"I'll bring some up to him." Russia said. "Go on now." Ukraine nodded and walked away from the door. Russia organized his paper work to a neat pile and placed it on his desk, everything done now. He went to go join the other two nations in the dining room, he stopped by Canada's room and peeked in to make sure he was okay, the boy still slept. Russia went down stairs and joined the other two, along with Kumajirou sitting on a seat. "Why is he here?"

"Hungry." Kumajirou said, even if he didn't want to leave Canada's side, hunger was too much for him. Ukraine smiled and fed the little bear small pieces of meat she had found in the fridge, hopefully it was still fresh. Russia took his seat at the end of the table and started eating some of the soup, so good, Ukraine could always make it right. He kept eating until the bear jumped onto his lap and started licking the broth of it.

"Bear!" Russia yelled a bit. The bear looked at him with fur under his chin dripping and smiled. "You're lucky you're already injured, you would of gone through the window."

"Russia!" Ukraine cried a bit, Russia panicked. Kumajirou whimpered like Russia had hurt him and jumped back into Ukraine's arm and she hugged him. "Don't do that to poor Kumajirou! He's just a little animal!"

"Don't make him sound so defenseless." Russia said. Ukraine ignored Russia's words and gave all her attention to the little animal, Russia just stared at the two. He decided that was enough of that and made another bowl of soup for the Canadian. As he left to bring it up, he swore at saw Kumajirou stick his tongue out at him as Ukraine played with him.

Russia quietly peeked into Canada's room, thinking he was probably sleeping. Canada was wide awake though, he started reading a book since he had nothing else to do; he read more about Russia's country. "Matvey?" Russia peeked in. Canada, as fast as he could with his weakness, shoved the book under the blanket, and Russia didn't notice. "I brought you dinner, are you hungry?"

"A-A little." Canada said. Russia came in more and sat on the side of the bed. Canada slowly and painfully sat up a little more in the bed, Russia helped him a bit then handed the boy the bowl of soup. "This looks like something you would find in a restaurant..." he commented. "What is it?"

"It's called borscht." Russia said, he got up and sat back in his chair next to the bed, he pulled it a little closer now though. Canada blew on it a bit and then tried it. "Do you like it?"

"Oui." He mumbled with the food in his mouth.

"No French." Russia said.

"Sorry," Canada kept eating. "It's good though."

"Good. I'm glad you like it." Russia said. Canada continued eating, he had no appetite for the entire day til now. When he finished, Russia simply took the bowl out of the boy's hands and on the night stand.

"Russia." Canada started. "Um...I'm not going to tell Al about what happened." that got Russia's attention. "You were thinking about that, right?"

"Da. I was." He said. Though he didn't really think about it, it was in the back of his mind. The second America found out Canada was hurt while at Russia's house, the crazy American would get very mad and attack Russia with full force; not politically, but he would show up at Russia's doorstep with his shotgun, Russia could just imagine it, he started blanking out.

"Hey. Um, Russia."


"C-an I ask a favor? It's nothing big." Canada asked, Russia nodded. "Can you just get a t-shirt out of my bag please? I-it's kinda chilly." Russia looked over for Canada's bag on the floor and went for it. He had forgotten, Canada was wrapped up but they had taken off his shirt to do it. He sat there looking at the boy and didn't even realize he didn't have a shirt on. You look good without one, he thought.

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