Sick days••

450 4 2

_Kenny- 17
_Stan- 16

"I'm back Kenny, sorry I had to leave you.. I got you  soup and tea, and medicine, and tissues" I walked back into my room with a brown paper bag filled with hot stuff,
Kenny has been sick for a week, and I've been taking care of him the best I could, but he hasn't been getting better, he's been getting worse. He's been staying at my house because his house is not in the best condition to stay in when your sick. There's too much rats, no heater and no food or medicine. Being the best boyfriend I could, I let him stay here, he's wearing the warmest clothes I have.
Kenny had been to sick to talk, so I didn't expect a response out of him.
The only time he's ever got up was too shower. I feel terrible for leaving him here because of school, but. Schools over, it's Friday today and I just got out of school. I had to beg Kyle for 20 dollars so I can get Kenny what he needed.

Kenny looked at me with a tired look
"Th-" Kenny was about to thank me, but his coughs interrupted him.
"you don't need to talk baby.., are you feeling at least a little better?"
Kenny shook his head no.
I frowned
"I promise I'll be here until you feel better" I sat besides him.
"You want the soup now?"
Kenny nodded yes
"Did you eat anything today?"
Kenny shook his head no
"okay kenny, you have to eat something. Come on I'll feed you" I pulled out the container of chicken soup.
I grabbed the plastic spoon and opened the container.
"It's really hot so tell me if it burns your mouth okay?" I scooped some up with the spoon.
It was steaming. I wanted to make sure it wasn't too hot, I don't want his mouth to burn.
I blew on the hot spoon.
"Ah~!" I put it towards his mouth.
He opened his mouth
"Jeez, Ken, your throat is red.." I frowned
I put the spoon in his mouth as he closed his mouth swallowing it.
"Stan.. I could feed myself. Go in the shower, you just came from outside" he grabbed the container. It sounded like it took him everything he had to say that sentence.
"you sure?" I frowned
Kenny nodded
"okay..., I'm gonna put the tea and the tissues here.. text my phone if you need anything, i won't take long in the shower"
Kenny nodded again as he blew on the spoon.
I kissed his cheek and walked to my dresser. I'm starting to run out of clothes because I'm giving them to Kenny, but I don't care. I'm gonna do laundry at least later.
I grabbed black boxers. And black basketball shorts. I like wearing those around the house. And a black shirt. I grabbed my towel
"I'll be back, be safe okay?"
Kenny nodded as he took a sip of the tea.
•time skip•

I got out the shower an hour ago, and I've been cuddling with Kenny in my bed with the lights off. We were watching some movies on Disney plus. And he's been coughing a little less and sneezing a little less aswell

"Kenny. How are you feeling?"
He looked at me and gave me a "EH" signal with his hand.
"you hungry.. thirsty.?," I ran my fingers through his long blonde hair. He sat up and grabbed a tissue and sneezed in it. Than he blew his nose.
He threw the tissue away and looked at me.
His eyes, they began to water.
My eye brows furrowed
"Kenny are you ok-" Kenny interrupted me with a hug

"n-no!, my throat hurts!, and my head!"
"Don't cry my love, you'll feel better soon I promise..."
"I'll be here until you feel better, I won't stop until you do"
"Kenny look at me"
Kenny pulled back from my chest and looked at me
"Stop crying.." I whipped his tears
"Your too pretty to be crying..."
I cupped Kenny's cheeks
Kenny smiled
"See your beautiful"

Kenny pointed to his mouth.
He kept on pointing to it
"Do you have to cough?"
Kenny shook his head no and continued pointing his mouth
"Do you have to spit or something?,"
Kenny rolled his eyes and grabbed my cheeks and kissed me
I missed his lips, sadly it wasn't a long kiss it was just a peck.
He pulled away and hugged me, paying attention back to the tv.

Kenny had a few little sniffles here and there but, he smiled, that's all that matters.

•another time skip•

After that moment we had earlier, my mom had bought Kenny some more soup, and he had a little strength to get up and take a shower, than he took his medicine.

So now we were back when we started, watching movies in bed, it was pretty silent. Kenny hasn't moved and I can't really see his face since it was laying on my stomach.

It was pretty late 11:30, around.
no response
no response

I looked at his face,
"oh, he's sleeping.." I thought to myself as I put the blanket fully over him
"Goodnight, I love you.." I kissed him. I turned off the tv and fell asleep along with him.

Stenny••ONE SHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ