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The tips of Guan Shan's ears flamed as he jumped onto his heels in a rush, woozy as the blood rushed from his head to his extremities.

"I was not—" He protested.

"Were you worried for me?" He Tian cooed. "How unexpected, red. After ignoring all of my texts last night, too."

"—was passin' by." He completed lamely. "Go fuck a goat."

He Tian raised an eyebrow at that, before he clutched his heart in a mocking gesture of hurt, adopting a grave countenance.

"How could you ask me to give my virginity to a goat, when it is yours to take, lil' Mo?"

He spluttered.

"But seriously though," He Tian's voice had switched back to semi-seriousness. "I wouldn't worry about Lay Yin anymore. His case is signed, sealed and delivered."

Irritation took over him anew. The bastard had no idea what he was getting into, and yet, he was so foolhardy and dubious of what was happening around him.

"Lay Yin won't back down that easily." His voice was terse. Talking to He Tian like this felt awkward; discussing something without hurling curses was a new thing to Guan Shan.

"His gang can ambush you. You shouldn't provoke him."

"But red—" He Tian whined. "If you are here, then what do I have to fear?"

The scowl on his face deepened as he stood there and vacillated between throwing He Tian off a bridge and stomping away at a loss for words.

"Go die, you...fuck!"

He Tian's grin turned mischievous. "You can't be that impolite to me. Aren't you glad I am here to help you out?"

He spun around on his heel, unwilling to entertain the bastard more than he had already had. Just what was taking those shit-stains Nianzu and Chen Fang so long? He didn't ask them to visit his ancestors' graves, for one.

He Tian ambled after him like a lost mongrel trotting after his owner.

"Where are you going?" The troublesome guy called after him. "Take me with you! Red!"

Guan Shan pinched the bridge of his nose in sheer annoyance, the tips of his ears heating up. He just wished the bastard would stop addressing him by that silly nickname already; to stop talking at all, really. 

"Do you wanna summon the whole school here, you jackass?" He frowned, before muttering a colorful range of expletives under his breath. "Keep your voice down."

"Alright, alright, what did you have in mind?" He Tian raised his palms in an attempt at pacification.

"Skippin'. Need to buy some stuff before my evenin' shift at the shop." He bit out. He approached the wall, his gaze roving over its length as he tried to figure out the placement of nooks and crevices to scale up.

The bastard had already beaten him to the bush. He watched in indignance as He Tian clambered the wall in lithe grace, all long limbs and flexible movements. In no time, the bastard was perched atop the wall, the sun casting a halo of light behind that unruly black mop of hair. He Tian grinned and stretched his palm out to him, as though he were coaxing a shy rabbit toward him. 

The bastard was an enigma, he concluded with irritation, before ignoring the outstretched hand and scaling the wall up by himself. They were doing it, holy shit. An hour ago, if someone had told Guan Shan that he would be skipping school with the bastard that haunted his nightmares, then he would have spat in their faces and kicked their teeth in for good measure. Whatever had stewed between them in the last few days left his stomach roiling with an array of emotions that he couldn't figure out.

Lost in his thoughts, it took a few moments to register that the subject of his woes had fallen into an unnatural silence as well. He felt a shoulder brush against him, and his throat went dry as they sat on the wall together, momentarily stunned. He Tian was looking at him in that indecipherable way that left him clutching for words.

"Wha'?" He muttered. "Do you wanna be stuck on this wall forever? Get on the other side."

"You came to visit me in the hospital, didn't you?" He Tian leaned in close, his lips brushing against his earlobe. "I didn't realize that you cared about me that much."

Chagrined, he shoved He Tian over to the side, before leaping down the other side of the wall. Sounds of good-natured protest followed him.

"Woah, I could have died!"

Guan Shan knew very well that he couldn't have.

"Such is life. Go fuck a goat, bastard." 

Irresistible You (19 Days) (BL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ