DEAR JULIETTE โ–น Anthony Bridg...

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"My final letters, were they read? Or were they written in vain?" Although born in France, Juliette Villeneuv... Meer



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chapter two

THE LOVING HOME OF THE LORD AND LADY DUBOIS was frequently a lively place. Often, the maids shuffled quickly down the halls, toting laundry and hurrying to complete trivial tasks for the Lord and Lady. The cooks were often busy in the kitchen, preparing lavish meals and sweet treats for the children. However, the morning of the Danbury ball, everyone in DuBois's house, even Lord DuBois himself, seemed to be in an absolute frenzy.

Juliette Villeneuve hardly slept the night. It was not because her bed was uncomfortable nor was it due to excitement dwelling in her bones for the ball that evening. Juliette hardly slept simply because every time she drifted off, her dreams would be plagued by the Bridgerton boy. Old memories and formerly yearned fantasies tormented her throughout the night.

She was haunted by the thought of Anthony Bridgerton.

That morning, as family sat and ate breakfast, Juliette ignored the lingering sentiments from her dreams.

Each member of the family was intoxicated with some sort of noticeable emotion, all caused by the nearing Danbury ball that evening. Well, except for Edward who simply could not be bothered with the trivialities of a ball. Unlike her brother, sweet Édith spoke dreamily of Juliette's debut, "Dear cousin, you will be blessed with the most perfect suitor! I surely cannot wait for my own debut in many years."

Édith's pure and unfaltering excitement was not mistaken or easily ignored.

"Regrettably, not long enough," Lord DuBois huffed at the thought of his own daughter's debut into society. The thought of his dear niece in search of a suitor was difficult enough to swallow, but he refused to accept the same of his daughter in a few years. "Let us train our energies on our current debutant, shall we."

Lady DuBois, much like her daughter, was smitten with the possibility of a love match. Unlike her husband, she couldn't be more delighted for her niece, as well as Édith's future in society. She spoke with conviction, "I assure you, Juliette, we will not allow any suitor but the most handsome and kind to court you. Isn't that true, my dear husband?"

Lord DuBois, who was too focused on his meal and the emotional turmoil of letting go of his sweet niece, neglected to respond.

With narrowed eyes, Lady DuBois' following words sliced through the dining room, drawing her husband's attention. "Correct, my Lord?"

"Yes," he grunted. Clearing his throat, he repeated clearly, although strained, "Yes."

"Very well," the dark-haired lady sent Juliette a lovely smile. "You will be well taken care of, my dear."

Despite her aunt and uncle's reassuring words, her heart was full of unwavering caution. Juliette understood her aunt and uncle would not take the matter of her marriage lightly, they truly wanted the best for their dearest niece. However, how are they to know what a certain suitor may act behind closed doors and sealed draperies? Many potential negative outcomes can stem from a loveless marriage. Juliette had held off the expectation of marriage for a few years, certainly far longer than her father desired. Now, he was forcing her hand.

"I rest assured knowing you, my dear aunt and uncle, are guiding me through these exciting yet terrifying times," Juliette said truthfully. Although she was hesitant about marriage, she could not be more grateful for the Lord and Lady DuBois.

Celine, the housekeeper cleared her throat, "Excuse my disruption, Lord and Lady DuBois. Lady Whistledown's scandal sheet has arrived."

Juliette felt excitement as well as a dread course through her veins at the sudden announcement. She was truly fascinated by Lady Whistledown's work, yet she was terrified of the truthful and venomous words she spread.

Lady DuBois gracefully took the sheet from Celine. Although her presentation was an unfaltering calm composure, Juliette noticed the eagerness storming in her aunt's green eyes. Lady DuBois read the sheet, the dining room was cloaked in absolute silence as the twins and Juliette eagerly watched for any change in facial expression. Every so often, her aunt would mumble short words of shock and disbelief.

"It seems as if Miss Daphne Bridgerton is this season's incomparable," Lady DuBois declared, at last, handing the sheet back to Celine. "A diamond of the first water."

Lord DuBois never cared for the scandal sheet. He wasn't much of a gossip. The man simply drank his tea as he read the daily paper.

"Well, from what I remember, Daphne truly is the sweetest girl," Juliette added, a small smile forming on her delicate lips.

Édith exclaimed, struggling to hide her enthusiasm, "Well, is there more, Mother? There must be more!"

"Well, I suppose I could dwell on how Lady Whistledown mentioned a certain French beauty has returned to town," Lady DuBois beamed, eyeing her beautiful niece. With a delicate laugh, she continued, "Or would that bore you?"

"No! How?" Juliette marvelled, shrouded in disbelief. Her cheeks reddened, everyone in high society will be well aware of her recent arrival. "I've been here a mere day!"

Édith let out a soft giggle and responded, "Lady Whistledown is quick, dear cousin, and she knows much if not everything."

. . .

Upon arriving at the ball, Juliette was escorted inside by her aunt and uncle. The mesmerizing instruments could be heard from the entranceway. She longed to hear them more clearly. The Danbury Ball was a most sought after invitation, and Juliette truly came to realize why. The ball was the most excellent social event to begin the lively social season.

The ballroom was captivating. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, reflecting the orange haze of the numerous candles. Attendees bustled around the room, conversing. Many danced with one another to the exciting and romantic music. Elegant and chaste women were dressed in delicately exquisite dresses, adorning precious jewels and enthralling smiles. They earned the attention of eager suitors desperate for companionship.

Her uncle bid Juliette and his wife adieu as he went to discuss the current affairs amongst the other men attending. He too was seeking a proper and worthy match for his cherished niece, Juliette.

Miss Villeneuve and Lady DuBois gracefully strolled around the ballroom. As they walked, the trim of Juliette's deep blue dress swept the wooden floor. The small gems adorning her bust and puffed sleeves twinkled in the low candlelight.

Her beauty and sophistication seized the notice of many suitors, as her aunt had assumed.

"I told you, my dear," Lady DuBois whispered to Juliette, happiness sparkling in her bewitching green eyes.

The arrival of Miss Daphne Bridergton obtained the coveted and envious glances amongst the attendees. All eyes were fixated at her beauty. Daphne Bridgerton, as Lady Whistledown said, was truly a diamond of the first water. A glistening gemstone necklace sat upon her chest. The marvellous blue gems diverted all attention from the sweeping white gown. Daphne Bridgerton was elegance, she was grace, she was regal. The season's incomparable. She was accompanied by the viscount and viscountess.

The sight of Anthony caused bitter feelings to blossom in Juliette's chest.

She disregarded his presence.

Juliette and her aunt continued around the room, every so often, Juliette would be halted by a fascinated man. They would exchange formalities and briefly chatter before Juliette would continue her rounds. None of the men she spoke to truly entertained her or merely charmed her. Many were handsome, yet seemingly tedious and pretentious. Juliette craved more from a man.

"I'm terribly parched," her aunt announced. "I shall be back with haste, would you like a refreshment, my dear?"

"I'm quite fine," Juliette answered before offering her aunt her gratitude.

With that, Lady DuBois and her lacy silver dress disappeared into the flock of ladies and gentlemen.

A jaunty fellow with a charming smirk caught her eye. The fiery red of his hair put the blazing candles lining the ballroom to shame. The light emitted was simply no rivalry. A simple gaze and the smallest of smiles was all it took to encourage and fuel the man. As he approached the brunette, Juliette noticed how his suit was tailored to perfection, hugging his lean stature. However, the most attractive characteristic of all was his ocean blue eyes. Juliette's heart fluttered under his gaze.

"Lord Ainsworth," he introduced, his voice laced with authority and charm. "You must be the lovely Miss Villeneuve."

"It's a pleasure, Lord Ainsworth," she said softly.

His eyes held kindness in the ocean's waves.

"Would you care to dance, Miss Villeneuve?"

Her gloved hand went to reach for his outstretched arm, accepting his offer. "It would be an honour, my Lord—"

"Lord Ainsworth, fancy seeing you here," A deep, strong voice interrupted, causing her to drop her arm limply by her side. Juliette held her quick-witted tongue, preventing it from sprouting choice words at Lord Bridgerton. He had no place interrupting the delightful conversation.

Anthony was settled next to Juliette. His presence was far too close. The fabric of his suit jacket tickled the hairs on her arm. The ghostly touch sent her heart into a violent frenzy and her brain into a reddened fury.

"Lord Bridgerton, a pleasure," Lord Ainsworth's words were tense, trickling in irritation. He offered the man a tight-lipped grin.

"How's your family estate fairing?" Anthony questioned.

Lord Ainsworth glared grimly at the man before turning his concentration back to Juliette. He boasted, "The estate is quite lavish. I'm sure you would be dazzled by its beauty. Albeit, it's no match to your astonishing appeal, Miss Villeneuve."

Juliette's heart would have trembled by those words if not for the bitterness she felt from Anthony's hovering presence. Instead, she offered Lord Ainsworth a forced smile.

"I assume your family's heavy debts have been paid then?" Anthony's words were light yet thick with venom, poisoning the conversation, as he desired.

"Lord Bridgerton, I am unsure of what you mean," Lord Ainsworth sneered. He quickly eyed Juliette, no doubt wishing the conversation went over her pretty little head of hair. The action bothered her considerably.

"Well, what about your wife, how is she?" The viscount wondered aloud, happily.

Juliette withheld her gasp. Surely, Anthony was merely spewing deceits.

"I am unmarried," he reassured Juliette, granting her a brief and pleading glance. The blues of his eyes darkened, no longer a beautiful ocean but now an unyielding and threatening storm.

Lord Bridgerton scoffed before continuing, "Forgive me, I meant Edda, your mistress. She's the one you love if you've forgotten, no need to confuse her with Brea or Idina."

Juliette found herself repulsed by the actions of Anthony. He willfully defiled the conversation with his foul words and allegations. Of course, if what he said was true, then Lord Ainsworth would be an unacceptable suitor. However, Anthony was in no position to speak these things. He had no right to invade her conversation. She was more than capable of weeding out the frauds and the parasites.

"Miss Villeneuve, please understand—"

Lord Bridgerton interjected on Juliette's behalf, "I believe it's best if you leave."

The red-headed man stood there for a few scanty moments, shrouded in silence. He sought for words to utter, but nothing could reach beyond his lips. Juliette found herself pitying the man.

"Now." Lord Bridgerton commanded. His tongue dripping in authority.

A grim frown settled on Lord Ainsworth's handsome face. He nodded to Juliette before walking away.

"That was tasteless, my Lord." As she spoke, Juliette focused on the retreating form of the red-headed Lord. She refused to give Anthony any form of satisfaction. She denied fuelling his inappropriate behaviour further.

Anthony's brown eyes burned fiery holes into her skin as his gaze was fixated on her cheek. He exhaled silently. Due to their closeness, the warm air caressed her rosy cheek. Whispering, he said, "It was necessary, Miss Villeneuve."

"Was it?" She snapped, breaking her focus and finally facing the eldest Bridgerton son. Her hasty outburst fractured her intricate facade of grace. He was her undoing.

She noticed how close they stood, a mere scandalous foot away. Immediately, Juliette stepped back, adding distance and avoiding potential defamatory assumptions. Her image would not be poisoned by the viscount. He will not ruin her further.

Anthony claimed in a mere struggle to convince Juliette, "Lord Ainsworth is drowning in unpaid debts. Not to mention the trio of mistresses he frequents. He is not a man worth your time—"

"You are not my father nor my uncle." Juliette interrupted, her speech seeping with anger. "You, an outsider in my life, have no privilege or say as to who I converse with or potentially marry."

Taking another step back, she fiercely continued, "We have not spoken in three years. You have no authority to pry back into my life and cast decisions. We are not friends, my lord."

The declaration pained her to say, but the truth often did. Their relation was brutally severed when Anthony failed to respond to her letters. A troubled expression cursed Anthony's charming features.

"Miss Villeneuve, may I remind you it was in your best interest," he protested, jaw tensed.

"I believe what's truly in my best interest is for you to leave," Juliette demanded. Her words were hollow and cold, an emotionless facade. Despite the facade, Juliette was ridden with brutal emotional turmoil. Standing in his presence, mere feet away, she wanted nothing more than to reconcile with Anthony, however, she knew she mustn't.

Anthony Bridgerton was not worth her time.

"Very well," he muttered. He took three steps before halting, "May I say, you have become the most breathtaking beauty, Juliette."

Before she could respond and address his discourtesy, Anthony Bridgerton vanished into the crowd. She wanted to curse his words, banish them to burn in blazes, but she couldn't stop the small and noticeable fluttering in her chest. The undesirable feeling angered her.

Soon after, her dear aunt returned.

"My dear, what's bothering you? A lady of such beauty shouldn't bear such a heavy frown," Lady DuBois comforted, cupping her niece's rosy cheek endearingly. When Juliette failed to answer, Lady DuBois continued, "Did something happen in my absence? I assumed these men would behave as their titles would heed."

"They were all so kind," Juliette reassured, the lie falling off her tongue with ease. "I seem to be lost in my thoughts. Anyhow, shall we continue our rounds?"

"Of course, my dear."

Juliette hooked her arm through her aunt's, setting foot around the ballroom once again.

"I wonder how your uncle is fairing," Lady DuBois mused.

"Why do you say?" Juliette asked, intrigued.

A delicate laugh escaped Lady DuBois' pink lips. She jested, "I'm sure he is being hounded by suitors on your behalf."

The gathering of an excited group of ladies caught her attention. In the center stood a seemingly very annoyed man.

"Oh, my!" Juliette gasped, curiously eyeing the frantic group of mamas and debutants a little ways away. "The Duke of Hastings?"

"I believe it is," Lady DuBois marvelled in disbelief at the sight of the Duke. "Would you like to go make acquaintances? He would make a very fine husband."

Juliette pondered over the offer for a brief moment. His grace is quite handsome, a mere look at him caused a light blush to arise on her already rosy cheeks. However, she couldn't allow herself to enter such a crowd of hungry mamas and flirty debutants.

Shaking her head slightly, Juliette answered, "No. His grace seems fairly busy as he is being badgered by so many already. The unfortunate soul."

"Unfortunate soul, indeed."

. . .

rose's notes
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter!

What do you think so far of Juliette's
troubled relationship with Anthony?

I love hearing what you have to say :)

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