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Lisa POV

I yawned and looked towards the clock its 11 in the evening gosh i cant sleep my body hurts so bad what kind of idiot sleep exactly after dinner now i cant sleep i have to wake up early tommorow. Well i guess i do kind of deserve this ughhhh 'i miss home' i thought, why the fuck do i sound like a child i mean who can blame me Jisoo unnie is locked up in her room playing games Chaeng is eating the delivery food while watching netflix and Nini doesn't want to be bothered cause its time for her so called 'kuma lovin time' Im so bored i hope the other two are not asleep yet so i can ask their wifi password wait the kuma time thing that reminds me i have to walk their dogs tommorow arent i supposed to be a bodyguard why the fuck am i turning into a nanny

Mannn i miss Ji-eun unnie /ring ring bitch/ oh speaking of the devil looks like shes calling me now.
"And that's why im sleeping in the couch" i giggled as i was telling her the events that occured earlier

"Awwww my poor baby-" she said then i cut her off

Rose POV

"Heyyy im not your baby you're my baby now you shorty" she said while giggling i wasn't really listening to her phone call earlier since i was too focused on what i was watching 'Is she dating someone i- i don't like that' i thought while pouting

'Not that im jealous i never get jealous that's impossible im doing this for Chichu how can we get her fired if she has a girlfriend and isn't interested in us and if she isn't interested in us then we cant get her fired, yeah for Jisoo definitely for her. right??'

Hmmm maybe i should put the plan in action now

"Okkk goodnight shorty love you too" Lisa said which annoyed me more than i already am, my beautiful (yes im pretty what abt it) smirk twitched at the sound as i was slowly walking towards her "Hey babe who you saying 'love you' to?" i whispered sensually as i sat on her lap

"C-Chaeng u-uhm that was no one i uhm what's wrong does your throat hurt is that why you're whispering" Lisa said

"God i love the way you stutter you're adorable" i said wrapping myself around her neck "hey babe can i borrow your phone"

"Uh yeah sure the passcode is 00000" she said slowly lowering her voice and her attention on my lips as her eyes drooped down to my cleavage 'HA BINGO' i took her phone then wrapped myself around her again "0...0...0...0...0...0" i said slowly as i typed each number i slowly got closer to her neck and bit it a little then smirking as i heard a small grunt from her. I opened her phone and looked at who she recently called 'Oh its just Ji-eun unnie' i thought as i let out a sigh of relief 'what the NO im not relieved this is for Jisoo yeah for her i should get going now' as i stood up i looked back i saw her dazed and having a hard on 'Ohhh looks like someones excited-' She stood up and ran after me then held my wrist

"I uhm wh- what's your wifi password" she said lightly blushing

"Oh for fucks sake i forgot okay let go of me" i said yanking my arm 'is she serious wifi password really' 'shes unbelievable im even wearing my sexy night gown is that all that stupid wifi password the only thing in her head' i thought as i ran upstairs

Lisa POV

WHAT WHY why is she mad at me she sits on my lap gives me a hard on leaves me hanging and doesn't give me the wifi password what did i do now

Words of wisdom for the day:


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