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Walking through the halls after the rest of the group had left I started thinking about my pack and everything that had happened since then. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasnt paying attention to where i was going and walked right into Jimi.

"Hey watch where your going!" he yelled in true Jimi fashion. My wolf started to growl at the disrespect when I remembered that i needed to keep her in check.

"Sorry Jimi! I was thinking and obviously wasnt watching." I apologized and in a way i actually was sorry.

"Oh um thats okay..." I guess I had him stumped normally I would have yelled right back at him. Loosing my pack has made me soft. I got up off the floor and started to keep walking but Jimi stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned and cocked my head to the side obviously confused.

"Hey my dads having this get together with his business friends and I'm allowed to bring a 'friend'. Would you want to go with me?" he asked while looking down, it almost looked like he was shy, almost.

"Why arent you taking Sam and Liam? Also I dont have anything fancy to wear even if I was to go but obviously you already know that."I told him flatly knowing this had to be one of his jokes. More than likely he'd start laughing in my face soon about why he would want to take someone like me.

"My friends act differently around my father. I have a feeling you wouldn't. You could bring Shannon or someone if you like. He's expecting me to have someone with me but I dont know anyone else that wouldnt act differently towards me or him. We dont actually have to hang out but you could stay and get some really expensive food and probably some cool stuff all on my dad." he explained while keeping that blank look on his face.

"Okay what am I supposed to wear though?" I asked still thinking this was a joke. He looked confused for a moment then pulled some money out of his pocket.

"Here go shopping get a dress and some nice shirts." he said laying the money in my hand. Im so confused...

"Your serious." I stated.


"I...I...Why me? We hate each other."

"Precisely so you dont care what my father thinks of you." he smirked.

"We leave tomorrow after school so be ready. Go shopping with Shannon tonight." He told me while walking away.

" What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself shaking my head.

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