Chapter 1

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~Danielle's POV~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock.

"Shut up." I say tired as I go to turn it off but fall off my bed and yank the alarm clocks plug out of the socket.

"Oops." I say laughing at myself. As I get up and walk into my closet. I decide to wear a tight crop top with a skirt and heels.

I run to the bathroom with my outfit and hop in the shower. I'm blow drying my curly hair as I stop because I thought I heard a nose but shake it off. I unplug my hair dryer and start to do my makeup.

I curl my long eye lashes and put mascara on them. I put my outfit on and grab my backpack as I do I hear the doorbell ring.

I look at the door confused and open it.

"Hello beautiful." Harry says to me looking me up and down then biting his lip.

"What do you want?" I say harshly.

"I'm taking you to our school." He says as he pulls me outside and shuts the door.

"How do you know what school I got into?" I ask him.

"I just found out." He said shrugging. "We should leave now or were gonna be late" He says to me as he basically shoves me into his car and speeds off.

"Slow down!!!" I yell at him scared. He laughs a little and ends up going faster, he puts his hand on my thigh and rubs up and down.

"Stop it." I say as I shove his hand away.

"Playing hard to get aren't we?" He asks biting his lip.

"No I just don't like you at all." I say to him as I look out the window.

"Your'll regret that." He says as he pulls into a parking space at the school. I quickly get out of his car and run to the administrations office. Wow I didn't know I could run in these heels, but there not that big anyway I think to myself.

"Hi I'm Danielle Calder and I need my schedule since I'm new." I say looking at the lady. She grabbed a piece of paper from next to her and basically threw it at me. I grab my schedule and walk out of the office.

"First period science with Maron." I say as I walk to room 40. I scan the room and find the only seat available is next to Harry.

"This is gonna be a long day." I quietly say to myself.


Cliffhanger again;) Haha imma bitch I know thank you! Anyway I don't know if I will update tomorrow I might have a lot of homework and my Grandma is getting surgery so pray for her please! But I will try. Goodnight lovleys xx

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