Kageyama heard the sound of the door unlocking stood up and swung the door open.

Hinata stood there a little surprised.
Then he found himself being engulfed in Kageyama's arms.

"Hinata you Dumbass, I want to permanently mark you because I love you."

Hinata felt himself Melt into Kageyama's embrace. Burring himself into his chest.

"I love you too. But you know you can't permanently mark me yet,right?" He said against his chest.

"Why did you throw up?" Kageyama asked still concerned.

"I don't know probably because I got stressed out." Hinata said.

He broke away from Kageyama.
"I'm tired." He said.

"Me too." Kageyama picked Hinata up carrying him bridal style to his room.

"You never told me why you were mimicking my scent." Hinata asked he curled up next to him.

Kageyama looked at him confused.
"Yes I did. I said I wanted to mark you."

"But what does that have to do with it?" Hinata asked also confused.

"Because if I permanently mark you our scents will combined." Kageyama said a bit confused how hinata didn't know that.

"So I'd smell like you? Uh don't I already because of the temporary mark?" Hinata asked.

"Yes... but I'd also smell like you." Kageyama said. Trying to keeps his eyes open.

They both fell asleep after that.

(We Gonna do a time skip)

The next morning Kageyama and Hinata were walking to school.
"Bet I can beat you to the gym Hinata said with a smirk as he let go of Kageyama's hand he was holding.

"Fine but I'm going to beat you." Kageyama said as he and Hinata both jolted towards the gym.

"Beat (pant) you (pant) again." Hinata said leaning against a pilla trying to catch his breath.

"Fine...I guess you want meat buns after practice?" Kageyama said not nearly as out of breath as Hinata was.

Hinata Gave him a big smile.

Pretty soon Daichi, Suga Asahi and Noya showed up.

"Morning!" Noya shouted. A bit mor enthusiastic then the other three.

Asahi still looked tired and Daichi looked a little like he hadn't slept all weekend.

"Kageyama.... you know you can't play right?" Daichi said calmly trying not to upset him.

"Yeah... I know...." Kageyama said.

"You can sit inside and watch." Suga said with a smile."principal can't be mad about that!"

"did you hear Isao had to clean the entire first and second years buildings!" Noya exclaimed!

"Really!?" Hinata joined in feeling good that he had some punishment.

A Set Pair (Omegaverse)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें