Crossing her arms over her chest Theo's eyes divert to their feet, hers bare and his covered in a pair of black boots. She zeroes in on the specks of dirt, light grey and caked on, it's the only indication that at some point since she had barricaded herself in her home that afternoon that it had rained.

She's so focused on his shoes that when Sweet Pea reaches out and places his hand on the side of her neck she flinches. But finally Theo looks up and meets his eyes, and the strangest sound of a laugh slips out of her mouth as she asks, "So did you come here to rub it in?"

One of his brows lifted as he questioned, "What do you mean rub it in?"

Shrugging her shoulders she pointed out, "You did tell me this would happen."

His expression softened, brows furrowing, "Told you so's aren't my style."

And she believes him.

Stepping away from him Theo took a seat on the end of her bed, shoulders curling inward, hands in her lap. Sweet Pea leaned against the edge of her desk, and he lets his eyes wander around his surroundings. He had never been inside her bedroom before, and he finds it's nothing like he expected it to be.

There was a part of him that expected her bedroom to reflect the life she lived at Riverdale High. The River Vixen cheerleader with the painted nails and winged liners. He expected pink, and ruffles and he hates himself, admittedly, when he realizes that he's shocked he doesn't find any of those things. 

Theo's bedroom is clean and simple. It's outside walls are almost all windows, currently covered. The inside walls are painted cream and aside from the abstract canvas hanging above her bed they're bare. Her bedding is black, there's a laptop on one nightstand and a lamp on the other, and there's a picture frame of her and a blonde Sweet Pea had never met but knew from her Instagram was Theo's best friend. 

The only thing that gives off any personality in the room was the keyboard that was pushed up against one of the walls of windows, and the piles of sheet music that sat in stacks on the floor next to it. He didn't even know she played piano. 

Her desk is home to textbooks, and school work, and a picture frame that he picks up gingerly to inspect it. It's an old photo, Theo couldn't have been more than four in it, but there she is with a big wide grin, dark bangs covering her forehead, in the arms of her father, who mirrored her large grin. 

"You were a cute kid, what the hell happened?" He asked, his eyes on her as he placed the frame back onto her deck. 

Theo raised her eyes to his, and he grinned over at her. With an eye roll she told him, "Funny."

Pushing from her desk Sweet Pea takes a seat next to her at the end of her bed and he leans his elbows against his knees as he asks, "You planning on going tomorrow?"

"To school?" She asked, and when he nodded she shrugged, "I don't know, my moms don't think I should."

"What do you think?" He asks. 

"I barely put any effort in anyway, so what's the point?" Her voice is quiet but firm, and she taps the knuckle of her index finger into the palm of her opposite hand. A nervous habit Sweet Pea had noticed her do a time or two. She questioned him, "What do you think I should do?"

bloodline [sweet pea]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें