Chapter 1-First Year of College

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"Attention all freshmen! Welcome to your first year College. Before we start, we are handing out forms for your after-school activities. Take note that they are optional. Thank you!"

The silence after the announcement was made was broken when Wei WuXian ran through the doors. All attention was shifted to him instead of it being on the principal, Lan Qiren, who was in a moment of speech. Jiang Cheng was visibly angry at Wei Wuxian for causing such a commotion.

"Detention after school!" Lan Qiren yelled in fury. 

A few giggles could be heard in the crowd of freshmen. But it was a funny situation, what kind of idiot would get himself in trouble on the first day? Despite all that, Wei Wuxian's attention was drawn to a specific male figure, staring at him in somewhat disgust. He was slightly taller than him, hair neatly combed back, and clothes seemed like they were neatly ironed. His eyes were a gradient from light brown to yellow, with gorgeous long eyelashes. His facial features was indescribable. His stare was menacing and fierce. His stare was broken after turning his head to talk to what seems like his brother.

The next moment, everyone dispersed like a group of ants after getting stepped on. Half went to look for their dorm while the rest explored the school. Wei Wuxian then decided to settle in his dorm along with Jiang Cheng. After 10 minutes of constant walking to find the right dorm number, he had finally found it. Jiang Cheng had much better luck and found it within 2 minutes. Seconds after he swung the door open, his eyes widens..

"Tch, nuisance," Lan Wangji says.

Wei Wuxian couldn't believe his luck. His dorm-mate was the same man that caught his attention before. He swung the door close and heaved out a sigh. He cursed his luck under his breath and opened the door with a huge smile on his face as if nothing had happened. He wanted to wipe his smile away after seeing the menacing glare of the man that had called him a nuisance. Yet, he kept the smile and threw himself onto the bed to the left side of the room.

"The names Wei Ying! im gonna be ur little kitten!! uwu!! I'd like it if you called me Wei Wuxian though uwu!!" Wei Wuxian bursts out laughing after saying that.

Lan Wangji could only stare in disgust. He got up from his chair and left the dorm room. Wei Wuxian was left speechless. He made his dorm-mate somewhat disgusted at him upon introducing himself. He could only giggle from the reaction. He looked over at his dorm-mates table and saw piles of books and papers stacked neatly. At the corner of the table, he saw a framed photo of two rather good-looking adults , each carrying a child.


"His forehead is burning up!" said a sweet voice belonging to a woman.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering could be heard. The woman's eyes widened. The yelp of a man could be heard. The room door swung open and the woman and her child was taken out by masked men in full black. 

"You had the guts to harm me, this is revenge, you fucking bitch!"

Blood splattered everywhere. The cries of a child could be heard. Yet, the woman and what seemed to be her husband could only stare in pity, wishing they could comfort their child. They dropped the bodies of the two adults and left the child alone with the cold dead bodies of his parents. He sobbed his heart out, he wanted his parents back. He was but a weak child, who was sick. Then, he fainted, lying in the same pool of blood his parents were in. A mere 7 year old child in the same pool blood of his deceased parents.


"Hm, this must be his family! A bunch of good-looking people. How lucky! Lan Wangji...Lan Zhan... He has a nice name too," Wei Wuxian commented.

He unpacked all of his things and left the room to meet up with Jiang Cheng. He saw Jiang Cheng at the end of the hallway waiting and decided to sneak up on him. Wei Wuxian made his way down the hallway without making a sound. He raised a hand and slapped Jiang Cheng's soft , juicy and tender ass. That massive ass started shaking like it was an earthquake. Wei Wuxian burst out laughing and ran past the furious Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian didn't look at where he was running and bumped into a taller male who had caught him in his embrace. Wei Wuxian looked up and saw two golden eyes with long eyelashes staring right at him. Then, he realised who he had bumped into. 

"Are we about to kiss right now?" Wei Wuxian questioned playfully.

Lan Wangji's eyes widened and pushed the man in his arms away. He covered his face immediately, turned away from the man he had pushed and left in a rush. Wei Wuxian could only burst out laughing from such a reaction he received before turning to Jiang Cheng, who had shook his head in pure disappointment. Wei Wuxian got back up onto his feet and dusted off the dirt on his clothes.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng walked around to familiarise themselves with the school campus. Halfway through familiarising, the school bell rung, indicating that school hours were over and that students could leave the campus and return to their dorms by 8 pm. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng walked past the detention room when he remembered he had detention. Wei Wuxian heaved a sigh and walked into the room. It wasn't a surprise he saw no one there, considering the fact that it's only the first day. What shocked him was instead of seeing the old man, Lan Qiren, he saw a tall and slender youth, the same one he had run into today. He couldn't tell whether this was a blessing or a curse.

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