Episode 2 "A New Addition"

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The sun rose high in the air as its light beamed down on Bright Moon Castle. The corridor windows reflected the light onto its bright yellow walls as Adora walked down the hall.

It wasn't until yesterday that Adora, Glimmer, Bow and Netossa met Dr. Wolf, an anthropomorphic wolf who had fallen through a portal and onto Etheria. He had saved the Princesses from the Horde before coming to Bright Moon.

Now, Doc was accepted by Queen Angella and was ordered to stay in Bright Moon until Adora and her friends could find a way to get Doc home.

Adora knocked on the room door. "Doc, you awake?" She asked. No answer. She opened the door to see Doc still sleeping. Adora smiled, placing her hand over her heart. "Aw. So cute."

Adora walked over to the bed and shook Doc awake. He groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Adora? What time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning." Adora said. Dr. Wolf groaned as he sat up. He stretched out his arms and yawned. "Sorry, but the Princesses are coming today and I want you to meet them."

Dr. Wolf yawned again and smiled. "Alright. Just give me a minute to wake up." Doc got up from the bed and stretched his back. "Can you get my clothes?"

Adora shook her head playfully. "Actually, Angella requested you should wear something more royal." Doc looked at Adora, confused. "Yeah, I know you're not a prince and all, but you're part of the Rebellion. So, I had the guards put your clothes in the laundry."

Doc smiled. "No, it's okay. Besides, I was in that forest for at least a week. I needed those clothes washed anyway." He took off his shirt.

Adora winced. "Oh my, what happened to your back?" On Doc's back, there were huge scars that ran down from his shoulders to his back.

Dr. Wolf shuddered. "I… I got them from a former friend. Someone who I thought I could trust." He said.

"Oh," Adora said. She gave Doc a bright blue tank top with a lightning bolt on it. "I'm sorry. You must've felt hurt when they did this." She traced her finger across one of the scars.

Doc shuddered. "I can still feel the day he did this to me. He was so mean and cruel like I was nothing to him." He turned to Adora. "But, please don't touch my scars."

"Of course. I was just seeing if I could heal them. But if you don't want your scars to be touched, then I won't touch them." Adora said.

Doc smiled and put on the tank top Adora had given him. He then took off his shorts and put on the dark grey sweatpants. He turned to Adora. "How do I look?"

Adora looked up and down at Dr. Wolf's new outfit. "Perfect. But it's missing something." Adora looked around the room and spotted a bracelet the guards had placed on Doc's dresser. Adora grabbed it and placed it on Doc's wrist. "Now, you look perfect."

Dr. Wolf smiled and walked out of the room toward the meeting room. Glimmer, Bow, Netossa and Spinnerella were in the room, chatting.

"Oh, I can't wait to meet Doc." Spinnerella said, clapping her hands. "What's he like, Netossa?"

"Well, I left so I didn't get to know much about him. But I heard he will be meeting the other Princesses." Netossa said to her wife.

"Nice. But, still, it's amazing that I'm meeting our new recruit." Spinnerella said. The doors opened and in came Adora and Dr. Wolf. "Oh, that must be him."

Spinnerella got up from her chair and walked over to Dr. Wolf. "Hi, Doc. I'm Spinnerella." She said, holding out her hand.

"Oh, hi. It's nice to meet you, Spinnerella." Doc looked over Spinnerella's shoulder and waved at Netossa. "Good morning, Netossa."

Dr. Wolf X She-ra and the Princesses of Power Season 1 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon