Mob Au (SBI)

77 4 4

Warning, this includes violence and death! Anyway, Philza POV :))


I had always had a kind heart, even when I didn't understand. Perhaps, that would be my downfall. It will be my downfall. Or already had been? It was hard to tell anymore.

    It started with the Nether, just a quick trip that would have changed my life. It was Piglin territory, and I had already broken my boots trying to dive away from magma cubes. I had always hated the pig beasts, they were a lawless folk with too much intelligence for their own good. Too much access to weapons. I don't even know how they made them in this hellscape! Where did they get the feathers for their arrows?

    Dammit, my mind is wandering again. Back to the point, it was Piglin territory, and I had been being trailed for thirty minutes. I hadn't quite drawn the iron sword from its hilt when the thing ran at me, all squeals and sharp teeth. It wasn't hard to take the manic beast down, disarming it and plunging my blade through its abdomen. Same as always, the Piglin crumpled to ash and wisps of neon green magic.

    I was wiping my blade clean when I realized it had a child. The thing wasn't human, but it wasn't a Piglin either. It had the same huge, dark eyes and pink-toned skin, the same hooved feet, and floppy ears. But it wasn't a Piglin, not by miles. The child's teeth didn't overlap his lip fully and his face was formed just like a regular human. Long strands of pastel pink hair hung in front of his large, teary eyes as he reached for me. I didn't understand it at the time, I didn't realize why I hesitated. I didn't understand why it began calling the child "he" over "it".

    I'm so glad I did though.

    Gathering the boy in blankets, I hugged him to my chest and quickly left the Nether. The poor thing was shaking like a leaf, he'd probably never left temperatures below eighty degrees before. I was reasoning back and forth with myself, knowing the boy wasn't human, but the look on his youthful face was so deeply human. Kristin embraced the boy merrily when I brought him home.

    We didn't plan to have children, neither of us felt ready for that level of dedication. We were just cowards though, after seeing how ready both of us were so ready to care for the child. The boy didn't even speak English, only communicating through different toned oinks and squeals. We called him Technoblade, named after a character from Kristin's favorite show. We didn't plan to name him that either, but it's the only name he didn't sound upset by.

    The next boy I found was even stranger. I was free-diving for prismarine shards by the Guardian temples. I had used an under-water breathing potion to stay down there longer. Digging through the kelp, I was greeted by the figure of a sleeping child. My first instinct was horror, imaging the corpse of a child nestled here, yet, it became clear the boy was breathing.

    He was young, perhaps around three like Techno back home, with blue-tinted skin spattered with teal scales. He had mid-length brown hair that curled around his face in mellow waves, laying neatly across the fins where his sears should have been. His eyes were shut, including the one that was at the center of his forehead. The boy had to have been some spliced Guardian and human, most likely a failed potion experiment.

    I had quickly shed my armor and gently lifted the sleeping child. It would only have been a matter of time before someone would have found him and possibly hurt him. Yes, I always had a kind heart even as I didn't understand why I was doing this. I didn't understand anything I was doing as I performed CPR on the child to get his lungs working. I knew Guardians could breathe above water, but I didn't want the poor child to flop around helplessly. Luckily, my gamble on the idea worked, and the boy quickly went back to sleep.

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