Always by your side

By Dlt87wayne

9.9K 217 44

Astrid is a widow who has a daughter and is struggling to pay the debt her husband left her. Their marriage w... More

It Will Be You And Me
Done With Bills, Fear Begins
Leaving And On Our Way
Home Sweet Home
Catching Up
After All These Years
Awkward. This Could've Been Better
First Day But Feels Like Forever
Can We Be Friends Again?
She Is Still Here
You said it would be me and you
A Little Payback
Not Just Friends
An Interesting Summer
All For You
Little Dreams
Secrets Revealed
Time to be Away
Surprises and Memories
Jury (part 1)
Jury (part 2)
Unexpected or Unwanted
Money or Love
New Begining For All Of Us
Starting From the Beginning
Surprise! Surprise!
We Are A Family
Trying To Start A New Chapter
True Feelings For Home
It's over
Not A Chapter But A New Book
New Changes
Forever Now
I Do
Always By Your Side; Forever

No Way. We Have To Go

402 10 1
By Dlt87wayne

"How dare you, she is my daughter!!"

"My son's daughter to be more exact."

"Listen to me! I am her mother, I gave birth to her, I fed her, I educated her and I keep her safe from danger especially from people like you!!!"

"True, but the educating part is what intrigues me. What education are you giving her in a small apartment in a messy neighborhood and an ordinary school." 

"Someone like you doesn't know what really matters. You have no idea the pain you put us through. Don't think I don't know your tricks. Zephyr will be with me and you will not be involved in her life."

"Fine then, have it your way. But don't think I am finished with you!"

That just gave me the chills. "I know you want something to your advantage. I know how you work. You always seem to get what you want, well this will be different. You will not use MY CHILD for your benefit. You never cared for her from the beginning, so why would I trust you now?" With that, I hung up and sat on the couch. I started shaking after that last comment. Thankfully it was Friday and summer was almost here because now more than ever I want Zephyr near me. 



"Iduna? Hi, it's me." Idunna was my mother's best friend from high school. She was also friends with Valka whom she met in college but knew Iduna. Both of them took very good care of me when she died and I was 15. Them, along with their other friends and sons and daughters became my family and I long for Zephyr to meet them.

"Astrid? Oh my goodness I haven't heard from you in a while, how are you?"

"Good, Zephyr is growing up to being a very smart girl. The neighborhood is good, everything is fine."


I paused and knew I couldn't keep her secrets. "No. Ingrid is crossing the line between me and Zephyr. She literally tried to admit her to a private school without my consent. I know about the scholarships and I am not against her going, but for her to be the one to do it, is just something I will not tolerate. It would be the start of our separation and disaster."

Idunna listened without commenting. She and Valka have been by my side through everything and know about Ingrid. They met her and I suspect they were not entirely impressed with her. "I don't know what to say. What are you planning on doing, this is becoming more serious."

"I don't know, a restraining order but I don't have resources for that and there really isn't proof to indicate she is a danger for Zephyr. If she succeeds she will separate her from me and ruin her childhood. I can't let that happen."

"Oh, dear. You know we can lend you something for you to have that restraining order"

"NO! I mean No. I can't allow you to do that I will figure something out."

"Okay but always remember we are right here."

"I know. In the same house too I figure," I replied with a chuckle.

"Yes, we are still here. There were a few changes throughout the years but we are still here."

"How about everyone, how are they?"

"They are just fine. Since we are so many, you are going to need a whole day for this."

"Oh I have time, it's Saturday and Zephyr wakes up late today anyway."

"Alright then, where do I start?..."
I was so happy to hear that everyone was alright. She didn't tell me every little detail but enough to bring back precious memories. Especially some in particular from 'someone' in particular.

Zephyr POV

I wake and the sun was shining through the cracks of my curtains. I greet Stormfly and  I go to the living room but I don't smell or hear anything. All I end up seeing is my mom sleeping. She had a smile on her face which was weird because I heard almost everything that happened last night. I don't really talk to Ingrid much and my mom makes sure it never happens. Last time I even saw her was when I was really little and I only remember her pointing at me and saying something but without a smile on her face. I guess I was scared of her and I still kind of am with what I hear.

I don't think my mom knows that I know what is going on. Ingrid wants to take me away and I don't want to go with her. I want to stay with mom and I am sure she has a plan. There are only a few more weeks of school left, 4 or 5 I don't remember. 

I go to my mom and I see a box that is opened. In the box, there were many things, mostly pictures. Bracelets, feathers, rocks, seashells(?), and lots of other stuff. I saw pictures of the sea and sunsets and there was writing written on them. One of them said, "Welcome to Henderson." Henderson? That could be where mom grew up. There were other pictures of mom and other people who are maybe her old friends. Mom looked almost the same as she does now but younger. As I approached my mom to wake her up, I saw a picture in her hand. It was her and a boy.

 He had brown short hair and bright green eyes, and my mom had a braid on one side and I think she looks pretty with her hair that way. But, who is he? Could he be my dad? Wait, mom did say she met him there, but she also told me she doesn't miss him. Now I am confused. If she doesn't miss him and she is smiling now holding this picture, why are they not together then? 

I know mom hates secrets and she would tell me she would never keep any from me. Mom has not been with any man that I have seen and I have never seen a picture of my daddy and this is the first time I see a man in a picture with her and smiling. I have to know more because I know mom has a long story to tell.


Astrid POV

I wake up to a gentle shake and someone saying 'mom'. "Oh hi, Zephyr."

"Hi. Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing really just.." Then I realized what I was doing. After talking to Iduna I grabbed my memory box and started looking at everything in it. I didn't realize I fell asleep despite the noise Stormfly makes every morning. The last thing I remember is picking up a picture and with that, I dozed off not realizing I fell asleep holding this picture. "..just looking at some old stuff." 

"Okay? Who is he?"

"Him, oh an old friend of mine."

"My father?"


"Is he my dad?"

I was shocked, it was not my intention for her to see this. I quickly put it away along with everything else and tell her: "no, he was a better person than your father. Anyway come on we have to make breakfast." I quickly said as I got up and put the box away.

Saturday is usually the day we run errands so we were getting ready to go and spend the afternoon together until I get a knock on my door. It was a delivery man. Weird I don't remember ordering anything. "Astrid Hofferson?" "Yes?" "Sign here." "Sure." "Thank you."

I went to my couch and opened it and I could not believe what is in it. "That's it."

At Henderson:

"Iduna, when are you planning on giving it to her, she needs it now."

"I know but with that woman on her and her child, this can go away. I was thinking of inviting her here for the summer and we can go from there."

"Can she now? Remember she has been beyond busy with what her husband has done."

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you, she told me it is done. School will be over soon according to her. I am sure she will be willing to come."

"Fantastic, they will be safe here than anywhere near that woman."

"Precisely Valka."

Back in Pittsburg


"I need your help."

"Sure come in," Wendy said. She came back to the living room with crackers and a juice box for Zephyr. "What's wrong."

"We can't stay here any longer, I have had it. I receive in the mail two textbooks that the school uses. I called the school and asked and they said she was admitted, with that I asked for her name to be taken off. It went well but I know that she will strike again and I don't think I want to know what she will do after she finds out."

"Listen calm down. What are you planning on doing now?"

With that, I look at Zephyr and then remember my conversation with Iduna. It is decided, John's bills are all paid for, I owe nothing to anyone, and my job well I enjoy it, but I think it's time to leave. 

"Go back home."

Wendy POV

After hearing that, I hesitated but realized it was for the best. Astrid is brave and loving and Zephyr couldn't ask for a better mother. I heard about her life down there and I think that that is where they both need to be. "We will help you."

"Thank you" She whispered as we shared a hug. After that, we got right to work because now time was money.

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