Two Worlds // Bang Chan


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This is a story of two worlds, one being the normal earth and the other a magical one set in the medieval tim... More



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"First to the top of the mountain wins! There's a rough trail of candle lights so you won't get lost. The winner will get a prize! You can start in 3...2...1...GO!"

Everyone set off, determined for whatever the prize was.

Mina and Nayeon dragged me along, I was complaining on how childish and uneccesary it was. Even if we tried, we most likely wouldn't win anyways.

But they tried nevertheless. It was absolutely exhausting, and I just wished that I could be resting on my bed right now.

After what was literally hours, we finally reached the top, and as I guessed, there were loads of people at the top already.

What surprised me though was that Chan's group of friends seemed to be the winners. Minho was holding a box in his hands, and a medal was around his neck. He must have been first.

Mina and Nayeon collapsed on the ground, trying to catch their breaths. I did the same, thanks to them dragging me along.

After we calmed down, we went to where a big table was, it was filled with all sorts of food and drinks.

We all picked out some food and a drink before settling down one of the big rocks, which was conveniently flat enough to sit on quite comfortably without worrying about falling off.

We ate in silence, and then discussed lightly about random things.

Time passed by, and then the teachers called for everyone to gather up. It was already starting to get dark, it took hours to get to the top of the mountain.

The teacher told everyone to use the restroom if they needed and then go down the mountain and then rest as it would be late.

I sighed and started heading down with my two friends.

But to our luck, it started to rain. It started off light, but after a while it got heavier and heavier, so we started to run down parts we could, desperate to get to shelter.

After an hour, we were over halfway down. But it was hard to navigate where we were going because the candle lights had been taken out by the rain. Great IQ the teachers have, using candle light.

As we were all running, the rain got even more heavier to the point I couldn't see my friends in front of me.

"Mina?!" I called out, but I got no response. "Mina?! Nayeon?!" I got no response again, and that's when panic hit in.

I had gotten lost. Again. What is it with me and getting lost?

I looked around me, hoping to see anyone or anything. But I couldn't.

After half an hour of unsuccessful searching, my legs gave up, and I sat down under a tree. The rain was still coming through the leaves, but it was better than being out in the open.

I sniffed from the cold, pulling up my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them hoping it would keep me a little bit warmer.

What should I do? Wait until the rain calms down? That could be ages!

I dug my face into my knees, begging for the weather to calm down.

But it didn't. What felt to me like hours passed, and I felt like crying at this point. Everything on this trip seemed to get messed up. Man, I feel so pathetic right now.

"Oh my god." I lifted my head up to the voice but couldn't make out who it was because of, again, the rain.

They took off their fleece, putting it over my head, crouching down afterwards. I widened my eyes at who it was. Chan.

"How long have you been lost for?" he asked worried. "...I... I don't know..." He sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He tried turning it on but it wouldn't.

"It's dead" he sighed. He put it in his pocket and looked at me. I was shivering whilst holding onto the fleece he gave me.

"Come on" he stood up, holding onto my arm. He went somewhere, holding onto my arm loosely. He opened a door, and I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to make out what it was.

He led me inside and closed the door. He led me somewhere and sat me down. He then shuffled around doing some things and started a fire by the fireplace. I shuffled closer to the fire, wanting to get warm.

"You have something on under your sweater right? Take it off, it's wet so it'll make you sick."

I looked down at my sweater. It was soaked. I pulled it over my head and put it to the side, hugging my body. Chan sat down next to me, warming his hands by the fire.

I looked at him and saw that his hoodie was soaked. "Aren't you going to take your hoodie off? It's wet." "I uh... don't have on anything underneath." "I can see the collar of your shirt" I raised an eyebrow confused. He sighed and said, "I don't want to take it off." I nodded, not wanting to push him.

We sat in silence, and I carried on staring at him. I couldn't seem to tear my gaze off him. After a minute he sniffed, wrapping his arms around his body. He clearly wasn't getting any warmer from how soaked his clothes were.

"Chan?" "Hmm?-" He snapped his head to the side to look at me, staring into my eyes. "How do you know my name?" "Oh uh... I heard someone calling your name."

He nodded slowly, and was about to turn back around but I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him close. He froze, and I snuggled up to his shoulder.

"To stay warm..." I said quietly. It was partially true, but I really just wanted to hug him. I know it's not the same Chan, but it feels really nice to hug him. He looks and feels like the same person, so it still makes my insides feel warm.

I was surprised when he slowly hugged back, but I stayed silent. It felt so nice, it felt so warm even though he was feeling cold.

A small smile formed on my lips and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

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