Meeting the Mischief

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Nessa's POV

Waking up is always the worst part of the day. Groggy eyes, messy hair, brain made of mush. But today has managed to make it even worse as I forgot to set my alarm and it's now two in the afternoon. Fantastic!

I'm already frantically panicking, half the day being wasted away over something so small. I don't even bother with getting dressed into real clothes after I brush my teeth and grab my files, walking out with some serious bed-head and some smudged makeup as well as a nice pair of pink pyjama shorts and a white tank top. The most I'll get for it is a snide comment from my brother, but other than that no one will give two shits. Which is lucky because neither do I.

I scurry down through the hall, grasping every piece of paper tightly in my hands and rush to the elevator. The moment I make it to the lab, I can get started. I can make up for three hours! Who needs food? I don't even notice the group of people watching me scuttle my way across the room.

"Miss Stark." I recognise that deep commanding voice easily. "So glad you could finally join us." I slowly turn to meet Fury's very irritated eyes... I mean, eye, I suppose.

"Please don't tell me I forgot another meeting." I grit my teeth in anxiety. Ever since I started working for SHIELD Fury has had to put up with my forgetful and clumsy mind, and hasn't got any the more patient with me.

"No, this was called this morning. Sit." He gestures to the seat left empty for me on the sofa, and it's only now I see the very large group sitting there staring at me. Yep, that's everyone. Steve, Tony, Bruce, Nat, Clint. Even Thor's here to witness the show! Along with... please don't tell me that's the evil Asgardian stupid homicidal goat face that almost killed New York.

"No, why does she have to sit?" Tony asks quickly, standing up and jumping in front of me before I can make it two steps.

"She is as much a member of this tower as the rest of you." Fury defends, pulling me away. I frown a little—way to make me feel like I'm not a living rag doll guys.

"She should have a say, Tony." Steve says, with an encouraging smile in my direction. I smile back thankfully, and push past Tony quickly before he can intervene, taking my seat beside Bruce and Thor. I love Tony, always have and always will, he basically raised me. But his overprotective brother act is getting more and more annoying every day.

"Welcome back, Pointbreak." I grin at Thor, giving him a tight side hug. He laughs heartedly and quickly hugs back. That's why I love Thor, he's one of the few people on this team who is actually a decent hugger.

"It is good to see you, Lady Stark." He shouts in my ear, both of us laughing as we sit back.

"Nice shorts there, Ness. You forget to set your alarm again?" Nat asks with a smirk, reaching over and playfully tugging on my shirt. I laugh and slap her away, earning a little chuckle from everyone. Fury's quick to break up the loving meeting.

"As I was saying." He growls in a I-am-done-with-this-bull kind of way. "Asgard has declared that Loki is to be taken care of down here until he is prepared to take his trial." Fury says, and my eyes widen as the situation suddenly becomes a hell of a lot clearer.

"And he's not staying here. Case closed." Tony says, standing up with his scotch and starting to walk away. Rolling my eyes, I stand up and push him back down, both of us glaring at eachother like siblings do in the middle of fights. "What? He isn't." I turn to Fury as calmly as I can.

"I apologise for my ignorant brother, please continue." I smile and sit down, ignoring Tony's offended faces and the team's constant sniggering. Everyone is well aware I'm the one who has to put Tony in his place when he's being too much of an ass.

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