• 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 •

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Catching this, Huey raised a brow "who's that?"

"Tima, she's asking how my morning's going"

"She always checkin' on yo ass, surprised she cares about a nigga like you"

Riley rolled his eyes "she wanna see me do better, that's all, she just wanna make sure Ion like, start wylin' out and join a gang or some shit"

"Sure, that's why you gigglin' like school girl"

Riley huffed, now why did everyone think he liked her? Yeah, the two had become surprisingly close the last few weeks, arguably closer than him and Deja, but that was simply because Fatima was really nice to him, and he was going to gravitate towards people who were nice to him. He wasn't going to pretend he didn't find her cute, but maybe he wasn't crushing on her, did anyone ever think of that? No, so there.

Still, he couldn't lie, her checking up on him did make him feel all happy and shit.

When the two arrived at school, they soon parted ways, with Huey going to meet Tahiry, Hiro and Caesar in the library and Riley going to sit with the other Renegades. The morning went smoothly, and thus, classes started.

However, Riley couldn't help but notice the absence of Deja, she usually sat with them, but lately she seemed to integrate back into her old group with Cairo and such. Riley didn't want to admit it, he started thinking their friendship was already starting to drift, they didn't dislike each other, they just weren't talking much anymore. He wasn't exactly sure why, but Deja just didn't want to be around him as much anymore.

He was now in Geography, which had soon became his favorite lesson, the teacher, Mr. Greenman, had moved him beside Fatima because he believed she was a good influence on him, and he liked the change. He actually paid attention and did work when she was there, and she didn't even force him to, he just felt compelled to. She saw the best in him for whatever reason, and he didn't want to disappoint her.

"So, that's the difference between the biome's, or at least, between that and the Amazon Rainforest"

"Fo' real? Shit easy as hell, I'm on my Steve Irwin shit!"

She let off a giggle at that, which did nothing but fuel his ego. She actually didn't mind Riley's crude and abrasive personality, she just hated when it got in the way of his school work and such, she was a cool mix between laid back and cool, but serious when need be.

And she got a cute ass laugh.

How could he forget? She had a cute- hold up! Nah! He wasn't catching feelings, hell no, he rebuked it.

Quit cappin' nigga, you like her, you liiiike heeeeeer!

This conscience nigga was getting on his nerves.

"Riley? Is everything okay?"

He looked over to see her looking at him with a confused expression.

Damn, those eyes...

Yeah, those- NO! "Oh, it's all good Tima, just got a lil' lost in my thoughts and shit, it ain't nun', don't worry"

"Lost in yo thoughts? Not you turning into Huey" she giggled, before the teacher handed them another work sheet "let's finish this now, aight?"

"Fo' sho', let's do it"

For the rest of the lesson, the two worked diligently on their work, not noticing a pair of eyes burning through their skulls. When the lesson was over, the two left, Riley had English whilst Fatima had Math, so the two were forced to separate, but before so she approached him and tugged at his shirt "hey, Riley?"

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