attention was turned towards you. His dark and powerful stature was enough to make your heart skip off beat. Trying to conceal your bodies response to him, you bit down on your lip hard.

"The Knights of Ren. They worship 'Ren', the force."

"Hence your name, I assume?" you interpreted him.

"Exactly. I am there Master. Their loyalty belongs to me. Anything I need they will do. Much like you will do here soon." 

You breathing intensified as you fought the urge to fight back on his comment. 

 He pointed to the one you had met earlier. "Ap'lek." He then went down the rows of the shuttle poiting out the others. "Vicrul. Kuruk. Cardo. Ushar. Trudgen."

Trudgen. That was the man whose seat you were in earlier. You had a feeling he wasn't a fan of you, already.

"He isn't." Kylo stated.

"Oh." This should have upset you, but you couldn't help but smile and let out the smallest laugh.

The tension between Ren and you seemed to dissipate a little. It was quickly jerked back when Ren tensed and turned back abruptly. Guess he isn't a fan of sarcasm. Not wanting to push your luck you turned back to look forward as well.

An hour had passed. Up until this time of the flight you focused on keeping your mind clear. Afraid, that Commander Ren would take this opportunity to search within your mind. Who knew what would send him off? You couldn't afford for him to know some of the thoughts that had crossed your mind throughout the last week.

After a while, you couldn't take any more of the silence. It was slowly killing you. "What are we doing upon The Finalizer?"

Ren glanced at you and then back forward.

Annoyed, you knew he had heard you. Even if he didn't physically hear you, he did in your mind. "I would like to know."

He snapped around to glare at you. "If you needed to know specifics then I will tell you. Remember your place."

Anger started to bubble up in your gut. "Excuse me, but I believe I have the right to know what I am getting myself into." you demanded raising the tone of your voice a bit.

"You lost that right when you became mine." He hissed. You could feel the anger creeping up in him as well.

Slamming your elbows into the panel, your head slammed into your hands. You discreetly rolled your eyes.

"Watch yourself, little one."

Breath in and out. Gently in and gently out. You talked yourself out of the rage building inside.

"Alright, well can you at least tell me where I need to be?" you asked in a gentler and submissive tone.

"Tomorrow I have meetings all day. You will have the day off to explore the cruiser. You have been granted permission to practice on the Med Bay. The following days we will be flying to the outer rim. That's all you need to know for the time being."

A day off? You weren't going to argue with that. Since you first joined the order, you hadn't had a proper day off. The only rest you got when not sleeping was in between procedures and your daily lunches with Dez.

You nodded, your lips slightly turned upwards. More questions crept into your mind. Before you could open your mouth, voices emerged from the control panel signaling you to jump out of hyper-drive.

Kylo Ren's hands started to work furiously in preparation for landing. "Press the triangular button next to you."

You did as he commanded.

The Finalizer came into view.

Left speechless, you quickly unbuckled yourself to stand and get a better view. Never in your life had you seen anything like it. Truly it was breathtaking. It made The Command Shuttle look like a crumb of polystarch. It had to be housing thousands upon thousands of individuals. You couldn't help the huge smile that stretched across your face.

You turned to glance at Ren. The smile fell from your face as you noticed that Ren wasn't looking at The Finalizer, but rather at you. You couldn't see his face, but felt the intrigue he held on you at that moment. Chills were sent down your spine.

Embarrassed you sat down. "Sorry, I've been stuck on the same planet for the past four years. It's been years since I have seen something like this."

Commander Ren turned his attention back to bringing the shuttle into the hangar. The second it touched the ground, Ren was out of the main part of the shuttle. Leaving you alone with the six knights.

Figuring you were going to be spending a lot of time with these men decided to speak to one of them. Cardo was the closest.

"Is he a good 'master'?" you joked around. He remained stone cold.

That was probably the shitest question that could escape my mouth. Great. They will all hate me by the end of this trip.

"He is everyone's master."

You huffed and rolled your eyes. "He isn't mine." Not wanting to spend any more time upon this ship, grabbed your bag and started to head down the ramp.

The cold air hit your face as you emerged. This hangar was more calm compared to the one at Star Killer Base. It was also less occupied with employees. The ships outnumbered the personal present.  You glanced around trying to figure out where to go next.

That's when your eyes caught the Commander. He was about twenty feet away talking to an older gentleman who was adorned in different badges. He noticed you started to walk back towards the shuttle.

Ren walked past you, but somehow knew you were to follow behind.

"I told you to pack lightly."

You glanced down at your bag slightly embarrassed for a minute. "Uhmm, I am sorry, Commander. I figured I would need clothes."

"Clothes have been provided for you in the quarters."

You nodded in response even though he couldn't see you. The two of you walked throughout the halls in The Finalizer. All eyes frozen upon the two dressed in black leather. However, your eyes were focused on the man that walked in front of you. You were studying the way he moved. Each stride was long and powerful. The black cloak flew in the breeze filling the air with the smell of leather and embers. Each step of his loud boots were followed by a deep breath escaped through the mask. So focused, on the Commander you didn't even realize where all you had traveled.

The two of you stood in a hallway that resembled the one back on base. This time only one large metal door was positioned at the end. The door responded to Ren when he lifted his hand to it. You stood quietly, not knowing whether or not you were to enter.

"Come." He summoned.

Behind the large doors was a large living quarter. It resembled more of house. A large black kitchen was in the middle. A fireplace was situated against one wall with a large couch placed in front. A rounded staircase was underneath a wall covered in shelves. Three doors lined against the walls throughout it. The walls were made of large glass that overlooked the galaxy. This living quarter had to house at least 5 of yours. Surely, this wasn't yours. No way.

"Your room is in there through that door. It has been stocked with all you will need and plus some. I realized they didn't stock you with enough clothes upon Star Killer, so I made sure you would be set here."

Speechless you stood as he continued on.

"That's the refresher. Again, stocked. This is why I said not to bring that." He gestured toward your bag and glanced back towards your room.

You walked into it. It resembled the one back at home just a bit smaller and lacking a living area and kitchen. Plus  the wardrobe seemed more packed. As you familiarized yourself to the room, you hadn't even noticed the Commander standing there.

You turned to and thanked him. However, he didn't respond. The panic crept into your chest as he stood observing you. The grew colder with each passing second.

"I am your Commander. You don't talk back to me."

Confusion was spread throughout your face. Quickly, you tried to think of when you had talked off to Ren. You came up empty. What was he talking about?

"Earlier. In the flight. You belittled me in front of my knights. That will not be tolerated again."

"Really? Are you talking about when light speed was initated?"

He glared back in response.

This was fucking it. You were done with Ren. He was beyond idiopathic. Why didn't he say anything in the moment if it bothered him that much?

"Because, you needed to be punished. I wouldn't do it in front of the Knights... at least not yet."

You let out a short anger filled laugh. "What?"

"I won't tolerate it." He took a step toward you. Each step you felt your eyes widen more and respirations become uneven. "If you want to fill your mouth with something dirty why didn't you tell me? I'll give you something better than words that defy me."

Oh gods.

His hand reached out for your neck and he pulled you in closer to his body. Your eyes wandered up to his mask. All you could picture was the man underneath. His leather thumb ran over your soft lips. Saliva started to build up inside your mouth with anticipation. You could feel the heat starting to grow within your abdomen. In one force movement, he shoved two of his gloved fingers between the slit in your lips. The taste of leather overcame your mouth causing even more wetness to be produced.

Without being asked, you knew what he wanted. Forcefully, you sucked on them while making eye contact. You could feel his demeanor start to shift. His breath became more rattled as you did so. He was enjoying himself, and to be hadn't been this turned on for a while. Something about his power made you quake.

"You like that, huh, pet?" he hissed between his teeth.

Taken back by his comment, you stopped sucking for a slight second. Ren took this opportunity to shove his fingers deeper into your throat. Sounds of gagging escaped out of your mouth. Ren let out a slight grunt. 

"Answer me." He said.

You nodded your head as you went back to sucking his thick fingers. "Except, I am not your pet." You managed to escape from your mouth.

"Oh, but you are." He pulled his fingers out of his mouth and wiped your saliva across your face.

You shook your head. In one sweep, his large hands grabbed your waist and whipped you around. Now his front was pressed into your back. Kylo's large member was pressing into your ass. You could feel the wetness in your legs start to increase. Your legs were shaking at this point. Melting into him, you decided to give into the desire. He noticed right away.

"You're a little whore, aren't you?" he whispered through his mask into your ear. Commander's hand started to hover your sensitive area gently brushing against it.  The heat was driving you crazy at this point. All you wanted was him to place his hand on you. It was begging.

Ren pushed you forcefully into your bed and stepped back. Taken back you quickly turned back to him. He was shaking his head. "So eager."

Your eyes told him everything your mouth couldn't. They begged for more.

"Remember, you need to be punished. Next time listen to your master, and we will see." He turned around and started to walk away from you.

The feeling of rejection filled every single cell in your body. A wide range of emotions followed. What kind of person does someone like that? You felt beyond played and angry. But most of all embarrassed. 

"You aren't my master." You stood up and ran aggressively after him.

You felt the sting of the leather across your cheek before you were able to make contact with the Commander of the First Order. Instinctively, tears sprang to your eyes and warm tears rolled down. Your hand defensively jumped up to your face to protect the injury from another blow.

Ren started to press into you. Your stumbled backwards trying to get away from him. Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough before he grabbed your neck. This time not sexually, but in a very aggressive contact.

"Do you not know who I am? Who you are defying? I am your master. Much like the Knights you will answer and do as I command. I won't hesitate to kill you. Please, don't make me do such a thing. Your use of the force makes you a great asset" He let go and turned back around.

There he went again treating you like a piece of a property.

You clenched your hands into fists. "I fucking hate you." You yelled and chased after him again. He didn't answer, but went to the stairwell. Wiping away the warm tears, you wondered where he was going. "Why are you still here? Leave me alone please."

"Figuring, this is my quarters and you are my guest... perhaps you should leave."

This shut you up instantly. It suddenly made sense now. The reason why it was so nice in here was because it wasn't your living was his. Everything was his. This quarters. The Knights. The First Order...and you.

"I am glad you finally understand little one. Now make yourself comfortable" he spat as he walked up to the second level leaving you alone downstairs.

Your feet felt heavy as you walked back to your room. Suddenly, the hate and anger was replaced with numbness. You didn't even bother to take off your suit, as you climbed into the bed for the night. Defeat lingered in your soul.

The worst part was that you didn't fully fucking hate him. Everything should have lead you to hating him. Ren was an ass, took you captive, cut you, hit you, embarrassed you in front of others, and now was sexually playing you.

You were his fucking pet, and Kylo Ren was your...master.


I am so excited to be writing the next few chapters. I am finally out of the introductory stage of the story. From here on out, there is going to be a ton of interaction with Ren and Y/N. Also, some smut. ;) Tell me what you guys think!

New Chapter will be released either today (the 22nd) or Tuesday (the 23rd). I am so excited, because it is filled with so much Y/N and Ren content. Also spoiler... there may or may not be a hot and heavy smut scene. ;) 

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