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"Are you really okay with this?!" Yelling through the high velocity of wind, he broke down in tears, "Y/n! Please!"

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"Are you really okay with this?!" Yelling through the high velocity of wind, he broke down in tears, "Y/n! Please!"

His moppy green hair pressed against his facial features due to the heavy rain drenching him, as well as his clothing.

Looking at the girl, he tried to find even an ounce of regret, kindness, or anything that could indicate that a fraction of the person he had grown up with was still there.

"Oi! The hell you doing?!" Stumbling into the scene Bakugo heaved heavy breaths, trying to catch up on the oxygen he missed while fighting the villains he was ensnared with earlier.

"What about becoming a hero, huh?! I was supposed to kick your ass in the rankings!" His yelling could be mistaken for anger by outsiders, but to the two of them who had grown up with him, they knew what he really felt.

What they both felt.

They felt hurt



But she didn't care...she didn't care...not at all. That's all they could see on her face. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, boys" the mask she held in one hand had lifted to her face, fitting perfectly.

Crouching down, she touched the roof of the building she was standing on, the concrete all around it, including the road both Bakugo and Midoriya stood on shifted.

"Y/n!" The blonde growled in anger as he attempted a last minute escape only being able to get one foot out of the mold she made around their feet.

'You don't have to act as if this is the last time you'll see me.' A voice echoed through their heads.

Sending a casual salute with two fingers, she finally turned around and took her leave.

The two were frozen in their places, and not just because they were trapped in concrete.

"What...what the hell?!" Bakugo yelled still in shock, "Get back here! Damnit!" A strong of curses left his mouth as he attempted to blast the concrete around him.

"..." Izuku's mouth hung open.

'She...she actually left?'


"Y/n...You'll be there when the time comes...right?" his voice was timid and the burden of what he knew would come sooner or later weighed on him.

seeing that, she closed the gap between them engulfing him into a hug "of course."

"W-what happened to what you said?" He croaked. Bakugo paused for a moment, about to tell Izuku to shut up with his muttering, but as he turned to him, he hesitated.

He didn't know exactly what it was, but in simple terms, it looked like a light had gone out of his eyes.

That stupid persistent look of 'if I try' was nowhere to be seen.

It was weird how after all those years of telling Deku to give up, his stomach was churning at the sight.

"Where's Y/n?" After finally breaking through the situation he was stuck in, Aizawa managed to catch up with the boys, only to find looks of impending gloom on their faces as if coming terms to a loss of theirs.

"She...She's gone" 


*extreme nervous laughter after not properly updating a book after 2 years and being in active as hell (ignoring the one off chapter in my karma x reader)*

H-hi to any past readers of mine

And hello to any new readers of mine

Welcome to my new story.

This will only take place up to season 4. So if you haven't watched 1 upwards then SPOILERS

anyways....wait...should I just make several books and each season be a book or not?

Because as an anime watcher I'm waiting for season 5 and this story can't really go on and on if I don't have the next part.

Well tbh, I'm not sure how that will be a problem for now. We've still got a long way to go.

Look forward to my kind of different writing :DDDDD

(Sorry for any typos or grammar errors)

(Sorry for any typos or grammar errors)

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