Chapter 20

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I walked through the doors at school and it was exactly like how the movies pictured it. A hush flew over the room and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I looked at my feet and quickly walked to where Ethan was standing. Everyone stared even more as Ethan and I hugged.

"I hate this." I whispered to him.

"Me too." He whispered back. We stood there for a little longer before everyone started their own conversations. I guess they just wanted to see some drama and got bored when nothing happened.

"Where's Grayson?" I asked.

"He mumbled something about homework and left. It was the most he's said to me all weekend."

"I'm so sorry. We need to get him somewhere to talk things out." I suggested.

"What?" Ethan looked at me, confused.

"Well before he.. Yeah. He said he still liked me. So maybe he'd agree to talk to me somewhere and you could randomly show up and confront him!" I came up with the plan as I went.

"I'm not sure that's a great idea.." He trailed off.

"Oh sure it is! I'll ask to meet him in the courtyard after school. That's where we always used to meet before we dated." As I said this, the bell rang.

"Fine. Today after school in the courtyard. Got it!" He waved as he walked in the opposite direction to his class. I smiled and started towards my first period. I would fix this. I had to.

Grayson sulked in his usual seat. I sat down in my spot across the room. I'd try and talk to him in second period.

The class went by faster than I expected and soon I was sitting by Lilly in second period.

"Are you ok? You didn't answer any of my texts." She asked me.

"Yeah. I just didn't feel like doing anything except sleep all weekend." I shrugged.

"Oh. I'm sorry I wasn't there on Saturday. I should've helped you." She looked weighed down with guilt.

"You're fine. You were too busy having fun with Ryan! How'd things go with him exactly?" I changed the subject.

"Oh my god Betty, it was amazing! He couldn't keep his eyes off of me the entire night. I felt like the only girl in the world!" I listened to her ramble about Ryan until the teacher started talking. The class went by even quicker than the first. I packed up my stuff before the bell rang so that I could catch up to Grayson. Once it rang, I rushed over to him.

"Hey." I nervously rocked on my heels. He looked up at me.

"Hey." His face did look a lot worse than Ethan's. His lip was busted and his eye was a dark purple.

"Um, I want to talk to you. But I can't do it here. I have a lot to say." I bit my lip.

"Uh, ok. And about Saturday, I'm sorry it went down like that. I don't know what came over me." He confessed.

"You should be saying that to Ethan, not me." I pointed out.

"Except I'm pretty sure he hates me now." He stood up and we walked out of the class together.

"What?! No he doesn't! He thinks you're mad at him!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. Well he doesn't seem that way. But hey, we'll talk more after school. Bye."

"Bye." I said as he walked away. This was great! They didn't hate each other! They just thought they did! Ooh I couldn't wait for school to end.

Once the final bell rang, Ethan and I walked to the courtyard together.

"Ok. You wait here. Give me and Gray like 2 minutes before you come out, alright?"

"Ok." Ethan nodded and I walked towards the tree in the middle of the courtyard. Grayson stood on the other side of it, playing a game on his phone.

"Hey dude." I awkwardly waved to get attention.

"Hey. For a second there I thought you wouldn't show up." He locked his phone and put it in his pocket.

"Sorry. My teacher held us after the bell for something." I lied. I was really just talking to Ethan.

"Oh.." Grayson nodded.

"So about Homecoming.." I started.

"I'm sorry for punching your.. Date. Seeing you with Ethan made me realize how much I still liked you." He confessed.

"Yeah well, you have an odd way of showing it." I chuckled nervously. Ethan should show up any second now.

"I know, I know. I should never have hooked up with Chloe. I'm the reason this all started. I'm such a shitty person." He started to ramble.

"Grayson what the hell no you're not! Everyone has days where they just can't take it anymore. Saturday just happened to be one of those. But listen, I forgive you for the fight but, the Chloe thing was still fucked up." I silently prayed that Ethan would show up soon so we could stop talking about Chloe.

"Yeah. I know. I'm still up for a second chance though.." He took a step closer to me. My breath hitched.

"I.. I-" I couldn't form a sentence when he was staring straight into my eyes, biting his lip. All the feelings I had for him that I managed to suppress started to come back. It was like they were slowly slipping out of the wall I had built up, and crowding my thoughts. Grayson broke eye contact and looked up at someone beside me. I frowned. What happened? I looked to the person to my left, Ethan. He slid an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. I breathed a sigh of relief and my feelings for Grayson just went away. *poof*! It was then that I remembered how much safer and comforted I felt in Ethan's arms as opposed to Grayson's.

"Hi, brother." Ethan said with a sigh.

"Hi." Grayson said back.

"Should I leave while you two talk?" I suggested.

"No. Stay." They both said at the time, still staring each other down.

"Oh, ok. Well I'm just gonna go ahead and put this out there. You both told me that you don't hate each other. So that means that this was all a huge misunderstanding. And maybe y'all should make up or something I don't know it's just an idea.." They both glanced at me after I said this. I gulped.

"You don't hate me?" Grayson asked.

"Of course not, we're twins. I could never hate you." Ethan replied. He let go of my waist and motioned for Grayson to hug him. They hugged for a while, both patting each other on the back. That must be some weird guy thing or something. They pulled apart, smiling.

"Well we both have LAX now." Grayson said.

"Oh. Well have fun!" I grinned at both of them.

"Thanks, Betty." Ethan grabbed my waist again and whispered in my ear. Then he gave me a small peck on the mouth before moving away.

"Bye." They both waved at me before walking down to the field house. I just kept grinning. It seemed like all was right with the world now. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Yay new chapter! You guys are awesome :)


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