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Hello everyone !!! I hoped you liked the first chapter!!! I know it was pretty short but I tried to make sure this one was longer... I have no idea where this story will go to but I have an slight idea, good luck to me!! Love you all!! DISCLAIMERS ** I do not own the maze runner or any of the characters except for Rebecca though I wish I did own all of these because the book the movies actors and characters are just amazing!!!


I jog after Gally curious for our new guests,

"Gally...?" He looks over at me with a concern look on his face. "I don't know what we're going to do... I mean we always handle things around here; the maze, the grievers but especially not a girl coming from the maze"

He shakes his head while staring up into the sky, the sun pouring down its Rays on us. I give him a nod as we find her a proper place to stay.

The sound of machines in the background comes along; inturupting everyone's thoughts.

" the box..." I nod towards him. " you go take care of that Gally, I can handle her" " you sure man, can your skinny arms handle them?" i laugh at his statment giving him a sarcastic look, "their growing, shank" he guides the unknown girl onto my arms, while I lift her trying to make sure she isn't uncomfortable even though she is unconscious.

I lay her on a bed; one where someone hasn't died so recently. Placing her down carefully into the right position. I stare at her facial features; mud everywhere, along her hair and almost everywhere on her face.

I go back to find a cloth and some water to help clean her off a little bit, making sure she wakes up feeling less disgusting.

I wonder where she came from... Or how she even survived the maze. She probably doesn't know if theirs an exit but I still want to ask. As I go back to where the girl layed ; bucket and cloth in hand I notice no one laying down to where she was.

I look around to find her standing; staring out one of the "windows" . "Hello" I try to say without scaring her, but obviously didn't work. She looks at me with cold hazel eyes. " I was just about to clean you if you don't mind..." I stare at her while getting no response, probably too scared as to what happened before she came here. " My names Newt, you probably don't remember your name, no one usually does"

" ...Rebecca..." Her voice soft and pretty, I smile liking the sound. "you've got a pretty name" She smiles and grabs hold of her arm with the big cut on it.

I totally forgot about that... I should've worried about that first, " I need to clean that, I don't want that to get infected" she sits onto the bed as I clean her cut, taking hold of her hand and dabbing the dry blood with the wet cloth.

"how did you get this?" I ask with concern; the cuts really deep. I furrow my eyebrows hoping I'm not hurting her.

"I don't remember anything...Newt" I look down at her eyes. The sound of my name coming from her lips makes me twitch in a good way ;). I laugh, "it's okay you'll probably remember everything in a week or's almost done" I grab a clean cloth and bandage the big cut.

"Thanks..." She smiles up at me.

"You might want to get cleaned up-"

"No time for that" a voice way deeper then Rebecca's, I turn around to find Gally.

"She's awake, do you remember anything ?" He breaks eye contact with me and stares at Rebecca studying her. She shakes her head. "Can you talk ?" I look at her fumbling with her fingers, "she's a little scared, Gally"

Gally takes one more look at her and heads back,

"I'm going to tell the others that the princess is awake"

I look at her and smile, "don't worry about him, he's nice when you get to know him, do you want to take a bath?"

She nods her head.

I lay on one of the beds falling asleep.

"Newt..." I feel tiny fingers shaking me to get up, my eyes open slowly. Her olive skin and pink lips clearly shown. Her hair still dripping from water. She's so beautiful. She stands beside me only wearing a cloth as a towel to wrap around her.

"Oh... Hey Rebecca, sorry I-"

"Where's my clothes?" I sit up straight looking around,

"Didn't you take them with you?"

"Yea but their gone now...I don't know where they are"

I get up frustrated at the thought that someone would take a girls clothes; perverts.

"You can wait here, while I find your-" " I'm coming with you"

I take another look at her, another look at what she's wearing. I hesitate not wanting anyone else to see her like this but I nod anyways. She grabs hold of my hand as I lead her to her clothes.

In the middle of all the sections, I see Ben and a couple of other guys gathering around him throwing around peices of clothing. I sigh at how immature my friends are, though I would be participating if it were someone else.

Rebecca lets go of my hand and walks over to them, one hand holding up her towel.

"Can I have my clothes back now please?" I chuckle how can someone demand for something in a nice way.

"Ohhhh the princess is awake!!?" I look at Ben, "just give it to her" he looks around at the crowd he made, "I don't know I-" Rebecca steps up and kicks Bens not to be kicked place. I laugh, trying to not make it noticeable. She snatches her clothes away,

"I'm sorry, but you could've just given me my clothes back" she walks toward me smiling holding her clothes in hand acting as if she won a race and her clothes are the trophy. I smile and clap, "we all know who to not make mad" I wink in a playfully way. She laughs,

"Do you mind holding up this towel for me?" "Yea sure" I take the towel in hand spreading them apart. I blush noticing that she's front of me...and she's naked...right now"

"It's okay now, I'm done thanks" she smiles taking the towel from my hand,

"You were pretty brave out there" she walks to a fallen tree, trying to get up. "Here, lemme help you" I grab hold of her tiny waist and liftts her up the tall tree. "Thanks" she looks up at the sky, " how did you guys get here?" I look back into the feild, " you see that metal thingy in the ground?" She stands up, "yea" " well that's where we all came from...well not all of us" I look at her and smile. She walks in a straight line, holding her arms out for more balance. I look at the distance far away. Rebecca screams, falling from the tree. I catch her just in time, our eyes locking onto each other, her arms around me, "you've got to be careful" "sorry" we sit back down, on the ground this time hoping no one else falls from trees.

"Newt... Where are we ?" I look at her not knowing what to say, "for now, home" she grabs hold of my hand and squeezes it, applying the right amount of pressure to make it comfortable. She sit closer, our hips touching, " you guys have done so much work" she looks around admiring our hard work.

"Becca I-"

She tries out her new nickname, "Becca...I like it" she smiles. " I'm only allowed to call you that" I laugh "okay" we smile into each other's eyes. "Boo!!! Okay love birds that's enough for one day you guys just met" I look behind the tree trunk to find Ben, I laugh at his stupid comment. "Your just jelous cause you never even talked to a girl" Ben laughs and looks over at Becca, "hey" she smiles. Ben stares at her for a long period of time. "Sorry for taking your clothes...your really pretty" he looks down at the ground blushing. " and your really confident that I'll accept your apology" she laughs back at him, "just joking, I'm Rebecca" "uh Ben" they awkwardly shake hands while Gally muffles something in the background.

"They're back!!" Gally screams to everyone, letting everyone know they came back safely. She looks ahead, "who are they ?" I look to where she's looking, "the runners"

Run With Me~~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant