Chapter 3: Emotions

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Ever since Monty took that photograph of Winston, he couldn't stop thinking about it. As he laid in bed, looking up at the glow in the dark star sticker on his ceiling, he let his mind drift. Winston was one of the only people who had ever been nice to him. Others typically ignored him or teased him for his hair and clothes. Winston was different, he was special. He didn't care that Monty's bangs fell in his eyes more often than not and didn't point out the pitch of his voice. He also took the time out of his day to teach him how to use a camera. Genuinely nice people didn't come around that often. He wanted to do something, make something that would show Winston how grateful he was. So, why not use what made them friends in the first place? Art.

Monty first got the idea during the morning's free period. As he walked down the hallway, he paused outside the photography room. Trying his best to not seem suspicious, he looked around the hallway. Not many people had their first class in Building One so the timing was perfect. After making sure the coast was clear, he slipped inside the room. Closing the door behind him, he crept over to the table with all the cameras. Monty studied them for a few seconds, trying to recall the details of the camera he'd used yesterday. He grabbed it, turning it in his hands to look for the SD card slot. If it worked the way he thought it did, he should be able put the SD card into a computer and print the picture on a piece of paper. From there, he would copy in onto tracing paper and then onto a sheet so he could draw it.

It was block periods today, which meant odd numbered class periods such as one, three, five and seven. The classes were longer but there was less moving around between the classes.

Monty didn't spot Winston at lunch, but that gave him an opportunity. He wanted to get started on drawing the picture without him knowing for fear of ruining the surprise.

The drawing had turned out really good so far and all Monty could think about was how desperately he wanted Winston to like it. It needed to be perfect.

He was fully absorbed in his work until he felt someone approaching him from a distance. On instinct, he quickly shielded the drawing. Unsurprisingly, it was Winston who. In doing so, he'd unknowingly allowed his sleeve to slide up his wrist.

Winston strolled up to the bench with his camera around his neck. In an effort to seem less suspicious, Monty tried to stealthily flip the page.

"Hey Montgomery," Winston cheered, "What are you working on today?".

Monty couldn't help but grin at Winston's interest. Nobody had ever been interested in his life before, let alone taken the time to ask what he was working on.

"Oh, uh... nothing. Sketching ideas for new projects, I guess. How about you?" he spluttered.

"I was taking photos for Yearbook, want to join?" Winston offered, taking a seat beside him.

Monty laughed, "Sure."

Winston gave him the same warm smile that made Monty's heart do flips. As they packed up their things, he heard Winston gasp.

"What did you do to your wrist?" he inquired, eyes wide with concern.

Monty felt his breath catch his lungs, quickly pulling his sleeve down.

"Nothing, it was nothing. Just a skateboarding accident. I'm still trying to learn how to do an ollie." Monty stuttered, swallowing as Winston raised a brow.

"Ok," he replied.

Thankfully, he didn't ask anymore questions or raise any objections. Once they gathered their things, they left the cafeteria.

This was the second time Monty ditched lunch. He would admit he did love the thrill of sneaking out. A regular lunch day would be him and his sketchbook, but now he actually had someone by his side, and he was very appreciative for Winston.

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