Chapter Sixteen

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Upon their arrival at the Thropp residence, Glinda received a rundown of the things that Elphaba had worked on over the weekend and a very long list of tasks that still needed to be done.

"We'll have seven guests staying with us," explained Elphaba, "one in each guestroom."

Glinda looked at her, confused.

"But you've got six proper guestrooms and two converted staff rooms. That's eight."

Elphaba busied herself with the folders she'd brought home from work, spreading them out on the table and re-stacking them in a particular order.

"Yeah, well, the Lilac suite is yours," she replied distractedly, not taking the time to look up.

A fuzzy feeling spread through Glinda's stomach, though she couldn't quite determine its source.

"Oh, okay," she almost stammered. "But it's really no problem if you need the space. I wouldn't mind."

Finally putting her files aside, Elphaba leaned against the table and crossed her arms.

"I just thought you might be free to stay over that weekend." She cleared her throat a little. "To help?"

Glinda grunted a laugh. She needed to curb Elphaba's expectations before it was too late.

"I don't know about that yet, Elphie. I can't predict my workload that far in advance."

"Don't you do most of your homework on your laptop? I do have WiFi here, you know? As well as power outlets—everything for your workaholic needs."

"Like you're the one to talk," Glinda waved off.

The truth was that the thought of staying at Elphaba's overnight was always tempting, and if there was indeed no private suite for her, she'd happily suggest that a cot in Elphaba's own room would do just fine. Although that was probably a risk she should not take like... ever. Unless their friendship had already evolved into something else, but that debate was neither here nor there at this point.

For the next three hours, they worked diligently, which did not mean that there was no room for idle conversing and indulgent snacks. At some point, Elphaba disappeared briefly, then returned with a bottle of wine.

"I don't think alcohol will help increase our efficiency," giggled Glinda as she watched her friend pouring herself half a glass and double the amount for her. "And why the hell are you trying to get me drunk while you stay sober? Let's have it! What's this sinister plan of yours?"

"My plan," replied Elphaba, handing her the drink with a playfully suggestive look on her face, "is to drive you home after dinner without crashing the car in the process."

Glinda got back home around half past nine. She was exhausted, but well fed and all around content with her life choices. Oz, she hadn't felt this invigorated in years. The sudden change in her mood seemed to baffle even her flatmates: Crope ventured to ask whether she'd won the lottery, while Tibbett only managed to stare at her as though she'd grown a second head. The only answer Glinda was willing to give them was a half-shrug and a little wink.

* * *

On Wednesday, Elphaba was able to pick her up earlier, just around the time when everyone else began to leave the office. She took her to a wholesale warehouse where they stocked up on canned and frozen foods, bulk packs of snacks and drinks, as well as some toiletries. Back at Mennipin Street, they stowed away the food and began to distribute everything else among the guest quarters. It was Glinda's task to arrange everything nicely and to make changes to the rooms' décor as she saw fit, while Elphaba gathered and allocated bed linen and towels, leaving them in piles on the beds for her maid to deal with.

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