chapter thirteen.

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December 6th, 1994

Walking into the Great Hall for a study period was always slightly overwhelming. The silence was strange and not something that Alleta thought suited Hogwarts at all. Though she had grown used to the sound of gentle mutterings and the scratching of quill against parchment, it was still rather odd.

What was even more offputting, was the way that the two Weasley's on either side of her had also quietened, the chatter lulling to a comfortable silence. Of course, she had been around them without talking before, but it never failed to be disconcerting. They were loud and the types of people who were meant to be seen. If that made sense.

Still, the lack of noise did give her a good opportunity to get some essay assignments out of the way. Oh how she despised essays. Her hand would constantly cramp, her generally scrawly writing grew barely legible toward the end of them, and she always, without fail, smudged the bloody ink. Who the fuck thought writing with quills and ink was a good idea? Why couldn't she just use muggle pens like when she was at home?

It irritated her to no end. Especially when the ink would rub off onto her hand and she had to scrub at it for ages, in order to remove it. Such an inconvenience.

Taking a seat across from Fred and George, who were sat with Angelina diagonal to them and just down the row from Alleta; how she had wormed herself into their vicinity was beyond her.

Glancing around, she didn't fail to note that the twin's younger brother Ron, was sat beside his two best mates, Harry and Hermione. Harry Potter. As in, the chosen one. She had never actually spoken to the boy, but from what she gathered, he was rather lovely. Alleta had conversed with Ron and Hermione on more than one occasion, as they were often found together, and she was quite fond of them.

Cedric had immersed himself on a different table altogether, among some of his Hufflepuff mates. The two made eye contact and exchanged matching grins. Isla was.. Well, who knew? She did her best to avoid having to come here to study. Studying of any kind, really.

Pulling out her parchment, ink and quill, Alleta inwardly groaned, scrunching her face up in distaste at the assignment. Divination. It was some nonsensical question about Venus and how the alignment of planets effected love. Entirely rubbish.

"Divination?" Fred raised his brows, snorting in a hushed tone. "Imagine being the sort of sucker to carry it on. 'Ay George." He nudged George and chuckled to himself, thankful he had the sense to quit. He had seen some of the shit George and Alleta had been writing down. Absolutely not for him. No thank you.

"Piss off. Let me focus. It's hard enough having to write bullshit as it is. Did you know that? It's so bloody difficult to write things when you know they don't make sense. Why? I personally think it's just rude. Let me make a twat out of myself if I want to. But my brain won't allow it."

Listening to her mumble, mainly to herself, Fred grinned and flicked a scrunched up ball of parchment at her. "Where's that good ol' Ravenclaw spirit of yours gone? Even George is doing better at Divination than you are."

"George has a fantastical way of thinking. So do you. You can both create the unexpected. My brain doesn't work that way." She paused, frowning. "In fact, I don't doubt for a moment, that if you were to pick up Divination now, you would still get higher than me in the N.E.W.T.S."

"I call bullshit."


"Nope? You can't just 'nope' my calling bullshit. It doesn't work like that mate."

the girl in blue and bronzeWhere stories live. Discover now