He looked around and noticed that he was in the old mansion; he notice that the fire place had been burning; luckily he didn't burn down the whole place; but maybe that wouldn't be that bad.

Harry managed to get his body up and sit down, so his feet were touching the expensive carpet of the study room; he wiggled his toes and let them feel the material; his mum had picked this carpet; she was the only one that liked carpets; everybody else despised them; Harry still does.

Harry felt little shock waves go through his brain; making it hard to think. Or even listen to himself breath.

All out of nowhere; Harry heard pans or other dishes fall down; so as quickly as he could; he got up and moved towards kitchen; when he was getting closer; he heard Kodaline playing and cutlery clinking. He made his steps slower and he listened carefully.

Together with Steve's magical voice; there was another one. One that had a Irish accent. Harry was ashamed to admit it, but he thought about that time when Niall sang one of his songs way too often; it was beautiful; his voice was beautiful. But now; hearing him sing words that Harry knew so well; it just hit differently.

"The more I live, the more I know, I've got to live without
This ain't no sad song
Life has to go on"

Niall's voice was now completely loud as Harry was standing quietly behind him; his inability to not sing was getting best of him as he started to sing with Niall and Steve in the background.

"If you're ever feeling lonely
If you're ever feeling down
You should know you're not the only one 'cause I feel it with you now
When the world is on your shoulders and you're falling to your knees
Oh please
You know love will set you free"

At first Niall was shocked; but he would never stop in the middle of a song; so he continued; but it was Harry that laughed after the chorus and started a conversation with Niall; completely ruining the song.

"What are you cooking?" Harry asked while sitting down on a high chair that was next to a kitchen island.

"First of all, how rude of you to not finish a song. Second of all, just some french toast. Would you like some?" Niall asked in a monotone voice; he was trying this thing; where he tried to ignore all the horny thoughts that he got in his head when seeing Harry; because as he had said many times before; he was hot. And Niall was horny.

"Yes. Please." Harry said awkwardly as he watched Niall's back; his eyes slowly going lower and lower; until he finally stopped himself; just in time. "Amm, did you hear me come here yesterday?"

"You don't remember?" Niall asked; still facing the stove and not Harry.

"Remember what?" Harry felt his cheeks burning up; he didn't do anything stupid, right?

"You came here and met my fiancé." Harry felt a weird nibble in his chest when Niall mentioned his fiancé. He really didn't like it.

"I did? What was he doing here?" Harry said with a bit higher tone then he intended.

"Visiting me. Or is that a crime?" Niall finally turned around and his eyes met Harry's; a spark erupting between them; Niall's angry eyes and Harry's confused eyes.

"Well, I would like to know if there are people that I don't know in my family's home." Harry said with confidence; their eyes still looking into each other.

"Well, If you wouldn't be an asshole who leaves for no days end and actually answered your phone; then you would have known." Niall said coldly; Harry's heart trembling; feeling like it's suffocating.

"I had business to take care off." Harry said a bit more reserved then before.

"Nice to know." Niall turned back to the stove and took out some french toasts; he put them in two separate plates and put one in front of Harry.

"Thank you." Harry whispered; his eyes looking at the perfect piece of french toast; Niall was really talented. "By the way, do you know why my nose hurts so much?"

"Louis punched you. And for your knowledge; he will be coming here more often now." Niall said sternly and started to walk out of the kitchen. Harry's palm rubbing over his nose; hatred for the Louis guy growing even bigger.

"Wait." He ignored the topic and focused on Niall. Harry's heart was beating so fast; so darn fast. "Won't you eat your breakfast here?"

"No. Why would I?" Niall asked while standing in the doorway.

"We still have some questions to answer and our session with Mr Malik is tomorrow." Harry suddenly felt very shy and vulnerable; he must be getting sick.

"We can answer them later today. I just don't feel like eating together with you." Niall said coldly and ran upstairs; his heart doing jumping jacks; because damn; he actually wanted to spend some more time with Harry.


Hello my Little Love's 💕

Another update, because I don't know what time it will be for me when the maintain is happening  and I don't want to leave you waiting.

Thanks to your lovely comments on my board, I have so many ideas for this book. This book will be as drama filled as I love it! Thank you my lovely's! ❤️

Enjoy reading this! Narry is slowly blossoming!

Lots of Love - M🥀

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