Chapter 12 - Returning Home

Start from the beginning


'Tell me, pleaseeee'

'Are you going to be mad?'

'Of course not! Why would I be mad?'

'Okay then, yes, he is my boyfriend'

'Yayyy!!! You finally have a boyfriend! I'm going to tell Steven!'

'Uhh...alright I guess'

'And by the way, he can stay if he wants'

'Yay thanks mom!'

You turned off your phone after a while of texting your mother. Your brother started a text and he wasn't too happy that you're dating Ash but he was happy for you since you're happy.

You and Ash sat in silence for an hour until you broke the silence. "My mom said you can stay, she said she doesn't mind." Ash looked at you with a hint of excitement but gave you a nervous look after. "I might have to repeat this but don't worry, you'll be fine," you said and kissed his cheek. He blushed and smiled, then looked out the window again.

"We're almost there," you ebulliently said. You could tell Ash was cock-a-hoop at going to the palace, which will be his first time. "Your Highness, we've arrived," the driver announced and he got off the car and walked towards your car door and opened it gently. "Thanks," you gratefully said and Ash got out of the car too.

"Where's Queen Diantha?" you asked the driver. You had to call your mother that because it would be weird if you called her 'mother' in front of the driver as that would confuse him. "Her Majesty the Queen is waiting for you in her office," the driver said as he got back into the car, and headed to the car park.

"Ash let's go!" you said and lead him towards the entrance of the palace. "Welcome home, Your Highness," a butler said as he bowed down. Two other butlers opened the door and you went in with Ash. "Hey lil' sis! How's life?" your brother asked you and hugged you tightly which you responded doing the same. You could tell that Ash was a little jealous that you were hugged by another boy but he hid his jealousy. "Kalos High is soooo good!!" you said and you high five your brother.

"Steven meet my friend Ash, he's also from the school," you said. Steven and Ash greeted each other but your brother wasn't so open to Ash yet. "I'm going back to my room. I'll leave you two alone now," your brother said and you lead Ash to your room to put down your bags. "Let's go to mother's office now, shall we?" you asked. "Me too?" Ash asked with a befuddled expression due to his excitement and his nervousness.

"Wow, this place is big! I can't believe you want to leave this place to go to Kalos High," Ash said. "Well, you will feel what I feel after living here for two weeks," you said. You pulled Ash to your mother's office due to his stunned conduct.

"Mother I'm home!" you called as you knocked the door and opened it. "Y/N!!!" your mother cried and she grabbed you in a hug. She squeezed you tightly and you choked. "I...can't...bre...ath," you choked. Your mother let go of you and turned her attention to Ash.

"I believe you are Ash, am I right?" your mother said. "Yes Your Majesty, you are right," Ash said nervously. "Call me Diantha," your mother said and you looked at Ash. "Uhh...uhhh...umm I can't, Your Majesty."

Your mother looked at Ash in confusion. "Why not?" Ash gulped and his legs turned jelly and he looked line he was going to faint from nervousness. "Ash just chill! It's not like she's going to beat you up or something," you said while putting your hand on his shoulder. He blushed.

"I can't talk informally to you, it's bad manners," Ash finally said, after a while of calming down. "Oh come on," your mother said and laughed, "then I grant you permission. I'm the Queen so don't worry about doing that."

❤️☀️𝙼𝚢 𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎 (𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚇𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)🌙💙Where stories live. Discover now