The beginning of...despair?

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She took her 3 and a half hour drive there,and was soon at the gates to the gated community.

It looked way too fancy,but yet..

Vacant.Nobody but her was there.

Then,she heard a familiar chuckle.

"Wanting to get into Chris's?"

Courtney looked over and saw chef."Hey yea",She shrugged tiredly."Well,you'll be suprised what you find",He chuckled and handed her a piece of paper,a ticket presumably.

Courtney drove to the last house on the street,the biggest one,and the one chris told everyone to go to.She got out of her car and walked up the steps.Was she ready?no,not really.

She then pushed open the door,and nobody was there.She was ten minutes late,which she didnt like being,but still,people would be there.Right?

Then,she felt dizzy,the world as she knew it was twisting and turning infront of her very eyes until she lost consciousness and fell onto the ground.


Hours later,courtney woke up to a gentle voice,"Hey up?"

Courtney opened her eyes slowly,Geoff was above her."Mocha?"


"....Hey Geoff",She said,sitting up,"W-what happened?"

"I dont know..It happened to like,all of us.So I figured I could catch ya in the hallway as you were like waking up.",Geoff explained,"Anyways,cmon mocha,we gotta get to the others."

Geoff Dane-The Ultimate Party Planner

Geoff and Courtney walked to the gym,where everyone else was.

Courtney's eyes widened when Geoff opened the door,almost everyone was there.

The only ones who werent there were

And Sierra.

It was honestly kind of scary for Courtney to see everyone from TDI and TDWT infront of her.

She could only assume people were going to hold grudges against her,she was suprised Geoff hadn't.


Why the hell are they in a school?

"Hey guys,its mocha!",Geoff exclaimed happily,having courtney walk beside her."Hey guys..its nice to see you again"

"Yea,princess,it is.",Duncan winked.

Duncan Nelson-The Ultimate Delinquent

Courtney rolled her eyes,not throwing a comeback or nasty nickname at Duncan.She didnt have the energy and that was the least of her worries.

"Hey court",Trent smiled sweetly.

Trent Caulfield-The ultimate guitarist

"Hi trent!",she smiled sweetly at him.

"Okay,hey babe,anyway,that makes what...18 of us?",Heather said,sighing."Okay,time to figure out what the fuck is happening."

Heather Ai-The ultimate Ballerina

"Yknow..I think this Is a school.",Lindsay said."No shit sherlock",Noah rolled his eyes."okay,okay,so-",Heather began,"18 is an even cut off point...alright...So,for now,let's kinda search around I guess?",Heather suggested.They all agreed and split into groups or even people of 2.

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