14. Meeting the Tomlinson's

Start from the beginning

'What are you doing here?' Louis grimaced, glaring at him.

'Whoa baby, I'm just here to give you another chance.' He raised his arms in a defensive state, stepping back slightly.

'Another chance for what?' Louis asked with fire in his voice.

'Another chance for you to try and convince me to take you back and maybe then I'll love you.' He retaliated arrogantly, taking a seat next to Niall. Louis laughed and stood up slowly, dragging Riley back up with him and towards the door. Louis had had enough of Riley and his crap.

'I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT.... Goodbye.' And with that he threw Riley out of the café door onto the street. He turned around, trying to slow his breathing down and he was met with a round of applause and loud, obnoxious cheering from both Liam and Niall.

'Wow Lou, that was fucking brilliant.' Niall congratulated him. Louis laughed and told the two boys he hopped that that would be the last time they saw Riley. The boys agreed with a nod and they carried on with their breakfast, interruption free.

Louis paid the bill and with countless goodbyes and 'I'll see you soon' the boys headed their separate ways. It was only when Louis was in his car did he have time to himself to go over the situation. 'I just did that.' He whispered to no one in particular. He let out a breathless laugh and nodded at himself in the review mirror. 'damn right I just did that.' He confirmed to himself and turned the key in the ignition. He felt like he could take on the world and he couldn't wait to tell Harry.


That was the first time he had thought about Harry all day and he couldn't stop smiling. He wondered what Harry was doing at this moment, maybe he was at home, or at work, or even at the gym. Ah the gym, Louis should probably go to the gym, he hadn't been in a while and he noticed it. So that's what he did, he drove home, changed into his gym clothes and headed straight back out to the gym.

He waved to the guy in the lobby and swiped his membership card. 10 sets of crunches, 7 sets of leg lifts, 4 sets of arm lifts and 30 minutes on the cross trainer is where Louis was when his phone started to ring. He looked at the ID and smile when a picture of his mum appeared.

'Hello.' He answered after taking a large gulp of water.

'Hi boo.' His mum replied quickly, Louis mentally cringed at the childhood nickname.

'I do wish you'd stop calling me that mum, its not manly.' Louis wined but only meant it as a joke. He secretly liked being called boo, but he would take that secret to the grave.

'Oh hush up boo bear, I know you love it.' She scoffed back to him, Louis just laughed in response and let his mother continue.

'Look Lou, the reason why I'm calling you has to do with us coming down to see you.'

'You're not coming anymore?' Louis sounded desperate and sad.

'God no, no, no we're all still coming down its just there's been a change in dates.' She comforted him.

'Okay, okay good. I don't think I could last any longer without seeing you guys. So, when are yous all coming to visit me.' Louis rushed out, excited about seeing his family soon.

'That's the thing Lou, we're already here.' She laughed, he could hear he smile from the other end of the line and he was smiling bright right back.

'You are?' He asked, quickly picking up his gym bag and rushing out to get home.

'We are.' She beamed back.

'That's brilliant, where are you guys now?' He asked, waving goodbye to the man in the gyms lobby and running out to his car, chucking his bag in the back and pulling out.

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