Tuesday 18th December [Marinette]

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Adrien told her he'd pick her up twenty minutes before they needed to meet Kagami. So here she was ... twenty-five minutes before the meeting, stood outside in the bitter weather praying the snow they were forecasting didn't happen. Since when were the weather forecasts correct?

Marinette was early, but so was Adrien. A red Range Rover pulled around the corner and Marinette knew that was Adrien. A red car and black roof. Come on! Could he be obsessing over Ladybug anymore? She was quite sure it was the Miraculous Limited Edition, the collections also included the black and green Chat Noir version. She let out a giggle as she stepped forward, catching Adrien in the driving seat.

"Your chariot always." He announced dropping the curb side window to call to her.

"No no no! I'm not sure about this. Remember last time we went on a 'drive'."

"Mari, I had just passed my test and the bird flew at the window! I swear I've improved in the past year." Adrien was the only one out the gang to bother driving. They all lived within walking distance of what they needed, but Adrien travelled to shoots a lot so managed to persuade his father to let him drive. Thankfully, Nathalie helped convince Gabriel, and low and behold Adrien Agreste was driving.

Marinette was the first person he took out in his car, and she was also the last. After the horrendous journey, where a bird flew at the windscreen, no one would drive alongside 'swerve a lot Agreste'!

"You're being dramatic Mari! Come on, in you get. Please." Adrien had pulled his full kitty eyes and Marinette melted.

"Fine!" She opened the door and climbed into his luxurious vehicle. It really was lovely, but she was still terrified from the near head on collision of the past. If she remembered rightly, Mr Pigeon was once again akumatised thanks to Adrien's driving.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes unmoving. Marinette was staring at Adrien, his jaw was clenched tight. There was something he needed to say. She could tell from his body language.

Suddenly he turned to face her, making her flinch back in shock.

"Ok, I think ..." he breathed out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. "You see ... with Kagami, I haven't been quite honest with anyone."

Marinette looked at him. What was he going to tell her?

"I tried dating Kagami again after you left. Alya told me to move on and that it might make me happier. I was getting a little obsessed with talking about you, and I'm quite sure I was annoying everyone. So, better the devil you know right? We went on a few dates and she invited me to her house for dinner. After dinner I fell asleep on the sofa. With my errrmmm... extra curriculum activities, I was very tired."

"Working too hard at the gym then?" Marinette smirked at him knowing full well that was not what he meant.

"Gym yes! He was working me hard." The two started laughing remembering her comment from the previous morning. Adrien continued, his eyes remaining on her.

"Well when I was asleep I kind of had a dream about you. It was a very ... passionate? Dream."

"Oh", Marinette replied before it clicked what he actually meant. He meant it wasn't a PG rated dream "oh!"

He coughed and groaned.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Mari, I'm not a pervert I swear. Anyway, I kept calling for you and you know Kagami as well as I do she didn't take it well. She kicked me out there and then. Telling me that I needed to stop being an idiot and sort my feelings out. She was right! It wasn't fair to play with her heart that way and now I understand it, I feel awful. She really loved me. She'd do anything for me and I abused that."

The Meet Cute [An Adrienette Story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum