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Rose Blue's POV.

The lost boys are excellent; they beat Lucas, Felix. But some lose me, except for one boy, Liam. He and I fought each other while training, so basically, he knows all my weaknesses. And change all his moves, making it hard to predict.

Clink, clank, on and on. One attack, then one block, then it's kept going on like a rewind button.

Liam then spins around and forgets to check his surroundings, so I knock his sword and slide one of my legs, making him fall. And I carefully place my sword near his neck.

"I lose, you win." Liam smiles.

"Finish him." Peter cut him off.

"What-" Both Felix and me in shock.

"Lost boys that get to this round is either win or die," Peter said without glaring at Liam.

I throw my sword down, threatening him,

"You want me to finish, finish for yourself, how could you be so heartless." I stomped away, angry.

Within seconds, Peter is now in front of me, crossing his arm, standing straight. You know what this means, a scolding is going to happen.

"Is that a threat? You have a big liver, aren't you? You dare to talk to me with that tone, why couldn't you do what I said. You broke lots of rules." Peter is losing his patience.

"Yeah, was that a threat? You want the best-lost boys for yourself, but you dare to kill them right away if they are useless. Let me remind you; they came here to have a new life, not to be forced around." I mention.

"Oh, so you don't know? These days, the shadow is bringing kids to Neverland no matter if they want or not. So I'm not that cruel; stop changing the topic. Let me remind you that you have broken a lot of rules here." Peter reminds me.

"If I have broken so many rules, why haven't you punished me? Why have you let me off? Why, why, why?" My tone became louder.

"I'm trying to talk to you, and you are not letting me," Peter says, putting his arm above his head like getting enough of me.

"Find until now, I will tell you. Within a few days, I will be out of Neverland. Punish me whatever you want; I like to see you try." I smirk.

"Too young, they said, you are crazy. Don't you know that nobody gets off this island? Oh, so you are like one of those people, having a plan with Tinkerbell searching for a way out." He raises his eyebrow.

"Wait, what do you mean by planning with Tinkerbell?" I question, what does he mean?

"Don't act innocent; your mouth gets you into trouble all the time. I will let you see what the actual punishment is like." He snapped, and I blackout.

I'm Rose, Rose Blue(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now