Authors Note

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So for starters, if you see these letters in bold they are me saying stuff. If you sees these letters than it is something that has been written in the actual story. If you see this writing its just normal.

This story is going to be about Jily, Blackinnon, Fralice and the Marauders Era. I'm going to try and make it as realistic as possible, so some people aren't groaning and saying "This is totally not what they would have said or done." I'm going to try and make it original and un-cliché as well, so again people aren't groaning and saying "Here we go again, Lily and James entering DADA about to learn Patronus Charms and find out they're Soulmates. There's also going to be a slight change of Storyline at the end. I hope you guys enjoy!

Feel free to comment any ideas or suggestions you have! And please tell me your feedback. If you think one bit was WAY to cheesy then tell me about it, and I'll try not to make the next chapter cheesy. I'd prefer if you don't swear in the comments, please.

Also if you're a Hinny fan, check out my story. Its called A Flowery Scent (Hinny Fanfic).

If you're a School for Good and Evil fan, check out my story called The Balls.

Thanks for Reading!


Hate and Love (Jily)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum